, - • 47,.. :4 4 Samuel Olsen's Renomination Urged by Associates, Friends Kellis Calls on Dems for M.E. Plank Action A former Chief of Operations of CIA, James Kellis, now a Democratic candidate for Con- gress in Oakland County, called on the Democratic Party to pro- ceed with its platform plank on the Middle East before it is too late. Col. Kellis, who retired from the Air Farce on May 21 to run for Congress, addressed a series of letters to key person- alities of the Democratic Party in which he pointed out that now is an excellent time to pro- ceed with a constructive plan for the Middle East. Kellis states that the devel- opment of the oil sources •of North Africa will provide an alternate and supplementary source of oil for Democratic Europe. Oil producing states of the Middle East should come to terms with Israel, he states. If a settlement is de- layed, it may develop that Europe will be receiving most of the oil from North Africa and this will reduce the bar- gaining position a the Arab States. Kellis' plan, which was pub- lished in the July 22 edition of The Jewish News, envisages a treaty between Israel and the Arab States, recognizing pres- ent boundaries and reducing armaments. Kellis who has had consider- able experience in CIA, De- fense and the State Depart- ments, praised the Democratic platform repudiating anti-Israel Bias. He stated that most of the personnel in the above three agencies who are dealing with the Middle East situation cannot be judged impartial. He states that the Central In- telligence Agency's Middle East Division is loaded with indi- viduals with pro-Arab feelings. Kermit Roosevelt is now out of the Central Intelligence Agency but there are many others in the Middle East Division of CIA who share Kermit Roose- velt's views on the Middle East. Kellis pledges to initiate a thorough housecleaning of that Agency if elected to Congress. Kellis, whose parents come from Greece and who has visit- ed repeatedly all countries of the Middle East, states that the security of Israel is vital to the security of America, and the welfare , of the nations of the Middle East is equally as im- portant to the welfare of America. Pr o m i n e n t local leaders joined this week with associates of- Prosecuting Attorney Samuel Olsen in urging his renomina- tion as Prosecutor on the Demo- cratic ticket and his re-election in November. In a statement issued this week, his associates and ad- mirers stated that the effective job he has performed should induce Detroiters to renominate Albert A. Kramer Runs him. Sol Slomovitz, Murray C. for State Representative Slomovitz and other community Albert A. Kramer, a local at- figures, and the following mem- torney, is a Democratic candi- bers of Olsen's staff joined in date for state representative a call to the voters to cast their from Oakland County. ballots and to renominate Married and the father of Olsen: Samuel Brezner, chief three children, he is a graduate of the Appellate Division and Mrs. Weinstock Only of Wayne State University's Civil Rights Bureau; George D. Woman Running for College_of Law. SAMUEL OLSEN Kent, chief of the Homicide A member of Labor Zionists, Division; Albert A. Goldfarb, State Legislature Kramer, 36, also is active in Wayne County coordinator; Mrs. Lee Franklin Weinstock, Bnai Brith and • Jewish War David E. Flayer, Civil Division; Alan Walt, Out-County Division; of Snowden Avenue, a Repub- Veterans. lican candi- Elliott Beitner, County Criminal date for State Division; and David Missen, Repres enta- Donald S. Leonard, former Release Bureau. tive, 10th Leg- Detroit and Michigan State In his tenure, his supporters islative Dis- Police commissioner, has en- point out, Olsen has created a COAL & OIL CO. trict,has again tered the race on the Repub- Criminal Frauds Division, a Serving Detroit been rated lican ticket Homicide Division, the Wayne "preferred" by Homes and Industry for the U. S. County Racket Squad and the Detroit. Citi- for Over 45 Years Senate. Civil Rights Bureau. zens League. An attorney, The results of this organiza- She was also Leonard w a s tion has been lauded by all fac- preferred in t h e Republi- tions of the community as is Mrs. Weinstock the 1958 elec- can nominee evidenced by endorsements in an unsuc- from labor, management, busi- tion. Lee Weinstock is the only cessful chal- ness, civic, church and other woman now running for this For The BEST Deal on a office in either party. lenge for the groups. governorship NEW Olsen established a Criminal • in 1954. Frauds Division within the Albert Conn in Race H e earned Prosecutor's Office to act his law degree against those who try • to vic- for Common Council from Wayne timize the public. It saves citi- A Detroit attorney, Albert E. SEE State Univer- zens the cost and time of pri- Conn is a candidate for a seat on Detroit's Common Council. Leonard sity and re- vate lawsuits. ceived the first honorary doctor A graduate of Wayne State It is a fact that_, since Olsen at of law degree ever accorded a created the division, it has al- University's College of Law, Wayne alumnus. ready recovered for defrauded Conn is a member of the De He was a leading law enforce- persons money and property troit Motion •Picture Projec- ment official, becoming the first totalling more than a half-mil- tionists Union. He • lives with his wife and two children at state police official ever to be lion dollars. Open 'tit 10 p.m. Olsen's reorganization includ- 20245 Greenview. elected president of the Inter- TE 4-4440 I 12555 Grand River national Association of Chiefs ed the creation of a Homicide Classified ads bring fast results! Division with the purpose of of Police, until his retirement as state police commissioner in "seeing that every suspect is given his full constitutional 1952. He is a member of a number rights and privileges". . . so of local and national bar asso- that "justice will be done, the ciations and committees and is innocent protected and the presently chairman of the per- guilty properly prosecuted." manent legislative committee He established a R a c k et representing Michigan circuit. Squad to investigate gambling, judges, prosecuting attorneys, major vice, narcotics and illegal police chiefs and sheriffs. traffic in whiskey. For the first He is also a member of the time in history, direct action citizens committee on equal edu- was instigated by the Prosecu- cational opportunities of the tor's Office and followed SUPPORTED BY MANY THOUSANDS OF HIS FRIENDS through by that office to clean Detroit Board of Education. He • up-gambling and vice in several JOIN THEM AT THE DETROIT POLLS, AUGUST 2ND AND has served in the Past on the nearby communities. Wayne County Board of Super- Olsen created a Civil Rights visors and the Detroit Commis- Bureau to obtain facts and take sion on Community Relations. prompt action in all cases of During the Second World violations of civil rights. War, Leonard served as chair- man of the American Civil De- fense Mission and helped to set Rep. Gillis Candidate up the pattern for the nation's for Re-Election Joseph A. Gillis is a candi- civil defense program. He was Michigan's wartime director of date for re-election as State civil defense and state fuel ad- Representative in the 10th District, lo- ministrator. • CHRYSLER CORPORATION cated between Engaged in the private prac- Meyers Road tice of law, Leonard is a con- • AMERICAN MOTORS and South- sultant to various federal and field. • GENERAL MOTORS state agencies. He is married Gillis, 39, an and the father of three chil- attorney a n d • PRICE WATERHOUSE dren. native Detroit- Manager Systems and Procedures er, is married, Former Traffic Court has two Referee in Council Race Senior Cost Analyst dren and for S. A. Maher, a veteran of 25 Gillis the past 12 Supervisor Sales Budgets years in city government, is a years has lived at 16683 Robson. candidate for Detroit's Common He has been active in church, Senior Financial Analyst Council. civic, scouting and veteran activ- He formerly was a deputy ities in this area. He was first commissioner of building and elected to office last year in a safety engineering and a ref- special election. eree in Traffic Court. The candidate, who is known as Lt. Col. Gillis in the Air Extradition Pact Signed Force Reserve, is an active com- by Israel, Great Britain mand pilot on weekends at Self- JERUSALEM, (JTA) — An ridge AFB. Gillis has been endorsed by "I BELIEVE THAT NO NEW TAXES OF ANY KIND SHOULD BE IMPOSED extradition treaty between Brit- ain and Israel has been signed the 17th District Democratic UNTIL WE HAVE EXHAUSTED EVERY EFFORT TO REAPPRAISE THE here by Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Party, AFL-CIO, Detroit Build- ing Trades Council, Central CITY'S EXPENDITURE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SERVICES"' foreign minister, and Patrick Francis Hancock, Britain's am- Citizens Committee and other civic, fraternal and labor groups. bassador to IsraeL Leonard in Race for Senate Seat JACOBSON WA 3-3300 '60 CHEVROLET "BERNIE" SHAYNE Joe May Chevrolet YOUR NEXT DETROIT COUNCILMAN Etta ...cLovis c. FERGUSON BUSINESS BACKGROUND . PUT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND EFFICIENCY IN CITY GOVERNMENT