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April 08, 1960 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1960-04-08

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SZ High School Grads to Spend '6 Weeks in Israel



TEMPLE EMANU-EL: At 8:15 p.m. services today, Rabbi Milton
Rosenbaum will speak on "A New Kind of Rabbinate." At
10:45 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Rosenbaum will preach
on 'The Great Sabbath?'
TEMPLE ISRAEL: At 8:30 p.m. - services .today, Dr. Leon Fram
will.speak on "The Folk Song and the Folklore of Passover."
At 11 a.m. services Saturday, the Bar Mitzvah of Richard
Dennis Heideman will be observed.
TEMPLE.. BETH EL: At 8:3.0 p.m. services today, Dr. Richard
C. Hertz will speak. on "What Is Right and What Is. Wrong
with Detroit's Police Department." At 11:15 a.m: services
Saturday, Rabbi David A. Baylinson will preach on "Egypt—
The House of Bondage."
TEMPLE BETH JACOB, Pontiac: At 8:30 plm. services today,
Rabbi Nathan Hershfield will speak on "What Is Greatness?"
CONG. GEMILUTH CHASSOOIIVI: Sabbath.services at 6:50 p.m.,
today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Joel J. Litke will
speak on "Health and Holiness." •
YOUNG ISRAEL OF DETROIT: Sabbath services at 6:50 p.m.,
today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Leib Bakst will
preach on "Freedom vs. Commandments." The Bar Mitzvah
of Jacob Bakst will be observed.
. at 6:45 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Sam-
uel H. Piero will speak on "The Freedom to Assure Respon-
sibility." The Bar Mitzvah of Morry Greener will be ob-
YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREENFIELD: Sabbath services at 6:50
p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Joshua S.
Sperka- will preach on "The Laws of Pesach."
CONG. DOVID . BEN NOCHIM: Sabbath services at 6:50 p.m.,
today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Chaskel Grubner
will speak on "The Responsibilities of Youth . to. Their Future
and Ours." The Bar Mitzvah of Herman Weberman will be
BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today;
- at- 8:45 .a.m.,. Saturday.
CONG. BETH SHALOM: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today; at
9 a.m., Saturday. _
CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today; at
9 a:m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Randall Silverston and
Eliot Gordon Disner will be observed.
CONG. BNAI DAVID: Sabbath services at 6:50 p.m .., today; at
8:30 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Michael Levine
will be Observed. -
CONG. BETH SHMUEL: Sabbath services at 6:45 p.m., today;
at 9 a.m., Saturday.
EVERGREEN JEWISH CONG.: 'Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m.,
today; at 8:45 a.m., Saturday.
YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS: Sabbath services at 7 p.m.,
today; at 9 a.m., Saturday.
CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM: Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m., today;
at 8:45 am., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Thomas
Cooper will be observed.
IOM SYNAGOGUE:. Sabbath services at 6 p.m., to-
day; at 8:45 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Ronald
L. Brasch and Neil Leslie Bauman will be observed.
CONG. BETH JOSEPH: Sabbath services at 6:45 p.m., today;
at 9 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Michael Goldstein
and Mitchel Myerson will be observed.
JONG. BNAI MOSHE: Sabbath services at .6:30 p.m., today; at
8:50 a.m., Saturday.
'CONG. BETH YEHUDAH: Sabbath services at 6:45 p.m., today;
at 9 a.m. Saturday.
CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Sabbath services at 6:45 p.m.,
today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Youth Sabbath will be
observed. Serving as cantors will be Eddie Kaplan, Pinchos
Kar and Joseph Goldman.
CONG. MISHKAN ISRAEL: Sabbath services at 6:50 p.m., today;
at 9 a.m., Saturday.
6:45 p.m., today; at 9 - a.m., Saturday.
BETH ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE:- Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m.,
today; at 8:40 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Sanford
Finkelstein will be observed.
LIVONIA JEWISH CONG.: Sabbath services at 8:30 p.m., today;
at 9 a.m., Saturday.
CONG. EZRAS ACHIM: Sabbath services at 6:45 p.m., today;
at 9 am., Saturday.
DOWNTOWN SYNAGOGUE, 1442 Griswold. Sabbath and daily
Services at 5 p.m. and 8 a.m.

