Israel Tourist Office Director Will Address Bar-Ilan Reception Here Congress Adopts Immigration Bill with Compromise &MOW WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Con- gress has passed and sent to the White House a compromise immigration bill, authorizing immigration in the next two years of 25 percent as many European refugees as are re- settled by the 38 other nations participating in the world refu- gee program. The United Na- tions has estimated there are about 28,000 still remaining in European refugee camps. The bill would permit 500 of those admitted to be persons with physical handicaps, pro- vided the Attorney General is satisfied they would not require public support. Other provi- sions would extend to June 30, 1962, the expiring law permit- ting admission on a non-quota basis of alien orphans adopted by American citizens. Although several Senators voiced sharp dissatisfaction with the limited scope of the immi- gration bill, they were told it was the most the House would accept. BY HENRY LEONARD The expanding campus of Bar-Ilan, the American Uni- versity in Israel, is pointed out to Irving W. Schlussel, trustee of the University, by Mrs. Max Stollman, founder of the na- tional women's division. She will be hostess at a garden party on Wednesday at the Stollman summer home in Pontiac. 192_ * * 4: "And for making this Bar Mitzvah day possible, 11/Ieir Vidar, midwest director of the Israel Government Tour- the first American University I should like to thank my dear parents, my ist Office, will be the principal in Israel, will install 36 charter sister and brother, my beloved Hebrew teacher, life members. speaker at 12:30 p.m. Wednes- Those to be installed include Mr. Boyarsky, and my devoted psychiatrist, Dr. day at a reception for the De- troit chapter of the national Mesdames Samuel Aaron, Nor- MacDonald." Copr. .059, Leopard Women's division of the Ameri- man Allan, Theodore Bargman, can Committee for Bar-Ilan Percy Berman, Ralph Berman, David Berris, Al Borman, Torn University. Mrs. Max Stollman, founder Borman, A b r aham Caplan, of the women's division, will be Abraham Cutler, Philip Cutler, Dead and Red Seas 60 DAYS OF host at the Stollman summer Libby Dubrinsky, Joseph Fret- to Connect by End of '61 home, 2675 Lake Angelus Road, ter, David Goldberg, Abraham "SPRING FEVER Pontiac. Goldstein, Sarah H o n i g m a n, A new connecting link be- SELLING SPREE" Vidar, whose office is in Chi- William Hordes, Benjamin tween Sodom on the Dead Sea cago, is a citizen of Jerusalem. Klein, Joseph Klein, Rachel and Eilat on the Red Sea is Born in Carlsbad, Czechoslo- Kurtzman, Sam Lavine, S. L. A. under construction with com- Marshall, Isadore Muskovitz, R. pletion scheduled by the end vakia, he grew B. N e w m a n, Ben Nosanchuk, of 1961. up in the Abraham Nusbaum, David Pol- cosmopolitan DAN C. ROSE Sodom is one of the ancient Fleet Sales Mgr. lack, Morris Pollack, David cities of the world mentioned atmosphere of t h e interna- Schoichet, Sid Schwartz, Mendel in the Bible, while Eilat, MAKING SPRING TIME DEALS TO BEAT THE BAND! Shifman, Aaron Stollman, Max tional tourist though a well-known commu- CALL DAN ROSE TODAY AT TRinity 5-0500 Stollman, Israel Taines, Daniel center. nity in the Biblical period, is Temchin and Allen Weiss. For fiv e one of modern 'Israel's newest years, follow- Schwartz, who was area man- cities, being only about eight i ng World ager for the I s r a el Bonds years old and fast becoming a 6250 WOODWARD AVE., JUST S. of MILWAUKEE War II, Vidar Organization with headquarters favored tourist site as well as served in in Omaha for the past two Israel's gateway to Africa, Prime Minis- years, also will speak. through the Gulf of Aqaba. ter David Ben- Gurion's -of- fice. His final Vidar position was director of the tourist promotion department. In 1956, he was transferred to the United States to take charge of the Institutional Re- lations Department of the Israel Government Tourist Office in New York City. He has visited Bar-Ilan University during var- ious stages of its steady devel- opment. In April, 1959, the govern- ment of Israel established an official tourist office in Chi- cago, serving the Midwest and Southwest regions of the United States, and Vidar was named INTEREST director. Mrs. Sidney Ravin, member- COMPOUNDED ship chairman of the Detroit chapter, will serve as program QUARTERLY chairman of the day. She and FOR SAVERS AND INVESTORS: When money comes Gerald Schwartz, national ex- ecutive director for Bar-Ilan, your way—here is a GENUINE SAVINGS ACCOUNT it\! , 19 60 JERRY McCARTHY CHEVROLET CO. Classified Ads Bring Results Wdeoe pee eleitodit totaft*e asaait94 . Medallion Savings Accounts Pay $5,000 for Orthodox Braille Prayer Book MISS GOOD CHECK 3 7 which only a well-managed, long-established Bank can provide. Issued in amounts of $500 and up; additional deposits of any amount may be made at any time. Interest is credited and compounded quarterly —and paid on highest balance continuously on deposit for each month. For complete information about MEDALLION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS stop in, or phone the banking number W0 ,3-1700. K .rize COMMONWEALTH Mrs. Harry J. Finke, presi- dent, Jewish Braille Institute of America (left), accepts a cheek for $5,000 from the Women's Branch, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congrega- tions of America, as the ini- tial contribution toward the cost of publishing an Ortho- dox Prayer Book in Hebrew- English braille for free dis- tribution, from Mrs. Allen I. Edles, national president, Women's Branch of UOJCA. Mark Twain Office 14401 W. 7 Mile at James Couzens Hwy. 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