Cl Dr. Flexner's Remember' Explains Educator's Assimilationist Leaning In 1940, the eminent Dr. Abraham Flexner, whose role in the advancement of the needs of our major educational institutions in this country re- mains unparalleled, wrote • his autobiography under the title "I Remember." He revised it before his death, at 92, in 1959. It is now out in the new re- vised edition, published by Simon and Schuster (630 5th, N. Y. 20). It is a remarkably good book, and it not only reveals the genius of the author but also throws much light on the revo- lution that was wrought in American educational systems by the eminent autobiographer about whom Allan Nevins states in an introduction to "I Remember": "To future genera- tions Dr. Flexner's name will recall a rich period in American cultural development." At the outset, it is pointed out in Nevins' introduction that Dr. Flexner's major con- tributions were "the revolu- tion he wrought in American medical education" and "the establishment of the Insti- tute for Advanced Study at Princeton," qualifying the latter but stating that it "represented a special aim pursued with characteristic enthusiasm." Dr. Flexner, who studied in European as well aL; American universities, reviews his mani- fold experiences here and abroad. Tracing the family back- ground, he states that his knowl- edge of his ancestry is scant, but he recalls that his grand- father on his father's side, Michael Flexner, who lived in Prague, "was the first person to compile a Hebrew-Latin lexi- con." Until he was 14, his father lived in Strasbourg "with an uncle, Joseph Flexner, a rabbi." The children drifted away from Jewish affiliations, as Dr. Flexner explains: "At an early age, we began to be affected by the rational- istic spirit of the time. Our parents remained to the end of their lives pious Hebrews, attending the synagogue regu- larly and observing religious feats. They saw us drift away into streams of thought and feeling that they did not understand. They interposed no resistance. For us, Darwin, Herbert Spencer and Huxley, then at the height of their fame and influence, replaced the Bible and the prayer book; never a word of remon- strance, inquiry, or expostu- lation escaped our parents. They were shrewd enough to realize that their hold upon their children was strength- ened by the fact that they held them with a loose rein. In consequence, we had no secrets from them. They knew where we were and where we were going, and they made our friends, from a world alien to them, wel- come in our home and at our table. It did not trouble my mother later that two of her sons married Christian girls." Dr. Abraham Flexner was one of the two brothers who married out of the Jewish fold. But he did not fail to refer to himself as a Jew whenever the occasion arose for him to men- tion his lineage. When Presi- dent Arthur T. Hadley of Yale University spoke to him about a suggestion that the leadership of Cal. Isaac Ullman should be utilized for a fund-raising proj- ect, Hadley raised objections: "Colonel Ullman is not a Yale graduate . . . In the second place, Colonel Ullman's closest friend is a Roman Catholic while he himself is a Jew, and we are anxious to avoid any- thing that might be attributed to racial and religious preju- dice." Dr. Flexner replied: "As I am a Jew myself and have been for years making my way among Christians and working with them, I think the situation can be handled tactfully, so that prejudice need not arise." Colonel Ull- man proved a great success in his fund-raising leadership. Dr. Flexner's "I Remember" is replete with recollections about famous Americans, about men like Julius Rosenwald and his son Lessing, Judge Julian Mack, Max Epstein and many others—philanthropists as well as educational and government leader s. His autobiography should be read by all who are interested in educational prob- lems and in the cultural prog- ress of America. Rabbi Aryeh Lev Serves at Boy Scout Jamboree The National Jewish Welfare Board has again made available to the Boy Scouts of America the services of Rabbi Aryeh- lev, director of JWB's Cam- mission on Jewish Chaplaincy, who will be the Jewish-General at the fifth National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts at Colorado Springs, Colo., July 22-28. More than 2,000 Jewish boys are ex- pected to be among the 55,000 Scouts who will take part :n Scouting's Golden Jubilee Jam- boree. Rabbi Lev will direct a staff of eight Jewish chaplains who will care for the religious needs of Jewish boys so they can observe the 12th Scout Law: "A Scout is reverent.", Women spent more than $1 billion in beauty salons in 1958. To gain their share of the beauty market, perfume and cosmetic advertisers last year invested over $12 million in national newspaper advertising. - POEM **1 1.10 BY HENRY LEONARD Map Bond Campaign For High Holy Days Committee chairmen will be selected at a kick-off campaign • meeting for the 1960 High Holy Day appeals in behalf of State of Israel Bonds 10:30 a.m. Sun- day at the Jewish Community Center, Curtis and Meyers. The session will be attended by presidents, rabbis, Israel Bond chairmen and active lead- ers of Detroit area synagogues and temples. Phillip Stollman, regional and Detroit High Holy Day chair- man for the third consecutive year, will report on his recent trip to Israel. Louis E. Levitan, city man- ager for Israel bonds, will give an account of the techniques and results of last year's cam- paign. Awards will be presented to the outstanding congregations in this year's appeals. Co-chairmen of the drive are Judge Nathan J. Kaufman and Norman Allan. Stallman said additional ac- "There goes Beryl, the weightlifter, tivities and congregations will be involved this year. There showing off again!" were 25 area congregations that participated last year. "The tempo of the 1960 Is- rael Bond campaign in Detroit, highlighted by the success of Amherst Accepts Fund; Indonesian Jewry on our tribute to Golda Meir, in- Bias Conditions Removed Verge of Disappearance dicates record results for the NEWARK, (JTA) — Amherst From 200 in January, 1959, current campaign," Stollman College was ready to accept a the Indonesian Jewish commun- said. scholarship loan fund after ity has dwindled to about 80, Superior Court Judge David A. according to information re- Noted MD Was Montrealer Pindar removed the w or d s ceived by the World Jewish Dr. Herbert Lightstone, "Protestant" and "Gentile" from Congress in New York. Migra- D. S. 0., F. D., M. D., C. M., who the will setting up the fund. tion in the near future is ex- died in London, England, in The college had refused to ac- pected to reduce that number February, 1942, was a distin- cept the gift because of the re- to about 30. A decade ago guished Montrealer, who be- ligious qualifications. there were 2,000 Jews living in came director-general of medi- The bequest had been left Indonesia. cal services in the British Min- by an alumnus, C. Edward Mc- The figures are contained in istry of Pensions. He had served Kinney of East Orange, N. J., a report sent to Dr. I. Schwarz- actively in four wars. He was who died in 1957. McKinney, a bart, director of WJC's organ- the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. bachelor, left a $50,000 trust ization department, by C. Lightstone, whose large family fund to the college for the loan Mussry, president of the Jewish was given added luster by a fund and made the college the community in Sourabaya. daughter Pauline, who later be- beneficiary of the rest of his came Donalda, the famous op- $200,000 estate. Classified ads bring fast results! era singer. 11011r17/ orTmr:7-1 " WHEEE! TAKE A LOOK AT THIS NEWSPAPER ... 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