Bnai Brith Activities BENJAMIN WILLIAM MEHLMAN of the Society for the Advancement of Judaism in New York has been elected president of the Reconstruction- ist Fellowship of Congregations, it was announced by Dr. Ira Eisenstein, president of the Jewish Reconstructionist Foun- dation. A dinner-dance is being plan- 11th annual installation of of- Milton (Milo) Rappaport, ned by IVAN S. BLOCH LODGE newly-elected as the president for June 22, at Cong. Ahavas ficers dinner-dance at 7:30 p.m., of the Metropolitan Detroit Achim, when the following June 13, at the Roostertail. Bnai Brith Council, will be in- newly-elected officers will be Hyman Crystal, executive secre- stalled at the Council's 21st installed: Harold C. Meyer, tary of the Metropolitan Detroit annual dinner and dance this president; Howard Berkowitz, Bnai Brith Council, will induct the following officers: Maurice Wednesday, at Holiday Manor. George Tarnoff, Kenneth Zuppke Wilson, president; Harry Carris, Louis Weber, Council past and Phil Richman, vice-presi- Morton Tatken and Marvin Ma- president, will represent Dis- dents; Marvin Kaufman, Sol zur, vice-presidents; Lionel Sil- trict Grand Lodge No. 6 as in- Begel and Harvey Greene, sec- varman, Edward Levenberg and stalling officer. retaries; Max Covensky, treas- Milton Goldman, secretaries. 60 Modern Hospital Beds A highlight of the program urer; Louis Segal, chaplain; Claude Thornhill and his or- Excellent food and nursing care. will be the presentation of the Rudolph Gemza, Henry . Gordon, chestra will headline the enter- Doctor in attendance. Labora- Council's "Cit- Arthur Lipman, Daniel Prager, tainment. For reservations, call tory facilities. Completely fire- izen of the Norman Schwartz and George Carris, at TY. 6-2300. Year" Award Weisman, trustees; Vern Leib- protected building. * * * erman, warden; Melvin Marsch, to Detroit's Nominal Rates guardian; and Phil Forman, Mayor Mir i- Daniel Levy, recently elected 3119 East Jefferson monitor. For tickets to the din- as president of PISGAH ani. ner-dance, call Howard Berko- LODGE, will head the list of Serving with LO 7-6700 witz, chairman, UN. 4-6074. Rappaport new officers to * * * as Council of- be installed at ficers for the "Gold members" of GEORGE a special pro- coming year GERSHWIN CHAPTER—those g r am planned will be Morris members whose dues are paid for 8:45 p.m., before Wednesday—are invited Dir enf e ld, Rappaport Monday, in the 16221 W. 8 MILE, 4 Blks. W. of Jas. Couzens Jack Leeds, Maurice Zeiger to a dinner and evening of en- Ha yim Green- and Sol Moss, vice-presidents; tertainment at 8 p.m. that day, berg Center, • Conference Rooms Seating 20 to 100 Persons Julius Kahn and Morris Blech- in the Hayim Greenberg Cen- 19161 Schaefer. • Bridal Suites ter, 19161 Schaefer. Recently Alfred H. Boun- man, secretaries; and Harr y installed by Mrs. Leonard Sims, • Free Continental Breakfast in Our Coffee Shop in, a past presi- Pearson, treasurer. dent of the Met- Samuel G. Bank serves as national ADL chairman, were DIRECT HOURLY LIMOUSINE SERVICE ropolitan D e - chairman of the board of the following new officers: Mes- tr o i t Council, trustees, and trustees include dames Irving Tackel, president; TO and FROM ALL AIRPORTS will be install- Charles Abram, Julius Berko- Sol Begel, Harold Schmalberg, • Finest Accommodations for Your Bar Mitzvah ing officer, and witz, Avram Charlip, Rudolph Herbert Bean and Sid Cricow, and Wedding Guests Levy a program, ar- Meyersohn, Harry Nathan, Yale vice-presidents; Fred Swartz, Phillips, Nathan Rubenstein, treasurer; H a r old Fortgang, ranged by Milton M. Weinstein, Robert Rudman and Sol Super- Dean Pepper, Harold Bogrow also a past Council president, fon. Harry N. Katz and Louis and Irving Schuraytz, secre- will be presented. Dancing and Weber, both past Council pres- taries; David Dashow, historian; refreshments will follow the idents, were elected to the Dis- Louis Jacobs, guide; Gerald Zis- ceremonies, to which all Pis- kind, sentinel; Ira Fisher, coun- gah members and their friends trict 6 board. The installation event will selor; and Phillip Edelheit, Hy- are invited. 