THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, August 12, 1960- 1 0 Dr. Fram, Rosenbaum Girl from Savannah ZOD Committee Fete Jacob Brodys Fill High AJC Posts Chairmen Named on 'Golden Fiftieth' Dr. Leon Fram, spiritual to _Marry Detroiter Judge Ira G. Kaufman, presi- leader of Temple Beth El, and dent of the Zionist Organization Frank Rosenbaum were recent- of Detroit, has appointed the fol- ly elected to top national of- lowing committee chairmen: fices of the American Jewish Balfour Concert, Sherman Sha- Congress. Members of Stephen piro; house, M. Ben Lewis; mem- S. Wise Chapter, Rabbi Fram bership, Dr. Bernard Weston; was named national vice-presi- programming, Mrs. Ira G. Kauf- dent and Rosenbaum a memocr man and Mrs. Sherman Shapiro; of the national governing board budget, Dr. Sanford Bennett; pub- at the AJC Convention held licity, Mrs. I. Walter Silver; bul- recently in New York. letin, Mrs. Samuel Gold and Miss Officers of Wise Chapter for Selma Korn; by-laws, Sol E. Gold- the coming term also are an- berg; hospitality, Mrs. Sanford nounced. They are D a v i d Bennett and Mrs. Alex Fried- Goldberg, president; Sadie Ka- laender; telephone squad, Mrs. minski, vice - president a n d Sol Lifsitz and Mrs. M. Ben financial secretary; Joyce Ro- Lewis; Detroit-Israel Investment senbaum, treasurer; Bella Gold- Club, Dr. I. Walter Silver. berg, recording secretary; and The national convention of the Frank Rosenbaum, Esther Ab- Zionist Organization of America 'Wag. rams and Arthur Abrams, chair- will take place Aug. 25-28 at the men of standing committees MISS PATRICIA NICHOLSON Statler Hilton Hotel in New and members of the executive At a recent family dinner, York. Delegates planning to at- board. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nicholson, tend are Leon Kay, M. Ben Lewis, of Savannah, Ga., announced Dr. Bernard Weston, Morris Ja- Bnai Israel Torah the engagement of their daugh- cobs, Dr. Ted Winshall, Leonard ter, Patricia, to Irving Shanbom, Radner. Any member interested Center Offers `Fiorelli' son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel in attending the convention should call the Zionist office, 10424 W. Theater Fund-Raising Shanbom, of Pennington Dr. McNichols, DI 1-8540. The bride-elect is a graduate "Fiorelli," winner of three major theatrical awards, will of Armstrong College of Savan- be offered at P.T.A.-sponsored nah and the Providence Hospi- Bnai Brith Women theater night, Aug. 30, as part tal School of Medical Technol- Select Committees of a gigantic fund-raising pro- ogy. Mrs. Sidney Eidelman, presi- Mr. Shanbom is a graduate of gram now in progress for Bnai dent of the Metropolitan Detroit the Wayne State College of Israel Torah Center. Bnai Brith Women's Council, Presently conducting after- Pharmacy. announces the following ap- noon Hebrew Classes at 13855 pointments of chairmen for W. Nine Mile, the Torah Center Board of Education 1960-61: plans erection of an ultra mod- Mesdames Charles Solovich, Leon- ard Sims, Gerald Gorman, Robert ern six-classroom building and Promotes Dombey, Coggan, Jack Hartstein, Samuel sanctuary in the Ten M i 1 e- Aaron, Lewis Manning, Morris Tack, Samuel Gutterman, Samuel Gold, Greenfield area, according to Local Photographer Alfred Lakin, Henry Onrich, Philip Rabbi Israel F 1 a m, director The Detroit Board of Educa- Fealk, Bernard Bliefield, David of the school and the syna- tion approved the promotion of Grosberg and Philip Edelheit com- the Advisory Committee. gogue's spiritual leader. All Dave Dombey to the level of prise A.D.L., Jack Sayles, Ben Dorf, proceeds from the theater party junior administrative assistant Mildred Fogel and Maynard Kalef; B.B.Y.O., David Levine; Blood Bank, will go into the school's expan- in the youth Fred Weinstein, Daniel Menkin, N. sion program. Plotnick, Manuel Franklin, Stanley Yates and Jack Schwartz; Bowling, Staged at the Riviera Theater placement de- (Miss) Audrey Balles; Budget, Ber- partment. in Detroit, reservations for the nard Bliefield; Cancer Clinic Serv- Dombey is ice, Gordon Fruitman and Lewis Aug. 30 theater party may be I Bardos; Civil D e f e n s e and U.S. made immediately by contact- well known in 1 Bonds, Philip Mittleman; Community Service, Charles Galinsky and Ar- ing Helen Sherman at LI 8-0621, local circles thur Siegel; Date Clearance, Joseph or Mrs. Louis Fein at LI 1-6731. for his photo- Radkin; Dolls for Democracy, Mor- graphic work ris Pleason; Fund Raising, Harry Bodzin; Hillel, David Howell; Israel in association Program, Al Stein; Jewish Affairs, with Benyas- Alan Nathan, Alex Mann and Louis Ellman; Jewish Community Council Kaufman Pho- Delegate, Philip Fealk; Laws, Henry tographers, P. Onrich; Master File, Sidney Dia- "FIORELLO!," the Jerome and is a mem- mond; Mimeograph, Charles Blauer; Dombey Weidman-George Abbott smash Membership, Hy Burnstein, Max ber of the Northwest Profes- Applebaum, James Kraft and Albert musical comedy which won the Lee; Membership Retention, Leon Pulitzer Prize, New York Drama sional Photographers Guild. Dreylinger, Emil Phillips and Henry In his work for the public Klego n; Nominating Committee, Critics Circle, and Antoinette Phillip Edellieit; Henry Monsky, Perry awards, opens at the schools, Dombey is in charge Four Freedoms Library, Philanthro- and Tributes, Sanford Baron; Riviera