2 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, August 5, 1960 — Purely Commentary Bassani's Novel, 'Gold-Rimmed Spectacles', Exposes Fanaticism of Religious Anti-Semitism Atheneum Publishers have made an excellent beginning. Their first novel, "The Inspector," by Jan deHartog (reviewed by us June 17), is one of the great novels of the current year. Now we are pleased to report on another excellent novel, as well as several other splendid Atheneum books. "The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles," by Giorgio Bassani, trans- lated from the Italian by Isabel Quigly, is a major work. In 137 pages; the author narrates a tale that holds the reader's attention uninterruptedly. It is excellently written, ably trans- lated, and the theme is thought-provoking. There are two heroes in this remarkable story—the man who wears the gold-rimmed spectacles, Dr. Athos Fadigati, and the narrator who relates it in the first person, a young Jew of 20. It is a tale of the Mussolini years and of the time when Hitler was beginning to inject his anti-Semitic venom into the Italian' body_ politic. Dr. Fadigati was the ear, nose and throat specialist who was respected and well known in Ferrara, who knew everybody in the community, whose "behavior was guaranteed to remain, quite definitely, within the limits of decency." But there were rumors about him. He was a bachelor who was never seen with women, who was said to fraternize with men, and suddenly took up with a student, Eraldo Deliliers, who called him "an old pansy." . Deliliers, a fortune-seeker and a woman-chaser, took ad- vantage of the doctor. He finally robbed him of his possessions, smashed his spectacles and beat him up. The affair led to dis- repute in the community, Dr. Fadigati's loss of his patients, his impoverishment and eventual suicide by drowning. This portion of the story is sufficiently well told to make "The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles" a novel of note. But there is another angle that causes the book to stand out in additional glory. It is the angle involving the narrator and his family and the rise of anti-Semitism. The Lavezzolis, beach neighbors that summer of Fadigati and the narrator and his parents, started a discussion about Mussolini. Signora Lavezzoli is enthused about Mussolini, but her husband, who did not comment very much, "was no fascist." The story-teller relates, revealing for the first time in the story that he was a Jew: "Romantic, patriotic, politically ingenious and inexperi- enced like so many other Jews of his generation, my father had joined the fascist party when he returned from the front in 1919. So he had been a fascist from the very beginning and this in his heart he had remained, in spite of his mildness and integrity. But since Mussolini, after his early quarrels, had begun to make friends with Hitler, he had grown anxious. He thought of nothing but a possible outburst of anti-Semitism in Italy too, and every now and then, though suffering for it, he let fall some bitter comment on the regime." And so, Signora Lavezzoli spoke of Mussolini with admira- tion, her husband remaining silent. Even after the liquidation of Dollfuss by Hitler, the signora was still the admirer of the fascists, condoning Dollfuss' death as "political necessity," stat- ing with a smile that "in certain circumstances the head of a government, a-statesman worthy of the name, must for the good of his own people pass over the sensibilities of ordinary people . little people like ourselves." At this point, the narrator relates: . "Horrified, my father opened his mouth to say something. But once again Signora Lavezzoli gave him no time. As if she was changing the subject, she turned directly to him, and went on to describe an 'interesting' article which had appeared in the last 'number of Catholic Civilization, signed by the well known Father Gemelli. The theme of the article was the so-called Jewish ques- tion. According to Father. Gemelli, she said, the recurrent persecutions of the 'Israelites' in every part of the world for nearly two thousand years could only be explained as a sign of God's anger. The article ended with this question: May a Christian, even if in his heart he hates the idea of violence, pass judgment on historical .events through which God's will is express? "At that point, not very politely, I got up from my cane armchair and left." This may well be viewed as the crux of this novel's thesis: Its intent to indicate the bitterness of recurring religious fanati- cism—of a priest's approval of anti-Semitism "as a sign of God's anger." The young narrator remembers the signora's comments "like a nightmare." He stopped appearing at the beach, to avoid hearing Signora Lavezzoli 'blame the "Israelites" for Jesus' crucifixion. - Meanwhile his father began to enumerate the pa- triotic deeds of the Jews in Italy and their father's merits. _ For the first time in his life, he