omen's eitth activities LI ERMA 13821 W. 9 MILE RD. THE LUCKY GUY THE LUCKY GAL PINE CREST RANCH REMOVAL SALE • MUST LIQUIDATE COMPLETE STOCK BEFORE WE MOVE!! 13326 DEXTER at DAVISON OPEN DAILY TO 6 - THURSDAY TO 9 15 — THE DETRO IT JEWIS H NEWS — Fri day, June 3, 1960 vice-presidents; Abbott Schlain, tell, community services; Gab- treasurer; Leroy Helfman, Har- riel Moscow, fund-raising; Os- old Greenblatt, Elias Bookman, car Hertz, advisory; Henry secretaries; Harry Hooberman, Marer, division board repre- commission on community in- sentatiVe; George JonaS, Michi- The Sisterhood of Cong. Beth Homnick wiliThe installing offi- ter-relations; George Rubin, ed- gan Congress representative; DETROIT JUNIOR CHAP- Shmuel will hold its 18th an nual cer, and Mrs. George Bassin will TER, Jewish National Home for ucation; Joseph Heit, Louise and Sam Morris, hospitality. donor luncheon at 12 n GOri, play the piano. (More Clubs, Page 19) Asthmatic Children at Denver, Wise Memorial; Werner Mar- June 15, in the * * will hold a -luncheon at 12:30 synagogue so- JEWISH WOMEN'S EURO- p.m., June 10, in the home of cial hall, ac- SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY PEAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- Mrs. Charles Harman, 22929 e or din g to TION has called a special meet- Wrexford, Southfield, when the Mrs. B. Bab- Pancakes Anytime! ing for 12 noon, Monday, in the following newly-elected officers e o c k, presi- Full Course Davison Jewish Center. Accord- will be inducted; Mesdames Jer- Dinners Served `'Daily dent. A special ing to .Mrs. Morris Miller, presi- ome Krause, president; Robert musical p r o- dent, nomination and election Colman, Robert Steinberg and gram is being of officers will take place, and Arnold Schaefer, vice - presi- arranged for reports on the 40th anniversary dents; Alfred Shevin, M. Jacobs the "Chai" or donor luncheon will be given. and Leslie West, secretaries; • • "Life" celebra- OA K PARK LI 8-1111 - A dessert luncheon will precede and Emil Weiss, treasurer. tion (the He- the meeting. * * brew word for * * * CHANA CZENESH CHAP- 18 is Chai) by Mrs. Simon Shifman was elect- TER, Pioneer Women, will Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Babcock Bicoll. For tickets, call Mrs. ed president of the YOUNG meet at 12:30 p.m., Monday, Louis Leebove, donor chairman, WOMEN'S BICUR CHOLEM at in the home of Mrs. Morris its recent annual meeting. Serv- Friedman, 19931 Sussex for a 1-2869. ing with her will be Mesdames luncheon -installation. Mrs. * * * HANITA CHAPTER, Pioneer Morris Golden, Louis Goldberg Fanny Fisher is chairman of Women, will hold an installa- and Henry Schwartz, vice-presi- the day, and Mrs. Ann Appel Goes to . . tion dinner at 6:30 p.m., Mon- dents; Allen Vie dr a h, Max will be installing officer. day, at Springel's Patio Room, Davis, Jack Dunn, Bernard Sum- * * ner and Sam Moscow, secreta- when newly-elected officers will ries; Joseph Viedrah, treasurer; EMMA LAZARUS CHAP- be inducted. For information, and Abe Bookstein, case super- call Mrs. Max Kanarek, LI 7- visor. Installation ceremonies TER, American Jewish Con- 45 Campers (7-14) 15 Counselors 3665, or Mrs. Morris Mittelman, are scheduled for 12 noon, Tues- gress, has planned an installa- UN 2-3447. Friends are invited. day,at the Town and Country tion luncheon for 12:15 p.m., Wednesday, at Larco's. Officers Activities To Please All * * * Club. For reservations, call Mrs. to be inducted are Mesdames JUNIOR PRIMROSE CLUB Golden, VE. 8-3037, or Mrs. Mos- Ralph Miller, president; Sol Mort & Leona Kanfer MA. 6-6308 — VE. 7-6701 will elect new officers at a cow, DI. 1-9839. Redstone and Sallen Lurie, meeting planned for 8:30 p.m., 1 I IfIc n n n r tf in Monday, in the Oak Park Com- munity Center. Jack Gubkin, representing Bnai Brith's Anti- Defamation League, will speak and show a film on community problems. Husbands of mem- bers are invited. * * RADOMER LADIES AUX- ILIARY is currently seeking used c 1 o thin g-and household goods for a rummage sale to be held June 11, on Main St., in Royal Oak. For information or pick-up of merchandise, call Mrs. Esther Halpern, DI 1-8928, or Mrs. May Weintraub, UN 4-9009. All proceeds will go to Israeli causes. * * EQUALITY CLUB will meet at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the home of Mrs. David Barak, Sam Offen takes pleasure in announcing that he 19169 Monica. At a recent meet- ing, Mrs. S. Peck was named chairman of the December will merge with Ceresnie Bros. at 19386 Livernois donor luncheon. Serving with her will be Mesdames Michael to bring yin, the largest selection of fine furs J. Kushner, co-chairman; M. B erkowitz, d a r l i n g s; 0. in the city. Schwartz, memorials; D. Rosen- berg, journal; and I. Glassman, pledges. * * * Included in this fabulous sale are Mink H 0 M E RELIEF SOCIETY will hold its final board meet- Coats, Jackets, Stoles — to mention ing of the season on June 10, in the home of Mrs. Robert only a few — plus a fine collection of Friedenberg, 24270 Morton, Oak Park. Mrs. Ira Friedenberg will luxurious fur trimmed cashmere sweat- be co-hostess at a dessert lunch- eon. Plans for the Oct. 25 fund- ers, raising dinner-dance at Town and Country Club will be an- nounced by Mrs. William Bud- man, chairman. A chance of a lifetime to buy * * * Election of new officers will the fur of your choice NOW! highlight the final meeting of the BETH YEHUDAH SCHOOLS PTA at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, at Cong. Mogen A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Fur 'tit Fall. Abraham. Filmed interviews with graduates of the Yeshivah and the influence of their edu- cation on their professions to- day will be shown. A parent- teacher conference will include the evening. * * * KAPPA NU MOTHERS' CLUB will meet at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the home of Mrs. William Steiner, 19750 Sussex, when the following new officers will be installed: Mesdames Rosetta Weiner, president; Sel- ma Steiner and Sylvia Layne, vice-presidents; Jennie Grayson and Jean Stalrit, secretaries; and Jennie Robbins, treasurer. * Mrs. Morris Goldberg, presi- dent of SISTERS OF ZION MIZRACHI, announces that an installation luncheon is planned All Furs Labeled to Show Country of Origin for 12 noon, Wednesday, at of Imported Furs Holiday Manor. Mrs. Yaakov I.