Purely Commentary Humanitarianism of Saul R. Levin . . . Fulbright 'Puzzle' By Philip Supreme Court Slomovitz Slates Review of 'Sunday Laws' - we sit in mourning over the loss of so good a friend. WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The Dr. Theodor Herzl was born a hundred years ago today. "Sar v'gadol nofal .... "—indeed, "a great and a noble man constitutionality of a variety of This day, therefore, is one of the most historic on our calendar. has fallen . . . " Blessed be his memory! state Sunday closing laws . in He was a dreamer. He saw visions. But he also was a the United States, under which prophet. He foresaw the emergence of the Jewish State, in all' Group in Zionism Jewish merchants have been re- behalf of which he organized the World Zionist Movement, as An 'Over Zionism will live as long as there is an appreciation of becoming a reality almost to the day of the Fulfillment. His Israel's needs for the closest kinship with Diaspora Jewry. Yet, peatedly penalized, will be re- viewed by the United States augury was that of a great statesman, there are divisions in Zionist ranks that are most deplorable. Supreme Court. even more than that of the great As an example, the creation of the American Jewish League The court ordered oral argu- dreamer. for Israel was the result of a rift that should have been avoided ments in blue law cases from Herzl was equally as important to in the Zionist Organization of America. The League has begun Massachusetts, Maryland and world Jewry as Dreamer as he was a to make progress. It has enlisted a number of able leaders. Will Pennsylvania. The cases will Statesman. It was the Dream he fash- it muster a sufficiently large membership to make the movement be decided at the October term ioned for his people that enabled them effective? That remains to be seen. of the Supreme Court. to live on in defiance of such horrible Whatever successes the League may be making, it still is to Jews are directly involved in persecutions that even the prejudices be hoped that it will reunite with the ZOA. At the convention of the Massachusetts case in which of Apartheid and the South of our own the League in New York last week, Ezra Shapiro, the retiring the Crown Kosher Supermarket land do not match them. president, made what appears to be a reasonable approach. He of Springfield, Mass., sued to Herzl was only 44 when he died on suggested the creation of a "unitary Zionist group" in this bar enforcement. The suit con- July 3, 1904. Yet his name is indelibly country. He proposed such a group "to supplant the current tended the Massachusetts Lord's engraved in the foundation stones of the plethora of organizations" as a means of increasing the effec- Day Act, which stems from a Jewish State. Out of his dreams devel- tiveness of Zionist operations in the United States. 1653 Colonial law and which oped realities, his prophecies have It is sincerely to be hoped that this can be accomplished. has been amended more than come true, The Zionism of his making It is unwise to pull in different directions. Israel needs a strong 70 times, discriminated against was the messianic movement of our friendship here. There are too frequent manifestations of animos- owners of the supermarket who time. ity in certain ranks, and to counteract them it is urgent that were required by their faith as His name will be blessed, and what the traditional Zionist activities should not be denuded of Orthodox Jews to remain closed he said and wrote will have a place next Dr. Herzl significance. Perhaps a "unitary" group will solve many hitherto on Saturdays. to the Prophets. And the chapter in disturbing complications in the most virile movement in Jew- Chief Judge Calvert Magru- Jewish history called Zionism will remain one of the most ish ranks. der of the First Circuit Court * * * blessed in our annals. of Appeals ruled that the Lord's Day act discriminated Dr. Felix Kersten, Savior of Nazi Victims Sen. Fulbright's Puzzling Position Your Commentator had the privilege, during the sessions of against the Crown Kosher Su- What makes a man like U. S. Senator J. W. Fulbright con- the World Jewish Congress in Stockholm, of meeting the remark- permarket by favoring one re- done a double standard of morality in international relations? able physio-therapist, Dr. Felix Kersten, who died in Hamm, ligion over another and that the exemptions were so numer- That's the puzzle of the day. Germany, last month. On two occasions, this column extensively discussed the role ous as to be irrational. He The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee certainly is not an anti-Semite. He may be no more pro-Arab of this distinguished man as the rescuer of many Jews and non- ruled the law unconstitutional. The three-judge district court Jews. His activities in rescuing Jews were acknowledged by the than he is anti-Israel. He may be just plainly misled. Therein lies the puzzle: that a man who certainly is aware