THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 1, 1960 — 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 50— Storm, Sash, and Screen re- WEST SIDE, commercial, residen- GLASS, pair, screens made to order, all . tial, this is a golden opportunity insurance work, DI 1-8445. for any professional line, hun- dreds of people pass every day. ALL REPAIRS, brick, cement, plas- Nice neighborhood, owner retired. ter, pointing, porches, chimney, TE 4-5299. steps, UN 2-1017. North Woodward Area t e 'ecor By NATHAN ZIPRIN Editor, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate One Man's Opinion .. . Whither Commentary? is a troublesome question in Jewish circles which cannot comprehend why a publication sponsored BEST PRICES PAID for men's suits, by a Jewish organization, the American Jewish Committee, is topcoats, shoes. TU 3-1872. • showing what appears to be a condescending attitude toward Smith-Bisschop & Co. POODLE PUPPIES, A.K.C., toy and Jewish material. This writer is not, of the opinion that a serious miniature, choice of color, cash REALTORS Jewish magazine should be devoted exclusively or even over- or terms. UN 4-6076. whelmingly to Jewish material. But when one has to scan the HIGHEST PRICES paid for men's the pages of a Jewish publication to find a Jewish item, the suits - topcoats. Call Monday, TO 50—BUSINESS CARDS 8-5595. publication ceases to carry a Jewish character. If that policy is LARKINS MOVING pursued much longer. Commentary must surrender all preten- 57 FOR SALE: HOUSEHOLD sions to being a journel of Jewish cultural content. There was AND DELIVERY SERVICE GOODS AND FURNITURE a time when one could always count on getting a Jewish cultural Also Office Furniture. piece in the section called "Cedars of Lebanon." Now it has been CARPETING AND DRAPES for sale, Any time. reasonable, less than 1 year old, abandoned to make room for material that only secondarily Reasonable. this is available with or without belong in a Jewish journal. rental of beautiful apartment in 3319 GLADSTONE Oak Park. Phone BR 2-3461 or A case in. point is Sidney Hook's article:in the March issue TY 4-4587 BR 3-0237. raising the now old-fashioned and outmoded question whether FOR BETTER wall washing, call there is a God and whether his existence can be demonstrated by James Russell. One day service. TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. logic or science. In blurred semantics and hackneyed phraseology. N. Y. Senate Votes Free Hook takes up several valuable pages to prove (a) that there is no NATHAN DeROVEN — First class Transportation for painting, decorating, • free esti- God and (b) that if there is one you can't prove it. Another mates, work myself. Call evenings All Parochial Schools _ JERRY HUNT, the 16-year- case in point is the plethora of reviews of books, often in the after 6 p.m, LI 4-5213; days UN ALBANY, N. Y. (JTA) — A old Gadsden, Ala., Nazi, who form of articles, that are not related to Jewish content. I am 4-5667. bill to provide free bus trans- threw a bomb into a syna- not unmindful of the rationalization that can be . summoned to TILE portation for private and pa- gogue, then shot at two Jews, justify that path, but whatever the rationalization it is not a rochial school pupils in - New "boasted" about his hatred Jewish path for a Jewish magazine for a Jewish public by a DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? New and Repair Special York State, which would bene- for Jews when he was arrest- Jewish organization. This writer has been an avid reader of Com- U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO fit Jewish parochial schools, has mentary ever since its first issue, considering it together with ed. (Story on Page 1). been passed by the State Sen- Midstream and Judaism among the major publications in the UN 1-5075. ate. Country, and that is why he is gemlinely pained by its new look, Until now, the local school Israel's Treasury a look that is decidedly new, interesting, instructive, informa- CARPENTER WORK of all kinds— Porch, floors, steps, kitchen cabi- boards have not been required tional but not necessarily Jewish. There is room for a high class nets, doors, panelling. Work my- Permits Foreigners to furnish such free travel for Jewish publication such as was envisaged for Commentary at its self. UN 4-1897. pupils beyond a limit of eight to Redeem Bonds inception. I hope the targets of this criticism will not consider . PAINTING and wall washing. Rea- sonable price. Quick service. 