6 THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July 15, 1960 — WARNING TO ADVERTISERS . . • Irresponsible solicitations again are being made in major Jewish communities in behalf of periodi- cals in New York and Chicago that have no circulation whatever in communities outside the cities where they are published. At least three of the publications — one of them the organ of a national Jewish organization — have resorted to the unethical practice of clipping advertisements from the established newspapers in Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Pittsburgh and other cities, and give the impression, in their solicitations, that the copy appeared in their columns. The Detroit Jewish News joins with publications in the cities affected in warning against the irresponsible solicitations. Better Business Bureaus are at work investigating the tactics of the unethical solicitors. We warn our readers: beware of the disgraceful transgressions by publications that resort to the unethical practices of clipping copy of our adver- tisers and utilizing them for solicitations as if they had appeared in their columns. When in doubt regarding the solicitations call The Jewish News Office VE 8-9364 UN Truce Chief to Confer on Frontier Issue JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Ma- jor General Carl C. von Horn, head of the United Nations truce organization here, is ex- pected to fly to New York this week to confer with Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold. General von Horn was to meet with Dr. Avraham Biran, head of the Israel Foreign Min- istry's Armistice Affairs Divi- sion, presumably with reference to the Jordan and Syrian border situations. Gen. von Horn visited Damascus last week after a series of border incidents which prompted an Israeli complaint to the Security Council and a counter complaint by the United Arab Republic. A meeting of the Israel-Jor- dan Mixed Armistice • Commis- sion will review a series of developments along the Jordan- Israel frontier, including the killing of a 75-year-old Israeli resident by Jordanian guards. Several cases of major thefts and other crimes by Jordan in- filtrators have been reported in recent days. Armed infiltra- tors attacked a Bedouin shep- herd near Beersheba Friday night and made off with 130 head of cattle. On Saturday night an armed band broke into the storeroom of a quarry in central Israel and stole 100 kilos (200 pounds) of explosives and a quantity of tools. . BUY NOW DURING REDFORD RAMBLER'S STATION WAGON SELL-A-BRATION . NEW 1960 RAMBLER STATION WAGON ONLY 1 ,888 FULL PRICE COMPLETE • DELIVERED PRICE INCLUDING: All Taxes, License, Title and All Factory Equipment at R EDFORD AMBLER GRAND RIVER BETWEEN 6 MILE & EVERGREEN G. Hauser Is Named Nazi's Prosecutor (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM. — Gideon Hauser, Israel's new Attor- ney General, will act as chief prosecutor in the trial of Adolf Eichmann, it was dis- closed Wednesday. Police officials indicated that the investigation of the Nazi and collection of mate- rial in preparation for the trial may last longer than had originally been antic- ipated, possibly as much as a year. The Israel Ministry of Justice was disclosed Tues- day to be drafting an amend- ment to the lawyers' ordi- nance to make it possible for non-Israeli attorneys to defend Eichmann in an Israel Court. Under present law, only locally - registered attorneys can appear in the Israel courts. Foreign Attorneys can appear only as aides to Israel lawyers or as "friends of the Court." In the latter role, the court recognizes the counsel as working without remuneration. Such a devel- opment was considered un- likely to happen in the' trial of Hitler's specialist in the mass murder of European Jewry. Israel's Police Chief Seeking Eichman,n, Trial Data (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON — Commander Abraham Selinger, director of Israel's Sixth Police Bureau, which is assembling data for the trial of Adolf Eichmann, expressed the opinion here Tuesday that the trial of Hitler's mass murder specialist would not be held this year. The police official came to London in the first of a series of visits to European cities, seeking data for the trial. He said that Eichmann's crimes were committed in Europe and "therefore I have came to Europe to collect whatever evi- dence I can." "Saying it was difficult to specify when the Eichmann trial would take place, the police official added: "I would