Around the frgrld. Probe into Past Nazi Activities of Oberlaencler • • Jewish Education Demands Return to Culture, Religion — Goldmann from A Digest of World Jewish Happenings, (Special JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) Dispatches of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Other PARIS — Jewish education News-Gathering Media. should receive top priority in Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News ers from all parts of the free world, as two-fold: "To draw the attention of the Jewish communities to the central role of education in our lives and to find solutions to the problems of Jewish educes tion." Goldmann said that the tradi- tional forces of Jewish life which had spurred Jewish edu- cation have broken down for many Jews. "We, therefore, have to find new content for Jewish educa- tion based on Jewish culture and Jewish religion which can be significant to the new gen- eration, he said. "We must find ways to bring these values to the members of that genera- tion." Jewish communal programs in United States BONN — Investigations into NEW YORK—The Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith allocation of funds and in "the the alleged Nazi past of former has asked Attorney General William P. Rogers to order the mobilization of our efforts," Dr. Minister for Refugees Theodor expulsion from this country of Ferdinand Durcansky, one-time Nahum Goldmann told the open- Oberlaender are still continu- foreign minister of the Nazi puppet state of Slovakia, who is ing session Wednesday of the ing, bath on the federal prose- accused of responsibility for the first anti-Jewish laws in World Conference on Jewish cutor's level and in Parliament, Slovakia which, ADL pointed out, "resulted in the disappearance Education. it was revealed here Monday. "Thanks to the upbuilding of of 68,000 Jews of whom 60,000 are estimated to have been When Dr. Oberlaender re- killed" . . . A tenth anniversary national economic planning Israel, Jewish education is to- signed from his cabinet post conference for Israel will be held at the Shoreham Hotel, day our most important prob- several weeks ago lit was as- Washington, D.C., Sept. 16 to 18, under auspices of the State lem," he said. "Fighting anti- sumed that the charges that he Semitism and giving relief is had been political officer of of Israel Bond Organization, to inaugurate the opening of the important, but the consolida- 1960 fall campaign for the sale of State of Israel Bonds. Israel's the Nazi Nightingale Battalion, tion of Jewish education is even which supervised the mass mur- Finance Minister Levi Eshkol will be guest speaker. more vital." der of Polish intellectuals and .'Latin America He described the purpose Jews in Lemberg, Poland, in BUENOS AIRES—The Union Civica del Pueblo, opposition of the conference, attended 1941, had been dropped. Argentinian party, will ask for the resignation of Dr. Mario by educators and Jewish lead- Monday, the prosecutor's of- Argentina's permanent - UN delegate, because of his fice here announced that seven Amadeo, alleged Nazi past, a Buenos Aires radio station announced . . . Jewish witnesses against Dr. RIO de JANEIRO—The City Council of Rio de Janeiro Oberlaender are expected to ar- rive here from Israel this week. unanimously adopted a resolution in support of Israel's stand in Their testimony, the prosecu- refusing to return Nazi killer Adolf Eichmann, expressing the tor's office declared, will help hope that the seizure of Eichmann will serve as a warning to determine whether the prosecu- all other countries where Nazi criminals have found asylum . tor will request that Dr. Ober- Israel laender's parliamentary immun- JERUSALEM—Syrian authorities have captured a "gang" ity should be lifted so that he engaged in the "criminal activity" of helping Jews to flee from might be arraigned on the Syria. Arab newspaper report stating that three Syrians, four charges in connection with the Turks and an undisclosed number of Jews had been arrested activities of the Nightingale near the Turkish border during an attempt to smuggle Jews Battalion. Parliament has dropped, at into Turkey . . . Minister of Agriculture Moshe Dayan told least for the summer, plans to the Parliamentary Economic Committee that no new agricultural create a special parliamentary settlements would be established in Israel during the next four commission to probe into the years except where security considerations prevailed or where charges against the former settlement' could be effected without having to bring in water cabinet member. How eve r, from other sources . . . The most important task facing the since Dr. Oberlaender is still American Zionist movement today is education, Mrs. Rose a member of the parliament, Halprin, member of the Jewish Agency executive, said here Prof. Franz Boehm, a promi- before her departure for the United States . . . A French nent member raised the ques- delegation has arrived here to negotiate with the Israel govern- tion Monday as to whether the ment on the implementation of a cultural agreement between ex-minister should continue the two countries which was signed last November . . . The serving in the federal legisla- Jordan delegation to the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Com- mission denied reports that archaeological excavations would be ture. Prof. Boehm expressed the carried out in the vicinity of the Wailing Wall in the Old City opinion that an investigation by of Jerusalem, the Foreign Ministry announced . . . The Supreme parliament has became neces- Religious Council decided to dedicate Saturday, July 9, (Tammuz sary to determine that point. 