20 Miles. The bill was passed by a JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The me impudent for suggesting that their .error is still retrievable. years experience. TE 4-5864. vote of 45-9 with all negative ISrael Treasury announced that Potpourri . . . LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing. votes cast by Republicans. The 1960 census Will be on the march by the end of March. foreign residents will hence- Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- forth be permitted to cash • in The questionaire will not contain any question about religion or able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339, Mapai Opens Ranks to non-negotiable bonds of Israel religious affiliation, a regrettable omission in this columnist's VE 5-7453. I. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of earpe• Non-Histadrut Member companies brought to Israel. In opinion. It will however have a question on what you consider ter work, no job too big or small. JERUSALEM, (JTA)—After such transactions, bond owners your Mother Tongue. If your parents spoke Yiddish or Hebrew, BR 3-4826, LI 5-4035. a stormy debate, the annual will also receive the same 20 make sure to give that information since it may prove invaluable FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. convention of the dominant percent premium now granted from the •point of view of essaying an interesting pattern in the Free estimates. Call UN. 4-3547. composition of our population . . . In the February issue of Mapai Party for the first time on currency exchanges. Tourists will be permitted to the American ZiOnist, Ernest Barbarash in his editorial column threw open its membership A-1 PAINTING rolls to Israelis who are not redeem such bonds at a rate of suggests a summit meeting between ZOA and Hadassah. Was members of Histadrut, the Fed- up to $2,500 monthly during the the suggestion Barbarash's own invention or was it a quasi- Paper hanging and wall wash- eration of Labor. Until now, first three years of their stay official trial balloon by the ZOA? . . . The International Jewish ing. Insured, Immediate serv- membership in a trade union but the 20 percent premium will News of Denver, one of the best edited Anglo-Jewish papers, is ice. observing the 47th year of its founding and 17 years of function- affiliated with Histadrut was be limited to $500 a month. The Treasury also announced ing under its editor Robert S. Gamzey . . . After many years required of all Mapai Party UN 4-0326 that Israel residents will be per- as a publicist of plays and Jewish organizations, Louis Lipsky's members. The new move was adopted mitted to cash in $1,000 worth son David has become a producer of plays on Broadway. His A-1 PAINTING - DECORATING, rea- only after Prime Minister of bonds during a year. Public start was presentation of the latest play from the pen of Fried- sonable prices, references, free estimates. VI 2-1026 — BR 3-6271. David Ben-Gurion himself spoke institutions may redeem all such rich Duerrenmatt called "The Jackass„ . . . If you are a reader DRESSMAKING, all kinds of alter- in its favor, as titular leader of bands in their possession with- of Yiddish literature, you would do well to get the latest book ations. Call for appointment eve- the party. Ben-Gurion pleaded out any time restriction. Newly list of CYCO (Central Yiddish Cultural Organization) in New nings. UN 3-8283. 17175 Roselawn. for broadening of party mem- arrived immigrants, both tem- York City . . . Volume II of WHO'S WHO IN WORLD JEWRY SPECIAL this week, aluminum doors bership to include certain ar- porary and permanent resi- is to be published this fall by Wilbren Book Company. Like its completely installed, $34, DI 1-8445 tisans who, while ineligible to dents, will be allowed to cash predecessor, Volume II will be edited by Harry Schneiderman Histadrut membership because in all bonds during their first 'and I. J. Carmin. The first volume has been sold out completely. 50—BUSINESS CARDS they are employers, would three years in Israel. An outstanding feature of the new volume is a geographical nevertheless strengthen the Foreign residents who ex- index of the names listed in the book. - ALL MAKES party. This "creative group," changed currency for pounds WASHERS - DRYERS he stressed, "has the right to without getting the 20 percent Repaired In Your Home join the party." premium will be permitted to Propose Home for Aged World Bank Studies BENDIX Duomatic Specialists re-purchase foreign currency in Poland with JDC Aid Israel's Requested Appliance Frondizi Assures Goldmann for travel. They will therefore (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Repair on Argentine Anti-Semitism still benefit