A Salute to Israel on State's 12th Anniversary! Community to Mark Event at Ceremonies on Sunday nt: c-romm, HE JEW4-001 4: NEWS A Weekly Review .,„ Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper, VOL. XXXVI I--No. 9 17100 W. 6)4. 41 4$ 4) 0,„4419 <94), events t 7 Mile Rd., Detroit toh CI"? 'swish Chronicle April 29, 1960 Israel Demands Ham, ,iskjold Reveal Suez Deal with Nasser JERUSALEM Dressed in Biblical costumes, these young Israelis are celebrating Israel's Independence Day by dancing in the hills of Mt. Carmel in Haifa. The major Independence Day parade this year will be held in Haifa. There will be parades and street dancing throughout the country. Ac- cording to the Israel Government Tourist Office, 100,000 tourists will participate in this year's celebration. Many scores of Detroiters are in Israel to participate in the celebrations. — Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News Israel virtually challenged UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold Monday to reveal the facts about "practical arrangements" he made with Nasser about the passage through the Suez Canal of ships carrying cargoes to or from Israel. Nasser denied in an American television interview Sunday that there were such arrange- ments between him and Hammarskjold. He said he had made no such agreement with Ham- marskjold and said reports that there was an agreement were Israel propaganda. The spokesman for Israel's Foreign Ministry said here Monday that "if any comment is needed on Nasser's denial, it should come from Hammarskjold." The spokesman recalled that Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, said in the knesset four months ago that the Greek freighter Asty palea, halted by Egyptian authorities at Port Said, had been dispatched in accordance with terms agreed to by Nasser and Hammarskjold. "That statement is and remains valid," the spokesman added. Egyptian Ship May Leave N.Y. Port with , Cargo th!:ouched; Picketing Unin terrupted Congressmen Deplore State Dept. Pressure Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News Special Israel Section in This Issue — Pages 17 to 21 NEW YORK—Embattled maritime workers who have been picketing the Egyptian ship Cleopatra here for two weeks defiantly warned the United Arab Republic Wednesday that they will continue their picketing until the "Nasser government changes its policy toward ships dealing with Israel." They told the second highest court in the land—the United States Circuit Court of Ap- peals—that their action is 'directly calculated" to fight the Nasser government "where it 12th Israel Anniversary is most sensitive, in its own pocketbook." The possibility that the Egyptian ship, Cleopatra, would have to leave the New York Event Here on Sunday harbor with its cargo not unloaded, was seen here as the result of the federal court's re- Michael Comay, Israel's Ambassador to the . fusal to issue an injunction barring the picketing of the United Arab , Republic vessel. United Nations, will be the guest speaker at The Khedivial Mail Line of Alexandria. Egypt, which contends that it owns the Cleopatra, the 12th Israel Anniversary celebration, to be had asked the Circuit Court to reverse the Alexandria, District Coutt's refusal to grant the temporary held Sunday evening at the Adas Shalom social injunction. The attorney for Khedivial, Joseph K. Grainger, asked the Circuit Court not only hall. to reverse the lower court's ruling issued Saturday by U.S. District Court Judge ThothaS F. Joshua 0. Stiel, tenor of the Hebrew Opera Murphy, but also to grant damages for the Cleopatras' two-week long immobilization to date. Company of Israel, an Habonim dance program "Irreparable damage," amounting to "tens of thousands of dollars" has been caused to and pageantry will supplement the program, to the Alexandra shipping firm through the picketing, Grainger contended. Furthermore, he which the 'entire community is invited. told the court, the Cleopatra's sister ship is due in the New York harbor next month and Detailed Story on Page 6 EDITORIAL Celebrate by Supporting the Allied Jewish Campaign, by Aiding United Jewish Appeal A holiday spirit will reign not only in Israel but in JeWish communities throughout the world, on the occasion of Israel's Twelfth Anniversary. There will be a great deal of rejoicing,' and the progress attained by Israel will continue to be a source of great satisfaction to Israel's kinsmen everywhere. Meanwhile Israel continues to conduct an uphill battle for survival. It is struggling against overwhelming odds. It must overcome serious obstacles. That calls for continued action to assure Israel's continued economic secur- ity. It demands our uninterrupted aid to those who seek haven in Israel. It means that we must provide help to Israel in housing and educating the new immigrants and in providing health - facilities for them. On Israel's Anniversary, the major challenge to our community is to pro- vide the funds that are needed by the United Jewish Appeal in the immigration re- settlement activities. The UJA is the major .beneficiary of our Allied Jewish Campaign, and it is imperative that we make a success of the campaign. Although the concluding campaign meeting ha -S been set for next Monday, there still are thousands of potential givers whose contributions have not yet been accounted for. It is urgent that they should be reached, that their gifts should count in the great effort to uphold the hands of the Israelis who are battling for dignity and survival. A united community must join efforts to assure the success of the Allied Jewish Campaign. (Continued on Page 40) Allied Drive to Conclude Monday; Dr. Haber to Speak; Must Raise $700,000 More With $700,000 yet to be reached to attain the minimum goal of $5,000,000 necessary to fulfill thi community's obligations to the United Jewish Appeal 13 local educational and social service agencies and 55 national causes, the Allied Jewish Campaign is entering upon its final phase of the drive. As of now, $4,300,000 has been reported subscribed to the campaign. The concluding dinner meeting will be held at the Jewish Center, Meyers and Curtis, Monday evening. Dr. William Haber, professor of economics at the Uni- versity of Michigan, president of the American ORT and chairman of the Bnai Brith Hillel Commission, will be guest speaker. Greetings will be brought in Israel's behalf by Miriam Hadar, Miss Israel of 1959. In an urgent call to the community, Irwin I. Cohn, chairman of the drive, and Max Fisher, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, urged the immediate en- rollment of all prospective contributors, to assure the raising of the minimal goal needed. Detailed Story on Page 3