14) to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of the Significanctly, Prof. Boehm is late Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Halevi Herzog . . . Thein Hlaing, Deputy a member of Chancellor Kon- Inspector General of Burma's police force, accompanied by an rad Adenauer's party, The aide, arrived here for three months of study of Israeli police Christian Democratic Union. It administration methods, the visit having been arranged under was Dr. Adenauer himself who the United States Operations Mission program. originally appointed Dr. Ober- Canada laender to the cabinet post and MONTREAL—Henry Blank will be the first Jew to serve for a long time refused to view the charges against Oberlaen- in the • Quebec Legislative Assembly in a decade following his election last week. Maurice Hart served in the legislature 10 der seriously. Seven Jews are now en route years ago. TORONTO—The 1960 United Jewish Appeal campaign closed from Israel to provide testi- mony against Oberlaender. here with a total of $2,803,000 raised, an increase of almost Their statements will largely $250,000 over the previous year. determine whether the federal Europe There's confidence in his stride, peace' in his heart prosecutor will ask Parliament BONN—Dr. Fritz Schaffer, West German Minister of Justice, to lift Oberlaender's immunity. defended his government's record in seeking out Nazi criminals and happiness on his shoulders. He's just made hiding abroad, by asserting that West Germany would have one of the most important decisions in his life ... Financial Corporation asked for the extradition of Nazi killer Adolf Eichmann if his- he's made doubly sure his family's financial future had been known . . . A West German Government Elects 2 Top Officials wherebouts will be safe with BMA's famous "Flexible 65" life spokesman said that a treaty will be signed shortly by which Election of Judge SEYMOUR R. LEVINE, of Peekskill, N. Y. the government agrees to pay 400,000,000 marks ($100,000,000) insurance plan. as chairman of the board, and in compensation to France. VIENNA—Dr. Egon Schoenpflug, 45, who was identified in of ISAAC IMBER, New York, You can do the same for your family ... at a price as president, was announced by the Munich war crimes trial as a former high Nazi police officer you can afford! You get $10,000 of financial pro- responsible for mass murders in German-occupied Poland and Rassco Financial Corporation, tection right now ... but you make the largest part following the annual stockhold- the Ukraine, was arrested by the Austrian police on a German extradition charge. ers meeting. of your deposits after ten years when your cost of SCHLESWIG—A municipal councilman, Martin Fellenz, was arrested on charges of participating in the murder of the Jews living will have leveled off and your income in- of Cracow in 1942. creased. At the end of ten years, too, you have MAINZ—Some 10 youths, 18 to 23, arrested for wearing three additional options from which to choose SS-like uniforms and singing Nazi songs, continued their songfest in Bergzaben prison near here. truly present protection and future flexibility! BERLIN—Sen. Joachim Lipschitz, leading Social Democrat, revealed here that at least 1,400 Jews were saved from death during the war by non-Jewish Germans. He introduced a bill in the City-State Legislature to compensate Germans who had saved 131_7SINESS MEN'S ASSUFLA.NCE Jews and are now in need. o6 C17, wte",:-C4A-0. GENOA—Police were forced to use tear gas in breaking up Kansas City 41, Mistaud an anti-Fascist demonstration called in protest of the opening Home Office: Union Station Plaza • of the convention of Movimento Sociale, a neo-fascist group. About 20 demonstrators and policemen were injured . . . An anti-Israel resolution expressing concern over Israel's "disregard "ffigt Life lnsurance • Accident and Health Kam" of United Nations resolutions" and holding that such disregard Hospitalization • Major Medical Expense 1 111 "threatens peace in Northeast Africa" was adopted by the Con- Annuities Group Plans ference of African States meeting at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The United Arab Republic maneuvered the resolution by threat- ••••• ening to vote against a principal resolution condemning apartheid in South Africa. Call your nearest BMA representathre Riding high - . . . isn't it about time your LOOSE RUGS had a professional ............ cleaning? ea eri: CARPET CLEANING CO. . 5 - El 4 0 8700 LINW000 . WJ Congress Department Moves to Geneva The community service wing (Organization Department) of the World Jewish Congress to- day was officially transferred from New York to Geneva, Switzerland. The Department was responsi- ble for maintaining contact with World Jewish Congress affiliates in more than 60 coun- tries. Heading the Department is Dr. Gerhart M. Riegner, WJC director of coordination in Ge- neva. He succeeds Dr. I. Schwarzbart, Department chief for the past 14 years. BMA Representatives in Your Area: Henry Channen Howard H. Finsilver Sidney Konikow Herman J. Agins Irving A. Levy Detroit Branch Office: 2612 N. Woodward Avenue, Royal Oak, Mich. Robert E. Cook, Branch Manager Phone: JO 6-7193