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July 08, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1960-07-08

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Seal of Approval


20, 1951
the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July

Member American Association of English--Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National
Editorial Association.
Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35,
Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co. 17100 West
Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6.
act of Congress of March
Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich.
8, 1879.


Editor and Publisher


Advertising Manager


Circulation Manager

Sabbath Scriptural Selections

This Sabbath, the fourteenth day of Tammuz, 5720, the following Scriptural selections will
be read in our synagogues:
portion, Micah 5:6 - 6:8.
Pentateuchal portion, Balak, Num. 22:2 - 25: 9. Prophetical

Fast of Tammuz occurs on Tuesday

Licht Benshen, Friday, July 8, 7:51 p.m.


Page Four

July 8, 1960

A Ban on Bias in Political Campaign

From now on, for four months to
come, the spotlight will be on the politi-
cal arenas.
Commencing with the Democratic Na-
tional Convention in Los Angeles next
week, our nation's concern will be with
men and with issues, with the many ele-
ments that will be injected in a political
campaign into which may be dragged is-
sues that will be irrelevant as well as
relevant to the country's problems, to our
security and to our many external as well
as internal issues.
The religious issue already has been
injected in the political discussions. The
Middle East problems are certain to be
debated, and there is no doubt that the
East-West conflict will be an issue.
Recent setbacks for our country on
several foreign fronts are certain to be
utilized by office seekers, and there is no
doubt that the Soviet Union's dictators
will resort to innuendos in reference to
our political issue, regardless of how un-
related their attitudes towards the West
may be to our forthcoming election.
In the best interests of the American
principles of fair play, it is essential that

the citizens of this country should be
guided correctly in the direction of proper
evaluation of the problems that face us.
Both parties contending for support
in the November election owe it to the
electorate to avoid muddling issues and
to strive for a clear understanding of our
needs and our responsibilities.
It is urgent that all evidences of bias
should be eleminated, that the religious
issue should be avoided, that men seek-
ing office should be judged on their
merits and character rather than the faith
they profess, and that there should be
an avoidance of any type of appeal to
The coming months will challenge the
American electorate on crucial matters,
in a crucial time in our history. They
must be turned into a period in which
serious resolutions will be made in ac-
cordance with established principles of
fair play, in the American way of shun-
ning prejudices and judging men and
events rationally. Then we shall be sure
to emerge out of the political debates
with dignity and in a spirit worthy of our
nation's traditions.

Action Necessary Against Nazi-Fascist Menace

Why is it that anything remotely as-
sociated with Communism is promptly
branded as subversive, whereas a Nazi
not only is given the freedom to propa-
gate hatred over a public address system
in an area that is frequented by thousands
of tourists, in the nation's capital, but is
protected in his tirades while those who
heckle him are mishandled and abused
by the police?
Adolph Held, chairman of the Jewish
Labor Committee, raised the question in
its protest to the U.S. Department of Jus-
tice that the "American Nazi Party"
should be listed as "subversive," and the
reply of Assistant Attorney General J.
Walter Yeagley was:

"Notwithstanding the highly offensive
nature of some activities, unless there is evi-
dence to establish a violation of a Federal
statute, there is no action which the Govern-
ment may legally take through this Depart-
ment to curb them or punish the participants.
With regard to the Subversive Activities Con-
trol Act of 1950, I should like to point out
that this Act applies only to those `Ceizununise
organization which come within the definition
contained in that statute."

The Jewish Labor Committee's chair-
man, in his reply, calling upon the De-
partment of Justice to follow past prece-
dents in citing the "American Nazi Party"
"as subversive and certainly one which
has 'adopted a policy of advocating or
approving the commission of force and
violence to deny others their rights under
the Constitution of the United States',"
made these important observations:

"Obviously, the term 'Communist' was a
working term since the entire Act is called
Subversive Activities Control Act and that
statute gives latitude and procedures against
any organization found to be subversive to the
best interests of the United States. It is
not the Communist Activities Control Act but
Subversive Activities Control Act.
"While you agree that the Nazi Party is
one that is of a highly offensive nature, you
imply that there is no violation of Federal
statute. The so-called American Christian
Nationalist Party; the Associated Klans of
America; Association of Georgia Klans; Co-
lumbians; Knights of the White Camellia;
Ku Klux Klan; Original Southern Klans, In-
corporated; Protestant War Veterans of
America, Inc. and the Silver Shirt Legion of

