THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, May 6, 1960 — The Suburban Community Israel Anniversary Event Is Inspiring and Reassuring Bnai Moshe Slates Panel on Children, Special Friday Rites I Technion to Train Reveal Rating High School Teachers System for Jews A curriculum for the peda- gogic training of high school in Grosse Pointe teachers in mathematics, phys- State officials this week seemed determined to get to the bottom of a point system employed by real estate dealers in Grosse Pointe to bar "certain undesirables" from residence in that suburban area. In daily hearings before At- torney General Paul L. Adams and Corporation and Security Commissioner Lawrence Gubow, it was revealed that a Jew wish- ing residence in Grosse Pointe must register 85 points in a questionnaire, while others need only 50 points. Other groups vary from 55 to 65 points, while none are regis- tered for either Negroes or Orientals. According to Paul Maxon, secretary to the Grosse Pointe Brokers Association, which is accused of adopting the point system, there is a special cate- gory for Jewish buyers. Maxon assured, however, that a Jew like Einstein or even a Negro like Ralph Bunche would have little difficulty ob- taining a home in the Pointe because they have achieved "eminence." Other Jews, he indicated, are rated on their. names. If the name is Feingold, they would rate no points. If it was Ameri- canized to Smith, the family would score two points each for husband and wife. Club membership also was deemed important, and a Jew could accumulate as much as 14 points in this category if he be- longed to a non-Jewish club. Here; his acceptance by Gen- tiles is already proven. The state hearings will con- tinue while some 25 people in- volved in . the point system are questioned by the Attorney General's staff. ics, chemistry and in the tech- nological subjects was intro- duced at the Haifa Technion. It is open to fourth year students and graduates, and extends over one year. The course has been launched in view of the acute shortage of high school teach- ers, especially in the field of science, and will be conducted in cooperation with the Minis- try of Education, which has shown a keen interest in the project and is financing part of the budget. A meeting of the Bnai Moshe interested in Israel then, and Men's Club at 8:30 p.m., Mon- By the Oak-Woodser Just as we gain spiritual sus- that we are still vitally con- day, in the synagogue social tenance by reading of the Ex- cerned with Israel's problems hall, will feature a panel dis- cussion on the recent White odus from Egypt from our Pass- and her progress. It was pleasant to have a gay House Conference on Children over Haggadah, so do we find in- spiration in celebrating the an- community celebration with few and Youth by some of the De- overtones of threats or immed- troit delegates. niversary of Israel's re-birth. iate danger marring the festiv- Among the guest panelists In the passages we read from ities. will be Mary Ravitz, a senior the Haggadah, we find new While Jewry everywhere is at Cody High School, Sam Rab- meaning each year, and so it is keenly aware that Arab hos- inovitz, of the Michig . Youth when we pause to pay tribute tility has not diminished, Commission, and Norbert Rein- to the heroism of a staunch there is no concern that open stein, of the Tuberculosis and group of Israelis who had to warfare may erupt at any Health Society. A question and fight and to die to assure the time. And even if it should, answer period will follow. existence of the Jewish home- men like Ambassador Comay A special late Friday evening land, even after it was created give assurance that the Is- service will be held by the con- by the United Nations. Is Pleased raelis will be able to take gregation at 8:15 p.m., May 13, This year, as in previous care of it. to Announce in its main sanctuary on Ten years since the establishment Just continue sharing with us Mile Rd. at Kenosha, Oak Park, THAT THEY NOW CARRY of the country, we know that the building of the state, the according to Stephen Lanyi, LESLIE LLOYD, DU MONT and a completely independent Is- Ambassador asks, and we will president of the congregation. rael is not a reality, and yet make certain of its existence. If FASHIONBUILT CLOTHING.. . The 12-man Bnai Moshe choir we see substantial gains being the Arabs think by blockade, will be honored during this AND HAVE JUST RECEIVED A made, and we know that even- boycott or threat they are put- service, Rabbi Moses Lehrman, LARGE SELECTION OF tually this will become fact. ting Israel out of business, they spiritual leader, will preach on FEATHER*-WEIGHT and The part that American Jews are mistaken. "The Joy of Serving—A Lost WASH AND WEAR SUITS. have played in Israel's growth And, you know, he's quite Art?", and recently elected of- was emphasized by Michael convincing! ficers of the Men's Club will be CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED Comay, Israel's Ambassador to installed by Rabbi Lehrman. the United Nations, who spoke `I Remember Daughter' Following the service, refresh- ments will be served by the at the 12th anniversary festivi- • TUXEDO RENTALS ties Sunday night, at Adas Sha- Skit Highlights Meeting sisterhood. Newest Styles and Colors lom Synagogue. Sisterhood of Cong. Bnai Perfect Individual Fitting What we are living through Moshe will hold its annual today, he said, is one of the membership meeting at 12:30 U.S. Firm Invests most exciting chapters in Jew- p.m. Monday at the synagogue, $3.5 Million in Israel ish history. We are actually part Mrs. Norbert Reinstein, mem- Israel Investors Corp., a New of it. Our descendants will ask, bership chairman, announces. York firm headed by Samuel 200, 300, 500 years from now, A skit, "I Remember Daugh- TAILORS, CLOTHIERS how it was to be alive in that ter," will be presented by the Rothberg, of Peoria, Ill., has invested $3,500,000 in seven of time. & CLEANERS Choral Group, with Cantor the largest concerns in Israel, The Israeli Ambassador Louis Klein directing and Mrs. it is announced by Shimon flashed back to the year 1947 Elliot Raskin accompanying at 22155 Coolidge when there was such a hubbub the piano. Mrs. Carl Greenberg -Horn, director of the Israel In- vestment Authority. LI 7-1511 of excitement surrounding the is narrator. The major shares of the in- discussions of the Palestine Free Pickup and Delivery Mrs. Oscar Spilkin, president, vestment went to Fertilizers Partition in the United Nations. and Chemicals Ltd., of Haifa, OPEN SUNDAYS 11 to 3 P.M. has appointed Mrs. Seymour Comay explained that wher- The most difficult thing in ever he went people kept asking, Freedman chairman of the day, the country's largest industrial him, because he was a repre- who, with her committee, will plant, and Tri-Continental Pipe- life is to know yourself. lines, now constructing the 16- sentative of the Jewish nation, serve a luncheon. Rabbi Moses Lehrman will inch Eilat to Haifa oil pipe- about the chances of a state be- ing established. And in New welcome the new members, line. Other Israel based firms in York, he added, there are, of and Mrs. Moses Lehrman will Fresh Home-Made Food and Appetizers Daily course, many Jews to ask this lead in community singing with which the investors are actively . . . and Tray Catering—Call or Visit participating are Industrial De- the parody that she wrote for question. velopment Bank of Israel, El- "One day, a cabbie named this occasion. OAK MANOR KOSHER Al Airlines, the Dead Sea Bro- Rosenberg picked me up at mine Works, Israel Tankers CATERING AND CARRY-OUT CO. Flushing Meadow as I came Polio Clinic Set Thursday Corp. and Bank Leumi Invest- LI 6-7797 from a UN session. I was tired COOLIDGE • 22175 ment Co. and didn't feel like conversa- at Cong. Beth Shalom Under Supervision of the Vaud Harabonim Cong. Beth Shalom, as a pub- tion. When he asked me where I was from, I told him South lic service to South Oakland Bnai David to Present County residents, is sponsoring Africa." ,."South Africa," he repeated. a polio clinic from 6 to 9 p.m., `Night of Stars,' June 4 "Well tell me, - what do youse Thursday, in the synagogue A "Night of Stars," featuring South Africans think of the social hall, 14601 Lincoln, Oak some of this country's most Park. Polio and booster shots popular acts of entertainment, Palestine question?" Has the finest selection of beautiful The point of the story was will be given at $1 per innocu- is planned by Cong. Bnai David cut flowers, corsages and plants for Mother. that Jews in this country were lation. at 9 p.m., June 4, at the Ford Auditorium. Highlighting the evening will REMEMBER MOTHER ON HER DAY! be comedian Alan King and the BY HENRY LEONARD popular Barry Sisters. Also on WE DELIVER — CALL LI 6-9500 the program will be the Ye- menites, a dance group; Stan OPEN SUNDAY 22173 COOLIDGE, So. of 9 Mile Fisher, harmonica virtuoso; and Herschel Leib and his orchestra. Tickets are available by call- ing EL 6-8210 or KE 8-1700. RADOM TAILORS RADOM FOR THE BEST IN KOSHER CATERING THE OAK PARK - ROSE SHOP DANNO Sol Littman to Speak at Sisterhood Meeting "What Would You Do?", an address by Sol Littman, of the Bnai B r i t h Anti-Defamation League, will be featured at a regular meeting of Cong. Beth Shalom Sisterhood, at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the syna- gogue social hall, 14601 Lincoln, Oak Park. The slate of officers for 1960- 61 will be presented for ap- proVal to the membership. Hold Rummage Sale '9 still can't figure out how Noah got all those animals into it ..." Copr. 1959, Leonard Pririkin The Sisterhood of Cong. Beth Shalom is holding its semi-an- nual rummage sale at 11736 Dexter. Donations will be used toward the completion of the synagogue kitchen, on Lincoln Rd., Oak Park. For pick-ups contact Mrs. Milton Handel- man, LI 5-8960. HEBREW ACADEMY OAK PARK 13855 W. 9 MILE ROAD For Parents Who Seek The Best A modern Hebrew program with a modern approach to secular education. The ONLY day school serving the suburbs announces that registration is now being accepted to nursery, kindergarten and grade school through Grade 4. Door to door transportation. Special tutoring and small classes. Accredited English staff. LI 8-8020 Eves. LI 8-3554