Mrs. Leeman to Head Child's Day Efforts ewiy ` • Bnai Brith Activities • Beth Aaron Cubs Set Annual Square Dance The annual square dance of Appointment of Mrs. Norman I cub scout pack 537 of Beth Lemon to serve as general EAST SIDE CHAPTER is I A luncheon is being planned Aaron Synagogue will be held On the chairman for planning its membership and I Rabbi MANDEL M. ZAGER at 9 p.m. Saturday at the syna- the annual retention tea at 8:30 p.m., Tues- by This Week's Radio and CHAPTER at 12:30 p.m., March gogue. Caller will be Jim observance day, in the home of Mrs. Robert 21, at Federal's Grand River- Television Programs ! of World Jew- Coggan, 19526 Roslyn. Rabbi Oakman auditorium. For reser- Schulties. Prizes and refresh- of Jewish Interest ish Child's Sherwin T. Wine, of Temple vations, call Eva Liner, WE. ments will be featured. All are Day was an- Beth El, will present a book 3-5386; or Faye Goldstein, WE. welcome to attend. THE ETERNAL LIGHT Anyone seeking information nounced this review. Time: 10:30 p.m., Sunday. 5-7212. Guests are invited. on membership in the cub pack week by Mrs. Station: WWJ. * * may call cubmaster Irving Stahl, Feature: "The Seed and the Sam Wasser- HENRY MORGENTHAU Diane Stein and Leslie Sklar UN 4-0326. Dream," a drama by Morton man, presi- LODGE will discuss "Income dent of the Wish in commemoration Detroit Coun- Tax Problems" at a special pro- were chairman of a recent cul- Classified ads bring fast results! of of Theodor Herzl Centennial cil of Pioneer gram planned for Monday eve- tural weekend held by GEORGE Year, will be presented. The Women. Mrs. Leemon ning, at Young Israel Center GERSHWIN Chapter, Bnai script is about Herzl's trials of Oak-Woods. Abe Burnstein, Brith Girls, which included Want The Best? in convincing Three traditional events , held Leo Sobel, Hilbert Sosin, CPA's, Friday evening services at Tem- Ask the Folks Who've Had g some people to in conjunction ,vith Child' s Day and Attorney Robert Alpern ple Israel. a sabbath luncheon support the cause of a re-estab- activities, are planned , begin- and an address by Mrs. Charles SAM BARNETT lished homeland in Jerusalem. fling with a cannister driVe on will answer questions, accord- D. Solovich, national president and ills Orchestra ing to Sid Cohn, program chair- April 24. There also will be a man. of Bnai Brith Women, on BBYO MESSAGE OF ISRAEL dance May 14, at Adas Shalom * 11 1-2563 throughout the world. Time: 11:05 p.m., Sunday. Synagogue, and a coin book Station: WXYZ. Formation of a GREATER ' collection by youngsters. Feature: Rabbi Paul W. Stein- Chairing the various phases DETROIT AZA COUNCIL Representing the berg, dean of the schools of of the program are Mesdames bowling league, meeting at 10 UN 2-8083 education and sacred music at FINEST IN Albert Herman and Louis Dia- a.m., Sundays, at Ambassador Hebrew Union College-Jewish Recreation, Schaefer and Fen- Institute - of Religion in New mond, cannister drive, and 'Mes- ENTERTAINMENT dames Berenice Shapiro and kell, has been announced. High York, will speak on "What on Saul Rose, dance. and low leagues are featured and ... SHOWS Earth Are You Doing for for the 12-week season. For in- Heaven's Sake?" formation, call Stuart Felhan- Leiderman to Direct * * Also Featuring: dler, KE. 5-5417; or Bernie .. . TO DWELL TOGETHER Young Israel Camp THE BEST IN Heideman, BR. 3-4230, both A SS O CIA CI - ATYE S Time: 9:15 a.m., Sunday. Frank E. Leiderman, a De- members of Wise AZA. MUSIC ... for 19983 LIVERNOIS