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July 29, 1960 - Image 28

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1960-07-29

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July 29, 1960 —

Judith Moss to Wed
Richard Henchen

rrumuition iigamst

Daughter's Fabulous Story of
`Mother Minnie' Guggenheimer


Minnie—Mrs. Charles—Gug- to Armstrong to Heifetz
genheimer, now in her '79th Elman to Bernstein.
year, is a fantastic personality.
* * *
Thanks to her daughter, Sophie
In a sense, the Guggenheim
Guggenheimer Untermeyer, her book is a history of several
story now is available in a most the leading Jewish families
delightful book which the au- New York — the Untermeyer
thor, who wrote it together with the Lehmans, the Schafers a n
Alix Williamson, appropriately the Guggenheimers, and ma n
titled "Mother is Minnie."
others pass in review. It is t
She is a grand lady. Thanks history of music in the past ge l
to her, the Lewisohn Stadium eration and more—the leadi n
Concerts, which are among the names in the musical sphe r
most important summer concert playing roles here.
series in the world, were insti-
"Mother is Minnie" is rich i
stuted.. She still is chairman of folklore. It is replete with st y
the concerts and its supervising ries. It tells about "a case
wheedling six dollars and nine t
* * *
cents out of the leaders of Je v
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moss of
"Mother is Minnie" has the ish society in ten-cent chanc e
Northlawn Ave. announce the merit of a thousand laughs. This on a home-baked ham for t h
engagement of their daughter, Doubleday-pulplished book is an benefit of St. Michael's• Cath y
Judith Ilene, to Richard endless chain of anecdotes about lic Church . . "
Hencken, son of Mr. and Mrs. the famous Jewish family, about
* * *
Jack Hencken bf Northlawn the energetic old lady who
With reference to the Lew
makes a hit wherever she goes sohn Stadium Concerts, th
The bridegroom-elect is a —so much so that Jack Paar, in book relates:
senior at the University of Mich- an introduction to this book,
"A little old lady named Len
igan College of Pharmacy. A confesses "she is the only grand-
July, 1961 wedding is planned. mother who ever 'topped' me." Cohen, who waits patiently eac
year for the door of the mi c
The book is not only an ac- town ticket office to open o
count of the way the Lewisohn the very first day of subscri
Release Pfeiffer's
Stadium Concerts came into be- tion sale and faithfully journe y
Scientific Story
ing. It is an irreverent compil- up to Claremont Heights by bu
John Pfeiffer, who has gained ation of puns, tricks, repartee all the way from the Lowe
wide recognition with his and fearless shrewdness on the East Side early enough to clai
earlier work, "T he Human part of the heroine.
Seat Number One in the u
Brain, The Changing Universe,"
Daughter fearlessly tells how reserved section every nigh
has written another powerful her mother used all kinds of and a carpet salesman name
book_ that is certain to add to approaches in order to get Nathan Fishler, who make
our scientific knowledge.
monetary support for the con- notes for a book he is writin
Published by Random House, certs, how she kidded New on Spinoza on the back of hi
his latest work, "From Galaxies York's mayors, how she cajoled programs during intermissions
to Man—a Story- of the Begin- artists, how she got her way both claim never to have misse
- ning of Things," is a combina- with entertainers. Because of a single one of the Stadiu
tion of scientific approaches and the tireless role she plays in Concerts ... "
* * *
philosophic evaluations of the the management of the con-
Vastness of time and space, re- certs, she has dealt with every
"Mother is Minnie" contain
lated to modern scientific prog- prominent name in the world the following about a mathe
of music — from Gabrilowitsch who "had never heard the nam
of Joseph Krips but thought h
We are taken into space and
might be worth investigating fo
we are given a better under-
the Stadium." The story goes o n i
standing of the atomic powers
about Krips, who will direct th ;
developed in our age.
Israel Philharmonic Orchestr L
"Nuclear energy is like a new
in Detroit, Nov. 1, at the annua
kind of fire" that may "free us
for wider migrations," the au- Announcements Balfour Concert:
thor states. "We are on the
"After writing a letter offer .
verge of carrying our way of
ing to 'give him a chance to ,
July 25 — To Mr. and Mrs. appear in New York,' she learn
life, our genes and evolving pat-
terns and traditions, into new Bertrand Horwitz (Susan Si- ed quite by accident that th
lands and new oceans of space." n-ton), 18218 Delaware, a daugh- `new man in Buffalo' was actu
The solar systems, he believes, ter, Linda Ellen.
ally one of the• most illustriou s
* *•*
"will - be livable for no more
conductors of the great Vienn
July 22—To Mr. and Mrs. Staatsoper and Vienna Philhar-
than six or seven billion years.
As the sun exhausts its avail- Richard Rycus (Faye Bean), of monic, who had somehow always
able hydrogen fuel; it will enter 18010 Northlawn, a son, Eric been too busy to accept an en-
the red-giant stage and expand Shawn.
gagement in New York during
* *
rapidly and become much hat-
the regular winter season. She
June 20—To Mr. and Mrs. also found out that his Beetho-
ter . . . Man-made things will
become one great slag ... " If Isadore Balan (Marilyn Big- ven Festivals had for the past
so, he concludes, "we shall look man), 18249 Robson, a daughter, eight years been packing them
back at the earth and preserve Roberta Gail. * * *
in at London's huge Royal Fes-
it as long as it lasts, as a me-
tival Hall. So she upped her
July 20—To Dr. and Mrs. offer to Krips substantially and
morial ground dedicated to van-
Maurice A. Frankel (Sandra agreed as special bait to put on
ished ancestors."
Dubin), 25245 Coolidge, Oak a similar Beethoven Festival for
Robyn Beth. him in New York, where no
In 1921, the Michigan Legis- Park, a daughter,
* * *
lature authorized free distribu-
single composer had ever be-
July 19—To Dr. and Mrs. Mil- fore been represented with full-
tion of biologic products manu-
factured at the state health lab- ton . 'Jacobs • (Carolyn Zolman), length symphonic programs on
oratory for treatment and pre- 4122 W. 13-Mile Rd., Royal Oak, four successive nights. Krips re:
a son, Randall Scott.
vention of disease.
sponded enthusiastically, and
* * *
New York responded so enthusi-
July 17 — To Mr. and Mrs. astically to Krips that he and
Irving Nusbaum (Barbara Sa- Beethoven had another festival
muels), a son, Robert Charles. at the Stadium the following
* * *
year and now seems likely to
June 17—To Mr. and Mrs. become one of the most widely
y Since1941- ■ Maurie L. Ross (Sylvia Rubin), acclaimed and heavily attended
EXCLUSIY ( .,.._
23435 Coolidge, Oak Park, a son, fixtures of the New York musi-
Bradley David.
cal calendar."
* *
* * *
July 16—To Dr. and Mrs.
There are many pictures in
Gerald Laker (Elaine Cohen of the book, including those of the
....Recommended by Physicians
Bronx, N.Y.), 22620 W. Seven eight New York City mayors
Mile, a daughter, Jolie Ann.
who held honorary chairman-
* * *
ships of the Lewisohn Stadium
July 15 — To Mr. and Mrs. Concerts, as well as noteworthy
Hy Ankerman (Sybil Neuvirth), Guggenheimer family portraits.
Expert Mohel
13129 K i n g s t o n, Huntington
The cream of the book are
Serving in Hospitals and Homes
Woods, a daughter, NancY Ann. the stories. There are many
* * *
I LI 1-9769
LI 2-4444
gems among them. "Mother is
July 14—To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Minnie" will delight the readers
Katz (Ina Terman) of Leslie while serving as an informative
Ave., Oak Park, a daughter, account about a great lady and
Beth Cheryl.
a distinguished family.
* * *
July 13—To Mr. and Mrs. Al-
The International Typograph-
Recommended by Physicians
bert Rolnik (Elaine Boren- ical Union was founded in 1852
Serving in Hospitals and Homes
stein), 18493 Pennington, a son, and is the first and oldest labor
3298 Sturtevant TU 3-1441
Marc Robert.
union in the United States.



