The K'Ton Ton Hour, a pro- beginning • April '26. Advance gram of games, dancing, songs registratiOn ,at the Children's and stories for pre-schoolers, division is required for Center NORTHLAND CHAP T E R, YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR The eighth annual dinner- 3-4 years old, will be sponsored members only. A kindergarten Women's American ORT, will CHOLEM will hold a board dance of the CITY OF HOPE by the Jewish Center, 18100 game room is held from 1 to 3 Meyers, 2-2:50 p.m., Tuesdays, p.m., Thursdays. meet April 20, in the home of meeting, followed by a regular CANCER FIGHTERS is planned Mrs. Stanley Millman, 15230 for April 24, at Holiday Manor. Oakwood, Oak Park, when Leis meeting at 12:30 p.m., Monday, Dick Stein and his orchestra Bergen, local make-up expert, in the home of Mrs. Sigmund will entertain, according to Mrs. will give advice on cosmetics. Reifler, 18015 Ardmore. Plans Morris Moss, fund-raising vice- Elections also will be featured. will be made for a dinner-dance president. * * * * on May 1, at the Glen Oaks Freed Weininger, poet and Country Club. DETROIT COUNCIL OF * * * artist, will speak. on "Famous PIONEER WOMEN will hold a Jewish Painters meeting of its and we show and Modern Art" world affairs at a Passover pro- committee at no partiality! gram of the WO- 12:30 p.m., Thurs- marking the 12th Anniversary of MEN'S DIVI- day, in the Hayim SION, Sholem the State of Israel will be Greenberg Cen- Come see our beautiful selection of Aleichem Insti- ter. Norman Perl- Published by u t e, at 12:30 spring and summer clothing stein, Midwest re- p.m. April 16, in gional director of the home of Mrs. the American for -Girls: Dressy - Dresses .. . Herman Kanter, Jewish Congress, 19350 Ardmore. will speak on and yummy sportswear Mrs. Pauline Fin- "The German kelstein is chair- Organizations interested in inserting Dilemma." Mrs. man. Friends are for Boys: Madras Plaid Jack'ets Morris Mendel- advertising messages of greeting in invited. sohn, - chairman, not to mention the most * * that issue are urged to CALL invites friends to An oneg shab- - excellent collection of VErmont 8-9364 for rates. attend. bat is planned by * * * shirts and slacks. * * * LADIES OF YESHIVATH SHOMREY EMUNAH SIS- BETH YEHUDAH — WOMEN'S JULIUS ROSENWALD AUX- TERHOOD will hold an oneg SABBATH LEAGUE at 2:30 ILIARY, American Legion, will shabbat at 3 p.m., Saturday, in p.m., Saturday, in the Yeshivah hold a board meeting at. 8:30 the synagogue, it is announced building, Dexter and Cortland. p.m., Wednesday, in the home by Mrs. Isadore Levin, presi- Rabbi Joseph Elias will be guest of Mrs. Frances Green, secre- dent. Rabbi Sholem Flam will Oak Park Shopping Plaza Coolidge at 9 Mile speaker. A social hour will tary; 12764 Turner. Plans for a address the group,' and hostesses OPEN THURS., FRI., SAT. 'TILL 9 P.M. follow. Passover party at Lapeer for will be Mesdames Joe Berkowitz retarded Jewish youngsters and and Esther Sachs. a luncheon in May will be dis- Balalaika Orchestra cussed. The Auxiliary recently to Fete 1st Birthday presented an American flag to Girl Scouts of the Louis Pasteur nai of S-A Institute Group School. Making the presentation • • The Young Marrieds group of were Mrs. Helen Wolf, pres- ctivities Sholem Aleichem Institute, ident; Mrs. Tess Kominare, 19350 Greenfield at Seven Mile Americanism officer; and Mrs. Completely BNAI BRITH YOUNG Rd., will mark its first anniver- Ann Weil, treasurer,• ADULTS will present their sary on April 30; through its * * * annual third seder at 8:30 p.m., sponsorship of the Balalaika PYTHIAN SISTERS will hold April 16, in the Hayim Green- Orchestra in a special concert a birthday celebration on April berg Center, 19161 Schaefer. at 8:30 p.m. in the Institute 27. No = regular meeting is Following the seder, there will auditorium.. . . . IN OUR OWN BEAUTIFUL PATIO ROOM* be dancing and refreshments. planned because _of Passover. The event is open to mem- There is no admission charge. TEMPLE ... OR AT YOUR HOME ' bers, friends and guests of Sho- information, call Herbert Detroiter Takes First For lem Aleichem Institute. Gubow, TO. 6-5861, or Rochelle The orchestra is composed of Cohen, UN. 2-3534. in BB Bowling Tourney * * * piano and 18 balalaika pieces, A Detroit bowler captured ranging in size from the very • PU-PUU GEORGE GERSHWIN CHAP- 'LUAUS small prima to the large bass first place in the all-events TER will hold an election meet- • RECEPTIONS balalaikas. The three - stringed category in the recently con- ing at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, in • COCKTAIL instrument is Russian in origin, cluded Bnai Brith Bowling the Hayim Greenberg Center, PER RECEPTIONS and has become very popular in Tournament at