THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 1, 1960 -- 40 Glueck Tells of Scriptures Auschwitz Ghosts Emerge from Illoess Story in Archaeology; Shylock Evaluated Bringing to Light Again Worst Nazi Crimes the great extermination ma- For these reasons, the Just before the survivors - A recent issue of Horizon— I made the Jew a bloodcurdling from the Nazi furnaces met statement by Lord Russell, chine created by the Third Magazine of the Arts carried I melodramatic villain, as most Reich' is a reminder, never re- one of the bravest exposers a in New York to mark an important article by Dr. I of his sources had done. Or he to be forgotten, of the ap- of Nazism, is of the utmost Nelson Glueck, president of I might have taken the kinder union of martyrs, there ap- importance. palling and disastrous effects peared, from the press o' World Hebrew Union College-Jewish course and made him comic, Hoess' autobiography first of totalitarianism on men's -Institute of Religion and fa- which is what I think he did db. Publishing Co. (2231 W. 110th, was published in a Polish trans- minds." Cleveland 2) a book that will mous archaeologist, under . the In the public mind, the progress Lord Russell helps 'humanity chill the hearts of even the lation as "Wspomnienia" by title "The Bible as Divining of social adjustment moves most toughened people. It is Wydawnictwo Prawnicze, War- to remember, and whatever Rod," in which he shows how something like this: from the the confessional autobiography saw, in 1951. Deutsche Verlags- attempts at self-exoneration "by following clues in the alien as menace to the alien by one of the world's cruelest Anstalt published it in German creep into the Hoess story are Scriptures, archaeologists are as buffoon to the alien as hu- criminals—Rudolf Hoess—the in 1958 as "Kommandant in demolished by the great British lighting up the ancient history man being. It is quite conceiv- man who confessed that he Auschwitz," and the English liberal. of the Holy Land." able that Shakespeare actually "personally arranged on orders translation is from that edition. —P.S. * * * furthered understanding by Dr. Glueck's article is illus- nudging this process into its from Himmler in May 1941, The royalties go to Comite trated with reproductions of second stage. do not say that the gassing of two million per- International D'Auschwitz to N. Y. Times Editorial sons between June-July 1941 aid the small number of Pays Tribute to Memory color paintings of many of his findings in his archeological he did this deliberately; but and the end of 1943, during Auschwitz survivors. he had noticed that a Jew— which time I was Commandant, Hoess wrote his story in a of Auschwitz Martyrs activities in Israel. They ap- Paying tribute to the memory pear as a special appendix to and especially a funny Jew— of Auschwitz." He wrote that Polish prison. -He was arrested by British Military Police, of the AuschWitz martyrs, on his article under the title "Ar-. had eyes. If we can imagine on March 16, 1946. This is the beast whose story March 11, 1946, and then was the occasion of the reunion of chaeology Illustrates the Bible."- and an accepted stereotype slowly on, is told in "Commandant of turned over to the Americans, mysteriously taking the survivors from the most in- under its manipulator's in- Auschwitz." As a result, the was taken to Nuremberg and famous of the Nazi concentra- The highly enlightening stincts, a broad and rather af- accusing ghosts are emerging later—May 25, 1946—was re- tion camps, the New York article declares: "There are generations and centuries of fectionate grin—as the super- from the cremation, pointing moved to Poland to be tried. Times, in an editorial, . entitled additional work to be done stitious Negro did when Mark fingers of shame at him for He was executed in April 1947. "In Memory of Auschwitz," in the field of Biblical ar- Twain got around to Nigger cruelty that permitted the He wrote his book while in stated: chaeology in the Holy Land Jim, or, more pertinently, as crimes. prison. "The barbed wire, the bar- proper and in related • lands. the drunken Irishman did when Lord Russell describes the racks, the execution yard, the There is a fortunate thing Sean O'Casey decided to make about this book, which was Nazi holocaust in which 12,000,- crematorium — these are the Many of the pointers to b.e followed and the places to be us fond of the loutish Captain ably translated from the Ger- 000 people were murdered, and silent reminders still standing Boyle—we may have come man by Constantine Fitz- he shows specifically how even today that recall to a forgetful excavated are already men- tinned in Sacred Scripture. closer to measuring Shakes- Gibbon: it has a most valu- the Nazis who were tried as world a scene of as intensive, They need only to be b& peare's peculiar achievement, able, clarifying introduction criminals after the war con- exquisite, man-made suffering lieved in and followed up, and to the image in his mind by Lord Russell of Liverpool. firmed that nearly half of this as any that history has even and there is no question but as well. The Shylock we find Without it, even the confes- number were Jews. He tells in known. And of all the sights at on our stages is ambiguous, that the historical reward of sions of the commandant of detail the Manner in which the Auschwitz to make relive that . pursuing them will be great!" nervous, not very attractive in Auschwitz might fool some veil of secrecy was lifted and camp of horror, there is one spite of the tears; Shakes- people, because of the sadist's the Germans emerged in the that sears the heart more deep- In the same issue of Horizon total expose of their crimes. ly than all the rest. That is the appears an expose of witch- peare's Shylock—if he was as distortion of the facts he him- He gives an account of some funny as the early tradition self recorded. glass case containing the craft delusions in an informa- of the worst Nazi criminals, tells us he was and as Thomas While Hoess gives a thorough frayed dresses and tiny shoes, tive essay by the noted histo- Pope might well have made account of his life, starting of the activities of Heinrich the pathetic remnants of babies' rian, H. R. Trevor-Roper, under him—may easily have been with his earliest youta, leading Himmler and Julius Streicher, clothing and a few dusty, the title "The Persecution of up to his military career and of the manner in which ghettos broken toys. These are what is Witches." The eminent author, more likeable." his selection to be the super- were set up for Jews, who later left of the children who died who exposed Heinrich Himmler visor of the mass murders, he were taken to concentration and in this charnel house almost and the 'destructive Nazi activi- Leaders OK Israel posed as one who was forced extermination camps. ties, deals in his article with Foreign Currency Budget Lord Russell repudiates the before they had lived, children by loyalty to do what he did. the Inquisition and the Jewish (Direct JTA Teletype Wire attempts of some Germans to whose names are not known He tried to give the impres- to The Jewish News) but whose tragedy can never persecutions in Spain. . . sion that he "had a heart and exonerate themselves, and he Another of the recent issues JERUSALEM — A minister- that he was not evil." He wrote maintains that "there is an be forgotten. They were among abundance of evidence that a the four million victims, in this of Horizon paid honor to "Seven ial committee of the Israel Cab- in his autobiography: one place alone, of Nazi bar- Keyboard InsurgentS," in an met Tuesday night approved a "Unknowingly I was a cog large number of Germans knew barism. article by Joseph Roddy. In- foreign currency budget of in the wheel of the great ex- a great deal about what went "About six hundred of the eluded among the seven is the $685,000,000 for he coming fis- termination machine created by on in the concentration camps. cal year. This is $50,000,000 survivors of the Auschwitz- "Hoess admits," Lord Rus- eminent Detroiter, S e y o u r more than the foreign currency the Third Reich. The machine Buna concentration camp are has been smashed to pieces, the sell declares, "that the ex- Lipkin. budget of the current year. termination of the Jews was meeting tomorrow at a 're- engine is broken, and I, too, In the latter issue, also, is an Most of the added expendi- `fundamentally wrong,' but union' dinner in New York. exceedingly interesting article, tures requiring foreign cur- must now be destroyed. The that he should have refused They hope to establish a world demands it. I could never "In Search of Shylock," by rency will be covered, it was to carry out such criminal or- scholarship fund • to help the Walter Kerr, noted critic who indicated, by an expected $40,- have brought myself to make ders never, for a moment, children of former inmates, and this confession of my own most offers a solution to this theatri- 000,000 additional income from secret thoughts and feelings crossed his mind. Therein lies in memory of the children who cal riddle of Shylock who exporth. had I not been approached with the warning which his story had no chance. No more appro- "sometimes is played as a vii- The Finance Ministry re- a disarming humanity and un- gives us. That a little bureau- priate memorial could 'be de- lain, sometimes as a tragic ported that Israel's foreign in- derstanding that I had never crat like Hoess could, as he vised, looking back to the past hero." He traces the back- debtedness totals $617,000,000. dared to expect. It is because himself has written, have be- with sorrow, and forward to ground of the story, the sources This includes a debt of $360,- of this humane understanding come 'a cog in the wheel of the future with hope." from which Shakespeare bor- 000,000 outstanding on Israel that I have tried to assist as ...0.....