THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Frid\ay, June 17, 1960 — 10 Israeli Opinion on Eichmann's Return; `No!' (Continued from Page 1) (Most of the press in Brazil, according to dispatches from Sao Paulo, holds that the moral and human considerations • out- weigh the strictly legal aspects of the Eichmann case.) Diplomatic sources said here that France. had offered a com- promise solution to the .Argen- tine-Israeli dispute over the cap- ture of Eichmann. Under this plan, it was said, Israel would agree to the return of Eichmann —by proxy—to Argentina, and would immediately initiate for- ma} extradition demands which Argentina would immediately .grant. Argentine "face" would thus be saved, and the capture of Eichmann legalized. (From Paris, it was reported thats, a Fr en c h government spokesman has declined to com- ment on reports that France might serve as mediator be- tween Israel and Argentina in •the 'dispute over the 'capture of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. It was asserted, in Paris that France would agree to act as mediator only if Israel should request it.) The Argentine government announced the arrest of Jan Durcansky, a Czechoslovak resi- dent, for extradition to Czecho- slovakia on charges of mass murder of Jews in that country during World War II. A prelimi- nary statement was taken from him after the Czechoslovak lega- tion here filed a formal peti- tion for his extradition. Uniformed Neo-Nazis Picket White House in Defense of Eichmann WASHINGTON, (JTA)• — A uniformed squad of George Lin- coln Rockwell's neo-Nazi• brown:- shirts, wearing swastika arm- bands, picketed the White House last Saturday, bearing placards urging gassing of Jews. Police Sunday arrested two supporters of Lincoln Rock- well's neo-Nazi group on charges of disorderly conduct at a Nazi rally near the U.S. National Archives Building. One of the men arrested participated in the picketing of the White House at which time he wore a brown- shirt uniform and swastika arm- band. Rockwell's meeting Sun- day ended in confusion as sev- eral non-Jews heckled the neo- Nazi leader. B G, Frondizi May Meet on Eichmann Incident - (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Special to The Jewish News) PARIS. — Sources close to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion's party here indicated Tuesday that a meeting between Israel's Prime Minister and President Frondizi of Argentina was pos- sible, but if it took place it would not be in France. Such a meeting, it was presumed, would deal with the impasse in Israel-Argentine relations aris- ing from the Eichmann case. A meeting in France was ruled out by the schedules of the, two leaders. Ben-Gurion is leaving France on June 20 and Frondizi is arriving on June 22. A meeting might materialize in Holland or Belgium, which both leaders will be visiting after their French tours are finished. It was learned that no initi- ative had yet been taken to ar- range such a meeting, but also that the possibility had not been ruled out. (The London Daily Express reported that Argentine au- thorities had cooperated in Eich- mann's capture out of fear for "international embarrassment" if they interfered.) Israel Cabinet 'Discusses Argentine Ultimatum; Firm On Eichmann JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Is- rael's Cabinet, after discussing the Argentine Government's ul- timatum, which calls for the return to Buenos Aires, within a week, of Nazi killer Adolf Eichmann; decided to instruct Arieh Levavi; Israel's Ambassa- dor to Argentina, to continue contacts with the Argentine For- There's eign Ministry on this issue on Still Time to the diplomatic level, in an ef- Pay Tribute to fort - to . negotiate a modus vi- vendi. - Prime Minister David Ben- Gurion's letter to Argentine On Father's Day, President Arturo Frondizi was June 19th by adopted as the basis of the gov- ernment's policy regarding the Argentin& ultimatum. The poi= icy, in brief, is to arraign Eich- mann in Israel. Members of the Cabinet reportedly accepted Ben-Gurion's letter to President Frondizi as the government's last word on the Argentine de- mand. A ,Growing Tree is a Living Israeli circles still reportedly Tribute to your Father . . Every new tree in Israel is hope that a way may be found a loving thought. Let trees out of the apparent Israeli- in Israel honor or Memorial- Argentine impasse. However, Is- ize Him. rael's determination not to re- turn Eichmann to Buenos Aires PHONE seems firm. _Public opinion The Jewish throughout the country is 'over- National Fund ivhelmingly Opposed to the thought of surrendering Eich- mann, even at the possible cost of the deterioration of Israeli- . FOR A TREE CERTIFICATE FOR YOUR FATHER Argentine relations. • Evening newspapers here For the convenience of carried statements on the Ar- those who will wish to gentine demand headlined pick up a Father's Day "NO!" in large type. Maariv certificate for trees, the declared that "it is every Jew JNF•will be open Sunday in Israel who would say just to 2 P.M. one word in reply to Argen- tina — no." The newspaper ISRAEL added that Eichmann should not be returned to the coun- NEEDS try where he found a quiet TREES shelter for so long. "Even if the price for this is high, as it may be, it is not only Israel's right to try Eichmann JEWISH but also the obligation given to NATIONAL Israel by the 6,000,000 Jews who cannot say anything now," the FUND 18414 WYOMING AVENUE newspaper, which has the larg- ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO JNF est circulation in Israel, stated. ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE Israeli experts on interna- DAD PLANTING A TREE IN ISRAEL UN 4-2767 , tional law asserted that Argen- tina was in error in saying, in its note demanding Eichmann's return, that Eichmann was be- ing charged by Israel with geno- cide and, therefore, he should be tried in the countries where he committed his crimes or be- fore an international tribunal. The experts emphasized that the charge against Eichmann, as stated before Haifa Magistrate Alfred Bach, w ere crimes against humanity under. the law for punishment of Nazis and their collaborators, which is an Israeli law. It was' also noted that the Israel - Argentine extradition treaty, signed shortly before Eichmann's capture, has not yet been ratified by either country. Moreover, Israelis were becom- ing doubtful that Argentina would have extradited Eich- mann, noting that Argentina has not extradited various ex- Nazis whose return has been requested by several countries, including West Germany and Yugoslavia. The Knesset, by a vote of 29 to 20, defeated a motion by the right-wing Herut party ex- pressing opposition to Justice Minister Pinhas - Rosen's re- quest to the Israel press to avoid comment which might prejudice t h e forthcoming trial of Eichthann. Threatening letters in connec- tion with Eichmann's arrest continued to arrive addressed to various members of the Is-. rael Cabinet. More than a half dozen have been received at Prime Minister David Ben-Gti- rion's office written in various languages, ,some from France and some from Germany. Some of the letters, were mailed in Israel and while these also were turned over to the Security Service, it was believed they were the work of pranksters. Argentina Refused to Extradite Nazi Charged with Killing Jews BONN, (JTA)—The Bamberg public prosecutor revealed in connection with the controversy over the Israeli seizure of Adolf Eichmann, that Argentina sev- eral years ago refused a West German request for extradition of a former German Foreign Office official accused of par- ticipation in the wartime mass Murders of Jews. The Federal Republic had asked Argentina for the extra- dition of Karl Klingenfuss, a counsellor in Hitler's Foreign Ministry. Inquiries 'into - Kling- enfuss' case were opened in 1952 on the basis of information 01347 tamed in the prosecution of Fritz Rademacher, another for- . mer counselor. R a dema cher was sentenced to three years and five months' imprisonment when he was convicted as an accessory in the killing of 1,300 Siberian Jews. He escaped while his appeal from the sentence was pending. Ambassador Leaves Israel TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Dr. Ro- dolfo Garcia Arias, Argentine Ambassador to Israel, left for Buenos Aires. He was summon- ed home for consultation on the case of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi specialist in the mass mur- der 'of Jews. • Prior to his departure, Dr. Arias conferred with high offi- cials of the Israel Foreign Min- istry. At the airport at Lydda he told reporters: "The difficult situation that has arisen over Eichmann brought about my leaving for Buenos Aires." He was believed to be indicating that he has not been recalled, and that he expects to return. Mrs. Arias returned to her home here, which is being guarded - by Israel police. The Argentine Embassy, too, is un- der special guard since an anonymous telephone call was received by police authorities :Friday, Warning that bombs had been placed at 'the Embassy as well as at the Arias home. A police official said a search of both places had revealed no explosives. . • A -personal letter from Ben- Gution to Argentine President Arturo Frondizi was described as "friendly." It contained a de- scription of Eichmann's key -role in the. extermination of. Euro - . jean Jewry. The Prime Mini$ter stressed the "symbolic signifi- cance" • of the fact that mem- bers of the Jewish ..people had found and captured Eichmann: Ben :Gurfon u r g e d Pregi4ent Fronclizi to :give special consi& Oration tol-; ;;t0:- uriprebederited circumstances Of the ,case , ; - :Conceding that the-volunteers who captured Eichniann.iii.:Ar7: gentina have committed: a "for--: mal I violation of Argentine - wrote Dr: laws," Ben-6fukio,n Frondizi: "This event cannot be judged only from a formal point of view. The obligation of all countries to scrupulously re- spect the laws of others is be- yond any doubt. But neither can be ignored the supreme motiva- tions that have guided, the im- perative moral force that has pushed, and the deepness of the feelings that pressed those who found Eichmann and, with his consent, brgught him to trial." Summer heat got you down? Why feel like you're on fire, just 'cause the weather - is scorching hot? Your who house can be delightfully cool day and night with Win-Sum- Matic conditioning by Janitrol! Provides luxurious ,gas heating in winter too!, Phone for facts. Janitrol- Add-On Coolin . ig S • Plus Installation NO MONEY DtOWN, — UP TO 3- YEARS TO PAY! NEW .3/4.-TON. WItilDOW-, UNIT- 185 Richman-Miller , LI'7-0344 -Call . 491i. •Fir.ife; ,Eves. and 'Sunday i nFludin SEE JOHNNY LEBOW AT HANLEY' DAWSON CHEVROLET 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd. 1 UN-- 4-2300 Blk. West of Jas. Couzens UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS - Now Enrolling for Fall Term New Borman Branch In Evergreen LIVONIA BRANCH Located at Bentler and 7 Mile Road Located at Botsford Public School, Lathers and 7 Mile Road For INFORMATION and REGISTRATION, call Dlamond 1-3401 CONVERSE IN HEBREW IN FIVE WEEKS An Ulpan Course for Intensive Hebrew Study Two Hours a Day — Three Days a Week June 27 — July 28 Instruction by Israeli Experts — Registration June 20-24th For INFORMATION, call the MIDRASHA--- The Col lege of Jewish Studies Diamon d 1- 3407 =