America have all been designated as organiza-
tions which have 'adopted a policy of advo-
eating or approving the commission of acts of
force and violence to deny others their rights
under the Constitution of the United States.'
The designations were made by former attor-
ney generals and as a matter of fact Attorney
General Herbert Brownell superceded Execu-
tive Order 9835 and used Executive Order
10450 as a guide in the conduct of the Federal
Employe-Security Program. The American
National Socialist League and the American
National Socialist Party were among some
twenty-five, or more orgnizations of a similar
stripe which imitated the Nazi political pat-
tern in our country and were declared Fascist
organizations by previous attorney generals.
"It seems incongruous that the American
Nazi Party, which has openly boasted and
proclaimed itself to be the heir-apparent to
all of the Nazi or pro-Nazi organizations,
should be permitted to remin unlisted either
under Executive. Order 10450 or under the
Subversive Activities Control Act.
"Efforts will be made by the Communist
propagandists, both at home and abroad, to
distcrt the existence of the American Nazi
Party, no matter how small its membership,
into an organization of substantial strength.
It is incumbent upon our Government to take
cognizance of the American Nazi Party, not as
a legitimate political entity, but as a symbol
of what America condemns. The fact that the
(American Nazi Party uses the Nazi symbol
and advocates a philosophy of hate and vio-
lence should be sufficient to warrant action
on your part."

An Aid to Tourists

'The Guide to Israel': Valuable,
Informative Book by Dr. Vilnay

Zev Vilnay has become internationally known for his valuable
Holy Land and subsequently Israeli guide books.
Now, in a revised and enlarged edition, with many appro-
priate illustrations and maps, "The Guide to Israel," by this
eminent authority, is made available in an attractive edition
issued by World Publishing Co. (2231 W. 110th, Cleveland 2).
This guide has not only been approved but is highly recom-
mended by the Israel Government Tourist Corporation. Tourists
will find it as valuable as their currency in their travels through


Taking into account the historical significance of the routes
outlined, Dr. Vilnay provides all background material about
every area covered in his book. He explains the geological forma-
tions, the species of plants and animals.
"If you like hiking," he advises readers of his guide book,
"you can find wild and picturesque regions, winding and twist-
ing ravines and gorges, crowned by high cliffs, and lofty summits
overlooking beautiful panoramas." To understand the ground
thus covered by hikers, however, his guide is indispensable.

There is a general survey of the country in this important
576-page book, and in his descriptions of the State of Israel he
explains the legislative, legal and judicial systems, currency,
railways, languages, the calendars of the faiths of Israel's citizens,
hotels and hostels, measures and weights, harbors and airports,
the postal system, broadcasting, telephone and telegraph oper-
ations and the foods of the country.

The problem relating to the Nazi who
virtually is inciting his followers to resort
to violence against Jews and Negroes, in
his addresses in Washington, is clearly
defined in this statement. It is an indica-
tion of the shocking way in which police
action can be invoked whenever anyone
shouts the accusation of "communist,"
whereas the equally menacing — if not
even more dangerous element to our
peace — fascist group is able to roam
about freely and advocate the Hitler-
Eichmann-Hoess invented gas chambers
for Jews.
It is urgent that this issue should not
be permitted to end here, but that it
should be pursued until proper steps can
be taken to prevent the continuation of
Nazi propagandism within the shadow of
the White House and the Capitol.

An article on "The Legal System in Israel" was written
by Dr. S. S. Cheshin, the late Supreme Court Justice.



To facilitate travel and understanding of the land and its
people, Dr. Vilnay has included Hebrew and Arabic glossaries
in his book.
The routes in Israel are thoroughly covered. The following
list of routes offers an indication of the extent of his coverage:
Jerusalem-Bethlehem, Jerusalem-Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv-Jaffa and
surroundings, Ashkelon, Beer Sheba, Dead Sea and S'dom, Negev
and 'Arava, Eilat and the Red Sea, Tel Aviv-Haifa, Haifa and
Mount Carmel, Valley of Jezreel, Jordan Valley and Sea of Gali-
lee, Nazareth and its churches, Tiberias, Upper Galilee, Safed-
and all intervening points.

The list of towns and villages serves an additional purpose
in making it possible for those seeking relatives and friends to
know how to time their visits and how to locate people.

A general section of directories is appended to the guide
book. Its importance becomes apparent in the information it
contains regarding rest houses in kibbutzim, Government tourist
services, travel conditions and traffic regulations, the clothing to
be brought to Israel and means of international communications.
Vilnay's "The Guide to Israel is as important for Christians
as it is for Jews. It contains lists of Israel Missions, Embassies,
Legations and Consulates, as well as foreign missions in Israel.

Those who are interested in archaeology are provided with
the necessary information. For instance, there is an important
section on Hatzor and the historical material unearthed there,
as well as about the other significant discoveries in recent years.

Dr. Vilnay, who has lived nearly all his life in Israel, who
was educated at the School of Oriental Studies in London and
received his Ph. D. at Dropsie College, Philadelphia, took into
account, in the preparation of his book, the fact that Israel is
the meeting place of Occident and Orient, East and West, and
his guide book directs the tourist along the highways and byways
of the country with facts that explain the contrasts that make
the Holy Land the most interesting place for visitors from all
over the world.

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