r` • Community Council Sets Memorial to Hoke Levin; ORT Pays Tribute Sig Braverman Dies Sigmund Braverman, of Cleveland, one of the most dis- tinguished J e wish architects and Zionist leaders, died Mon- day morning at the age of 65, at his home in Cleveland Heights. He is survived by his wife, Libbie," a nationally prominent Hadassah leader, educator and author of children's books, and a brother ; Harry, of Pittsburgh. Braverman had d esign e d many important temples and shopping centers throughout the land, including the Jackson, Mich., temple. He was engaged, at the time of his death, in de- signing the Cleveland Jewish Community Center and. the Baltimore Beth El synagogue. OBITUARIES The death, on Tuesday, of Hoke Levin, prominent De- troiter, brought an immediate NELSON SCHUTZER, 96 17 ROSE ZIDE, 17593 Stoepel, outpouring of tributes from N. Martindale, died March 23. died March 29. She leaves her local and national leaders. Survived by a son, Irwin, of husband, David; a son, Jack; In behalf of the Jewish Com- Pontiac; three daughters. M rs. a daughter, Mrs. William Yaker, munity Council, Lawrence W. Thomas Gilbert, Levittown, P a., of Beverly Hills, Calif.- two Crohn, president, and Boris M. Mrs. Harry Sherman and Irei le; brothers, 12 grandchildren and Joffe, executive director, stated a brother, two sisters and ni ne three great grandchildren. that they will propose to the grandchildren. . * Council's executive committee SAMUEL MARIENTHAL, 11 that the Council Annual Insti- EUGENE POLLATSEK, 136 41 McLean, Highland Park, died tute of Jewish High School Dexter, died March 23. Surviv ed March 29. He leaves his wife, Graduates should be renamed by his wife, Lillian; and t wo Fanny; and a brother, Charles. the Hoke Levin Memorial Insti- * * * brothers. tute. * * SOLOMON SHERMAN, 4040 On Wednesday, The Jewish LOUIS JACOBS, 16636 Santa Elmhurst, died March 30. Sur- News received a message Rosa, died March 24. Survived vived by a son, Morris; three from Prof. William Haber, by a sister. Mrs. Joseph Ber- daughters, Mrs. Murray Joseph, *sk, man. president of ORT, paying Mrs. Manuel Klasky, of Whit-• LATE HOKE LEVIN * a a tribute to Mr. Levin's devoted tier, Calif., and Airs. Nathan efforts to that cause. TILLIE LINDEN, 19163 Wi s- Taisch; 13 grandchildren and 14 Conference on Yo u t h to cousin, died March 24. Survive d great grandchildren. Other tributes kept pourin gi which he was named as one * * * by four sons, Joseph, Sa m, in during the latter part of th is of Michigan's delegates. Charles and Morris; thre e week. GIZELLA JONAS, 14819 The many community posts announcements may daughters, Mrs. Molly Gordo n, Wildemere, died March 30. Sur- that were held by Hoke Levin be (Unveiling Mr. Levin passed away at S inserted by mailing or by call- nai Hospital on Tuesday afte r _ are enumerated in the following ing The Jewish News office, VE Mrs. Sam Molit and Mrs. Albe rt vived by her husband, Eugene; 8-9364. Written announcements Dubin; 18 grandchildren an d two sons, Milton and Raymond; noon He was 52. Funeral ser v _ statement that was issued by must be accompanied by the name a daughter, Mrs. Harry Garden; ices held Wednesday afternoo n , the Jewish Community Council. and address of the person making 16 great grandchildren. a a * insertion. There is a standing a brother and two grandchil- at Kaufman Chapel, were a t- "Hoke Levin forcefully par- the charge of $3.00 for an unveiling ISADOR LUFT, 2730 Glen- dren. tended by several hundre t ticipated in the collective pro- notice, measuring an inch in * * dale, died March 24. Survived people. Dr. Richard Hertz off cess of hammering out major depth.) * * by his wife, Gussie; three LOUIS TEPER, 2657 Elm- ciated. decisions, always bringing in The family of the late Morris Surviving him are his wife, his passionate and uncompro- Karpman announces the unveil- daughters, Mrs. Sam Stewart, hurst, died March 27. Survived Maxine; daughters, Mrs. Reuben mising dedication to the highest ing of a monument in his mem- Mrs. Jack Freeman and Mrs. by his wife, F an ni e; a son, William Schwartz; a brother, (Barbara) Bergman, of Detroit, ethical