Sour of Israel's emergence olda Meir was, from the ael's outstanding official She comes to us again, on June 7, to inspire our efforts in behalf of Israel Bond investments. country in Moscow. As Soviet Union, she was an thousands by her mere the symbol of a great ren- masses continue to look to hts in Jewry's redemption. In Golda Meir we have a spokesman who inspires dignity and pride. 4inister, Golda Meir has ael. As Israel's spokesman was equally the pride of L ye inspiration to our com- Campaigns for the United (forts for the Israel Bond . MAX STOLLMAN We heartily welcome her as one of the great Jewish women of all time. We join in the call to our community to respond with the greatest devotion to her appeal for the Israel Bond drive that is to commence in our community, for the current year, with her visit here. It is our hope that Bond sales will double and treble during the current year. Mrs. Meir is coming here to inspire us, and we feel honored by her visit. A hearty welcome to you, Golda Meir! May your efforts in behalf of Israel always find a warm response in Jewry and the recognition you have earned from the nations of the world. PHILLIP STOLLMAN