, 2.7, - 0;7, 71., 7,-.390MWENompalu - Israel Seek s to Terminate Controversy he said, decided who was to go charge of the "sadistic" experi- to the gas chamber and who ments carried out by the Nazis (Continued from Page 1) regime would prefer that Eich- UN Security Council session last mann be tried in a West Ger- mann to send legal representa- was to be sent out to slave on men, women and children tives to participate in the trial labor. Mengele was also in among the prisoners. month, and the regrets other- man court. and thus give it "an interna- wise expressed by the Israel tional atmosphere appropriate government over the violation Frondizi Reiterates for the trial of one guilty of Argentine's territory by a Demand for Eichmann's against all humanity!' group of volunteers effecting Return to Argentina The Congressman told the the capture of Adolf Eichmann, LONDON, (JTA) — Arturo should be regarded as "adequate Frondizi, president of Argen- 73rd annual convention of the Order Brith Abraham that Israel reparation." tina, reiterated his demand for "should not dirty its hands by The note, delivered to the Israel's return of Nazi killer sentence or taking any part in Foreign Ministry in Buenos Adolf Eichmann to Argentina. meting out punishment" to Aires Monday night by the Is- He warned that his country's Eichmann but should after he raeli Ambassador, Aryeh Levavi, envoy to Israel, Ambassador is committed, return him "to repeated statements by Pre- Rodolfo Garcia Arias, will not the country of. his origin or mier David Ben-Gurion in the return to his post in Israel until birth for such action as this letter he addressed to President "ample reparation" is received country may see fit to take." Arturo Fondizi, stressing that from Israel for the violation of "moral considerations" could Argentine sovereignty by the Expert Says 300 Nazi not be overlooked in any discus- transfer of Eichmann from Ar- Doctors Are Unpunished gentine to Israeli soil. sion of the Eichmann case. TEL AVIV, (JTA) — More Dr. Arias was recalled from than 300 German physicians The note took the position, elaborated by Mrs. Meir befOre Israel to Buenos Aires on June who practiced medical experi- the Security Council, that not 12, following Argentina's snarp ments on Jewish and other pris- Israel, but individuals had cap- note to Israel four days earlier, oners in the Nazi concentration - 'Lured Eichmann in Argentina. demanding Eichmann's return. camps are still alive and un- It recalled the statements of the (The Israeli Foreign Ministr' punished, according to a man United States, Britain and in Jerusalem announced it had who is devoting his life to a France at the Security Council been informed by the Argentine study of Nazi crimes and crim- session, and concluded with the Foreign Ministry that Dr. Arias inals. Mark Dvoerzecki, a professor hope that Argentina would will not return, having been at the American-sponsored Bar- - agree with the unchallenged in- "given a new assignment.") Ilan University here, told a terpretation by the Security press conference that Dr. Josef Council that the issue should be Hammarskjold Says Israel, Mengele, whose extradition considered resolved in the spirit Argentina Should Negotiate of mutual respect and harmony, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. from Argentina is being sought which hitherto had characterized (JTA)—Secretary General Dag by the West German govern- Argentine-Israel relations. Hammarskjold said it was up to ment, had the power of life or SEVEN FRUITS—It's real fruit. Natural figs, apricots, cherries, the government of Israel and death over inmates of the Argentina Asks Israel Argentina to negot i a t e an Auschwitz concentration camp. pineapple, prune, raisin, plus tutti frutti. Refreshing, tangy, To Offer "Reparation" Mengele, as camp physician, bite-size squares. I lb., $1.39 agreement on the form of "ade- BONN, (JTA)—President Ar- quate reparations" due Argen- turo Frondizi of Argentina told tina from Israel under the Se- exclusive at a press conference that his gov- curity Council resolution in the ernment was eager to maintain Eichmann case. friendly relations with Israel, The resolution did not spell but that Israel- has been request- out the form of these repara- 18309 WYOMING nr. CURTIS ed to suggest "adequate repara- tions and the United States, NEW STORE: tion" for violating Argentine Britain, France, the Soviet territory in the seizure of Adolf Union and other members of 24711 COOLIDGE HWY. Eichmann. the Council indicated their view At 10 Mile Rd. Frondizi's statement, a n d that the resolution itself, plus Across from Dexter