▪ PI • I ♦ Crz en' 04 ■ Rapinupw— Ir I P•'' Purely Commentary_ By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ ._ Israel's anniversary is always a great day. It is a day- to accept Israel's Anniversary: Obstacles Due to Deceptions literally the words of the Psalmist that "this is the day created by the Lord, let us rejoice in it." Yet it also is a day for stock-taking. Nothing could be more detrimental to Israel than over-confidence. It would be sheer folly to assume that all is glorious, that Israel is secure; that the world accepts the reality of the State's re-emergence. The fact is that there still are elements who begrudge Israel its existence, that there are many who would gladly destroy • • , the small state. Perhaps the worst enemy facing Israel is the ignorance about it in many ranks and the misinformation and lieS that are being spread by her enemies. An interview - with Nasser that was broadcast widely last Sunday on a TV program was the best indication of the decep- tions that are being perpetrated. Men who purportedly are O 1:4 acquainted with the situation in the Middle East' permitted themselves to ask questions that enabled the Egyptian dictator propagate hatred of Israel unchallenged. His lies were so a to apparent that it was appalling to witness American correspondents serving as tools in a scheme of hate-spreading. . While we often are deceived into believing that all is honey, there are poisons in many spheres. The press is misled too frequently. Deceptions are the order of the day. Israel is constantly compelled to be on guard. Even the amazing gestures of sympathy to Israel by the maritime unions may peter out into a vacuum. = And so, as we rejoice on. Israel's 12th anniversary, we alk) •- on guard, do not are forced to admonish the celebrantS: remain complacent and. never weaken in . the defense of too become Isiael! The dangers have not yet passed! Be_ vigilant, lest a great and sacred idea that emerged with Israel's independence —the end to Jewish homelessness—should 'again be endangered. *- *- • * Dash's Satirical Israeli Cartoons - Issued in time for the 12th. anniversary. of Israel, the book of more than .200 cartoons by Israel's best known political cartoonist—DOSH—under the title_ "To Israel, With . Love," is illiw .,‘11111111111111111111.1111. 111111.1W L Cornerstone I: aid for Branch of United Hebrew Sehoolsi to Belteady in -September . United Hebrew Schools and' Jewish Welfare Federation lead-1 ers participated Sunday morn- ing in a special- ceremony mark- ing the laying of the corner- stone for the new Al and Tom Borman Branch of the schools, on the southeast corner of Sev- en Mile Road and Bentler. Held under the chairmanship of David Safran, chairman of the schools' building committee, the program included several speeches in which community leaders commended the Bor- man brothers for their interest In donating $60,000 towards the construction of the new school branch. The balance of the funds for the construction of the new school will be provid- ed by the Federation. Malidell Berman, president of the schools, speaking on - N O feel Sch olars to Address Wayne AT University Near East Conference behalf of the UHS board of directors, thanked the Bor- mans and spoke of the plans for the expansion of the edu- cational facilities. Berman announced that the Evergreen Jewish Congregation has entered into an agreement with the United Hebrew Schools to use the facilities of the Bor- man Branch for its Sunday school. Max M. Fisher, president of the Federation, joined in com- mending the Bormans and eX- Pressed satisfaction over the progress that has been made by the Detroit Jewish community's educational system. Abe Kasle, former UHS pres- ident, emphasized that the schools' extensive activities pro- vide' proof of the acceptance of duties to education ' as major community responsibilities. Albert Elazar, superinten. dent of the Hebrew Schools, said he foresaw the flocking of hundreds of children who will use the new branch facil- ities. Ile said that the new branch will be- in full opera- tion in September. Al and Tom Borman spoke briefly before laying the cor nerstone. They expressed their joy over the privilege of con- tributing towards the advance- ment of Detroit's Jewish edu- cational system. Refreshments were served aft- er the ceremonies by the Sister- hood of the Evergreen Jewish Congregation. Rabbi Hyman Agress. of the Evergreen Congregation, gave the opening prayer. , 'A number of the country's igan; • Prof. Arthur D. Nock, Harvard University; Prof. •• most distinguished scholars will Rudolph Anthes, University