Theater for a two-week of the North District Placement pies Northville Hospital, Jack Friedman engagement on Tuesday, Aug. office, one of three branch and Al Urnovitz; Pontiac Hospital, Smith and (Miss) Elsie Rodd; 23, through Sunday, Sept. 4. offices established recently in Irving Program, Sanford Rosenthal; Pub- Second musical comedy in his- a move toward decentraliza- licity, George Karabenick and Sam tory to win the theater's triple tion of the central youth place- Linde; Sunshine, Albert Cooper; Norman Gitler and Leonard crown, "Fiorello!" revolves ment off ice in the Phillips U.S.O., Weisberg; Veterans, Jack Hornfield around the early years of the Bldg. He interviews students and Jack Brickner; Vocational Serv- and Geriatrics, (Miss) Rosalind legendary Fiorello H. La- and graduates interested in ice Altman; Ways and Means, Irving Guardia, called by many New both full and part-time employ- Isaacs. York's ablest and most colorful ment and assists them in enter- ing the labor market. mayor. Dombey invites calls from Opportunities travel a one employers seeking any kind of way street — once missed they help — from baby sitters to stenographers, from carry-out never come back. boys to gas station attendants. He can be reached by calling TO 8-9292 any weekday between 8:15 a.m. and 4 p.m. Oak-Woods Juniors Brevities Of Matters Suburban ... isn't it about time arriages your LOOSE RUGS had a professional cleaning? e er CARPET CLEANING CO. 5-8400 Conduct Services at" ODNERT - BUCHALTER. A honeymoon in Europe followed the Aug. 7 marriage of Sheila Ilene Buchalter to Alan Nor- man Odnert. The newlyweds are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buchalter, 18706 Hubbell, and Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Od- nert, 15476 Steel. Upon their return, the couple will resume their studies at Wayne State University. * * * CALFIN-BELKIN. Judith Carol Calfin became the bride of Maurice Belkin on July 3 in a ceremony performed at the Rainbow Terrace. The couple has returned from their honeymoon and will reside in Des Moines, Iowa, while he completes his studies at the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery Memebrs of the Junior Con- gregation of Young Israel of Oak-Woods conducted Sabbath services last week. Paul Weisen- feld delivered the sermon. Others to participate were Larry Lowenthal, Edward Kap- lan, Melvin Goldman, Raymond Simon, Tzvi Martin, Jacob Sim- kovitz and Tommy Hershkovitz. The Junior Congregation meets at 9:30 a.m. each Saturday. Young Israel Sisterhood Sells New Years Cards The Sisterhood of Young Is- rael Center of Oak-Woods is in the midst of their annual proj- ect of selling personalized New Years cards. The profit derived from the sale of these cards help the Sis- terhood carry on many activi- ties benefiting the He b r e w School and Synagogue. Contact Alice Mandelbaum, chairman, LI 7-4408, or Minnie Schiffman, Classified ads bring fast results! LI 6-6105 for cards. JEROME B. GOLDE N, of 26453 Rensselar, Oak Park, local representative of the Metropoli- tan Life Insurance Co., returned from New York where he par- ticipated in an advanced train- ing course relating to estate planning and business life in- surance underwriting. For the Perfect Affair . Mickey Woolf and His Orchestra UN 3-3737 Larry Paul Furniture Service Refinishing & Repairing MR. AND MRS. BRODY Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brody, 19496 Freeland, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary re- cently with a dinner in their honor given by their children, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirschner, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brody and Sarah Brody. The couple was married July 17, 1910 in Detroit. Both born in Russia, Mrs. Brody came here in 1907 and he in 1905. They have four grandchildren. Mrs. Brody is active in Pio- neer Women, while her husband is active in Histadrut. Both are members of the Lachovitzer Society. 7579 W. McNICHOLS UN 4-8440 UN 2-7949 Oick Skin, And His Orchestra KE 5-2604 DARBYS Dinner at is a real treat! • Visit Our Kew SKYLIGHT ROOM Cocktail Lounge and Bar • AFTER THEATRE Snacks . . . a Delight Vacation-Temporary-Wake-up COYLE TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE • LUNCHEON A Pleasure Resv. UN. 2-7642 VE 7-6701 Photography by Specializing in Quality & Service SEVEN MILE at WYOMING JACK GORBACK Weddings Bar Mitzvahs Natural Color Specialist Commercial UN 4.6040 UN 3.8532 Member Northwest Professional Photographers Guild BNAI ISRAEL TORAH CENTER (Affiliated with Yeshiva Beth Yehudah) Announces that Hebrew School Registrations for Beginners and Advanced Students Are Now Being Accepted. Transportation from Public Schools and to home. The following schools in Oak Park, Southfield and Detroit are serviced by Torah Center: Best, Bow, Clinton, Dewey, Einstein, Key, Lederle, McKinley, Pepper, Roosevelt, Vandenberg. FOR REGISTRATION & INFORMATION: LI 8-3554 or LI 8-8020 We Are Pleased to Announce That LOUIS ROTH ( Formerly of Schaefer Hwy.) Is Now Our Associated Partner LOUIS COHEN & SON Finest Quality Kosher Meat 6 Poultry 12939 W. 7 MILE at SORRENTO Next Door to Zeman's New York Bakery WE DELIVER — PHONE DI 1-1607 Louis Cohen • Allan Cohen Louis Roth Fresh Fish Daily by Nadis also available. Fish skinned, boned and ground free of charge.