UNITED NATIONS, (JTA)- Argentine President Arturo Frondizi was reported to have said at Brussels, Belgium, that he does not consider an Israeli apology sufficient "reparation" "for the illicit and clandestine" ARTURO FRONDIZI transfer of Nazi killer Adolf Eichmann from Argentine ter- ritory to Israeli soil. When the Security Council last Thursday adopted the re- solution proposed by Argentina, calling for "adequate repara- tion" from Israel, Dr. Mario Amadeo, chairman of the Argen- tine delegation, refused to specify what "reparation" his government would consider "adequate." He had been asked the ques- tion, first by Israel Foreign Minister Golda Meir then, force- fully, by Arkady A. Sobolev, head of the Soviet Union's dele- gation. On behalf of the United States Government, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge had told the Coun- cil that Washington would con- sider Israel's apology, already voiced in the Council by Mrs. Meir, as "adequate." Adoption of the resolution itself, "taken together" with Mrs. Meir's apology for Israel's violation of Argentine sovereignty in the abduction of Eichmann, should close the case, Lodge said. The Brussels statement by Frondizi left doubts as to what further steps, if any, were con- templated by the Argentine government. Dr. Amadeo had told the Council, at one point in the debate on his anti-Israel resolu- tion, that his government de- manded not only the return of Eich-mann, but also the punish- ment of those who captured the Nazi without permission from the Argentine government. However, the Buenos Aires representative did not repeat this interpretation when chal- lenged for a definition of "ade- quate reparation." initiatives give the hope that new progress will be achieved." The Premier added he was certain that "useful coopera- tion between Israel and the young State of the Congo will be established and that the Congo will find in Israel things to follow as examples, mainly in the field of rural economy and the organization of co- operatives." On his arrival at The Hague with his wife and daughter, the Prime Minister was greeted by a group of Netherlands offi- cials. OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS Robert Fulton was a portrait painter before he became an inventor. HARRY ABRAM is giving the best deal on the "ALL NEW" 1960 /CHEVROLET Israel's Prime Minister DAVID BEN-GURION is shown here on his way to Stuyvenberg Castle, in Brus- sels, for his conference with Queen Mother Elizabeth, dur- ing his visit last week in Belgium. the announcement in the Bunde- stag Monday night as question- ing of the government's policy MURRY' KOBLIN by the opposition Social Demo- "One of the finest To Discuss Argentina crats continued. artists in the world' Dr. Schaffer asserted that --Mother As Haven for Ex-Nazis the West German government Direct JTA Teletype Wire to would immediately ask for the The Jewish News extradition of Nazi criminal BONN — The extradition of Adolf Eichmann if Israel would Nazis who have fled to sanc- return him to Argentina. tuary in Argentina will be one He pointed out that Argen- of the topics to be discussed 18039'k with President Frondizi of that tine authorities had explicitly Wyoming country during his forthcom- rejected one West German re- UN. ing visit to West Germany, it quest for extradition of a want- 1-5600 ed Nazi criminal and that in was disclosed here. Dr. Fritz Schaffer, West Ger- other cases the Nazis could not ADVERTISING ART man Minister of Justice, made be found in Argentina, having left the country before the Argentine government reached a decision on the West German requests. Israel Premier Ben-Gurion re- mained firm this week in his conviction that Eichmann would be tried in Israel. Home after his European trip, the Prime Minister took his daily morning walk on Tuesday and later returned to his office to resume his regular duties. He spent several hours Mon- day at the Herzliah seashore, and was applauded by thousands of bathers. Finance Minister Levi Eshkol who had been acting Prime Minister during B 3n-Gurion's visit left soon after his return for Belgian Congo on the first leg of a West African tour that will take him to Liberia, Ghana and Nigeria. Before leaving Brussels, Ben- Gurion had told a delegation of Zionist organizations that Israel expected three actions from non-Israeli Jewries. He said these were (1) pro- vision of Jewish education to rs all Jewish children "so that the Jewish people will be united by a common culture;" (2) establishing personal ties with SUMMER ASSORTMENT—Everybody's favorite Barton's Israel by sending children to candies, Dressed for warm weather in their tasty white and Israel to visit and study there, beige summer coats. Centers of caramels, nuts, fruits, nougats, and (3) personal settlement in crunch and cremes. 1 lb., $1.79 Israel so that the youth from other Jewish communities would exclusive at participate "in the upbuilding" of the Jewish State. The Prime Minister attended 18309 WYOMING nr. CURTIS a state dinner in his honor given by Premier Gaston Eys- NEW STORE: kens and attended by leaders of the Belgian Senate and Par- 24711 COOLIDGE HWY. liament and various Cabinet At 10 Mile Rd. Ministers. Across from Dexter Davison Mkt. 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LI 8-4119 AT THE SAME PRICE LOCAL 12 OUNCE BOTOO 5 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July 1, 1960 Israel Apology Not Sufficient, Frondizi Says; B-G Holds Firm