for Israel rganizations Free to Collect F uncls tions), Mizrachi Women's Or- . No in, nstitute u IS es to s y of 'Michigan Economy,' Directed by Prof. Haber and Research Aides NEW YORK, (JTA)—A list brew University, America-Israel ganization, National Committee of organizations authorized to Cultural Foundation, American for Labor Israel, Pioneer Wom- conduct public fund-raising cam- Red Magen David for Israel en and Women's League for Is= paigns for the benefit of Israel (membership campaign only), rael (New York area). Authori- in the 1960-61 campaign year American Technion Society, zation of a, campaign does not Federated Council of Israel In- imply its endorsement by the was .released by the Jewish Ag- tion in total employment The W. E. Upjohn Institute growth exclusive of motor ve- ency's Committee on Control stitutions Hadassah, Jewish Na- Jewish Agency. for Employment Research, '109 hicles and equipment may be and Authorization of Cam- tional Fund (traditional collec- S. Westnedge Ave., Kalama- more difficult when we con- paigns. zoo, Mich., this week released sider some of the fast-growing The following 12 organiza- the important study, "The industries of today that other Michigan Economy: Its Paten- regions have locational advan- tions received authorization con- tiaLs and Its Problems," by tages which are greater than tingent on their pledge to give Prof. William Haber, of the those enjoyed by the East North priority to the United Jewish Appeal as the major source of University of Michigan, and region and Michigan philanthropic funds for Igrael's Eugene C. McKean and Harold Central . . , Although the application of immigration, absorption and C. Taylor, of the Upjohn Insti- atomic energy still seems far colonization programs: tute staff. away except for a few defense Other contributors to this and civilian products, the ma- American Committee for the 400-page volume are Harvey E. jor growth companies in this Weizmann Institute of Science, grazer, University of Michi- country are located in the East. American Friends of the He- "Michigan, therefore, will un- doubtedly grow at a slower Detroiters to Attend pace than the nation in some "Price" and "Value" are not always of the more promising growth Three-Day Technion industries of tomorrow. Since the same thing. Only highest quality we do have some advantages Conference in Chicago can give at lowest possible (e.g., nearness to markets) for 'Julius Lev will lead a dele- some of these industries such gation' from the Detroit Chap- you real value! Kelly tires as- _electrical machinery, how- ter, American. Technion Society, ever, we may be expected to of which he is president, to give real value, because show growth. But extra effort the National Planning Confer- they deliver more will be required if we are to ence of the society, to be held dependable service and in the Ambassador Hotel, Chi- make significant gains." safety, plus long mileage. The Upjohn Institute's fore- cago, today, Saturday and Sun- Yet you pay no more word to • this extensive study day. than for most other tires. states: Other members of the dele- ' "Prof. Haber has been in- gation include Mr. and Mrs. BLACKWALLS FROM WHITEWALLS JUST DR. WILLIAM HABER terested in the labor and em- Salmon Grand, and Benjamin ployment problems of the state H. Kruger, Michi- Daniel gan; BO 6.70-15 of Michigan for nearly three Wilke. 6.70-15 State University, gan Judge Moshe Landau of Is- TUBE-TYPE decades . . . His belief that the sti- am n TUBE-TYPE C. Thole, of the Up PLUS TAX AND OLD TIRE need for a more intensive study rael's .' Supreme Court and tute, the Michigan economy has Pinhas Sapir, Minister of Com- The study of employment of become acute led to his pro- merce and Industry, will be the problems includes a review -of posal, in. early spring of principal speakers at the three- the automotive industry, indus- 1958, that the such a study be car- day conference which will at- NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR trial and economic trends and ried on under his direction and tract some 250 delegates from TIRES AND SAVE A LOT OF MONEY an analysis of the state's manu- under the auspices of the W. E. all over the U.S. The confer- facturing establishments. ence will make plans for ex- ALL $ 79s The authors went into detail Upjohn Institute for Employ- pansion of the society, which ment Research. The entire pro- in their analyses of the pros- gram and objective of the In- helps maintain the Israel Insti- BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE pects for the future. Comment- stitute are such that Prof. tute of Technology—Technion - ing on Michigan's future pros- Haber's proposal was received —in Haifa, Israel. , wotv - fitAe& pects, the study declares: Technion, Israel's principal . "Keeping pace with the na- with enthusiasm." LOOK FOR THIS SIGN OF QUALITY AT industrial and research center, and its oldest high-level educa- tional school, supplies technical know-how to many countries in ING- Asia, Africa and the Middle •thar Schooterifj401-144 4 East, including Israel. to ii.nt.4 The section of Passover songs The American Technion So- In a popularly-priced, attrac- will be especially valuable to ciety, made up of a national tive book of 64 large folio music lovers. It begins with the group of engineers, scientists, pages, Rabbi Charles Wengrov kiddush and contains many im- technicians and industrialists, provides an interesting guide to portant Passover hymns. provides technical and financial the Passover story for children. aid to Technion and aid to "Passover in Song and Story" Published under the title Israel through science and "Passover in Song and Story," is attractively produced and the technology. story is told ably. It is a fine by Schulsinger Bros. (21 E. 4th, N.Y. 3), the volume is at- book for children' and a splen- tractively illustrated by the did one for parents to use in American-Israeli artist, Eman- guiding their children towards uel Schary. The educator and an appreciation of the festival. musician, Samuel Bugatch, ed- "Passover in Song and Story" ited and transcribed the section is being distributed in Michigan of the book that appears as by Borenstein's Book and Music "The Songs of Passover." Store, 13535 W. 7-Mile. The narrative begins with the bedikat hametz ceremony of the burning of the hametz, and as the father explains its signifi- eance he unfolds for his chil- dren the entire story of the exodus, beginning with the sale of Joseph into Egyptian slavery The semi-annual spring clear- by his brothers. The events ance of the Jewish National that transpired from that time . on through the rise of Moses, Fund Blue and White Box will the flight of Moses into the begin Friday, April, 15, the Whether you're, desert, his re-emergence as a third day of Hol Hamoed Pass- over. spokesman for his people's accompany on Clearance, now a tradition freedom, and the e n s u i n g in all Jewish communities, will exodus. transportation, A modern touch is given the continue until Sunday, May 15, Lag b'Omer. . story by a semi-humorous dis- so that you get Mrs. Morris Kutinsky, chair- cussion of the use of the cushion by the head of the fam- man of the Detroit JNF Box ily conducting the seder, by Committee, states that 4,500 explanations of the seder sym- homes will be visited and Blue- bols and of the .significance of White Boxes will be cleared by - the traditional feast, the volunteer workers, members of Prophet Elijah symbolism and Hadassah, Ladies Auxiliary of other significant Passover fac- JNF, Mizrachi Fanny Gluck and Sisters of Zion, Northwest Child tors. Rescue Women, Pioneer Wo- men, and others: Si YOU TURN Sunday, May 15, will be pro- claimed as Blue and White Box Day in the Detroit area. A pro- UPSIDE DOWN. YOU WON'T gram is being planned for that FIND A FINER WINE THAN day which will include a special effort to culminate the clear- 19437 LIVE ance, as well as a promotion campaign to place boxes in as many new Jewish homes as pos- Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. sible. Don't be confused when you buy tires! cost • 95 -$1 C95 enry e 'Passover in Song and Story' Good Festival Guide for Young Children ' • . Let us Assist YOU in planning your trip through JNF Blue-White Box Clearance Starts April 15 EUROPE and ISRAEL For It ELKIN