Bar Mitzvahs Eastern Miss Wed to Windsor Doctor Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Brody, of 1900 Lincolnshire, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ben- jamin, on Saturday, June 11, at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. The fam- ily will be at home that evening from 8 to 11 p.m. in joint honor of the Bar Mitzvah and of the consecration of their daughter, Betsy. No cards. * * * The Bar Mitzvah of William Louis Chafets, son of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Chafets, of 84 S. Genesee, Pontiac, will be ob- served on June 17, at Temple Beth Jacob, '79 Elizabeth Lake Rd., Pontiac. * * Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gershen- son, of 1700 Wellesley, an- nounce the Bar Mitzva' of their sun, Eric Paul, on June 18, at Temple Beth El. A reception in honor of the Bar Mitzvah will be held from 8 to 11 p.m., that evening, in the family home. No cards. , • * * Dr. and Mrs. Harry D. Alt- man, of 2 4 4 7 0 Connecticut, Southfield, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Carl, this evening, at Temple Emanu-El. A reception in his honor will be held following services. * * * The Bar Mitzvah of Alan Mark Shapiro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shapiro, of Arch- dale Ave., will be observed on Saturday, at Cong. Beth Shmuel. A dinner in his honor will be held Sunday evening, at. Jeri's. r IN•041•1•11.111110.411...0 ■ 0•11M11.111111110.4111114011=1..111•1.1 every :9 the Air This Week's Radio and Television Programs of Jewish Interest WORDS WE LIVE BY Time: 10:30 p.m., Sunday. Station: WWJ. , Feature: The first program in the Jewish Theological Semi- nary's summer replacement for The Eternal Light broadcast will mark the opening of a 14- part series of literary dialogues between Mark Van Doren, Pulit- zer Prize-winning poet and pro- fessor emeritus at Columbia University, and Maurice Samuel, noted author and lecturer. Their discussions will be based on the MRS. THOMAS KLEIN psalms as great human docu- In a ceremony performed ments. June 5, at Temple Shalom, Med- * * * ford, Mass., Ronna Jo Brick- MESSAGE OF ISRAEL man became the bride of Dr. Time: 11:05 p.m., .Sunday. Thomas Robert Klein, son of Station: WXYZ. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klein, of Feature: Rabbi Meyer M. 358 Askin Blvd., Windsor, Ont. Abramowitz, of Temple Brith Rabbi Jordan Sheperd offi- Sholom, Springfield, Ill., will ciated. speak on "Inheritance or Disin- The bride, daughter of Mr. heritance: A Challenge to Par- and Mrs. David Brickman, of ents." * * Medford, wore a gown of pure . . . TO DWELL TOGETHER silk ivory peau de soie, fash- Time: ' 15 a.m., Sunday. ioned with a scoop neckline, Station: WJBK-TV (Channel elbow-length sleeves, a fitted V bodice and very bouffant over- 2). Feature: "The Book and the skirt, which terminated in a Idol," a special film tracing the cathedral train. The gown has re-embroidered conflict between paganism and Alencon lace motifs centered monotheism from the dawn of with rosettes of matching peau civilization in ancient Israel, will be presented. The University of Michigan de soie and heavily treated with * eed pearls and bugle beads. Her has conferred 835 honorary de- THE JEWISH HERITAGE grees upon prominent persons. headpiece was a tiny crown of Time: 11:30 p.m., Sunday. seed pearls, which held her veil Station: WCAR. of French illusion. She carried Feature: "The City of Safed" For the Finest in Music a cascade of stephanotis and will be presented in words and white orchids. music. Mrs. Philip Sykes, twin sister * * * of the bride, from Toronto, was COUNCIL-ALTMAN HOUR and His Orchestra matron of honor, and brides- Time: 10 p.m., Saturday. UN 4-4346 maids were Judith Michaels, of WO 2-4814 Station: WJLB. Medford, and S a 11 y Webb, of Feature: Hubert Sidlow, chair- •■••■■ Waltham, Mass. man of the third annual Insti- Vacation-Temporary-Wake-up Stuart Klein was his brother's tute for Program Planners for best man, and ushers included leaders of organizations affili- the bride's brother, Jonathan M. ted with the Jewish Community Brickman, Dr. James Grassie, Council, will discuss the impor- of Haverhill, Mass.; Dr. Paul tance of the Institute. Feldheim, of Detroit, Arthur VE 7-6701 Weingarden and Joseph Burk, of Windsor, and Philip Sykes, of Toronto. Following a wedding trip to Mrs. Jerry Dale, newly-elected Florida, the couple will take up president of the IA. ROY F. residence in St. Louis, where GREEN AUXILIARY, an- Dr. Klein will complete a three- nounces a meeting at 9 p.m., year residency in otolaryngol- Tuesday, at the JWV Memorial For fine color movies ogy at Barnes Hospital. Mrs. Home, _when plans