World Jewish Congress and by the Netherlands, whose govern- in Philadelphia last- December of the damaging boycott conducted by the Arab states against ment awarded him the Grand Officer's Cross in recognition of his denied an injunction against Israel should be so adamant in his efforts to stop a protesting efforts in preventing the deportation of millions of Dutch to Pennsylvania's blue law sought by a highway discount house. Nazi extermination camps. movement against the Arab attempts to destroy Israel. On May 17, 1957, in our review of "The Kersten Memoirs: One phase of the struggle is Fulbright may say that he was licked by a Senate majority 1940-1945," published by Macmillan, we called attention to the between such firms, which do due to Israeli pressure. We prefer to believe that he was licked expose both" by Dr. Kersten and by H. R. Trevor-Roper of the a heavy business on Sunday, on the strength of an American principle. false claims that were made in behalf of Count Folke Bernadotte and urban department stores, The most shocking part of his action is that he should have who received undue credit for rescuing Jews. The revelations which are closed on Sunday. used the term "pressure" in relation to American Jewry, thereby of these two men indicated that Bernadotte's activities were The dispute also has over- placing himself on the side of bigots who would deny the right to harmful rather than helpful to rescue undertakings, and that tones of Christian-Jewish dif- petition to free men. On that score, Fulbright's action remains it was primarily the influence of Dr. Kersten upon Heinrich ferences, since the laws have Himmier, who called Dr. Kersten "the magic Buddha," that been strongly supported by inexcusable. American Jews would be less loyal to the traditions both of resulted in life-saving for 60,000 Jews. various church groups. The Judaism and of Americanism if they were to fail to register Dr. Kersten impressed us_ as a modest man. He was an out- Massachusetts law was endorsed their views on public issues. They would be abandoning their standing therapist, and the Jewish leaders in Stockholm through by the Lord's Day League of humanitarianism if they were to fail to come to the aid of their whom we met this remarkable man had great respect for him New England and the Arch- as a man of culture and as the possessor of a great sense of diocesan Council of Catholic kinsmen. Men. But in the instance of the Congressional action protesting honor, justice and dignity. All honor to his memory. against Nasser's failure to respect an international code relating to the freedom of the seas, it was not Jewish pressure but the emergence of the American ideal that motivated members of both Houses of Congress to direct the President to withhold aid of Jewish commitments" and the cultural genes available to the from those who do not honor their obligations. (Continued from Page 1) to Senator Fulbright's positions make him unfair. It results "Will our children carry on manner in which Jews in this community—for transmission from the lack of realism in his position. He becomes a party to our traditions?" Dr. Haber country met all the important its youth of its tradition. appeasement of a most destructive element on the world scene— needs in defense of their fellow As president of the Federa- one that is now flouting international agreements when it af- asked. "In Detroit, unlike many Jews. tion, Max Fisher congratulat- other communities, you are do- fects Israel and will do it against the United States when he Although material aid to ed _the army of campaign ing something for the morrow these areas from American Jew- workers for their "personal has the chance. the field of education. There in Senator Fulbright's appeasement of Nasser is the big puzzle to be essential, identification" with the great is weakness in our Jewish edu- ry will continue as it is in far greater measure causes included in the drive. of the day. cational efforts, and an almost * * * total absence of distinct Jewish to the State of Israel, Dr. Haber He took note of the 12th an- Saul R. Levin--The Man Who Rose to Great Nobility scholarship. What binds our declared that the greater neces- niversay of the State of Israeli Very few really knew Saul R. Levin. Because all the good youth is less and less a common sity is for a "Spiritual Point and sent forth this commun- that he did in his lifetime—and it was so widespread that it re- background. We, and our youth Four," a program of technical ity's greetings to Israel and mained unaccountable—was performed noiselessly, merely for even more so, are severed from assistance to recreate and rein- its leaders. force human and cultural val- the purpose of attaining a good goal. He shunned publicity, and the past." Fisher commended Cohn, ues. even when the Honduran government, or any other group, was Zuckerman and their associates "Our primary problem in He urged that American Jew- honoring him, he