Aran-Pensler Rites Planned for Aug. 31 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Fri day, July 22, 1960 — r4 ctivities in Society Mrs. Sonya Granadier of Indiana Ave. last week gave a reception for her nephew, Nathan Raviv, Israel trades commis- sioner to the United States. With him was his wife, sons Danill and ,Shimon and their grandmother of Tel Aviv. Their Detroit visit was a stopover en route to Israel. At a garden party at their home on Muirland Ave., on July 16, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Menk honored Mr. and Mrs. Zeldon S. Cohen, of Warrington Dr., on the occasion of their leaving for Europe and Israel. The Gussin Family Club will hold-its annual picnic Sunday afternoon at Woodhull Lake. For information, members should call Mrs. David Marke, LI 4-8887. Mr. and Mrs. James Rachleff of Oak Park are celebrating their wedding anniversary with a trip to Russia and tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tolkowsky of Tel Aviv are visiting their children Sara and Maxwell Hodis, 20230 Plainview Rd., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hodis of Memphis Rd. They will stay at the Plainview residence for the summer. WROTSLAVSKY FAMILY CLUB's annual cook-out affair MISS JOANNE LOREE ARAN was marked by a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Anna Wrot- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Aran of slaysky, July 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wright of Greenlawn Ave. announce the Livonia. Attending were her children, grandchildren and great- engagement of their daughter, grandchildren. Joanne Loree, to Dr. Alvin Victor Pensler of Meyers Rd. He is the son of Mrs. Harry Kraft of San Juan Ave. and the late Max Pensler. An Aug. 31 wedding - is A young Detroiter who set- sisted in various archaeological planned. tled in Israel seven years ago, undertakings and was among mastered Hebrew, French and the group of Hebrew University Yiddish, and became an author- archaeologists who recently ity in managing citrus groves climbed down into a Judean has gained fame as an amateur desert cave in search for hidden Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sears historical data. archaeologist. of Los Angeles, Calif., announce He also has written many ar- Paul (Pinhas) Prosky, son of the engagement of their daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Prosky, of ticles on archaeology. In order ter, Mardy, to Dr. Steven 18685 Sussex, went to Israel on to be able to pursue his labor Abrams, son of Mr. and Mrs. a mission of love for the ideal of love, he mastered Arabic, Louis Abrams, formerly of De- of seeing Jewish Statehood re- which he reads, writes and troit. constructed. He first .settled in speaks fluently. The future bride is a teacher. At the same time, to be able Ain Hashophet, an Hashomer Dr. Abrams is a graduate of Hatzair kibbutz, seven • years to work with the new immi- the School of Veterinary Medi- ago. Then he served in the Is- grants, he has mastered French cine at Michigan State Univer- rael army and now is the man- and Yiddish, neither of which sity and is practicing in Los ager of the citrus grove in he knew before coming to Is- Angeles. A fall wedding is another Hashomer Hatzair set- rael. In recognition of his work, he planned. tlement, Lahavat Haviva. He * * * was invited to meet President supervises 47 men who are de- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dawes, veloping this grove, one of the, Itzhak Ben-Zvi of Israel. He has 23560 Radclift, Oak Park, an- been a member of the Archae- largest in the area. nounce the engagement of their Except for the months he ological Society since 1958. daughter, Sandra, to Zave Cli- His young brother, Howard, must be at the Kibbutz to man- man of Toronto. The son of Mr. has joined him in Israel, and age the citrus grove, Pinhas and Mrs. Louis Climan of Mon- participates in archeological is preparing to enter the He- treal, he is a graduate of McGill expeditions, and some of his brew University, to specialize in University and the University activities in excavations have mathematics and physics. How- of Michigan and is a chartered ard, also a leader in Hashomer attracted wide attention. accountant. Miss Dawes recent- Hatzair, is a graduate of Cass Because of his extensive collections of stone s, tools Technical High School and ly received an A.B. degree in and weapons—especially the studied at Lawrence Tech and education from the University of Michigan. After an August latter—which he presented to the University of Chicago. wedding, the couple will make the Hebrew University, he was invited to join the So- Multiple Sclerosis Kids their home in Toronto. * * * ciety for Prehistoric Man. He is considered an au- to Flave