.0 )


n .4.


cl.) A

in En ;■ I

rrt rn v,n m •



ll's ARTIE FIELDS Orchestra
TR 3-8900


Amora .

Sleeping in Synagogue
The term "Amora" is usually
BY RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX applied to one of the teachen
(Copyright, 1960,
in the post-Mishnaic period of
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) the Talmudic era, i.e. from
It is forbidden to sleep in a about the year 219 C.E. to 50(
synagogue. This prohibition is C.E. The expression comes from
often traced to the experience the' Hebrew root meaning "ti
related of the Patriarch Jacob speak" or "to interpret." Since
in the Bible. On his way to these teachers interpreted the
Haran we are told that he lay Code of Rabbi Judah the Pat
down to sleep in a certain place riarch, the label of "interpreter'
(Genesis 28:11). Upon arising is quite appropriate: Also, since
after dreaming about holy oc- the study of Talmudic litera.
currences he exclaimed "Sure- tore was then carried on orally,
ly the Lord is in this place and (it being forbidden to study
I knew it not .. . this is none such literature as a written
other than the house of G-d" text) the label of "speaker" is
(Gen. 28:16, 17). Rashi, corn- also appropriate. Both of these
menting upon this experience, ideas are conveyed by the ex-
contends that Jacob meant to pression "Amara."
say that if he knew this was
such a place he would not have
slept in it. The general reason-
ing behind such a prohibition
is simply that one is not to
Melody Nursery
engage in mundame matters in
Serving Detroit & Suburban
a Holy place. It is even forbid-
den to discuss such matters 18716 Schaefer
LI 3-4014
—Mrs. David Holtzman
in a synagogue.
Res. 24311 Blackstone, O.P.
Passenger car advertisers in-
Specializing Li in3-4r688y
h thm Band,
vested over 13 percent more in
Mus. App., Baking, Crafts, For
13(;‘e-6schools children, ages VA
newspaper advertising in 1957
than in the previous year.
Per Class
Morn. 9 to 11
Tues., Thurs., Fri.
Aft. 12:30 to 3 P.M.
2 Das—Tue. Thu.
2. 00
3 Days—Mon.,s , Wed., rs Fri. 2.00
5 Days—Mon, thru Fri.
DAY SEPT. 1, 1960-10 a.m.-noon
26025 Coolidge
JO 4-6078
Transportation 50e per day.



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KE 5.1083 or LI 7.1471

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EL 6-8893

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