from the partial to The Jewish News) $46,000,000 Loan " WA 5-9184 BUENOS AIRES; (JTA) — tax exemption now granted on GENEVA — A new home for JERUSALEM, (JTA) — G. President Arturo Frondizi has tickets purchased with foreign the Jewish aged will be erected Stuart Mason, head of a mission assured Dr. Nahum Goldmarin 50—BUSINESS CARDS currency. in Warsaw, it was announced from the headquarters of the that he will do all in hiS power here by Joint Distribution Com- World Bank in Washington, was to quash anti-Jewish and anti- Council of Organizations mittee headquarters Tuesday. received by Finance Minister Israeli propaganda in Argen- to Give Priority to UJA An agreement for the erec- Levi Eshkol this week. tina. tion of the building has been The mission will tour Israel NEW YORK, (JTA) — A reached The President - received Dr: We Stop Any Leak! between the Federa- for a month, in connection with resolution expressing deter- Goldmann — who was accom- tion of Jewish Cultural Associa- Israel's application for a loan 5 Year Guarantee panied by. leaders of Argentine mination to give top priority to tions in Poland and the Polish from the bank, reportedly to- OLD ROOFS MADE the United Jewish Appeal was Jewry—prior to the latter's de- government, while the JDC will taling $46,000,000. Of the total, BETTER THAN NEW parture for Brazil. Apprised of adopted at the 21st annual con- finance the construction costs. it is understood, Israel would the Arab propaganda, especially ference of the Council of Or- Equipment for the interior of earmark $30,000,000 for con- on the radio, the President de- ganizations of the UJA which the new home will be provided Commercial - Industrial clared he will take "immediate was addressed by U.S. Sen. by the Polish Ministry of struction work at the new port Apartments - Residential measures against such abuse of Wayne Morse and Dr. Dov Works, while the site has been of Ashdod. Yam, appropriating the remainder for potash, phos- Joseph, treasurer of the Jewish. For Free Estimates Call the freedom of speech." offered by the Warsaw city ad- phate and other mineral devel- Agency in Jerusalem. ministration. opments in the Dead Sea and The 3,000 delegates attend- Judge Proskauer Urges There is a home for Jewish Expanded StudentExchange ing the parley and representing aged now in Lodz, housing 70 other Negev areas. JERUSALEM, (JTA) — For- a million Jews in New York old people and a number of merd New York Supreme Court pledged to urge their organiza- incurable patients, but more GI Seder in Korea to Usher Justice Joseph M. Proskauer, tions to raise at least double space is needed for Jewish in Passover 13 Hours Before honorary president of the last year's totals to the UJA aged in Poland, according to Other Jews Begin Festival Four hundred U.S. Jewiiii American Jewish Committee, campaign. the Jewish community in War- GIs in Korea, who will come said here that there should be saw. by airlifts to Passover services a greater student exchange be- Dr. Goldmann Asks Zionists tween Israel and the United in Brazil to Add Strength • to be held at a Passover Reli- SAO PAULO, Brazil, (JTA)- Want Name Changes gious Retreat in Ascom City, States.' The present "weakness" of the in Israel Civil Service will celebrate the ancient fes- 50—BUSINESS CARDS 50—BUSINESS CARDS Zionist Organization makes "the (Direct JTA Teletype Wire tival just 131/2 hours before to The Jewish News) entrance of new forces in- their co-religionists in the U.S. JERUSALEM — Prime Minis- because of the International dispensable," Dr. Nahum Gold- ALL crry ter Ben-Gurion will submit a Date Line. The seder in Korea, mann, president of the World MOVING & STORAGE CO. Zionist Organization, - stated in bill to the Knesset making it like those to be held in the an address at the fourth terri- mandatory for all civil service U.S. and in 72 overseas areas, torial convention of the Con- employees in the country to were arranged by the National Hebraize their names. Ben. federation of Brazilian Jews. Gurion made that announce- Jewish Welfare Board, organ- izer of global "Operation Pass- Americans can save automat- ment hCre Tuesday to Israeli over" for the military. This is newspapermen, some of whom ically with U.S. Savings Bonds Complete Moving Service JWB's 43rd "Operation Pass- through the Payroll Savings he chided for retaining their over." No Job Too Large — Too Small original western names. Plan where they work. Luxury apartment bldg. group. Requires substantial down pay- men. W. A. Hawk. WO 2-3666. 55—MISCELLANEOUS — . 4 LINDEN ROOFING 4 SAVE 50% Salomon Roof Spraying Co. DI 1-5367 Always Open 1