THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS — Friday, May 20, 1960 Purely Commentary Sen. Fulbright Confers with Hen-Gurion, Golda Meir During 36-flour Visit in Israel JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Un- addition of amendments which amendment "regrettable." Sen- ited States Senator J. W. Ful- would adversely affect our for- ator Fulbright bitterly opposed An Accolade to Bennett Cerf and Random House bright, chairman of the Senate eign relations or impair the ad- the amendment. We offer a hearty salute to Bennett Cerf, president of Foreign Relations Committee, ministration of the program." (Eliahu Salpeter, JTA cor- Random House, on his distinguished firm's merger with another arrived here Monday afternoon. A White House spokesman respondent in Jerusalem, in a one of the great publishing houses in America—Alfred Knopf's. He came from Jordan, via the said the "regrettable" amend- review of the Arab blacklisting Doubleday purportedly remains the leading American book Mandelbaum Gate, between the ment Eisenhower referred to system, in the boycott of Israel, publishing house. Mr. Cerf's distinctions in recent years, the Israeli and the Jordanian sec- was 'the amendment that ex- quotes the following figures: ("According to Boycott Office large number of best sellers that emerged from his plant and tors of Jerusalem. pressed the sense of Congress the extensive activities of Random House and its affiliates into Immediately after his arrival, in condemnation of Nasser's figures, about 390 ships are on various fields of endeavor—including children's books—speak Sen. Fulbright went into con- anti-Israel shipping restrictions the Cairo blacklist. This figure volumes in tribute to his vision and to his understanding of ference with Prime Minister Da- in the Suez Canal and else- is almost identical with the 374 America's literary needs. vid Ben-Gurion. The latter re- where. In the amendment, Con- ships known by the Israel Sea- Alfred Knopf's, was a name to contend with for more than turned here a day earlier from gress asked the President to men's Union as being on the a generation. It had produced many classics and had undertaken his home at Sdeh Boker to re- sever aid to Egypt if Nasser Arab blacklist. These 374 ships to publish very outstanding works. While it is regrettable that ceive the American Senator. continued h i s discriminatory belong to 28 different nations, including the United State of it must cease independent functioning, it is important that its Sen. Fulbright spent 36 practices. merger should be into so important a firm as Random House. hours in Israel. He voiced en- State Department sources re- America which -has 21 ships This Commentator has had occasion to review scores of thusiastic praise for Israel's vealed that the Department blacklisted. The largest number Random House books, as well as Bennett Cerf's that were acted at the personal direction of blacklisted ships fly the Ital- resettlement and development published by Doubleday and others. He is confident that Mr. projects Tuesday, declaring of Eisenhower when it fought ian flag (79) followed by Bri- tain (75), Norway (38), West Cerf will make history in the literary world as a result of the such projects "can be — al- the Douglas - Keating amend- Germany (26), U.S.A. (24), ment, as the measure was interesting expansion and the absorption of Knopf's. ready are — models to other * * known. Chairman J. W. Ful- Greece (22), Holland (19), Den- countries." bright, of the Senate Relations mark, Sweden and Liberia (17 The 'Gloating' Council for Judaism The Senator made that state- Committee, now in Israel, was each), France (12), Turkey (8) The anti-Zionist American. Council for Judaism is gloating. ment to an audience of Hebrew At its convention in Denver, its leaders, in renewed attacks on University professors and other advised by cable of the Presi- and several other nations in Zionism, implied that the reorganization of the United Jewish guests when he visited the uni- dent's statement, terming the Europe, Asia and Africa.") Appeal represents an acknowledgement that, until now, versity Tuesday evening after Awe "philanthropy and public action" were' merged in the UJA spending the day touring Israel appeals. It was a way of referring: to Zionism as a specter of by automobile and helicopter. - - doom -and gloom. He had just returned from Clarence J. Coleman, the Council's president, did not limit the Lachish area where Israel Zionism. He berated "Americans of himself to an attack on Jewish faith" as having "been skillfully engulfed by the Zionist is implementing one of its most political machine," and he interpreted the reorganization of ambitious regional development the UJA as a "significant breakthrough" against the "mighty schemes. During his tour, he walls of 'Jewish' nationalist control of American Jewish Institu- visited Kalmania, where a sec- ond group of 100 Burmese ex- tions." Accompanying these attacks was a warning that Zionists servicemen had just begun a will now try to sell, their movement as being "no longer year's training in agricultural political." As one of the means of disproving that it is anti- work. "Other people will learn from Israel, the Council's publicity department has described the organization as believing that "the relationship of American Israel's experiences," Fulbright Jews to Israel should be that of any American of • any faith told his Hebrew University audi- ence. "I would like to think that to any foreign state." our country has made some con- Surprisingly enough, even Lessing J. Rosenwald, the tribution to this work in Israel." former Council president and its present chairman of the Fulbright seemed to be par- board, saw fit in an address to the convention to repeat the ticularly impressed with the fact charge that the UJA and its vast funds are as "solidly con- trolled by Zionism today" as six months ago. He declared that immigrants from many lands are being integrated in that the giving up of "the most blatant abuses, such as aid `FULBRIGHT FELLOWSHIP?' •. . . Arkansas' Senator J. Wil- the course of the Lachish re- to the Israeli political parties, was a small price to pay for the liam Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations gional development work. continued control of the entire mechanism." Committee, is shown here being greeted warmly by United "Our • American resettlement The Council's guiding genius and executive vice president, Arab Peepuhlic President Gamal Abdel Nasser (right). projects," he stated, "failed' Rabbi Elmer Berger, went back into history to refer to the ■ ■ ■ ■ Balfour Declaration and to charge that there have been "40 during the New Deal because, ■0■ years of Zionist encroachments" and that the U. S. is as obligated while the United States had all by the Balfour Declaration to "protect the rights and political material means, it lacked knowl- Boris Smolar's status" of Americans of the Jewish faith as it is to back up edge in regard to bringing to- gether material resources and the "national status in Palestine" clause. Thus, the propaganda mills of the anti-Zionist body, whose intellectual and spiritual re- activities have been damaging to Israel and to Jewish relief sources. Israel, however, does 1 efforts, in spite of Rabbi Berger's contention that "the issue have this know-how." between Zionism, pro-Zionism and ourselves is not Israel." (Copyright, 1960, The fact remains that the Council, whose program has long Eisenhower 'Regrets' Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) • Anti-Nasser Amendment ago been branded as being neither American nor Jewish, has conducted campaigns that have been harmful to the UJA. Even In Foreign Aid Bill Catholic Moods WASHINGTON, (JTA) — A if it is true, as Lessing Rosenwald said in his speech, that Although no diplomatic relations exist between the Vatican "about $18,000,000 of UJA money has gone to Israeli political White House spokesman here and Israel, leaders of the Catholic church in the United parties since 1951," it should never be overlooked that the said that President Eisenhower States are strongly sympathizing with Israel .. . Obvious satis- balance of UJA funds—running into the hundreds of millions considered the "freedom of the faction is registered with the steadfastness of Israel in the of dollars—went for relief and rehabilitation, and that the seas" amendment in the foreign face of repeated provocations by Nasser .. . Israel's calm and $18,000,000 referred to included vast sums that were allocated aid authorization bill a "re- creative work especially impresses editors of Catholic publica- for cultural purposes that helped in the advancement of Jewish grettable" move that might af- tions in this country, and this finds expression in editorials educational efforts. Indeed, there was a vastly larger spiritual fect American-Egyptian rela- and articles in these publications . . . Leading Catholic person- contribution to American Jewry from this fund than could tions. alities are confident that the Sinai campaign of 1956 taught Eisenhower's views became Nasser a lesson and that he will not dare risk another -defeat at possibly be accredited to all of the anti-Zionist efforts of the known when the White House the hands of the Israeli Army . However, they also emphasize past two generations. announced that the President that where an arms build-up continues, the danger of war is There' is very little pleasure in quoting the bitter and unfair attacks on Zionism and on all the national Jewish organ- had signed the bill immediately always present . . . In the opinion of American Catholic leaders, his departure Saturday genuine peace between the Arabs and Israel remains as distant izations that support Israel. After all; the Council represents before such