60 DAYS OF * * * begin at 6 p.m. with cocktails. man Shebowich and Harry Mi- chalson, trustees. "SPRING FEVER Music will be provided by Stan LOUIS MARSHALL CHAP- * * Wizniak and his orchestra. Dr. TER will hold a paid-up mem- SELLING SPREE" H E N R Y MORGENTHAU bership luncheon, splash party Lawrence I. Yaffa is chairman, and Sol Moss, co-chairman, of CHAPTER will hold a punch- and afternoon of games at 12:30 the installation. For reserva- bowl party at 12:30 p.m., Thurs- p.m., June 16, in the home of tions, call the Council office, day, at the Oak Park Commun- Mollie Berg, 2960 Middlebelt, ity Center, when recently-in- Pontiac. For information, call DI. 1-0863. DAN C. ROSE stalled officers will be intro- Jeanette Cook, LI. 6-7498, or Fleet Sales Mgr. duced. They are Mesdames Her- Roslyn Kaufman, EL. 6-2355. Socialites to Install MAKING SPRING TIME DEALS TO BEAT THE BAND! bert Gross, president; Melvin * * Miss Altman as Prexy Robins, Al Weiss and Morris CALL DAN ROSE TODAY AT TRinity 5 0500 Rose A. Altman, new presi- Lieberman, vice-presidents; Mil- ALBERT EINSTEIN CHAP- dent of the Detroit Socialites, ton Braverman, treasurer; Har- TER will hold its annual mem- will be installed along with 12 vey Weisberg, Jay Kay, Robert bership dinner for paid-up other offices and board mem- Reiss and Julian Stern, secre- members at 7 p.m., June 15, in 6250 WOODWARD AVE., JUST S. of MILWAUKEE bers at the group's annual in- the Hayim Greenberg Center, stallation banquet, to be held taries; Ben Yancon, sentinel; Maurice Linton, guide; George at 9 p.m., Sunday, at Paul's. Miss Altman, the group's first Terebelo, counselor; Stanley executive secretary, also served Acker, Fred Rapoport, Albert two terms as first vice-president Lupiloff, Sydney Schwartz and before her election last month Miss Elsie Rodd, all past presi- Master of ceremonies at the dents, trustees. Board members • vt installation event will be Rob- are Mesdames Samuel Fried, ert S. Fenkell, who is the win- Ben Linovitz, Raymond Gendle- ner of the Croix de Guerre, man, Mitchell Kent, F. Liebers, French military medal for hero- Raymond Abrams, Alex Adel- berg, Robert Stoller, Harry ism. The public is invited. Stoller, Harry Krause, William Dr. JOSEPH J. SCHWARTZ, Boone, Monte Serling, Sidney vice president of the Israel Wolfson and Miss Beulah Smer- B o n d Organization, visited ling. * * * Western Europe last week to participate in the launching of Mrs. Moe Tack, representing the 1960 campaign for Israel District No. 6, installed newly- Bonds overseas. elected officers of ISRAEL CHAPTER at a recent program. Officers are Mesdames Manuel Berman, president; Joseph Dorfman, Irving Herman, Bert Heller, vice-presidents; Iz Wein- berg, treasurer; Ben Mandell, Sara Applebaum, Sam Fischer and Hyman Galison, secretaries; Sam Roth, sentinel; Theodore Ross, historian; David Green- good, guide; Leonard Gurwin, Arthur Siegel, Fred Weinstein, trustees; and Max Applebaum, counselor. Board members are Mesdames Samuel Brenner, Eu- gene Ertz, Saul Garfinkle, Jack Goldberg, Robert Golden, Na- omi Gonic, Leonard Greenberg, Saul Greenfield, Doris Grober, IF YOU'RE PLANNING A TRIP, CON S ULT BUD SCHUBINER'S Murray Tate, Belle Hitow, Har- old Katz, Marvin Kaufman, Jos- eph Kramer, Louis Ryke, Jack PHONE 4111111 Scharg, Leonard Schreiber, Lou- is Segal, Aaron Slootsky, Max Stryer and David Tapper. Mrs. Li. 8-8300 Harry Rosenblum arranged the 4 Convenient Offices to Serve You installation, at which the past president's pin was presented to Northland Eastland 18657 Livernois 6517 Second Mrs. Max Applebaum by Mrs. Center Center In Concourse Blvd. Sidney Eidelman, president- 11/2 Blocks S. of 7 Mile Parking Lot "C" Parking Lot No. 1 elect of the Council. Across from GM Bldg. Open Thurs., Fri. to 9 Open Thurs., Fri. to * * * UN 2-7555 EL 6-2345 TR 2-6000 DR 1-3700 REX LODGE will hold its VE '8-0030 THE NEW ALDEN CONVALESCENT HOME CRESTWOOD MOTEL BRoadway 2-1402 19 60 - JERRY MCCARTHY CHEVROLET CO. §:k..v JO. 4-5580 ELLIOTT TRAVEL SERVICE nouiaa mu, — ET Installation Eveni for M. Rappaport 19161 Schaefer. Prospective members are invited. For infor- mation, call. Mrs. Max Tyner, retention chairman, LI. 6-2595, or Mrs. Harry Auster, president, LI. 4-5324. At a recent installa- tion program and Mother's Day event, new officers installed were Mesdames Harry Auster, president; Anszel Gun, Max Ty- ner and Chaim Weinberg, vice- presidents; Nathan Berman, treasurer; Albert Youra, Jack Miller, Israel Kozuch, Henry Upfall, secretaries; Harry Ribit- wer, sentinel; Berko Lazarowic, guide; Sol Lewis, historian; and Norman Gitler, Irving Isaacs, Louis Levinson and Henry Dorf- man, trustees. Board members are Mesdames Leon Feld, Wal- ter Weiner, Joseph Klaiman, Max Mine, Joseph Berman, Mor- ris Zucker, David Krasman, Marcus Last, Herman Klahr and Frank Krause. HSIMar BB Council Sets tTi sz co ca