..ziround the A Digest of World . Jewish Happenings,- - from Dispatches of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Other News-Gathering Media. United States NEW YORK—A first edition of 6,000 copies of the volume "Israel's Struggle for Peace," published by the Israel Office of information, was exhausted, and a second edition is planned . . . Publishers of history textbooks widely used in American schools rejected the charge of the Association of Teachers of Social Studies that the books have given "inadequate treatment" to Nazi genocide practices . . Dr. Israel Goldstein and Mrs. Rose L. Halprin, co-chairmen of the World Confederation of General Zionists, issued a call to a conference, to be held in London July 2-4, to discuss the issues facing the Zionist move- ment on the eve of the 25th World Zionist Congress to be held in Jerusalem in DeCeinber. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.—Police are investigating the paint- ing of a 15-inch-high swastika on the office door of Edward M. Goldberg, visiting assistant professor of government at the University of New Mexico, and the president of the university, Tom Popejoy, called the incident "deplorable." BOSTON — The twelfth annual Conference Against Dis- crimination will be held at North Falmouth June 1245, Mrs. Mildred H. Mahoney, chairman of the Massachusetts Commis- sion Against Discrimination, announced. HARRISBURG — The High Education Unit of the Governor's Committee on Education has been urged by the Philadelphia Jewish Community Relations Council to back enactment of a fair educational practices law for Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA — A regional Hebrew High School was dedicated as the Cyrus Adler Hebrew High School in memory of the educator who served as president of Dropsie College from its start in 1908 until his death in 1940. Europe PARIS—The National Restoration Movement, which pub- lishes a major anti-Semitic weekly, Aspects de France, an- nounced plans to renovate the notorious pre-war periodical, Aotion Fraincaise, noted for its anti-Semitism, and a mass meeting it called for that purpose was addressed by Xavier Vallat, Commissioner for Jewish Questions under the Vichy regime and editor of Aspects de France . . . French government representatives, including Minister of Labor Paul Bacon, at- tended ORT's 80th anniversary celebration here. VIENNA—The Warsaw Jewish newspaper Folstimme states that a monument in memory of Lublin's martyred Jews will be erected in that city with the support of the Lublin City Council, the Union of Fighters for Freedom and Jewish groups. BONN—The West German government is studying means of compensation for women of Poland who were victims • of Nazi medical experiments in the Auschwitz and Ravensbrueck concentration camps. LONDON—The withdrawal of a government subsidy from the only Jewish schools for girls in Britain—the Avigdor Sec- ondary School at Stoke-Newington—brought charges from offi- cials of the Jewish Secondary School Movement that the Minis- try of Education acted arbitrarily. Israel HAIFA—Officers and crews of the British Mediterranean Fleet were guests of the City of Haifa on June 2 after the fleet sailed into this harbor for an official five-day visit. Plan Whirlwind Visit to France by Israel's Premier Ben-Gurion (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) PARIS — A program which will include a formal luncheon tendered by President DeGaulle and a dinner at which Premier Michel Debrew will be host was outlined here Tuesday for Prime Minister Ben-Gurion's five-day visit to France. • The Prime Minister will ar- rive by plane from Israel Mon- day.. He will be met by repre- sentatives of the French gov- ernment at the Only Airport. It was considered likely that he will make a statement at the airport. The luncheon with De Gaulle will be held at Matignon Palace on Tuesday, and the din- ner that same sevening. It was also likely that the Prime Minister will have a a meeting with Maurice Couve de Murville, French Foreign Minister, and with Debre. Three important luncheon meetings will be given. One will be by the Israel EMbassy here for a score of French officials and other leaders. Another will be provided by the Association France-Israel, which is expected to bring together 150 leaders of every political group in France and from all walks of life. The third will be a luncheon of the Diplomatic Press Association, at which Ben-Gurion will an- swer questions of the French press about Israel's policies, at- titudes and objectives on the in- ternational scene. There will be a