A six-week Summer Seminar
in Israel by the graduating class
of Cong. Shaarey Zedek's He-
brew High School, believed to
be a "first" in on-the-spot educa-
tion, has been announced by
Dr. Samuel Krohn, chairman of
the education committee, and
Eli Grad, education director.
Fourteen graduating seniors
will make the initial pilgrimage
in June, climaxing a three year
classroom study of Jewish his-
tory and current problems con-
cerning the state of Israel.
Planned as an annual project
of the entire graduation class,
the Israel Summer Seminar has
been integrated into the school
curriculum as an extension of

Beth Aaron Youth
to Conduct Service

Members of the Beth Aaron
Youth Congregation will con-
duct the entire sabbath service
at the synagogue this Saturday,
serving - as hazzanim, Torah
readers and pulpit speakers.
Participants will include Nor-
ton Bicoll, Marshall Korby, Her-
schel Freeman, Steven. Stearn
and Joel Moss, cantors; Jay Mas-
serman, Jerry Rose, Irving Wai-
ner, Miles Stern, Sanford Bell
and Ronald Lux, Torah readers.
Others are Helen Kaminski
and Donna Weingarden, who
will lead in responsive reading,
and Dianna K a p 1 a n, Evelyn
Meral, Gary Moss and Sandra
Stearn, who will preach sermon-
Planning the service were
Rabbi Benjamin H. Gorrelick
and Sidney Noveck, director of
the Youth Congregation. The
youngsters were trained by Al-
exander Roberg, principal of the
Beth Aaron branch of the
United Hebrew Schools, and
Henry Baum, an instructor at
the branch.

Our Letter Box

ate and does not. speak or act
Orthodox Still Enforce in
any way for traditional or
Ban on Sabbath Travel orthodox Judaism. Further-

Editor, Detroit Jewish News:
On behalf of the Detroit
Metropolitan Council of Young
Israel, I wish to direct your at-
tention to a possible - misinter-
pretation of s e r i o u s conse-
quences that could result from
an' article appearing in your
April 1 issue. According to the
article, use of an automobile on
the Sabbath is permitted by vir-
tue of a resolution approved by
a committee of the Rabbinical
Assembly of America.
Your article fails to indicate
that this organization repre-


more, your article fails to indi-
cate that driving on the Sab-
bath,.-even to the synagogue; is
forbidden by Jewish law and
any opinion or ruling otherwise
is contrary to Jewish tradition.
Plainly and simply stated, Jews
who follow our ancient and age-
less tradition do not drive on
Saturday. Any orthdox Rabbi
would be happy to elaborate on
this subject.
Detroit Council of

themselves, through part-time
The program will be joint- jobs at the Shaarey Zedek
ly financed by the students school and camp, and by the
congregation's Men's Club, - Sis-
Temple Israel Student terhood and Young Married
League whose. assistance will
Places in Essay Contest make
certain that no graduate
Cheryl Kaufman, 13, an misses the .trip to Israel: for
eighth grade student in the lack of finances. ,
Temple Israel Religious School,
Dr. Krohn said that announce-
was one of the third prize win-
ners in a recent national essay ment of the project has already
contest sponsored by Keeping stirred . excitement. among. stu-
Posted, bi-weekly publication of dents, even in the primary
the Union of American Hebrew grades, and will serve to stimu-
late interest in studies of He-
Cheryl, of 20466 Lauder, in brew language, history and cur-
her essay, took up the problems rent affairs.
of a local disk jockey, who was
fired after admitting he took
"payola." She attacked the en-
tire matter of taking money in
the form of bribes as "dis-
The contest was devoted to
obtaining teen-age thinking on
rigged TV and payola. Cheryl's
essay, along with the other win- !Wish to extend our greetings
and good wishes for
ners, will be submitted to offi-
cials of the television and radio
industry, to the Federal Com-
munications Commission and
the House Special Subcommit-
tee on Legislative Oversight.




The Isaac Agree Memorial Society

Wishes to Announce
That Passover Services will be held at

The Downtown Synagogue


Beginning Monday, April 11, 5:15 p.m. Tues-
. day, Wednes., April 12, 13, 8 a.m. and 5:15
p.m. Memorial Services Tues., April 19, 7:30'
a.m. to noon. .
& TUESDAY EVE., APRIL 11 and 12.

Cantor Morris Cooper

Will Conduct Services



12244 Dexter Boulevard

Detroit 6, Michigan

Executive Secretary

TOwnsend 5-9100

3248 Tuxedo Avenue

TOwnsend 8-8675

Nissan 6,5720

We find it necessary, at this time, to assert, reaffirm and proclaim

to the Detroit and Suburban communities the absolute prohibition of riding

to the synagogue on the Sabbath and Holidays.

The Sabbath is a sign between the Almighty and the children 'of
Israel forever and should be hallowed by praying at home rather than

travelling to the synagogue.

Through observing and upholding the sanctity of the Sabbat

we merit good tidings of deliverance and redemption.

Rabbi Isaac Stoliman
Rabbi Leiser Levin
Rabbi Joseph Rabinowitz
Rabbi S. P. Wolilgelernter
Rabbi Joel Litke
Rabbi Moses Rottenberg
Rabbi Joseph Elias
Rabbi Max Kapustin
Rabbi Samuel Prero

Rabbi Leib Bakst
Rabbi Israel Notis
Rabbi Yaakov Homnick
Rabbi Chaskel Grubner
Rabbi Israel Rockove
Rabbi Israel Ham
Rabbi Israel Halpern
Rabbi Chaim Donin
Rabbi David Bakst

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