participate in the Wayne State of Pennsylvania, and local University "Conference on the scholars. Near Eastern Background of The lectures will be held at Western Civilization," to com- mence on Sunday evening, the Community Arts Audito- May 8, and to continue through rium, 450 W. Kirby, and the luncheons at the McGregor Tuesday evening, May 10._ Dr. Abram Spiro, chairman Memorial Conference Center, of the university's Department Kirby and Second. of Near East- ern Languages and Litera- tures, who is organizing the cin ference, together with the heads of other.WSU departments, announced this week Dr. Hertz that Dr. Rich- ard C. Hertz, rabbi of Temple most appropriate. Published by Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, N.Y. 16), this Beth El, Msgr. Carroll F. attractive, entertaining and • satirical book—which nevertheless Deady and Dr. Marshall R. retains elements of enlightenment for those who seek acquaint- Reed have been named honor- a-nee with the Israeli point of View—Merited 'a foreWord by Abba ary co-chairmen of the con- Eban. Israel's former Ambassador to the United States and now ference. PROF. Will. F. ALBRIGHT a member of the Israel Cabinet and president of the Weizmann The chairman of the con- ■•••■•■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ference will be Prof. Wil- Institute of Science. "I am not certain," Eban wrote, "that I would always agree liam F. Albright, one of the Boris Smolar's with the implications of Dash's portrayals. Israel is often less most distinguished Semitics small and helpless, her foes less formidable, her friends less scholars in the world. obtuse and inconsiderate than he would have us believe. But At the opening session of exaggeration is not a serious defect in caricature; and Dosh has, the conference, Prof. John L. conveyed the deepest sentiment of Israel's first decade—the McKenzie, of West Baden Col- • • • sense of arduous struggle' against heavy odds, with persistence, lege, will speak on the subject (Copyright, 1960, ingenuity, and rectitude win- "Influence of the Old Testa- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) ment on Modern Historical ning the final act. There are few Thinking." Prof. James Mullen- The Anti-Semitic Front people in any land and language who say so much in a few swift berg will address that session The growth of the number of neo-Nazi youth groups in the good-humored lines." on the subject "Influence of States is becoming a matter of serious concern to Jewish United the Old Testament on Ameri- organizations engaged in fighting anti-Semitism ... Some of these To prove the point, here is can Democracy and Its Insti- groups seem to be involved directly in the desecrations of a cartoon that. Dosh entitled tutions." synagogues, in -smearing swastikas and in other acts against 'How Do I Get Integrated with There will be luncheon ses- Jews . . . Jewish communities confronted with the problem of This Lot?" He pictures here sions, as well as morning, after- teen-age neo-Nazi groups are seeking guidance and advice from noon and evening discussion major Jewish organizations in New York as to how to act . . little Israel in his usual fashion, meetings. The registration fee The American Jewish Committee is instructing the communities as the little boy amidst many for the entire conference is to discourage publicity which causes undue fears and which bullies. Under date of Novem- $5, with the additional charge might activate anti-social teen-agers to form similar groups . . ber 1958, the cartoonist ex- of $2 for each luncheon. There is a basic difference of opinion between the American plains: "Well-integrated voices Speakers at the May 9 and Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith at home .and abroad repeatedly such 10 sessions will include with regard to the methods of dealing with the activities of urge Israel's integration into &Si? eminent scholars as Prof. George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the so-called "American little Israel wonders: the Middle Eastern scene." And so, Ephraim A. Speiser, Univer- Nazi Party" . . . The Committee believes that Rockwell's anti- "Integration into what?" sity of 'Pennsylvania; Prof. Semitic open air "meetings" in. Washington should be ignored The cartoons on world affairs are equally effective. The explanatory notes accompanying the cartoons—with dates of Gustav V. Grunebaum, Uni- since they attract no crowds . . . AJC thinks that any publicity versity of California; Prof. given to RockWell's utterances is only playing into his wish to their appearance, thus explaining the