began to feel the sting of an approaching anti-Semitism. He took a ride on his bike, went to the Jewish cemetery, ruminated about conditions, and in his meditation he thought: • "The future of persecution and massacre that might await us (since I was a child I had continually heard of it as an eventuality that was always possible for us Jews) no longer frightened me. And yet, who knows? I kept saying to myself as I turned homeward. Who can read the future?" - Another day, soon thereafter, the newsboy Cenzo was shout- ing, as he unfolded a newspaper: "Grand Council's impending measures against the Jews!" The Jews were in the limelight— under threat. When the police chief tried to assure the Jews that they would be protected, they found it difficult to trust him. And the young narrator felt himself isolated., And so, two elements were in isolation: first Fadigati, then - the young Jew.- Bassani wrote his story with great power. "The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles" is a polished novel: it also has elements -of• appeal to social justice. Morris L. Ernst's 'Touch Wood,' Silone's 'Fontamara' Add to the list of notable Atheneum books the forthcoming year's diary by Morris L. Ernst, "Touch Wood" (to be reviewed later), and Ignatio Silone's "Fontamara." The latter, translated by Harvey Ferguson II, is in a new revised edition of the great novel, written in 1930 by the eminent fugitive from Mussolini's tyranny. In a foreword to this great novel, Malcolm Cowley calls attention to its "proletarian" and "revolutionary" character. It is a powerful story that exposes the oppression of the peasants by a ruling class. "Fontamara" remains what it was when first written—an outstanding novel. Expose of Religious Anti-Semitism . .. Strange -, lomovitz S Political Bedfol lows By Philip Abba Eban Chosen Education Minister Richard H. S. Crossman 'A Nation Reborn' Labor M. P. Richard H. S. Crossman actively opposed the policies of the late Ernest Bevin in the British House of Com- mons. As a member of the Anglo-American Commission on Palestine, he had an opportunity to study conditions affecting the Jewish community in Palestine and the Zionist cause. His views already were expressed in an earlier book, "Pal- estine Mission." He became deeply interested in Israel and Zion- ism and met their leaders. He befriended Dr. Chaim Weizmann. He visited the Weizmann Insti- tute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and delivered lectures there on Weizmann, Bevin and Ben-Gurion. Their texts are incorporated in an important book, "A Nation Re- born—A Personal Report on the Roles Played by Weizmann, Bevin and Ben-Gurion in the Story of Israel." It is another of the valu- able publications of the new At- heneum Publishers (162 E. 38, N. Y. 16). The tribute to Weizmann is re- plete with affection. Crossman de- nies that Weizmann was pro- British, but he emphasizes that the first President of Israel "in- creasingly believed in the mutual value of Anglo-Jewish association." He poses a question and makes R. H. S. Crossman this interesting point: "After the Balfour Declaration had been signed and after ABBA EBAN As predicted two weeks ago in The Jewish News, in the "Strictly Confidential" column by Phineas Biron, Abba Eban this week was named Minister of Education of Israel. The ap- pointment was made by the Israel Cabinet. Eban has 'been a Minister Without Portfolio since the formation of the pres- ent Cabinet. Before his election to the Knesset he was Israel's Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations. the Mandate had been set up, how long would the spell hold? You can charm the British out of their national egotism for a certain time. But would the charm last until the Yishuv has grown strong enough to fend for itself? The supreme justi- fication of Weizmann as a Jewish statesman is that the spell It's 'Huppa Hey' he cast gave the Yishuv just enough time. When it failed, his own people had grown up to the point where they were Israel, Italy Share strong enough to disown him as pro-British and accept as leaders men fitted not to charm the British but to get rid of International Song them." Tournament Award He treats Weizmann as the man who possessed the Zionist vision and passed it on to his people. Bevin's meanness is interpreted as having been incorporated in the anti-Semitic Foreign Secretary's belief that the Jews were only a religion. Crossman speaks of "Attlee's irritation transformed into a cold anger and Bevin's into a violent passion." He states that "it was the stubborn- refusal of the Yishuv to be grateful for his protection and to conform to the plans he had made for it that finally tipped Ernest Bevin into overt anti-Semitism. The British do not normally develop_ this mania except under very - strong provocation . . ." On the other hand, we learn, Bevin viewed the Arabs as "a simple, straightforward people with a deep liking for the British and respect for their leadership. These illusions were system- atically fed by Foreign Office advisers and a flow of fantastic misinformation .. ." That's how the meanness of Sevin developed, an anti- Semitic attitude that led to disaster for his policies. 4 (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish. News) ROME.—Israel and Italy were awarded jointly Tuesday the first prize at the International Song Tournament held in Pe- saro. Thirteen nations partici- pated in the competition, which was televised on a European- wide 'network. The winning Is- raeli song, "Uuppa Hey," by' Naomi Shamer, was sung by Israel's Z i m r o Ormatt and Italy's leading popular singer Gino Latina. This marked the first time that an Israeli song and performer appeared at an international festival of popular music. Crossman expressed the view that "one consequence of The Italian critics praised the the (Israel) war of independence for which Ernest Bevin can take full credit was the final transfer of leadership from song as the "most modern and Chaim Weizmann to David Ben-Gurion . . . Leadership now brilliant of all foreign compet- ing songs." passed to men who were versed in armed resistance." The song has a march-like He adds that Ben-Gurion wanted cooperation with Britain quality, is well composed and as much as Weizmann, but the difference was in methods. Crossman's essay on Ben-Gurion is, in reality, an evalua- easily singable. tion of the experiences and accomplishments of the Jewish State since its emergence. U.S. Young Zionists His analysis of the Sinai Campaign and his criticism of Ben- Gurion at that time, his tributes to the over-all attainments, his on Israel Study Trip evaluation of Israel's handling of domestic affairs as well as (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News _foreign relations makes interesting reading. He states, in the TEL AVIV — A 95-member course of his treatment of the Sinai Campaign: "Once again American youth delegation necessity has been the mother of invention and the Yishuv was compelled, if it was to survive at all, to become a nation not representing the Young Zionists of individualistic shopkeeperS and peasants but of Socialist of the Zionist Organization of America began an intensive settlers, trained to war." month-long study tour of Israel Strange and Amusing Bedfellows in Politics Tuesday. There are many strange bedfellows in politics. Often they After a reception and general briefing at the ZOA house here are amusing. A typical example is the position that was taken by a the group visited the Kfar Sil- Negro mortician in his attempt to defeat two distinguished Con- ver Agricultural -.School: Later gressmen from this area by pressing for the-nomination of their they visited southern Israel and Negro opponents. TO accomplish his purpose, he invited a spent the evening with Israeli Southern Senator—none other than the Democratic candidate soldiers in a recreation. camp for Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson—to address a planned at Ashkelon. rally here. Of course, the elder Diggs said he had planned to invite all Democratic candidates to his proposed rally, but he was speci- Arab League Leader fic in stating that "our purpose is to stimulate Negro voter Invited to Moscow interest." And since his original motive was to defeat two LONDON, (JTA) — Moham- white men in order to elect his two Negro candidates, the med Abdul Hassouna, the Sec- ludicrousness of the idea was apparent. There is a Yiddish saying: "Az men dad dem ganef, nemt retary General of the Arab men ihm arunter fun t'liyeh"—"if you need the thief, you take League, will visit Moscow for him even frOm the gallows." The local Negro politician needed two weeks at the invitation of an ally, for the purpose of putting an end to white representa- Nikita Khrushchev, head of the tion in two districts which, he claimed, have majorities of Soviet Union, it was reported from Cairo. Negroes, and he called to his aid a white Texan! Viewing practically the new issue involving the rise of the The r eport also said that Negro population in our midst and the campaign to elect more Hassouna announced in Cairo of their representatives to public offices, there must be recog- he is convoking the Arab nition of a natural turn of affairs: that Negroes will vote for League Council on Aug. 8 to Negroes, just as many Irish will vote for Irish and many Catholics discuss Iran's de facto recogni- and Jews will vote for their coreligionists. Besides, Negroes are tion of Israel. From Amman it entitled to a voice in public affairs. It is when able and good was reported the Jordanian men like Dingell and Machrowicz stand in danger of defeat that Premier Hazzaz Majali told a the new developments cause concern: that highly qualified in- press conference that the Arab cumbents stand in danger of losing their positions because of the League was dominated by Nasser and was a failure. population changes. 4 4 I I