24 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS' — Friday, August 6, 2966 — Nasser's Actions Against Iran Condemned by India, Jordan Look Reveals Eichmann Statement; Avenger Group Killed Wrong Man The text of a statement writ-, One evening, they abducted NEW DELHI, India. (JTA)- tention of his people from his that status, have failed to pla- ten by Adolf Eichmann shortly the man and threw him into a Leading Indian newspapers own troubles at home." cate the Arab leaders. The an- before his capture by Israeli waiting car. came • out with articles severely "He swore that he was not Dr. Khosrovani said that the nouncement was widely regard- agents in Argentina, which is criticizing President Nasser of UAR announcement of an eco- ed in Arab capitals as portend- expected to be introduced at Eichmann but his captors ig- the United Arab Republic for nomic boycott against Iran was ing full de jure recognition by Eichmann's trial, appears in the nored him," Aldouby and Katz his attacks on Iran, and suggest- a "farce." He explained that Iran. Iran, however, has not new issue of Look Magazine in wrote, adding: ing that India should follow economic relations between the mad.: any mention of ex- an article, "The Chase That "They drove him to an even Iran's example and recognize two countries were almost non- changing ambassadors w it h Doomed Eichmann," by Israeli more remote spot and executed Israel. existent. He said that Iran did Israel. journalists Zwy Aldouby and him. The victim's hysterical de- The Express, one of the not contemplate any move on It was reported from Cairo Ephraim Katz. The statement nials had been true. The man largest Indian dailies, said. in an the international scene in con- that the Secretariat of the reads: was a Nazi—but not Adolf editorial that - "on no grounds nection with the UAR dispute Arab League had decided, be- "I am tired of traveling over Eichmann." save that of appeasing Nasser, at the present time. He asserted cause of Iran's recognition of continents and lands as an an- The avenger group, accord- can New Delhi's attitude to that if world opinion was cor- Israel, to withdraw an invita- onymous wanderer. I wish I ing to the writers, was one of Israel be justified." Other In- rectly informed on the "much- tion to Iran to attend an Arab could have made peace with many bands of survivors of Ger- dian-language newspapers take ado-about-nothing attitude of Petroleum Conference sched- my former enemies. man death camps which roamed strongly the I r a n i an side Nasser, he will realize how uled for Oct. 17 in Beirut. "I was not a murderer. I was across Europe after World War against Nasser and laud Iran foolish he is." * * * nothing but a loyal, orderly, II searching for Nazis who had and Turkey for not permitting correct, efficient soldier, and escaped capture by the Allied (Leading American news- themselves to be involved in papers, including the New York Jordanian Premier did what I did only out of armies. anti-Israel intrigues. idealistic devotion to my Fath- Times, the New York Herald- In advocating the recognition Tribune and the New York Post Condemns Nasser erland and to the SS. I was of Israel, the Express editorial came out with editorials severe- as 'Irresponsible' never a traitor. asks: "If Democratic India can ly criticising Nasser for his out- "After a careful self-analysis, (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to have diplomatic relations with bursts against the Shah of Iran. I am now convinced that I have The Jewish News) Fascist Spain, what prevents ac- They attributed his action to his LONDON. — Jordanian Pre- never been a murderer or a (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to Jewish News) cording similar recognition to fear lest the Arab states begin mier Hazza Majali Wednesday mass-murderer, nor were my a democratic country such as to realize that Israel's existence denounced President Nasser of subordinates. But to be en- LONDON — The Israel gov- Israel, a member of the Afro- must must be . accepted. They casti- the UAR for his "irresponsible" tirely honest, I see myself as ernment will announce next Asian world?" The p a p e r gated him for his attempt to abuse of the Shah of Iran, for one of those who helped in Sunday that Adolf Eichmann praises smaller countries, such dictate to another nation and the latter's announced recogni- the killings, for after all I did will go on trial in Jerusalem no as Ghana and Ceylon, for ex- his assumption that he is the tion of Israel last week, it was receive and relate the orders later than in March, 1961, the tending de jure recognition to spokesman for the entire Mos- reported here from Amman. for deportation, and a part of Jerusalem correspondent of the Israel, "undeterred by Cairo's lem world.) Addressing a press confer- the deportees were killed— London Daily Mail reported threat." * * * Wednesday after an exclusive ence in the Jordanian capital though by other units. "My belief in the Nazi lead- interview with Dr. Pinhas Rosen, The Iranian charge d'affaires on an exchange of notes be- here charged Cairo with creat- tween the Amman and Teheran ership