Splash Party Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund L. A swim and splash party for V or zim er of Bay Harbor thority on ancient weapons and his collection has been multiple sclerosis patients and Islands, Fla., announce the the subject of several maga- friends will be held 1 p.m. to- engagement of their daughter, morrow at the home of Mrs. Peggy Ann, to Bernard Herbert zine articles. A graduate of Detroit's Wil- Leonard Levin, 20069 Basil, cor- BreSsler, son of Mr. and Mrs. bur Wright High School and a ner of James Couzens between Louis Bressler (formerly of former engineering student at Vassar Dr. and Greenfield. Detroit) of Bay Harbor Islands, The Railway Business Wom- Fla, Wayne State University, Pinhas * * * became deeply interested in en's Association is hostessing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green- Israel and became active in the•party. For reservations, call berg of Chicago announce the Hashomer Hatzair. He has as- UN 2-7966. engagement of their daughter, Ferne, to Dr. Asher L. Weis- man, son of the late Samuel and Marion Weisman, 26335 Humber, Huntington Wood s. The wedding is planned for Aug. 13 at Temple R o d f e i Zedek in Chicago. The father of the bride - to - be is executive COME AND SEE director of the Temple. Detroiter Paul Prosky Gains Fame in Israel in Field of Archaeology Standard Federal Time Weekend for Children and Temperature Sign at Tamarack Lodge A special weekend of festivi- Installed Downtown Rising 30 feet above the roof of Standard Federal Savings and Loan Association's main office building at Griswold and Jeffer- son is a huge new time and temperature sign. In letters six feet high it broadcasts to motor- ists and pedestrians approach- ing the Civic Center from the east the time and the official temperature every five seconds of the day and night, a total of 17,280 readings per day. The sign, standing 20 feet high and 50 feet wide, is the largest such device in downtown Detroit. It has 1,750 moving parts and contains 286 75-watt lamps. Four electric motors operate the sign. More than 11.- 000 feet of wire are required for the intricate circuits. An official U. S. Weather Bureau type cage, unaffected by sun or wind, will be located on the roof of the building. The time will be accurate to the minute, temperature to the degree. YOU WILL SAVE $$$ Lb. 99c SHOULDER STEAK 1st Cut LAMB CHOPS . . . Lb 85 Lb. 59 CHUCK ROAST BREAST OF BEEF, trimmed lb. 85c GROUND BEEF . 1 lb. 49c3 lbs. $ 139 iliE R A A LARGE EGGS' tf,„Py"Doz. 39c 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. CORNER OF HARTWELL DI 1-2345 ••• ••,-. • DAVE DOMBEY ASSOCIATES PHOTOGRAPHERS "The Best Need Cost No More" LI 8-1116 LI 8-2266 NATHAN & IRVING'S Kosher Meat.& Poultry Market ngagernents BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS ties for children will be held at Tamarack Lodge, Greenfield Park, N.Y., Aug. 12-14. Included in proceedings will be a "milktail" party, a unique children's dance and program, and a special beauty contest for the youngsters to select a king and queen. The official hostess of the weekend will be Lori Deutsch, five-year-old granddaughter of owner Dave Levinson. Arty Weinberger heads the Tamarack Lodge children's day camp. OUR MEATS AND POULTRY ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED AND GRADED "A" PRIME. SEE OUR DAILY SUPER SPECIAL POSTED PRICES UN 1-7237 18275 WYOMING — FREE DELIVERY — Under Strict Supervision of The Vaad Harabonim SAVE MORE AT REISMAN'S KOSHER POULTRY & FISH MKT. Fresh WHITE FISH lb. 49' lb. 29' We Skin, Bone and Grind Fish Free of Charge! Kosher Killed FANCY FRYERS FREE DELIVERY, CALL DI 1-4525 Or Stop in at: 13523 W. 7 MILE RD., near Schaefer Offer Good July 25 thru 29 • Potato or Meat Knishes Fresh Daily * * * • Chopped Liver and Herring Fresh Daily * * * • Mrs. Grunt's New Dill Pickles Now Available * * * • Mrs. Grunt's Gefilte Fish Balls (Any Size) Made to order for your party. I WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SUPER SPECIALS I = b2t e GRUNT'S MARKET 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS — UN 1 9645 - DRAPERY STORAGE Let your home have that cool appearance for the Summer! We can store your Drapes, Cornice Boards, Bed Spreads, etc., in our approved fully insured storage vaults. We will deliver them back in the fall with that renewed look. RECOMMENDED BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS • I We Clean ousehold .1. Ex- I Items elusively CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE and CURTAIN LAUNDRY TANIMM ■ 11.0•11 ■ 41. ■ 0.11. Drapes • Curtains • Cornices • Slip Covers Lamp Shades • Quilts and Bedspreads WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATION TIN 1-11818 FREE STORAGE FACILITIES WHILE DECORATING