—...-0.........---.............,......,—,.....„....,—.0........ „........„....-...... 1 rowed, and states: Independence and Development best I can in throwing some r "Shakespeare . . . might have Bonds. light on matters that seemed I I Boris Smolar's obscure." i N That's Hoess' story. But be- 11"1 1 "■ B tween the lines in his account 1 of his life the reader still finds evidence of hatred for Jews. There is evidence of an attempt (Copyright, 1960, to whitewash himself. While he Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) I had written a story of his and `1111 - trjR1 his fuehrers' cruelties, he fails Facts and Figures: ApprOximately $60,000,000 a year is spent on maintaining tr 4y 440 honestly to admit his guilt— nn? and he was one of the cruelest the Jewish school system in this country ... A third .of this huge sum is being spent in New York alone . .. This includes also , of all the Nazi butchers. 12t# over $1,000,000 channeled through the Jewish Education Com- York by the State Education Department . . . Hebrew Corner mittee in New vntg --n:P rz.g The subvention comes in the form of surplus food from the ltvpr) nn it -11 27pr' U.S. Department of Agriculture and milk subsidies • . . These Rosh Zohar subsidies are provided to about 140 Jewish all-day schools in travelled with I Some years ago it?P4."r3li7 1 ? ta'7wn a nail group of geologists in the New York-'—of all types—and to many school-sponsored day and between Beersheba and the out-of-town summer camps . . . In addition to the subvention ;"1`.`'P4 nrite ? vicinity Dead Sea. They were looking for from the State Education Department, the New York Board of r);7.114 suitable sites to drill for oil. After a long journey through the Education provides for Jewish school busses free or partially- wip 114nr1 nipp mountains we reached a wonderful paid transportation in the amount of over $500,000 . . . Such spot in our Jeep, where a number of signs of oil were found. The privileges are enjoyed by all, public schools in New York . . - n'47?'9 '1 1..t 7?4 place is called Rosh Zohar. There are today about 740 Jewish schools of all types in New time after I had been there n7r177:Fr .tpp4t7tU vIciti I Some read in the newspapers that an York and its suburbs compared with the 3,400 schools all over oil company had begun to drill at the United States . . . They have an enrollment of more than Rosh Zohar. A number of months ago the 150,000 pupils .. . Of these about 33,000 attend all-day schools, name Rosh Zohar once again ap- more than 53,000 are registered in one-day schools and 64,000 in peared in the newspapers. It is true " n " .11 Int? ;"1. that the drillings there did not dis- weekday afternoon schools . . .It is estimated that in New York cover an oilfield. but a large field and its suburbs there are more than 350,000 Jewish children of of natural gas was found. The ec , onomic value of gas is not as great school age . . . This means that quite a large number of these as that of oil, but gas can also be children get no Jewish education whatsoever . . . However, the nnx used for many purposes - (needs). Not far from Rosh Zohar are the total number of pupils attending New York Jewish schools is - tjg). potash and bromide works of the growing from year to year . . . Three years ago there were Dead Sea. This is a large and im- only about 120,000 pupils in these schools . . . And ten year T industry, requiring large '4.PL ? portant quantities of electricity. The plan ago their number was only about 60,000 .. -. In the 3,400 Jewish 1 21.3 -pr. nry? is to utilize the . natural gas from schools all over the country, including New York, there are Zohar to produce cheap elec- nrit - tth‘t'l nVrt 17'Ori Rosh ntiw?1, trie power for the Dead Sea works. today about 355,000 pupils .. . They attend about 1,400 one-day Slowly but surely (with slow but schools, 1,800 afternoon schools, and about 200 all-day schools . t$ .nn sure steps) the State of Israel is St? r2 F trrylipri advancing towards economic inde- . . . The percentage of children • attending Jewish schools is pendence. 1;7 (rrntpiv 1-1 , larger in provincial towns than in New York, but New York . t4 7 ?4 ro t) t Translation of Hebrew Column has the largest number Of all-day schools. Published by Brit Ivrit Olainit ;71 71:1Erl etween You 1 i... and Me'• 1 I ..,....p". -- "? r3t, i i