a small handful of American Jews that its position is for the Summit meeting in as ever . . . They see the basic problem as one of convincing the Paris. Arab states that Israel is an established fact and is in the insignificant. But it manages somehow to mislead non-Jews. In a statement on the new Middle East to stay . . . They predict that it may take years Whenever an attempt is made to protect Israel's position, as legislation, issued by the White before the Arab-Israeli differences will be discussed at a con- in the instance of the Arab boycott and Nasser's abuse of House, Mr. Eisenhower said: ference table . . . In their opinion, another decade of impressive international obligations to honor 'freedom of the seas codes, "The act embodies essentially economic development in Israel may convince the Arabs that the Council injects itself, under the guise of anti-Zionism, all of the requests I have put they have no alternative but to explore the possibility of a to promote anti-Israelism. President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon greeted the Council's convention, and a num- forward as necessary for the compromise. successful continuation of the ber of other government leaders gave it their blessings. Mutual Security program and, Jewish Reflections Therefore, it becomes necessary to call the nefarious Council Much has been written - about the religious revival among activities to the attention of the American Jewish com- with- one regrettable exception, the Congress has resisted the Jews in this country . . . But is there really such a revival? .. . munities. A gloomy answer is given by Dr. Leon Feldman, professor of President Eisenhower. greeted the Council for its dedication education at Yeshiva University . . . In lectures presented at the "to.- the goals of AmeriCan democracy .." That's an easy way out of propaganda that aims at hurt- university's Graduate School of Education, Dr. Feldman asserted in greeting a group that would deny democratic rights to fellow ing a great movement. The that American Jews today are actually less genuinely religious Jews. Vice President Nixon, in his greeting, hailed as "most Council's besmirching of Zion- than their Christian neighbors . . . He cited various studies— worthy" the Council's efforts to lessen tension in a world in ism should be repudiated by a especially at teen-age, college and young adults levels—proving which "free men can live securely and honorably." Mr. Nixon, reaffirmation of faith in the that a greater percentage of Christians than Jews attend who has appeared as a friend on Zionist platforms, should know movement that established the worship services, observe traditional religious practices, object that this Council, by its action has denied such rights of freedom, foundation for Israel. And the to intermarriage . . . As to the synagogue, he expressed the security and honor to Jews who are Israelis, by conducting hundreds of thousands of Amer- opinion that most Jews actually get along without it, and even campaigns that are harmful to Israel's position. It's good bluff ican Jews who represent the among the affiliated, the influence of the synagogue is sporadic to make Zionism the goat in a campaign of hatred that has UJA constituencies in the and superficial . . . Although more synagogues are being built, scores of American Jewish com- been directed at all American Jews. they do not generate stronger emotional attachment to Jewish Secretary of State Herter commended the Council for munities undoubtedly will re- values, Dr. Feldman emphasized . . . He considers that Jewish "encouraging enlightened citizenship." Does a group that would ply to the Council's false accu- life and culture is now being left almost exclusively to the deny to its fellow men who happen to be Zionists the right to sations by a re-dedication to ef- rabbi, the cantor, the Hebrew school teacher and the enlightP -..ed petition Congress in behalf of an harrassed and embattled forts to rescue Jews wherever social worker . . . He says only half of all Jewish children in they may be oppressed and to people merit the description of "enlightened citizenship?" this country attend a Jewish school, half of them only for one That is how non-Jews have been misled. We doubt whether facilitate the resettlement of as or two hours a week .. . Hardly two-fifths of the Jewish chil- American Jews will be moved by any of the wicked approaches many of them as possible in the dren get as much as four to five hours of Jewish instruction of the Judaism Council. We can't believe that more than a only land whose doors are open week, and seldom for more than two or three years. _ _ _t o_thern:_i_n_isr_a el By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ .:..11•111111.1.1=11.1 . 1141.1M.11i1,111•1W1iMMID.0.1•11.301111.1.111•11111.04 11 0•1111111111.111111•M.1111 0!1, 411111•11 41MON.1•111111 Between You ... and Me'