THE DETROIT JEWISH. NEWS -- Friday; Apr il 22, 196 0- 16 activities in Society Med:ler-A ronovitz Rites. Set for Sept. 10 Mrs. Martin Cohen, of Santa Maria Ave., left Wednesday for a 10-day visit to her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Harriet) Starr, who are currently living at Camp Lejeune, - N. C., where Mr. Starr is stationed with the U.S. Marine Corps. Arlazaroff branch of the Farband Labor Zionist Organization sponsored- • an evening, of entertainment • and refreshments, Wednesday; at the Hayim Greenberg Center, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mondry and their children, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mondry, on the occasion of the birth of a son to the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dosie, of Greenlawn • Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friedman, a Avon Ave., Oak Park, have returned "from a visit in New York where they attended the wedding of their nephew, Joseph. Ballan. Out-of-town guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Jack A. Yager, of 19308 Coyle, who are here to attend the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Alvin Michael, are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Feldman, Mrs. Joe Feldman and Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Silverman, of St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Lewis Winston, of Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Ruth Heller Licht, of Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. Mary Cohen, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. - Will J. Bennett, of Mayfield, Ky.; Mr. Joseph - MISS ADRIA MECKLER Pomeroy, of Fond du Lac, Wis.; Mr. Ben Dickstein, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Meckler, Harold Smith, Mr. Al Singer and Mr. H. Kornicker, all of of Birchcrest Dr., -announce New York. the engagement of their daugh- ter, Adria. Lee, to Marvin Allan Aronovitz, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aronovitz, of Lauder Ave. DONALD FOX CHAPTER, ser, UN. 4-9507. Earlier in the The bride-to-be attended the will elect officers and board month, the group hosted a University of Illinois and members at Temple Beth Christian youth group at a Wayne State University. Her Yehudah, 17556 Wyoming, model Passover seder, under fiance is a student at the Ohio Tuesday, 8:30 p.m. There will I the chairmanship of Larry Bril- College of Chiropody in Cleve- be a social evening of games, liant, vice-president. A question land, and is affiliated - with Phi and answer period followed the Alpha Pi fraternity. prizes and refreshments. * * * seder ritual. A Sept. 10 wedding is being * * - LOUIS MARSHALL CHAP- planned. HENRY MORGANTHAU TER will elect officers and board members Tuesday, 8:30 LODGE and CHAPTER will p.m. in the Hayim Greenberg jointly celebrate their 14th Center, 19161 Schaefer. A social anniversary wtih a party Sun- hour of games and mah jongg, day evening, in the Hayim Lt. ELI LEVIN AUXILIARY with prizes and refreshments, Greenberg Center, 19161 Schae- will meet at the home of Ruth fer. Dancing to the music of Goldsher, 18041 Northlawn, at will conclude the evening. Fred Netting and his orchestra, 8:30 p.m., Tuesday. Election of a midnight supper and enter- PISGAH LODGE's paid - up tainment by the Chapter will officers will be held. • • • membership party "for men be featured, according to Rob- New members will be obli- only" will feature -outstanding ert Reiset and Les Schoenberg, table tennis champions in an chairmen. The annual Lodge gated and recently-elected of- exhibition match, at 8:30 p.m., election meeting will take ficers installed in ceremonies Monday, in the Morris L. Scha- place Monday evening, at Young planned by the new JWV ETTE CLUB at 7:30 p.m., Sunday. Of- ver Auditorium, of Hayim Israel Center. ficers of the sophomore group Greenberg Center, 19161 Schae- (12-13-year-olds) are Regina fer. The champs to participate will be Chuck Burns, Ed Bren- Center Youngsters Vie Oppenheim, president; Helen Opatowski and Debrah Katz, nan, Tom Waters and Ken Fil- in 'Mail' Track Meet ary. Bob Lupo will be com- Youngsters of the Jewish vice-presidents; Ruth Nemon, mentator. Sound color movies Center, 18100 Meyers, will com- treasurer; Marsha Weintraub, of the 1959 World Series be- pete on the biggest course in Marleen Goldstein and Diana tween the Los Angeles Dodgers the world when they enter the Shaw, secretaries; Joyce Ka- and the Chicago White Sox will third annual International. Air minsky, guard; and Marsha Bar- be shown. Refreshments and a Mail Track and Field Meet. nett, chaplain. Senior group (14- social hour will follow. Admis- They'll vie with Center and YM- 18) officers are Evelyn Berman, president; Sally Kempner, vice- sion is without charge, an- nounces Alexander Gersuk," YWHA members in America, president; Doris Paul, treasurer; Great Britain, Israel, Mexico Elaine Berkley, Cindy Bernstein president. and