Davison Mkt. Summer Sale Buenos Aires reports that A r- the Israeli apology to Argen- gentina had "officially" aske d tina, constituted "adequate rep- Now In Progress Israel to state her intentions o n arations." Argentina did not ac- reparation, appeared to indicat e cept this and made it clear that that the Argentine governmen it expected something further WATCHES • JEWELRY did not, as did in(•‘,t member S from Israel. Certified Master of the United Nations Secu r- Watchmaker & Jeweler Barton's Confections and Baked Delicacies Are Also Hammarskjold apparently 18963 LIVERNOIS ity Council, consider forma 1 agreed with this position. He Available at CROWLEY'S STREET FLOOR UN. 1-8184 passage of the Argentine reso told his press conference that lution . censuring Israel and Is "the resolution was introduced rael's apology to Argentina a s by the Argentine delegate, and, "adequate reparation." for that reason, his word car- In general, in regard to Naz ries special weight in interpre- of* . • war criminals, who had take n tation. There is scope for dif- _ • refuge in Argentina, the Ar ferences of views. My own in- w tb gentine president said his gov terpretation was not a substan- 41 16 ernment was "quite willing" t o tive one but procedural—that, extradite them to West Ger when an issue has been left in many. He insisted, however this way, ambiguous, it is for that such requests should in the two parties concerned, in elude itemized information o or the spirit indicated by their the crimes charged against th e wish to have friendly relations, fugitives. He added: "It is no t to thrash it out between them- enough to refer to them as for selves, that is to say, to nego- flier Nazis." tiate the issue and agree on He said his government had what one party considers to be declared its readiness to extra- appropriate reparation and the dite Dr. Josef Mengele, a med- other party considers it reason- ical murder specialist at the able to give." Auschwitz camp, two weeks ago, despite the fact that there Bids Israel Invite Others "I have even more reasons than is no extradition treaty between Join in Eichmann Trial most people for saving the AMERI- KIAMESHA L A K E, N.Y. Argentina and West Germany. CAN Way, Sure, I get the same He added that Mengele "no (JTA)—Rep. Victor L. Anfuso high return as others—but my longer seems to reside at the of New York proposed that money also helps create jobs for location given by West Ger- Israel invite countries with "an people. You see, American Savings honest interest" in Adolf Eich- man authorities." invests its funds locally . . . to The Argentine president met finance new homes. And who builds with Chancellor Konrad Ade- them?—men like me! So I figure nauer. Informed sources said Arrest War Criminal benefit two ways at American that the Chancellor insisted that on Data from Israel Savings." negotiations be started for an HAMBURG, (JTA} — The extradition treaty between the first warrant for the arrest of two countries. It was also reported that the a Nazi war criminal based on Chancellor did not bring up the information supplied by Yad question of Argentine - Israel Vashem, the Israeli authority differences on Eichmann. Dr. which chronicles the events of on any amount :Curren? Rai* Adenauer refrained from rais- the Nazi holocaust, was issued here. The arrest was ordered All Savings Insured to $10,000 ing the issue, it was understood, of Ludwig Hahn, a former because the West German Gov- SS officer. ernment does not want to inter- Another Nazi, former SS fere, although the Adenauer officer Schoenemann, whose s • identity was also supplied by I IF YOU TURN THE Yad Vashem, was found to have disappeared when police • 1 , 7,5 I swooped down on his home in • UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T Cologne. Both men are wanted for the murder of countless FIND A FINER WINE THAN Michigan's Largest Siate•Chartered Savings Association • Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto s Dexter at Cortland • Livernois at W. 7 Mile • W. 9 Mile near Coolidge and the Treblinka death camp. , Yad Vashem forwarded to Main Office: Woodward at Congress • 4 Other Branches 4 0 • the West German authorities ea * . oe# last month a list of 325 war * ft Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. criminals believed to be alive. •0 "` mai a or air real cool candy by pARTON'S Wf WILL CLOSE FOR VACATION JULY 18 fin 14 and RE-OPEN MONDAY, JULY 25 GEORGE OHRENSTEIN OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS .... a carpenter explains: "Why I opened an account at AMERICAN SAVINGS" 31 / % • • •v •v• Kadeoe I r,e‘, ...... ......... -