and the necessity of to- Minister of Justice. ing a "breach between Iran and governments in connection with tal war made me fulfill my du- The correspondent asserted friendly Moslem countries" for the Shah's statement on Israel , ties with clean conscience and that Dr. Rosen's description of the purpose of diverting the at- how the trial is to be organized Premier Majali said that Nasser willing heart. JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The had taken "a quick decision" tention of the people of the I was a good German, I am presents a "fantastic scene for Arab and Moslem world was UAR from internal probhms. on the matter and that the UAR a good German, and a good Ger- future historians." l ha always b e. " Addressing a press conference, wracked again by the new dis- president was dealing with the man I s shall In comment on criticism M. Zelli specifically denied any pute over Israel touched off by Palestine case hypocritically. A man believed to be Nazi abroad of Israel's decision to Iranian decision to exchange an Iranian statement which Premier Majali accused Nas- war criminal Adolf Eichmann try the Nazi mass murderer in diplomatic representatives with most Arab leaders feared was ser of abusing both Iran and was captured and executed Jerusalem, Dr. Rosen was quot- a portent of full recognition of Israel. He said the recent UAR King Hussein, with the inten- shortly after World War II ed as declaring that "you may verbal attacks on Iran were the Jewish State. - tion of diverting public atten- by an "illegal band of aveng- everyone that there is based on an "imaginary issue." The Shah of Iran in effect tion from deteriorating internal ers," the two Israeli journal- reassure no question of brainwashing or reaffirmed Iran's de facto rec- ists reported. Pakistan's Foreign Minister conditions in the UAR: unfair treatment. Eichmann is said Iran's decision - to continue ognition of Israel nearly a Writing in Look Magazine, too clever to become a victim of In his note to King Hussein, her diplomatic ties with Israel decade ago. the Shah reiterated his earlier former Israeli army officers Al- brainwashing, nor could such President Nasser assailed the statement will have "no influence" on that there had been douby and Katz said the "bi- measures be possible here. It Pakistan. "Pakistan's position Shah as a stooge of western no change in the de facto rec- zarre error" took place in a is an insult to Israel to m a ke imperialism and Zionism and has been made abundantly clear of Israel by Iran. Of- small Austrian village where such suggestion." and there will be no change" ordered closing of the Iran ficial or legal recognition of Eichmann's wife and one of The Minister of Justice de- consulate in Cairo. Abaws Aram, he said. Pakistan refuses to Israel had never been the sub- Eichmann's brothers were ob- dared that Eichmann's family have any relations with Israel. the Iranian Foreign Minister, ject of discussion, the Shah served paying occasional visits was paying the cost of his de- The continuation of this immediately called a press con- noted. "It is regrettable," the to a man in an isolated cabin. fense. He described as "all rub- " policy was evident in reports ference in Teheran to announce Shah that this cabin was Shah declared, "that certain reports that Eichmann published in Pakistani papers. that Iran had ended diplomatic Arab states with whom Iran being used as a hideout by was bish" awakened every four hours relations with the UAR and or- According to the papers, the has religious ties did not ap- Nazis . . . the avengers also each night and that his cell was Pakistani government has sent dered the UAR envoy in Tehe- preciate Iran's good intentions felt sure that the h man seen kept constantly brilliantly il- instructions to the Pakistan ran to get out of Iran in 48 and did not show any sign of talking to Frau Eichmann was luminated. scout contingent, attending the hours. the missing Eichmann him- towards Iran." "I don't know whether Eich- The Iranian Foreign Minister International Scout Jamboree self, " the article said. * * * mann is surprised at the fair in Teheran, to boycott the said -Nasser's speech had come treatment he is receiving," Dr. jamboree and return home. The from "the lunatic mind of an Rosen said, "but he does not presence of Israel scouts at the unworthy head of state of a complain." He emphasized to jamboree prompted Pakistan to friendly Moslem country." Iran the British correspondent that take such action. • is a Moslem but not an Arab Israel was conscious of the fact * * * state. He also said Iran would ISTANBUL, (JTA) — Diplo- ing to press reports, the Iranian that the eyes of the world were not seek restoration of normal relations with the UAR as long matic envoys of Arab States reply said that the inclusion upon her and was anxious to in Ankara called on of an Israeli delegation "had act with scrupulous fairness and as the present "illegal" regime accredited General Gursel, Premier of Tur- nothing to do with the Arab justice. was in power. key, and discussed with him governments, particularly in The five column newspaper Israeli experts