say the trial will not be held this year --- perhaps in 1961." The official spent Monday at the Wierner Library, which con- tains one of the largest collec- tions of files and photographs on the tragedy of European Jewry in the world. He said he had seen Eich- mann only a few days ago and that the Nazi criminal was "im- passive but cooperative. He talks a lot and writes a lot." Selinger smilingly evaded questions about the exact loca- tion of the jail in which Eich- mann is being detained. He said: "This is still a matter of security, not only as far as the outside world is concerned, but also for Eichmann's own se- curity." Latin Americans Urge Trial of Eichmann in Israel by Foreign Judges three countries represent the best traditions of three conti- nents in the field of religious liberty and racial tolerance, "and their judgment could not fail to have a deep e f f e c t throughout the world." Argen- tina would probably agree to a trial by such a tribunal, the report states. DRIVING LESSONS 6 HOUR $26 BOSTON, (JTA)—A number of Latin American and Asian countries are seeking to per- suade Israel to agree to a trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel by a tribunal composed of judges from India, Mexico and Sweden, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The report says that propon- ents of this plan argue that the COURSE .0 Dual Controls Professional Instructors Day or Evening Appointments Safeway Driver Training LI 2-6742 TO 9-7600 For The BEST Deal on a NEW '60 CHEVROLET SEE "BERNIE" SHAYNE at Joe May Chevrolet Open 'til 10 p.m. 12555 TE 4-4440 Grand River Israelis Hope Frondizi Will Alter His Attitude TEL AVIV, (JTA) — The Is- raeli press expressed cautious optimism over the possibility that President Frondizi of Ar- gentina will change his adam- ant position with regard to the Eichmann case when he returns from his present European trip back to Buenos Aires. It is as- sumed here that- in his talks with Western European states- men, Frondizi had an opportu- nity also to discuss the Eich- mann affair and probably heard the view that it would be best to settle the Israel- Argentine dispute amicably at the earliest possible time. (In Buenos Aires, the DAIA, central representative body of Argentine Jewry, published a statement in the local press de- claring that a Nazi war crimi- nal cannot be the cause of dis- turbing the cordial relations between Argentina and Israel which have been in existence since the establishment of Is- rael). Set German TV Program on Eichmann's Crimes FRANKFURT, (JTA) — The West German television system is planning to produce a docu- mentary program describing the activities of Adolf Eichmann, who directed the Nazi regime's "final solution" of the Jewish * Sect Shows Interest in Migrating to Israel JERUSALEM, (JTA) — A Judea - Christian Sabbatarian sect living in the Indian state of Kerala has shown interest in emigrating to Israel. The Cochin Immigrants' As- sociation (the Cochin Jews who came here from Kerala) was re- ported in contact with the sect which numbers about 100,000 and claims kinship with the Jews. Members of the sect, which practices some Jewish customs, claim descent from Cochin Jews who were converted to Chris- tianity by missionaries genera- tions ago. One of the sect is a member of the Indian Parliament. He is said to have assurances that his co-religionists could take their property with them if they emigrated to Israel. problem by deporting European Jewry to death centers. The TV program officials said the program was being prepared wit'h the assistance of the Institute for the Documen- tation of Nazi War Crimes at Haifa. A fre eam-fr _ 4 ofe. Ate cy 1$1 4"4 YES—to the Jewish National Fund J.N.F. land supports the whole Israel economy — it grows Israel's food — on it stand Israel's religious, educational, and welfare institutions. For information and advice, in strict confidence apply to Bequest Dep'artment, JEWISH NATIONAL FUND UN 4-2767 18415 Wyoming Ave. Remember ft °ell Maim LARRY GUTTENBERG Cm, COUNCILMAN Primary, Auguit 2 ENDORSED BY: Rabbi Milton Arm DR. ROBERT SERVATIUS It has been announced that Dr. Robert Servatius, of Co- logne, West Germany, has been named by Eichmann's relatives to defend him at the forthcoming trial in Israel. Jason L. Honigmon Irving Cane George D. Kent Peter Chodoroff Philmore A. Leeman Abe Friedman Maxwell M. Lowe Dr. Maxwell Hoffman Nathan Silverman Joseph Holtzman Louis Weber Dr. Israel Weiner Classified Ads Bring Results