wanted the event "toned down." life in the ry take inventory of its com- for "giving leadership to a great When he was reappointed a member of the Michigan Cor- American Jewish Allied Jewish Campaign." rections Commission by Governor Williams, it could have been next decade is to anchor Jew- munal inheritance factors—the Cohn expressed pride in the ish education on the one side an occasion for review of great contributions he had made in to an attachment in depth and campaign's leader ship and recent years towards the improvement of our penal system. He Scholars Doubt thanked them "in behalf of a feeling, and on the other to cre- had become an authority on penology, yet no one knew about it. grateful community. He men- ativity of the thought that il- Biblical 'Findings' What concerned him was that those in charge of corrections and tioned especially the devoted ef- lumines the mind," he said. NEW YORK, (JTA)—Sci- forts of Leonard Simons, the of enforcing penal codes should be appraised of the humanistic "Jewish education must increas- entists and biblical scholars Stollman Brothers, the Borman attitutes that motivated his activities. ingly be reinforced by Jewish expressed opinions ranging Brothers and others for their His great gift was his understanding of the problem of youth, scholarship if it is to grip the "from the cautious to the devoted work. and it is on this score that Your Commentator wishes to pay a imagination of our youth and skeptical," about r e p or t s personal tribute to his dear departed friend. In more than one Miss Hadar, the beautiful sustain them in their allegiance. from Jordan declaring that sense, Saul Levin was the counterpart of the late Fred M. Butzel, "Miss Israel of 1959," thrilled The philanthropic giving of our the sites of Sodom and her audience with her account who helped many students and interested himself in youth prob- sons and their sons will only be Gomorrah have been dis- lems. Levin went deeper into the problem of youth—when there of the Sinai Campaign. She told as free and as wide as the depth covered at the bottom of the was such a problem among the young people he helped to rise many humorous stories and in a of their Jewish commitment." Dead Sea, according to the serious mood spoke of the value above penury into a life of dignity. Saul Levin was convinced Speaking of the activities in New York Times. that there were no bad boys—that there merely were misguided of the Israeli greeting of "Shal- behalf of the United Jewish The discoveries were an- young people whose backgrounds were unfortunate, who needed om" as an offering of peace and nounced at Amman, Jordan, to be directed to proper educational spheres, who must be en- Appeal, the major beneficiary friendship to Israel's neighbors. of the Allied Jewish Cam- by Dr. Ralph E. Baney, of couraged. She told of the new type of Jew paign, Dr. Haber said: "His- Kansas City, a Baptist mis- who was created in Israel. And what encouragement this warm-hearted man gave the tory will record that we rose sionary in charge of an ar- young people! Sobeloff, in his concluding ad- chaeological team that has He was among the first leaders we had drawn into the Young to our opportunity. A fan- admonished the leaders dress, been probing the Dead Sea Judaea movement here, when that youth movement was in all tastic job was done by Amer- and workers that "in one sense, ican Jewry." for the remnants of the an- its glory and at its great heights. Saul Levin was a leader in the the moment we leave here this He evaluated the accom- cient civilization mentioned evening we already are open- real sense of the term: he attended meetings of the club he was to plishments of the last 15 years in the Bible. According to Dr. lead as a volunteer, he took a deep interest in the boys, he at- ing the 1961 campaign—we are Baney, one of the two lost tended leaders' conferences—here and on a national scale—and —the liquidation of the dis- continuing in a great job." cities was located by divers there are today many prominent young professional men who placed persons camps, the build- Dr. Richard C. Hertz gave the ing of communities where there at the bottom of the Dead owe their devotion to their duties to the inspiration they re- opening prayer at the campaign was destruction during and at Sea in the Lisan Peninsula ceived from Saul Levin. dinner. Mrs. Rose Cooper, ac- Bay, in Jordan, about 20 Everything he did was modestly performed. He was a true the end of the last war and the companied by Mrs. Sidney Al- million a settlement of nearly miles northeagt of modern leader, yet he was always in the ranks of the constituents. He len, led in the singing of the Sodom, Israel. guided, yet he left the impression that he was merely consulting. and a half Jews in Israel—and national anthems. He was that sort of a genius, and it is to such genius that we pay he paid tribute to the "depth Centenary of Theodor Herzl's Birth - Campaign Ends on Hopeful Note