Public School Starts Drive for Clothing Gun; berger-Nathan National Magazine I JWEWO Don or Cites Rostow Theories Rites Held April 10 on &ono-mit Growth to Aid. Orphans, ' MRS. GERARD GUNZBERGER An article on Prof. Walt Whitman Ro s tow and his theories of economics extends across five pages in the April 9 issue of Business Week Magazine, which states that he has been "hailed in some quar- ters as a major prophet, de- nounced in others as a fraud." The 43-year-old professor of economic history at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Tech- nology is the son of Detroiter Mrs. Lillian. Share. The controversy started by Prof. Rostow's "five stages of national economic growth" was touched off by announcement that two books written by him are now being released. One is "The Stages of Economic Growth: a Non-Com- munist Manifesto," which is a 117-page publication by Cam- bridge University Press. The other is a 568-page major work, "The United States in the World Arena," published by Harper & Bros. Widows in Israel The 40th anniversary of the Jewish Women's European Wel- fare Organization will be marked with a mother and daughter donor luncheon, to be held at 12 noon, Wednesday, in the main Jewish Center, 18100 Meyers. According to Mrs. Max Eng- lander, chairman, the event will be the organization's major Detroit's annual spring public school clothing drive will start Monday, and continue through May 13. - • This will_de . the 25th anniver- sary year for the city-wide cloth- ing drives and the year-around program in which the Volun- teers of America have co-operat- ed with Detroit Public Schools Social Servhe; a representative group of school personnel which spollsors the drive. Aim of the drive is - to pro- vide wearable used shoes and clothing so that thousands -of needy children can be properly clothed for school. Contribu- tions taken to the schools or donated direct - from the home are picked up by the Volun- teers of America, cleaned and repaired, then supplied free to needy children. Only cases of temporary family d_istress are aided. - - Marshall BR Lodge Marks 25th Year Albert Gutman, president of Louis Marshall Lodge, an- nounces that the organization will celebrate its 25th anni- versary with a dinner - dance at 7 p.m., Sun- day, at Tam O'S.ha n ter Country Club-. Dr.Lawrence I. Yaffa is serving as chairman of • the event. Artie Gutman Fields and his orchestra will provide music for dancing and entertainment. Tickets are available by call- ing Gutman, at UN. 3-7055, or Jimmy Laker, TE. 4-8282. For That 1960 FORD or Used Car — Call SAUL H. .SINKOFF • Salesman for - Suzanne Wohl Nathan became DICK LURli FORD LI 5-5300 LI 5-2969 the bride of Gerard Josef Gunz- berger in a ceremony perform- ed April 10, in the Park Shel- ton Hotel by Dr. Richard C. Hertz, of Temple Beth El. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Emil Na- than. of Thatcher Ave., Detroit, Dan Frohman Chorus For fine color movies and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gunz- Sets Annual Concert of your wedding MRS. MAX ENGLANDER berger, of Bogota, Colombia, I The Dan Frohman Chorus South America. will be heard in its annual con- fund-raising event this year. Call The bride's gown was of ' cert at 8:30 p.m., May 15, in the white, silk organza with a flow- auditorium of Mumford High Proceeds go for the support of widows and orphans in- Israel. er-embroidered motif and scoop School. Following the full - course neckline. Her illusion veil fell Rebecca Frohman and Marian to• her fingertips from a crown Hahn, two noted concert plan- luncheon, members and their guests will hear an address by ,. of seed pearls, and she carried Mrs. - Morris Adler, wife of Our Classifieds Get Fast Results a bouquet of white Orchids and Rabbi Adler, of Cong. Shaarey stephanotis on her confirmation Zedek,- whd will be guest speak- Bible. er. A number of • prizes will be Paula Maskin was maid of awarded. honor, while bridesmaids were AsSisting Mrs. Englander in Linda Ann Boasberg; of Buffalo, planning the event are Mes- N.Y., and Judith Ann Smith. A dames Jack Seder, tickets; Ida cousin of the bride ; Joan Mer- Goldsmith, journal, and Otto rill Hoffman, was-junior brides- Kavieff, darlings. Mrs. Morris maid. V. Kenneth McDowell was the Miller is JWEWO president. bridegroom's best man, and ush- Reservations are available by Miss Hahn Miss Frohman itisvARIETIE 5 ers were Richard N. Block, of calling Mrs. Seder, TY 8-4151; Buffalo, Lawrence E. Nathan, ists, will be the assisting artists. Mrs. Miller, UN 4-1639, or Mrs. Jr., and Stephen M. J. Hoffthan. The duo pianists will present Englander, DI . 