for the joint of your wedding Klein is a graduate of Simmons Post-Auxiliary past president's College and the New York and past commander's banquet Call School of Interior Design. He will be made. The affair will be graduated from the medical held June 28, at Club Alamo in school of the University of honor of Marvin Foxman, out- Western Ontario. going commander, and Mrs. Harold Weiss, outgoing presi- Our Want Ads get fast results. dent. A social hour will follow Tuesday's meeting. * * * Lt. ELI LEVIN LADIES AUXILIARY will meet June 14, 8:30 p.m., at the home of Louba Lupiloff, 18105 Hubbell, to plan the hopsial picnic on June 28. Frieda Shiffman is hospital chairman and Ida Kushner is WATCH OUR WINDOW co-chairman. Dave Diamond COYLE TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Stratford Festival Cast to Be Largest Yet; Company Totals 65 Eleven more players joined ular, a group of friends of Tom the Stratford Festival corn- Patterson, founder and planning pany, bringing the total num- consultant of the Stratford ber now at work in the Fes- Shakespearean Festival, have tival theater to 44. Monday, banded together to present a eight more will report for duty, bust of Patterson to the Festi- at which time the casts for the val theater. The bust, the work of Alan three plays, "King John," "A Midsummer Night's D r e a m" H. Jarvis, Canadian sculptor and and "Romeo and Juliet," will former director of the National be complete. The festival starts Gallery, is expected to be fin- June 27 and runs to Sept. 17. ished early in the summer and The company this year totals will, at that time, be placed in the foyer of the Festival The- 65—one of the largest yet as- sembled since the Festival ater. A "Tom Patterson Recogni- began in 1953. It will include tion Fund" committee has been 10 apprentices, plus 13 Strat- set up with Hon. J. Waldo Mon- ford children, eight of whom teith, Minister of Health and will be seen in "A Midsummer Welfare, as honorary chairman. Night's D r e a m" and five in "King John." For the To date, 72,000 individual res- Perfect Affair .. . ervations have been made for the Stratford Shakespearean Festival of 1960, Victor C. Pol- and His Orchestra ley, administrative director, re- UN 3-3737 ported. This, he said, indicates that the total attendance for the x4ix >ax season will reach as high as 210,000. Total paid admissions PLASTIC FURNITURE ..4 in 1959 were 167,000 and in the ;" COVERS best previous year, 1958, they • MADE TO ORDER iC or READY MADE were 171,000. In recognition of his great CALL ANNA KARBAL contribution to the Canadian LI 2-0874 0 4 theater, and Stratford in partic- kitlitlX4SSMAIKACK:::iWa*NTKilea Mickey Woolf • Potato or Meat Knishes 75`40.. Fresh Daily * * * • Chopped liver and Herring Fresh Daily * * * • Mrs. Grunt's New Dill Pickles Now Available * * • Mrs.Grunt's Gefilte Fish Balls (Any Size) Made to order for your party. I t;41 °lie TO 8-2705 BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS FOR ADDITIONAL DAILY SPECIALS! SQUARE FLANK, trimmed Lb. 69c Lb. 99c SHOULDER STEAK Lb. 59c YOUNG :‘ EF LIVER SPRING LAMB CHOPS . 113. 95c FRESH GROUND BEEF 2 Lb•. 97` BREAST OF BEEF, trimmed Lb. $9` CORNER OF HARTWELL DI 1-2345 GRUNT'S MARKET 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS — UN 1 9645 - GIFT BASKETS SAY IT BETTER "BON VOYAGE", "SPEEDY RECOVERY" or "SYMPATHY" more important than what you say is how you say it. Expressions of sym- pathy, best wishes or congratulations are much more effective with a gift basket that speaks for you . . . in an eye - appealing, taste - tempting and satis- fying manner. SID SIEGEL 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SUPER SPECIALS JWV Activities I WHAT EVERY BRIDE SHOULD KNOW .. . * • For your next celebration, whatever the oc- casion, order from our large variety of champagnes, wines and liquors . . . by the bottle or case . . . to meet your needs. Nation-Wide Delivery Call UNiversity 2-6800 - and CHARGE IT 3205 W. McNICHOLS RD. (at Wildemere), DETROIT 21, - MICH. DRAPERY STORAGE Let your home have that cool appearance for the Summer! We can store your Drapes, Cornice Boards, Bed Spreads, etc., in our approved fully insured storage vaults. We will deliver them back in the fall with that renewed look. RECOMMENDED BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS • ..... ■ ,................:, We Clean d i Househol Items Ex - elusively 1 CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE and CURTAIN LAUNDRY AIMINIEN■0■1■1■111■1) Drapes • Curtains • Cornices • Slip Covers Lamp Shades • Quilts and Bedspreads WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATION TW 1-1818 FREE STORAGE FACILITIES WHILE DECORATING