Prof. Abraham S. Halkin, of the Jewish Theological Semin- ary, in his address at the Mc- Gregor Conference Center of Wayne State University, Wednesday evening, on the sub- ject "Medieval Judaism Under Christendom and Islam," de- clared that "in Judaism, in Mos- lem countries, there was a • won- derful fusion of Judaism and the world outside it." He stated that such a rela- tionship enabled -Jews to be loyal Jews•and loyal citizens of the larger world, and he added that it would be helpful for Jewry in our time "to think into the life and culture of Jewry under Islam, for it will help them find a modus vivendi that is so much needed today." Prof. Halkin delivered an- other of the Borman Near East- ern Lectures of the WSU Near Eastern Department. He was in- troduced by Dr. G. Merrill Len- ox, executive director of the Detroit and Michigan Council of Churches. Dr. Lenox and Dr. Abram Spiro, chairman of the WSU Department of Near :r_;ast- ern Languages and Literatures, who, opened the session, praised Al and Tom Borman for mak- ing the lectures possible. Dr. Halkin spoke of the ac- culturation of Jews 2,000 years ago. He showed how Latin Christendom of the era he described was strictly rel- gious in its approach, but that Islam functioned alongside the cultures of the then known world. "The univer- salism of that time," he said, "determined the character of the culture produced by Jews." In the Christian world, the Jews fell entirely upon them- selves, "cultivating their own religious , works — the Talmud, th,.: Mishnah, commentaries on the Bible—and they composed an ethical literature, fully in '„he _Jewish tradition," Dr. Halkin said. • By contrast he indicated the expansion of the Jewish horizon under Islam He showed how Jews in Moslem countries en- gaged in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, as did the Mos- lems among whom they lived. "They did it because it was neu, tral terrain," he said. "Thus, among, them devel- oped a rationalism to such an extent that whatever they turned to was in line with the culture of the time," he de- clared. He contrasted the books produced in Moslem countries with those under Franco-Ger- man-Italian influence, and showed their dissimilarities — the liturgical character of the Christian countries and the "dis- tinct personality" of the reli- gious poetry in Islamic coun- tries, alongside which arose also a secular poetry that was "really amazing." Dr. . .Halkin spoke of the works of Jews in Islamic countries, of their love songs, their poems about women and wine drinking, poems with "Oriental frankness, marked by a variety and a freshness," which gave to that era the title "Golden Age of Medieval Hebrew Literature." He add- ed that "they were none-the- worse nor lesser Jews because of it" since they also were religious Jews. Dr. Spiro announced the forthcoming Near Eastern Con- ference, to be held May 8-10, and invited the community's participation in it. nual Wayne Conference on the Near Eastern Background of WeStern Civilization will com- mence at 8 p.m. Sunday, May 8, in the WSU Community Arts Auditorium. Sessions will con- tinue through Tuesday, May 10. Dr. W. F. Albright, Pro- lessor Emeritus of Johns Hop- kins University, will be chair- man of the conference. In ad- dition, the following scholars will participate: Prof. Rudolph Anthes .(Egyptology), ' University of Pennsylvania; Prof. George G. Cameron (Ancient Persia), University of Michigan; Prof. Gustav V. Gruenebaum (Is- lam), University of California at Los Angeles; Prof. Hans G. Guterbock - (Hittite —Ancient Anatolia), Oriental Institute, University of Chicago; John L. McKenzie (Old Testament Stud- ies), West Baden College; Prof. James Muilenburg (Old Testa- ment Studies), Union Theolog- ical Seminary; Prof. A. D. Nock (Classical and Early Christian Studies), H a r v a r d University; Prof. Franz Rosen- . The Mizrachi Women's Organ- ization will inaugurate a Fresh Air Fund for Israel's under- privileged children this spring. lonia), University of Pennsyl- and Tomorrow." vania; Prof. Abram Spiro (An- cient H e b r e w Literature), Wayne State University. Dr. Spiro will also serve as secretary of the conference. The following topics will be Serving-Detroit discussed at the conference: Homes' and - Industry "The Influence of the Old Tes- tament," "The. Influence of for Over 45 Years Egypt," "The Influence of Southwestern Asia," "Oriental Influences in the Roman Em- JACOBSON COAL OIL. CO. WA 3-3300 De Sofo Plymouth NEW CAR! USED CAR or SERVICE! JACK MANN YOU EXPECT MORE FROM HAMILTON AND GET IT ! 