visit to UNESCO headquarters where Ben-Gurion will be greeted by Acting Director General Rene Mahu and a visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Jewish Mar- tyrs, just off the Paiis Jewish quarter, which commemorates the 6,000,000 Jewish victims of Nazism. The Zionist Federation of France is seeking to organize another reception at which all major French Jewish organiza- tions would be represented, for ELGIN a meeting of their leaders with Ben-Gurion. The 'Premier was certain to meet privately during his Paris visit with a number of French personalities who he knows personally and who have visited Israel in recent years. These •would presumably include Pierre Gilbert, former Ambas- sador to Israel, Socialist leader Guy Mollet, former Premier Mendes France, and others. Various_ ceremonies are also being arranged, including a visit to the Arc de Triomphe, where the Prime Minister will place a wreath on the Tomb of the Un- known Soldier. (Rumors were rife on Thurs- day that Ben-Gurion's life was WATCHES As JEWELRY threatened by neo-Nazis. Israel's Premier received many threat- Certified Master Watchmaker & Jeweler ening mesages that he will be 18963 LIVERNOIS assassinated during his Paris UN. 1-8184 visit. The threats purportedly • came in retaliation for the ar- rest of Eichmann.) Classified ads bring fast results! GEORGE OHRENSTEIN SERVICE STATION Stereophonic Conversions BLACK 8. WHITE Old Phonographs Converted to Stereo Admiral .. SANTIAGO DE CHILE—The Jewish community of Chile has turned over to Dr. Sotero del Rio, the Home Minister, $20,000 as well as medicines, foods and clothing for relief of sufferers in the earthquake and tidal waves disaster areas. MOTOROLA MUNTZ PH I LCO SERVICE STATION • • • • -• Dumont • Silvertone Magnovox •Westinghouse V-M • Crosley Hot Point • Olyr4PiQ Airline • Webeor }TV Rentals EMERSON Zi i Otte "SINCE 1938" Dexter Sales & Service Guarantee on 11S6S DEXTER • LICENSE No. 216 PHONE ALL Repairs TE. 4-2858 "SINCE 1938" .. a housewife explains: Canada TORONTO—A total of $2,803,000—the highest total in the history of United Jewish Appeal campaigns—was raised in the 1960 drive, the total for 1959 having been $2,570,000. "Why I opened State's Jew- ish War Veterans Elect Gerson Marder Department Head I Y 110 OS .1 OM NO MIMI WI Latin America Gerson Marder, 10151 Sara- Love, treasurer; Mrs. Max Gold- toga, Oak Park, was elected man, patriotic instructor; Mrs. commander of the Department Sam Skupsky, guard; Mrs._ Ida of Michigan Jewish War Vet- Shein, historian; Mrs. Philip erans, at its annual convention, Weinstein, condu ctress; and held in Detroit, June 3 to 5. Mrs. Thomas Tannis, chaplain. The convention marked the 25th At a testimonial banquet cul- year of JWV's existence in minating the activities of the Michigan. Founded in 1896, the convention, tribute was paid national organization is the to Irving S. Cane and Mrs. John oldest of the country's active Nemon, outgoing department veterans groups. commander and auxiliary presi- Elected to serve with Marder dent. The banquet was address- are Jack Schwartz, senior vice ed by Senator Philip A. Hart c o m m a n d e r; Louis Kogan, and Bernard Abrams, JWV na- junior vice commander; Charles tional commander. Isaacson, quartermaster; and Convention delegates attend- Harold Blumberg, judge advo- ed religious services at Congre- cate. The Ladies Auxiliary of the gation Shaarey Zedek, at which Department, meeting at the Rabbi Morris Adler, department same time, selected Mrs. Albert chaplain, officiated. Rosen as president. Other of- The convention sessions were ficers of the Auxiliary are: Mrs. addressed by representatives of Nathan' Feld, senior vice presi- veterans organizations compris- dent; Mrs. Sidney Cohen, junior ing the Allied Veterans Council vice president; Mrs. William of Wayne County. Resolutions adopted by the delegates urged freedom of navigation to Ameri- IF YOU TURN THE can vessels in the Suez, recom- mended adequate hospital and other benefits for disabled and UPSIDE DOWN YOU • WON'T needy veterans, and urged na- • FIND A FINER WINE THAN tional unity in the support of the president of the United States "in rejecting insult to the office or person of the Presidency by the head of a Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. foreign state." You Get The Best Value at OHRENSTEIN'S an account at 'A AMERICAN SAVINGS" It "I chose American Savings for con- venience and security. With children and a house to look after, the nearby _neighborhood branch is a real time- saver. 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