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April 01, 1960 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1960-04-01

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THE DETROIT JEWISH. NEWS — Friday, April 1, 1960 —


Argentine Jewry
Marks Centennial

Shimon Horn, U. S. director of the newly-formed Israel
Investment Authority, shows it A. Hutchinson, vice-president
of Studebaker-Packard Corporation, some of the new territory
opened up for the sale of Lark automobiles, with the signing
of an agreement to license the assembly and manufacture of
Studebaker passenger cars and commercial vehicles in Haifa,
* * *

Studebaker-Packard Reveals Plan
for Manufacturing Cars in Israel

A comprehensive agreement bility company and is one of
licensing the assembly and man- the countr y's outstanding
ufacture of Studebaker passen-. younger industrialists who has
ger cars and commercial ve- been largely responsible for the
hicles in Israel was described rapid industrial development of
this week in New York by R. A. Israel.
The Haifa plant will continue
Hutchinson, Studebaker-Packard
Corporation vice president in to produce Jeeps, Jeep station
charge of overseas operations. wagons and small Jeep trucks
A progressive manufacturing along with Studebaker Larks,
program will be started in Hawks and commercial vehicles.
Kaiser-Frazer of Israel's Haifa Other automotive activities of
plant as soon as ".basic compo- the company include the manu-
nents are received from South facture of parts for tractors,
Bend and pilot operations are automobiles a n d agricultural
completed. The agreement gives equipment at Ramat Gan, Is-
Studebaker - Packard an outlet rael; distribution of its prod-
for major components estimat- ncts through subsidiary compa-
ed, at the start, to be in the nies; and operation of garages
area of 3,000 to 5,000 vehicle for the servicing and mainte-
units a year. nance of automotive and farm
Shimon Horn, U. S. director equipment.
of the newly established Israel
Expansion plans are directed
Investment Authority, described to the increase of Israeli con-
the agreement as "a great be- tent in the vehicles and to the
ginning" in Israel's program to development of markets. In ad-
attract $300 million worth of , dition to sales within Israel, the
American investment by 1965. 'bxports of the company to near-
He predicted that because by countries, which is a sub-
Israel has 22 trade agree- stantial part of present produc-
ments with other countries all Lion, will be further developed.
over the free world, an in-
Increased manufacturing of
creasing portion of the auto- component parts for use in
motive production would be , Studebaker vehicles has already
for export.
begun. A modern 'Machine tool
"The Studebaker-Packard de- and gear-cutting facility is now
cision," Horn said, "actually under construction in Ashkelon,
represents a double tribute: toi a new port city in southern
Israel's growing production ca- Israel.
pacity and to her strategic geo-
graphic position • at the cross- Comay Arrives at UN
roads of three continents."
The licensing agreement was to Assume Permanent Post
negotiated in South Bend by
Hutchinson and Yechiel Gold- bassador Michael Camay ar-
farb, general manager of the Is- rived here from Israel to take
rael plant. They agree that the up his post as Israel's Per-
contract will provide Israel with manent Representative at the
cars and commercial vehicles United Nations.
ideally suited to the country as
well as offering Studebaker-
PaCkard a new market for ma-
jor components.
The Israel facilities were for-
merly used by Renault—whose
operations halted in Israel as a
result of. the Arab boycott pres-
sures—at a capacity of 20 ve-
hicles a day on a one shift
basis. The factory is the largest
in the. Near East and the only
- one in Israel assembling and
manufacturing cars and trucks.
Kaiser Frazer of Israel Ltd.
was organized in 1951 by Eph-
raim Ilin. He is a majority
stockholder in the limited lia-


With. solemn and, at the same
time, joyous ceremonies, Ar-
gentina's Jewry launched its
country-wide celebration of the
100th anniversary of the first
Jewish settlement in this coun-
President Arturo Frondizi
issued a special message con-
gratulating the Jews of this
country an their centennial
celebration, and emphasizing
Argentina's gratification with
the high place achieved by the
Jews here in all fields of en-
deavor. The President's message
was brought to the official an-
niversary convocation by Dr.
Alfred Roque Vitolo, Minister
of the Interior.
Others on the program, in
the crowded Great Hall of the
Buenos' Aires Jewish Com-
munity headquarters, were Dr.
Nahum G-oldmann, world Jew-
ish leader; Emilio Gutkin, presi-
dent of the Buenos Aires Jew-
ish Community; Gregario Fain-
gech, general secretary of the
Jewish Community here; and
Aryeh Levavi, Israel's Ambas-
sador to Argentina.
Lauding the attitude of the
Argentine government and
people toward Jewry, and ex-
pressing his gratitude for that
"happy encounter between two
peoples, exceptionally enjoying
mutual tolerance, respect and
understanding," Dr. Goldmann
spoke of the situation in some
lands where, he sai.-1, "the Jews,
unfortunately, have not yet
been e man c ip, ted culturally
and socially."
Dr. Vitolo singled out for
praise the early Jewish colonial
settlers in this country who,
he said, through "their hard
work, laid the basis for Jewry's
intergration into our national
life, leading • to outstanding
Jewish contributions in litera-
ture, science and the democratic
ways of political activity."
Referring to last winter's
outbreak of anti-Semitic inci-
dents, the Interior • Minister
declared: "Our people and gov-
ernment repudiated these in-
cidents energetically, and •im-
mediately took steps to deal
with these barbarities. We are
solidly with you. Argentina
opens its doors to Jewish im-
migrants. Yoh enjoy sympathy
and friendship."

Global Education Parley

preparatory meeting for a world
conference on Jewish educa-
tion will be held in Paris on
June 29 and 30, it was an-
nounced in a joint statement
by the American Jewish Con-
, gress, Bnai Brith and the World
Jewish Congress.

111011.1.1.. 11111ft


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In—money back guarantee.

The first and only synagogue
in the new State of Alaska has
affiliated with the congrega-
tional body of Reform Judaism
in the Western hemisphere, the
Union of American Hebrew
Rabbi 1Viahrice N. Eisendrath,
president of the 1,000,000-mem-
ber temple body, announced
that a meeting of the organiza-
tion's Executive Board has ap-
proved the application of ad-
mission of Congregation Beth
Sholom in Anchorage, Alaska,

as the 587th member group of
the UAHC.
Temple Emanu-El of Hono-
lulu became a member of the
UAHC in February 1953. This
spring the congregation will
dedicate its new sanctuary. At
the same time, the UAHC's
Executive Board approved the
admission of another congrega-
tion, Temple Beth Sholom of
Kilgore, Tex.
The Alaska congregation was
founded by a layman, Lenard


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"Fred, for Passover why don't you get a new
Tallith, and I'LL get a new mink stole?"

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