principles of Judaism. ory at 12 noon, Sunday, April four sisters and eight grand- Gerald; a daughter, Mrs. Jack Jacobs, of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Bruce (Frances) Koerner, "For four years chairman of 3, at El Moishe Cemetery, Ma- children. and three grandchildren, of New York, and Margaret; the Council's internal relations sonic Blvd. near Gratiot. Rabbi a a a a a a three brothers, Judge Theodore committee; originator and the Gorrelick will officiate. Rela- JOSEPH L. FORBES, 941 FANNIE DUNN, 3037 Mont- Levin, Saul R. Levin and Dr. first chairman of the Council's tives and friends are asked to Merton, died March 24. He erey, died March 30. She leaves Samuel J. Levin; three sisters Annual Institute for Jewish attend. leaves his wife, Rhea; a son, her husband; three sons, Nathan * Mrs. David (Sally) Croll, of Graduates of High S c h o o l s, * Toronto, Mrs. Henry (Leah ) where the young people, wh The f a mil y of the late Ivan M., of Royal Oak; a daugh- Lewis, of Los Angeles, and om Yanow and Mrs. Alan (Isabel) he particularly loved, became Abraham Young announces the ter, Mrs. Irving Goodman; four Benjamin J. and Samuel Ham- Grossman of Detroit, and a acquainted with the facilities unveiling of a monument in his brothers, two sisters and three burg; two daughters, Mrs. Max grandchildren. Steinhouse, of Adica, N.Y., and granddaughter. which the Jewish community memory at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, a a a Mrs. Harold Blum; two sisters, April 10, at Chesed shel Emes Hoke Levin was president of maintains for them in colleges, TILLIE EGLAR., 310 Richton, eight grandchildren and 10 Hadley Finsterwald Co. before in the armed services, in em- Cemetery. Rabbi Fram will of- died March 24. She leaves her great grandchildren. the firm's merger with another ployment and in other fields of ficiate. Relatives and friends are husband, Harry; a daughter, furniture company here. In the endeavor; long time member of asked to attend. Mrs. Henry Wagman; three CARD OF THANKS past few years he headed the . the Council's executive commit- brothers and three sisters. The family of the late Morris Hadley Development Company. tee; one time president of the a * * Gervercer acknowledges with The message of tribute to his Jewish • Vocational S e r v i c e; MOLLIE SHAPIRO, 3295 W. grateful appreciation the many m e m or y from Prof. Haber former member of the board of Outer Dr., died March 24. She reads: s governors of the Jewish Welfare In loving memory of Jack leaves a son, Dr. Reuben; a kind expressions of sympathy "In a formal sense, Hoke Federation; a member of the Malin, devoted husband and brother, a sister and five grand- extended by relatives and friends during the family's recent be- Levin was a member of the national board of directors of father, loving son and' brother,c hildren. reavement. board of directors of the Ameri- the American ORT Federation- who passed away on April 5, * a a can ORT Federation. He was far ' a recipient of the St. Cyprian's 1957. JULIA COHEN, .4001 Wav- CARD OF THANKS more than that. At national !Protestant Episcopal Church an- Sadly missed and always re- • e rly, died March 25. She leaves meetings and conventions, his nual service award; and many membered by his wife, Bea- a brother, Morris H. Cohen; and The family of the late Harry strong voice was always to be more unsung positions of re- tryce; children, Shere and a sister, Mrs. Milton E. Wolfe. Lewis acknowledges with grate- heard, calling for greater re- sponsibility to which he brought Michael; parents, Mr. and Mrs. ful appreciation the many kind a * * sponse to overseas needs, for I his mind, his heart and his un- Morris Malin; brothers, Larry, AL-FRED M. HECKER, 8577 expressions of sympathy extend- greater dedication to achieve it. I bounded energy, these repre- Iz and Ben; and sister, Mrs. W. Outer Dr., died March 26. ed by relatives and friends dur- However, it was in the person- sent only some of the areas Irving Rich. He leaves his wife, Sadie; a son, ing the family's recent bereave- :K * to-person relationship that the where his contributions were