11 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fri day , April 8, 1960 Dissimilarities of Jewish Life in Set Near Eastern Conclave at WSU for May 8 to 10 A. Rapport, Dean of thal (Islam), Yale University; pire," "The Influence of the Christian, Moslem Countries Shown the Victor College of Liberal Arts of Prof. Joseph Schacht (Islam), Near Eastern Legal Institu- Wayne State University, this Columbia University; Prof. E. tions," "The Influence of Is by Prof. Halkin in WSU Lecture week announced that the an- A. Speiser (Assyria and Baby- lam," "The Near East—Today BEN GREEN You Can't Drive Overhead — Why Pay For It! HAMILTON MOTOR SALES 13519 HAMILTON at DAVISON TO 6-2800 Khrushchev Silent on Jewish Issue in. Interviews with French Press PARIS, (JTA) — Soviet Pre- mier Nikita Khrushchev, prior to his departure from Paris for Moscow, refused to answer ques- tions concerning the situation of Jews in the Soviet Union. In a news conference last- ing almost an hour and a half, many of the 1,200 newsmen present fired various questions dealing with the attitude of the Soviet government toward the 3,000,000 Jews living in the USSR. Khrushchev refused to answer any of the queries. The Soviet leader was asked what response he intends to make to a request for a meet- ing with Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. "I have not received a de- Calls Leukemia a Curable Virus nand for such a meeting," he replied. Asked how he would reply if such: a request • were laid before him, he replied evasively: "If I got such a re- quest, I would answer." Surprise was expressed in Jerusalem over Khrushchev's statement that he received no request from Ben-Gurion for a meeting. It was pointed out that Ben-Gurion advanced such a request to the Soviet Am- bassador to Israel, prior to the Premier's trip to Washington and London. The Russian Am- bassador, Michael Bodrov, who is on home leave now, is ex- pected to return next month when, presumably, he will bring an answer to Ben-Gm-ion's re- quest. The fact that Ben-Gurion did request a meeting in Moscow with Krushchev was confirmed officially in the Knesset Tues- day. Finance Minister Levi Esh- kol appearing in the Knesset on behalf of Ben-Gurion—who is - w`mtwORageolasews03.041-- on vacation—set all unofficial reports straight. Ben-Gurion, said Eshkol, made a "formal" request to visit Mos- cow about four months ago in a conversation with Michael Bod- rov, the Soviet Ambassador here. The Israeli Premier had told the Russian envoy he was willing to meet with the Soviet leader at the latter's 'con.ven- How the year has flown! Once again, it's time for our reminder about the C) seal ience.. - When •Ben-Gurion returned carried by many Heinz food products. (Just to make sure there will be no misunder- from his trip to Washington standing.) As you know, the Q is the seal of the UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGRE. and London, the:Finance Min- CATIONS OF AMERICA—your guarantee that the products carrying it are Kosher. ister continued, he was told by Bodrov that there was as yet no Strictly Kosher for year 'round use —but not for Passover. The Qu guarantee definitely answer to the request from his does not include Passover. To you, your families and your friends—a happy Passover! government. Acocrding to Esh- kol's official statement, Bodrov said he would visit Moscow soon and would inquire into the Makers of the 57 Varieties status of Ben-Gurion's request. • ENJOY THEM BEFORE AND AFTER PASSOVER (they're Kosher, but not for Passover) • • DR. STEVEN 0. SCHWARTZ, of Chicago, is shown in Louisville, Ky., at an American Cancer Society meeting, where he announced he has definite proof that leu- kemia — blood cancef— is a virus, and thus a cure is pos- sible through serum. - H. J. HEINZ COMPANY