Buffalo, N.Y., 19161 Schafer. A special attrac- PERSON modern Israel, where folk mu- it was announced that week tion will be the presentation of by Herman W. Zimmerman, of "Designed for Detroit," depict- sic is predominant. The local group, appearing in Detroit, tournament director. ing the city in the year 2010, colorful satin tunics, will pre- He is Sam Greene, of Louis announces Mrs. Bruce Simons, finest of foods and service personally • sent a varied program of Jew- D. Brandeis Lodge, who rolled program chairman. Home-baked ish selections, to include a med- an aggregate score of 1367, in- Passover refreshments will be supervised by-"the Springers" 7k- ley of familiar songs, such as cluding his handicap. He has served. For information, call - Serving Defroiter's "Havenu Sholem Aleichem", his pick of a fully-paid vaca- Mrs. Ira Fisher, president, UN. Since 1934 and three numbers to be sung tion for two in Las Vegas or 4-3946. by a member of the Young Mar- Miami Beach. 1920 W. 7 MILE AT WYOMING • Dl. 1-4044 rieds, Mrs. Bernard (Rhoda) Other Detroit Ben Births who Friedman: "Oif'n Pripitchik", finished high were Al Tessler, "Chatskele, Chatskele", a n d of Pisgah Lodge, with a 256, "Oyfn Oyvn Zitst a Meydi". actual, for high single game, SHOLOM POST and AUXIL- The program also will include and Joe Wolf, with 247. Abe . IARY has organized a mixed Russian, Ukrainian, and gypsy Stein, of Rabbi Mandel M. Zager bowling league, which meets at melodies which the orchestra Lodge, rolled an even 700, with 8 p.m., every third Sunday, at has recently performed for a his handicap, to finish third in Star Lanes. For information, The Management and Staff stereo recording, to be distrib- singles. call Jules Goldstein, VE 8-8899. uted nationally. * * Among the uncommon splits of The orchestra members. a DETROIT AUXILIARY, at its converted by the Detroiters panorama of occupations, in- recent election meeting, voted clude, among others: three po- were the 7-8-10 by Zimmerman into office the following women: licemen, a junior business exec- and the 7-9-10 by Lou Freeman, Hannah Seinwel, p r e s i d e n t; utive, a commercial art director, of Henry Morganthau Lodge. Yetta Stearns and Bertha a C.P.A., a nursery teacher and S e h a a p, vice-president; and a "taster" for a liquor manufac- Hoffmann's Israeli Vera Zendel, treasurer. The turer. Conductor Serge Lario- group will sew cancer pads at Show at Garelick's noff is a factory employee. 12:30 p.m., April 20, at the Me- "Israeli Impressions," 16 new morial Home. Refreshments will paintings by artist Arnold Hoff- Detroit Group to Aid follow the session. mann, plus a group of small Israel Tourist Project paintings and watercolors, will Wish to Extend Greetings At a brunch held at Boesky's go on exhibit at Garelick's Gal- Junior Hadassah Plans Restaurant Sunday, Lawrence lery, 20208 Livernois, this Sun- Beauty Demonstration Laskey, of Boston, told the story day. Junior Hadassah • will view a To Their of the Tourist Industry Devel- A preview and reception for demonstration on good groom- opment Corporation of Israel. the artist will be held from 2 ing and application of make-up Many Friends and Patrons At this meeting an advisory to 6 p.m. The exhibition will by a live model at 2 p.m., Sun- committee was formed, headed continue through April 23. day, at Hadassah House, 16240 by Charles Milan, to sponsor the The show, the fourth of Hoff- W. 7 Mile. For tourist development project in man's at the local gallery, is the Election of officers will be Detroit. Other members are .Abe product of an extensive trip to held, and there will be prelim- A Very Happy Passover Kasle, John Lurie, and Tom Israel, where he lived with inary discussions about the Borman. fishermen of the Galiliee, set- April 29 to May 1 convention of The function of this commit- tlers on a kibbutz and in the the organization. tee is to'aid in the sales of de- cities. Members are currently selling 8904 W. 7 MILE at Wyoming bentures in the Tourist Indus- Widely represented in public special Passover candies, the try Development Corporation of and private collections here and proceeds from which will go UN 1-0376 Israel. State of Israel Bonds in Europe, Hoffmann, in 1957, into their projects fund. All would be accepted in lieu of was elected to the Royal Acad- girls, 14 to 18, are invited to cash. emy in London as a Fellow. join. 1 1•111.11•1111=411•IMUI•11.•• Dam. •••• ■••♦ 11 111 ■ • CI 1•1•10••••.•• ■ 0i tHINI•0•111•11•0 omen's Cluh activities •11•111•11I Dress Up Time Is Here . . . SPECIA L •ISRAEL ANNIVERSARY ISSUE THE JEWISH NEWS ON APRIL 29 A . A atered 'Party . Springers JWV Activities PANDORA Salon, . 23 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 8, 1960 Center K'Ton Ton Hour ,