suggested Turkish-Arab r e 1 a ti on s. Al- view of the fact that Arab and spread on the Eichmann case in- WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The Iranian Embassy here called an that Nasser had created an though no official communique Israeli delegates sat together at eluded the fact that the trial unusual press conference to de- artificial storm over Iran's was issued, it is believed that all international conferences. would be held in Jerusalem's nounce President Nasser of the announcement for reasons of they attempted to impress upon Why this cry when Iran comes new hall of culture or Beth United Arab Republic for his inter-Arab rivalry. The Cairo Gen. Gursel the importance of into the pi c t u r e?" Iran Haam and that workmen were on the job day and night rushing "shameless and irresponsible regime had called an urgent maintaining a cool relationship emphasized. of the Arab League with Israel. completion of the edifice in behavior" in attacking the Shah meeting where Nasser tried to push The collective visit of the time for the trial. of Iran for his recent statement through a resolution calling Arab envoys to the new head of The article quoted Dr. Rosen in Teheran that he intends to on all Arab states to end the Turkish government was as declaring a first aid station continue his de facto recogni- relations with Iran, but failed. prompted by Iran's -recent re- would be built alongside the tion of Israel. He then launched his vituper- courtroom to provide treatment Dr. Khosro Khosrovani, the ative attack on the Shah and iteration of its de facto recogni- tion of Israel, it is assumed in for those affected by the grue- Iranian charge d'affaires, told his regime. diplomatic circles here. Selim some exhibits and the appalling the conference that Iran had It was disclosed that all Arab Sarper, Turkish Foreign Minis- JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Soviet nature of some of the testimony decided not to re-establish diplomatic relations with the nations have decided to boycott ter, was present d u r in g the Bloc countries are displaying to be presented during the pro- UAR "as long as its ruler can- the forthcoming annual Cyprus meeting of the Ara b s with a negative attitude t o war d ceedings. not even behave in accordance economic exhibition because Premier Gursel. The envoys Israel's request to pr o v i d e with the most elementary code Israel has been invited to take represented the United Arab material on Adolph Eichmann, Republic, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya notorious Nazi lea der who of international behavior." Nas- part. Whether other Arab coun- and Tunisia. ser had reacted to a statement directed the killing of 6,000,000 Hassan Arfa, Iran's Ambas- Jews in Europe, in connection by the Shah of Iran July 21 tries, such as Lebanon, Iraq,. reaffirming Iran's de facto Jordan and Saudi Arabia, will sador to Turkey, declared at a with his forthcoming trial here. LONDON, (JTA) — The Cen- recognition of Israel by calling follow the UAR lead in ending press conference that his coun- While several East European tral Commission Investigating the Shah "a stooge of imperi- ties with Iran, was not definite, try does not contemplate de countries had earlier expressed War Crimes in Poland has col- alism and Zionism." Iran or- according to the reports. The jure recognition of Israel. The publicly t h e i r willingness to lected considerable material on dered the UAR Ambassador in Arab press in Lebanon and Ambassador said Iran's de facto give all assistance to Israeli the wartime activities of Lud- Teheran to leave Iran in 48 Jordan and the government in recognition m e r ely acknowl- efforts to try Eichmann, no wig Han who has been arrest- hours. Iraq have made it clear that edged the existence of Israel. reply has yet been received ed in Hamburg, it was reported The Iranian diplomat repeat- they are strongly opposed to The Iranian government was from any of the Soviet bloc here from Warsaw. ed that the Shah's statement the Iranian recognition. reported to have given a sharp countries to Israel's formal re- Han, as commandant of the was "nothing new" and that Efforts of Iranian diplomats rebuff to a Morrocan protest quest on this subject. This, de- Nazi Security Police in Warsaw, Nasser's attacks on Iran were to stress that Iran gave de facto about the inclusion of an Israeli spite the fact that the press in reportedly took part in the de- a pretext to end the "bridge recognition to Israel 10 years delegation in a recently held these countries has given wide struction of the Warsaw Ghetto between Iran and other friend- ago, and that the Shah's an- international Women's Alliance publicity to the fact that Eich- and in the crushing of the War- ly nations and to divert the at- nouncement adds nothing to Conference in Teheran. Accord- mann has finally been captured. saw Ghetto revolt. Eichmann's Trial to Be Next March New Battle Over Decade-Old Fact Arabs Seek to Influence. Turkey Against Israel on Iranian Issue Iran Calls UAR Boycott 'Farce' USSR Bloc Won't Give srae Il Aid in Eichmann Case . Arrest Nazi Who Destroyed Ghetto