Robert; a daughter, Mrs. David ment. full dimension of the man came valued. In cherished memory of Lil- I. Miller; his father, Gershon; a through. Hoke was an exem- "The Council officers, mem- lian Stern, dear wife and sister and two grandchildren. plary human being. Warm of bers of the executive committee mother, who left us on March a * *, heart, strong in moral purpose, and staff express to the Hoke 31, 1958. ELIZABETH PRESENT, of utterly democratic in outlook Levin family their heartfelt Sadly missed by her husband, Miami, Fla., died March 26. his Jewishness a living spirit condolence." Irving Stern, and daughters, Services and interment in De- that guided his daily acts and Mr. Levin's residence was at Estelle. Gail and Mrs. Sidney troit. She leaves two brothers, During the coming relationships toward people. His 1647 Balmoral Drive. Levethan. Louis, of Miami, and Nathan. week Yeshiva Beth * * death le ayes a void in our * Yehuda will observe In cherished memory of our hearts. His passing leaves a gap NORMAN DICKLER, 18411 the Yahrzeit of the beloved Emma Rothstein, who Ilene, died March 27. He leaves in the ranks of communal Benjamin Tauber, following departed left ,us on April 12, 1956. leadership. We shall miss him friend s, with the his wife, Marian; two daugh- A l w a y s remembered and ters, Mrs. Elly Richter and greatly. Our profound condo- Attorney, Dies at 52 traditional M e mo - lences to his family." - Benjamin Tauber, 52, an at- sadly missed by her family. rial Prayers, recita- Freda; two brothers, a sister tion of Kaddish and Mr. Levin was deeply inter- torney who had resided in th and four grandchildren. studying of Mish- a * ested in youth work. On the Detroit area for 45 years, die e Mrs. Teitlebaum Dies n ayes. eve of his operation last Fri- March 29. EDWARD CHASE, 2526 Pasa- Mrs. Mary C. Teitlebaum, who day, he particularly was sad- Born in New York, Mr. with her husband operated the dena, died March 29. He leaves Hebrew Civil dened by his inability to at- Tauber had practiced law for David N u r s i n g Home, died his wife, Lillian; a son, Sol; a Nisan April tend the White House the past 18 years in Ferndale. March 27, in Crittenton General daughter, Mrs. William Weiss- Flora Morris 2 He resided at 24500 Custis, in Hospital after a lengthy illn Iss. man; 10 grandchildren and 12 Samuel Remer 5 2 Southfield. Born 58 years ago in London, great grandchildren. Dora Lutsky 6 3 He was a member of Beth England, Mrs. Teitlebaum had The Family of the Late Abraham Synagogue, Tau Ep- been a Detroit resident for 32 David J. Kabaker 7 4 Irving Osnos 7 4 silon Rho legal fraternity, Tam years. She was active in Bran- LOUIS Musha Stein MONUMENTS 7 4 O'Shanter Country Club and deis Chapter of Bnai Brith and M I LLMAN err-77 Rachel Gladstone 8 5 the Oakland, County Bar Asso- the Medical Aid Guild, formerly Sarah R. Flomenhaff 8 - 5 Announces the unveil- ciation. Neugarten Medical Aid Society. ing of a monument in Eliezer Katrinsky 9 6 Mr. Tauber leaves his wife, Mrs. Teitlebaum, who lived at his memory at 3:30 Anne; two sons, Joel and Ron- 7111 W. Outer Dr., leaves her Morris Ch. Bodzin 10 7 p.m., Sunday, April 10, ald; a daughter, Berta; his husband, David; a son, Kenard; Oscar Rottenberg 11 s at Beth El Memorial parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman a daughter, Mrs. Felix Rosen- Simon Knoppow 11 a Park. Rabbi Frain will Mr. Ellison 11 s Tauber; three brothers, Max, zweig; four sisters, Mrs. Betty Irving H. Weiss 11 8 officiate. Relatives and Jack and Joseph; three sisters, Kaufman, of Toledo, Mrs. friends are asked to Manual Urbach & Son Mrs. Robert Feldman , Mrs . Charles Perry, of Los Angeles, Yeshiva Beth Yehuda attend. Irving Fenchel and Mrs. Na- Mrs. Lillian Kobrin and Mrs. 7729 TWELFTH ST. 12305 Dexter than J. Kaufman; and a grand- Jacob B. Ormond; and five TY 6-7192 WE 1-0203 daughter. 'grandchildren. Monument Unveilings I In Memoriam WE REMEMBER 1 11:7 ■ 2 1tX Ira Kaufman Chape Inc. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 9419 Dexter • TY 4.s020 The finest tribute to a loved one; filial arrangements by THE IRA KAUFMAN CHAPEL