events that inspired them, gives them aspects of historicity. Joseph Schacht, Columbia get publicity . . . This view is shared by Jewish Community University; Prof. George G. Council of Washington . . The Anti-Defamation League takes Cameron, University of Mich- a different stand on Rockwell . .. In the opinion of ADL, any UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT? FROM ISRAEL'S POINT OF VIEW anti-Semite who advocates the extermination of Jews should be North . . or his 'exposed with all means possible—including publicity—as a from the - warning against an alliance with menace to society. - • Egypt, 'a broken reed,' opt. Isa- I iah, who describes the fallen Di lomatic Reflections What policy should the United States follow in 1960 about city of Tarshish as a woman who has lost her beautiful girdle .. . the Arab-Israeli conflict? . . . Should the State Department This is just another instance of• follaw its present "neutral" policy, or introduce certain changes? the present-day Israel phenome- . . Should the U.S. urge a world embargo on arms shipments non of entering upon a new to Arab states and Israel? . . . Should the U.S. press for a United field only to discover that one Nations settlement of the Arab refugee problem? ... The Foreign 4 1 blow Doh, the Israeli ceal000let, seat an attempt is merely continuing a very old Policy Association is now canvassing opinions on these questions *righbow ► oo4, isn't ill !ratmove awe' soil aegis -hem Syr% ie help dee through an "opinion ballot" ... Those receiving this ballot are tradition . . ." Ledereem r.. tie told by the FPA that most experts feel that full-scale Arab-Israeli The cartoons, • as the accom- Then there are these two additional examples of typical reproductions illuStrate hostilities are not likely, in the near future . This, despite the Dosh cartOons—reproduced above—that won favor with his panying the point, deal with foreign is- fact that none of the basic Arab-Israeli issues has yet been rapidly-multiplying audiences. sues as they affect Israel. They resolved . . . The prospects of solving these issues are no better Dash's introduction• to his book -of cartoons also contains concerned with the embat- than they have been in 12 years, FPA says . . . It stresses that are to elements of unusual interest. He writes: tied front and with the enemies the Palestine Arab refugees "constitute a potential threat "I was 18 years old when the last war broke Out. _I survived the peace" . . . Israel, the FPA emphasizesi is -willing to-accept who surround the small new it—and considering that I was a Jew - in - Hungary, that war quite state. They also concern them- a portion of them, and to indemnify others, but the Arabs an accomplishment. It did; however, - cost - me - my original plan demand full reparations . . The Foreign Policy . Association of becoming a nuclear physicist and a writer of, great Hungarian selvei _ with Jewish issues, with points out that the Arab League formally rejected a proposal Zionism, with Israeli-Diaspora novels. Instead, I am now a political cartoonist in Israel, one of by the United Nations Secretary General that abet& two billion the first 'after 2,000 years.' And this is note just a gibe. For relationships, with Israel's in- dollars be invested to create jobi for the refugees within the ternal problems. - ' who were the forerunners of the political cartoonists if not the , FPA It is a book of more than 200 various Arab countries ... Interesting is the fact that the great Hebrew prophets? These holy men of God were very much. considers that there is no such a thing as- "Arab unity" despite preoccupied with politics and used to express their opinions gems—which already have de- the existence of the Arab League It goes into great lengths lighted hundreds of thousands in sharp, clear, biting pictures. Of course not drawn ones— of Israeli IVIaariv and Jerusalem to explain why the Arab states are now diVided as never before drawing was not fashionable in Israel in these days—but' look . . • It brings out the interesting fact that while the span of at some of the wonderful images they created in words! Jeremiah, Post readers—and it gives cour- life in the Arab countries neighboring Israel is between 35 while it age to Israel's friends for instance, who sees the lurking menace of a Babylonian and 40, in Israel the life span is 70. invasion of Judea as 'a boiling cauldron, the face thereof is exposes her enemies. • 11•MIW 0 VIM. 0.1• •A, 4,-.••••••••141.11=1-0•••1••••••••• ••• ••••Y.••••11•=10.011111•••0•=1•0.0•1.)1•1•• • 1••••• ••••• ..M `Between You and Me' . , 4 .