114766. Following a honeymoon in a program of. works by Bach, Jamaica and Miami Beach, Mr. Rachmaninoff and Milhaud. U. of D. Fraternity Schedules and Mrs. Gunzberger will take The selected 60-voice choir Fourth Annual Games Night up residence-on Tireman Ave. will present a program of works The fourth annual games by Low, Schubert, Binder, Gel- night party of Phi Sigma Delta bert, Polansky, Enders, Glad- fraternity at the University of Council Luncheon stone, Zaira, Moussorgsky, Han- Detroit will take place at 9 Fetes 50-Year Women del, Robert Shaw, Mascagni, p.m., Saturday, in the U. of D. Memorial Building, Fairfield at "Council in the Community" Verdi and Frohman. is the theme of the annual • Tickets are available by call- Florence. 13821 W. 9 MILE lunchedn meeting of the Detroit ing LI. 3-3253 or LI. 5-5680. Section, National Council of LI 8-1111 LI 1-2888 Don Frohman Chorus Jewish Women, to be held this Sisters Vie for Title Mumford High, May 15 Tuesday afternoon, at the Town and Country Club, according to of 'Best Stenographer' Mrs. Albert E. Cole, program Two sisters have been selected to compete in the finals to pick- chairman. Guest speaker will be Rich- Detroit's best stenographer. The "THE MOST ard F. Huegli, director of winner will reign over the U n i t e d Community Services. Detroit Business Show, • being FANTASTIC Special recognition will be giv- held -at the Stotler Hotel, Mon- ENTERTAIN- en to some 100 Council com- day through Wednesday. - The girls are Vivian- Levin- munity service volunteers. MENT Honored guests will include son, 21, and Janice Levinson, 27 Detroit women whose names 19, the daughters of Mr. and EVENT IN have been on Council's member- Mrs. Leo Levinson, of 1.8644 THE ENTIRE ship list for at least 50 years. Santa Rosa. Vivian and Janice were These include Mesdames Har- HISTORY OF ry Berger, William Brown, Sol selected on the basis of sec- See THE THE MOTION Cohn, Joseph Ehrlich, Harry retarial tests given by promot- WORLD'S Farbsten, Sidney Frank, Max ers of the show, including PICTURE MOST Grabowsky, Israel Himelhoch, ability to type and take short- Julian Krolik, Benjamin Lam- hand. Yet remaining is an in-: INDUSTRY!" HONORED bert, Homa-p. rMaks, I..L. Pol- terview with the judges. Newsweek Mag. PICTURE As finalists, the girls. will be ozker, Oscar Robinson, David the way Scheyer, Albert SthloSs, Sidney hostesses at the show, where Starting Sunday * * Starring * * Silberman, Morris Silver, exhibitions of new machinery Mike Todd Charles Simons, Samuel Slo- and equipment will be shown. David Niven originally Vivian is a Federal Govern- man, Sidney :Weinman, Joseph Ca ntinf las produced it. ment employee with the Bureau Weiss and -the Aliases Hattie Robert Newton Gittleman, -Mildred. Goldman; of Internal Revenue. Janice is & TODD-A-0 Shirley MacLaine Edith lieavenrich-, Said Hirsch- secretary to the chief account- SIX TRACK Frank Sinatra man and Cardlyn Wolenburgh. ant at Wayne State University. Ronald Coleman HI-F1 Both girls are graduates of Ma rlena Dietrich Central High School. STEREO. SZO Fetes Israel's WHAT EVERY BRIDE SHOULD KNOW SID SIEGEL TO 8-2705 . LIBERMAN' 944#04,4 6117144-71 c7-oett EELICATESSEN Michael Todds 0 11 ATID 11* DAYS . IN AT POPULAR PRICES! Birthday- at WSV, gaily at. McGregor to Be A program in honor •Of Addressed by Two Indians Israel's -12.111- —ariftilier-sary will be held by the Student Zionist Organization at 8:30 p.m. - Wed- nesday, in 328 State Hall, Wayne State University Featuring a folk dance troup of the national SZO, the pro- gram will include also com- munity singing and dancing. A speaker will discuss the "Mean- ing of Israel's Independence." The public is invited. Acharya Kripalani and Su-' theta Kripalani, political lead- ers of India, will speak on "Will Democracy Survive In India?", Saturday, May 7, 8:30 p.m., at McGregor Center, Ferry and 2nd. The meeting is -sponsored by the Dernocratic Socialist Forum made up of the Socialist Party-Social Democratic Federa- tion, Dissent Magazine and Workmen's Circle. COMPLETE! — UNCUT! 44 Fin FAMOUS STARS 52 BEST PICTURE AWARDS and WORLD-WIDE HONORS MERCURY THEATER Schaefer at W. McNichols UN 2-8100 FREE PARKING PRICES: Evenings. and Sunday $1.75. Weds. and Sat. Matinee, Adults 90c . to Children .50c at all fifties. 6 p.m. — Shown on the largest screen in bMichigan ! 3 HOURS OF SPARKLING- ENTERTAINMENT Weds. 2 and 8 p.m. Thurs. ' 8 p.m Fri. 6 and 9:15 p.m. Sat. 12:05, 2:55, 5:45 ' and 9:15 p.m. Sun. 1:30, 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Mon. 8 p.m. Tues.