France. * * and Merle Sherman, secretaries; The meet, sponsored by the Elaine Bosin, historian; and BRANDEIS CHAPTER, Aleph World Federation of YMHAs Zadik Aleph, is planning its and Jewish Community Centers, Marilyn Feld, chaplain. third annual Bowling Ball on is divided into five sections ac-, May 7, at Star Lanes, when a cording to age, for both boys Music Study Club variety show will be presented and girls: 11-12, 13, 14-15, 16-17 by local celebrities. All pro- and 18-up. Events will include Slates Choral Concert The annual Choral Concert ceeds will go to UNICEF. For sprints, relay s, high jump, of the Music Study Club is tickets, call Warren Weiswas- broad jump and shot put. The meet will be held during scheduled for 8:30 p.m., Wed- Dan Frohman Chorus May 15 to July 15, and results nesday, in the International In- stitute, Kirby at John R. Watch For Important News will be reported by Aug.,1. Dan F r o h m a n, composer, singer and conductor, is ar- ranging the program, which will feature the appearance of Mary Maas, noted pianist, and Shirley Zaft, well-known colora- tura soprano. Rose Stein will be accompanist. Mrs. Bernard Pepper is chair- man of the evening, during which the works of Zaire, Friml, Genee, Dvorak, Rossini and Marc Lavri will be pre- sented. Lb. 135 • The public is invited to at- tend, according to Mrs. J. Stew- Lb. 334 art Linden, Music Study Club president. , Bnai Brith Activities JWV Activities 1 BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS "Only the Price Is Lower" 1st CUT LAMB (HOPS . . . BREAST OF VEAL PICKLED TONGUE BONELESS BEEF STEW .. Fresh Kosher GROUND BEEF Shelley Berman Comes to Cass May 5, 6, and 7 Shelley Berman, of television fame, comes to the Cass for three days—and four perform- ances—May 5, 6' and 7. There will be one performance begin- ning at 8:30 on Thursday and Friday and two Saturday, the first at 7:30 and the second at 10 p.m. Berman, in the past year, has leaped into national prominence with his TV and night club appearances. His fantastic insight into his "monologue people" has earned him the title of Mr. Monologist. It was through a reunion with an old friend, Geraldine Page, recently seen at the Cass 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. CORNER OF HARTWELL DI 1-2345 Mickey Wool f- and His Orchestra UN 3-3737 . Larry Paul Furniture Service The Detroit-Wi ,dsor Theater Refinishing & Repairing Council announces the "First - 7579 W. McNICHOLS Annual Community Theater FestiVal," beginning - Tuesday, UN 4-8440 UN 2-7949 May 10, through • May 14. The plays to be presented will be: "The Diary of —nne Frank," "The Big Knife," "Tunnel of Love," /Death of a Salesman" and "Medea." Temple Beth El i Catering • • Players are among the new non- • Home C • profit organization's affiliates. • O Let us help you make your • • • • • I SAMEROF FS • • • • • ..................... • party a complete success. : : Delicious Food—Dinnerware • • Excellent Service • • • • Trays To Order • • • • Call: DI 1-0072 • • And His Orchestra KE 5-2604 :UN 4-6258 UN 3-3570: • • 19315 Jas. Couzens ••••••••oeme•• second - best man atyoutwedding... (for color too . . . of course) , ehir diktutett photographer UN 2-5506 STUDIO: 8440, W. McNICHOLS RD. OPPOSITE MARYGROVE COLLEGE AIerober Northwest Professional Photographers Guild WE SELL ONLY THE BEST! See Our Daily Super Special Posted Prices! NATHAN & IRVING'S Kosher Meat & Poultry Market UN 1-7237 18275 WYOMING — FREE DELIVERY — .-1-=..;:=-=•=-=-=.=-="=-='="= -=-==•=-=/- ="=-='="=-=•= YOU CAN GET IT ONLY AT GRUNTS! Enjoy MRS. GRUNT'S own, strictly Kosher, home-made • Dill Tomatoes • Horseradish • Pickled Fish • Gefilte Fish • Pickled Herring • Chopped Herring • Pickled Lox • Dill Pickles . • Chopped Liver • Cole Slaw • Pimentos • Potato Salad AND NOW MRS. GRUNT'S . OWN STRICTLY KOSHER HOME-MADE FROZEN FOODS: • Stuffed Cabbage • Fricasse • Kreplach • Meat Blintzes • Matzo Bolls • Chicken Soup • Barley Mushroom Soup • Kasha with Gravy t=bai: GRUNT'S MARKET 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS — UN 1-9645 RECOMMENDED BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS Lb. WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR ADDITIONAL LOW PRICES For the Perfect Affair .. . Detroit-Windsor Group Schedules Theater Festival Lb. 59 4 75 • 2 Lbs. 9 74 in "Sweet Bird of Youth," that Berman was convinced that he should try his talents in New York. Almost immediately he was featured in such top television shows as Goodyear Playhouse, Suspense and Philco Playhouse —all appearances being as an actor. • ,■ 0411•1•01 ■04■0■1 = We Clean nceng:7,1cd- elusively and CURTAIN LAUNDRY Drapes • Curtains • Cornices • Slip Covers Lamp Shades • Quilts and Bedspreads WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us. for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATION s 1.11.4 FREE STORAGE FACILITIES WHILE DECORATING CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE