Campaign Can Go Above $5,000,000 Mark by Reaching 6,000 Yet ti 4'7 ,24 44 4 CO 4,4 , ,4 lie ited 4N 4 THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review E1 of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper, Incorporating The Jewish Chronicle VOL. XXXVI I—No. 10 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 35 lcsoct' rtildn ighop May 6, 1960 Senate Defeats Fulbright's Antilsrael Move; Acrimony, Bitterness Noted in Debate Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News 41".011. Last 8tt„ Success in o e xceeding 43; Score Jeks Effort Detroit's 1960 Allied Jewish Campaign of- ficially came to a close Monday night, at a dinner meeting at the Jewish Center, at which it was announced that $4,500,670 — 95 per cent of the 1959 income of $4,850,000 — had already been subscribed. But the minimum expected to be raised this year, Isidore Sobeloff, executive vice president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, indicated in a summary of the campaign, will reach at least $4,913,000, and there is a possibility, he empha- - sized, that the $5,000,000 mark may be exceeded when all the pledges are in. The confidence of the leaders is based on the expectation of many increases on gifts al- ready reported, and on the fact that the- sum secured thus far came from 19,694, whereas there are 26,000 potential givers in the com- munity. Thus, by reaching 6,000 more people who have not been reached up to the time of the closing meeting of the campaign, there is the chance of exceeding the $5,000,000 mark. It is in the power of the 6,000 who are yet to con- tribute, therefore, to give the Detroit Allied Jewish Campaign another $5,000,000 year. The concluding campaign meeting was- . marked by a . great deal of enthusiasm. Irwin I. . Cohn, chairman of the drive, praised division leaders for their efforts in an active six weeks of general solicitations. Paul Zuckerman, co-chairman of the cam- paign, joined in expressing gratitude to co- workers for their efforts. Max M. Fisher, president of the Federation, was one of the principal speakers. The main address of the evening was given by Prof.- William Haber, of the University of - Michigan, and an additional inspiring address . was given by Miss Miriam Hadar, "Miss Israel of 1959." Participating in presentation of reports in - behalf of the various divisions were, in addition to Cohn and Zuckerman: Jack Lefton, president of the Detroit Service Group; Max Pincus, Arthur Schlesinger, Irwin Green, Arthur Howard, George Kyle, Dr. Jerome Hauser, Arnold Frank, Charles Rosen, Alan Luckoff, George M. Zeltzer and Mrs. Eugene Arnfeld. Emphasizing "the step to maturity". that was taken in Detroit's campaign, in view of the suc- cess it attained without the need of - "resorting to a response to a crisis," Dr. Haber, president of the American ORT, who was adviser to General Lucius Clay in Germany in 1948, and who recently returned from the Jewish Welfare and Reconstruction Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, emphasized the need for advancing the cause of Jewish education as a means of retaining the youth in Jewish ranks. Dr. Haber, who indicated that the drawing of youth into Jewish ranks is being encountered with difficulty, complimented the Detroit Jewish community for the advances it is making in overcoming such obstacles. (Continued on Page 2) The U.S. Senate Monday night voted 45 to 39 to table a proposed WASHINGTON amendment by Senator J. W. Fulbright to the Mutual Security Act aimed at nullifying last week's Douglas-Keating amendment. The Douglas-Keating amendment, which was retained intact in the adopted final ver- sion of the bill, expressed the sense of Congress that mutual security and surplus food assistance could be administered by the President in line with the principles of free naviga- tion and non-discrimination. (In New York, the U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday refused an injunction to halt the picketing of the Egyptian ship Cleopatra and upheld the rulings of three U.S. District Court judges in support of the actions of the maritime unions.) Fulbright, in the course of Monday's debate, sought to blame Israel for alleged failure to obey a United Nations resolution on readmission of Arab refugees. He also inferentially attacked American aid to Israel. The Senator, who is chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, called attention of Senators to letters from Acting Secretary of State Douglas Dillon and Secretary of the Treas- ury Robert Anderson which, in effect, support ..?.d his proposed amendment. He also alleged that some American shippers backed his stand. Fulbright's bitterest onslaught against Israel came when a Senator questioned aid to the Republic of South Korea, noting that corruption developed in South Korea despite such aid. Fulbright replied that if aid to South Korea caused corruption, Israel might be "the most corrupt of all nations," since Israel had received so much American assistance. Some proponents of the Douglas-Keating amendment defended it on grounds that the President need not implement the measure if he so decided. It was also said by some Senators that the President was only obligated to make a form of informal, perhaps oral, report on measures taken by the administration to insure application.. But Senator Wayne Morse in- sisted that the President was fully obligated to make a written report to Congress on imple- mentation of the amendment. Defeat of the Fulbright amendment came on a motion by Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon Johnson to table the amendment. Fulbright attempted to persuade the S enate that Arab pressure was aimed against Israeli shipping rather than American shipping. He claimed that the Douglas-Keating amend- ment was a "political instrument" and gave an impression of anti-Arab bias. He said Senators had no Arab constituents and suggested that his opponents were moved by "political con- siderations" that caused action undermining American-Arab amity. Senator Paul Douglas, co-sponsor of the adopted amendment, said the State Depart- ment arguments advanced by Fulbright rested on a fundamental error. He said this was the erroneous contention that the freedom of navigation issue merely involved a dispute between the Arabs and Israel. This was not true, said Douglas, pointing out that the United Arab Republic had violated treaties and international commitments involving the Suez Canal. Nasser broke his word and Hammarskj old failed to gain Nasser's cooperation on the Suez, said Douglas. He characterized Nasser's policy as increasingly repressive and deplored State Department "appeasement" by increasing aid to the UAR to $100,000,000. The State Department, said Douglas, apparently had decided that morality should play no part in for- mulation of American policy in the Near East. Fulbright attacked Douglas, alleging that Israel violated UN resolutions on Arab refu- gees. Douglas replied that Fulbright was trying to "shift the subject." Senator Morse said the true issue was whether the United States was going to "bend at its knees" before totali- tarian nations. He charged that the Arabs are seeking "to destroy the only free nation in the Near East—Israel." Morse called on the Administration to stand firm against Arab "blackmail" by supporting international law. Senator Kenneth Keating said there could be no com- promise on the principle of free navigation. He said the Ful- bright amendment would encourage Nasser to make "further transgressions." He said the Douglas-Keating amendment put "steel" into America's "pious statements." He added that the Arab refugee issue that Fulbright sought to inject had nothing to do with the blockade question affecting American nationals. The Douglas-Keating amendment retained in the Mutual Security Authorization Bill passed Monday night is similar to an anti-discrimination amendment in the House version of the bill. Speaking for the State Department, Undersecretary Douglas Dillon warned that the so-called Douglas amend- ment might play into the hands of Communist efforts to exacerbate Middle Eastern tensions to penetrate the area. At the concluding Allied Jewish Campaign Dinner, from the left: Dr. William Dillon said the Arab boycott was an outgrowth of the Haber, Max M. Fisher, Irwin I. Cohn, Paul Zuckerman and Miss Miriam Hadar, (Continued on Page 40) "Miss Israel of 1959." — N's