Station: WJBK-TV (Channel troit public school teacher with * ALL OCCASIONS 2). Between Pembroke and Chippewa a wide background in summer Mark Beltaire, Detroit Free Feature: Charles E. Feinberg, camp activities, has been ap- Press columnist, will be guest art patron and collector and a pointed as resident director of member of the culture commis- Camp Shor, sponsored by Mid- speaker at the 16th anniversary dinner-dance of L 0 U I S D. sion of the Jewish Community west branches of Young Israel BRANDEIS LODGE. Benjamin I Council, sponsors of this weekly some 30 miles from Cincinnati. S. Wettenstein, president, - an- .1 telecast, will discuss "Jewish • Two other Detroiters, Morry flounces that the event will LAMP MOUNTING REPAIRING Ceremonial Art" together with Weiss and Edward Traurig, also take place Sunday evening, at l 11. 1 • REBUILDING Francis Robinson, associate a school teacher, have been Club Alamo. Beltaire will be ; curator of Medieval art at the n a m e d to serve as co-head presented with the Lodge's • Complete Ceramic Repairs • Detroit Institute of Arts. counselors. Americanism Award "for his i * * * A Complete Selection of Leiderman recently received continuous and successf u- l of COUNCIL-ALTMAN HOUR IMPORTED CRYSTAL — LAMPS & LAMP SHADES his master's degree'from Wayne forts in promoting benevolence, :Time: 10 p.m., Saturday. State University. He has done brotherly love and harmony 1 26001 .Station: WJLB. COOLIDGE, OAK PARK LI 4-1711 extensive youth work, teaches among all peoples." I :Feature: Mrs. Carl Schiller, Hebrew school and formerly OPEN DAILY 9 to * * * 5:30; THURS., SAT. I to 9 chairman of the planning com- served as assistant director of ■ Members of the bowling ■ ■ ■ mittee for the Midrasha Insti- Camp Keyuma. . league of DETROIT CHAPTER tute, and Rabbi Milton Arm, Ar • WALKER LAMP CO.. • .10 The remainder of the staff i will be hostesses at a meeting member of the board of the Midrasha, will discuss the sig - will be drawn from other parts planned for 12:30 p.m., W h ed- of the Midwest. The camp at- nesday, in the Sholern Aleic em 0•••••04 04•111•0.1 041 041•1.0 0 0 0 { 0 0 tr I 41 1) 0 0 McINERNEY'S nificance of the Institute on the tracts boys and girls, aged 6 tInstitute, 19350 Greenfield. A , geo Jewish cultural scene, 14, from more than 10 states. musical comedy, "There Is FARM and OLD CIDER MILL * * For information, contact Nothing Like The Game," will THE JEWISH HERITAGE 29501 Northwestern Highway Leiderman, 18115 Kentucky, UN be featured. Friends are invited. Time: 11:30 p.m., Sunday. Bet. 12 and 13 Mile Road * * 4-3446, or Mrs. B. Servetter, Station: WCAR. 24351 Coolidge, Oak Park, LI YUSTER - ROSENBERG Fine Chicken & Turkey Luncheons and Dinners Feature: "The Story of 7-1165. CHAPTER will meet at 8:30 Served Daily 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Mondays Purim" and a discussion of p.m., Wednesday, at Cong. Beth "Archaeology in Israel" by Dr. Yehudah, '17556 Wyoming, when Nelson Glueck, president of the Workmen's Circle SQUARE DANCING, with our famous callers, or a hypnotist will be featured. A Hebrew Union College-Jewish Groups Elect Chairman social hour will follow. Guests HAY RIDES arranged for if desired. Institute of Religion, will be Eugene Brownstein was are welcome. Private Room Available for All Affairs— * * presented over this weekly elected chairman of Workmen's broadcast of the Jewish Corn- Circle Branch 460-E at a cock- Showers, Sweet 16 Parties, Bowling Groups, etc. BUSINESS & PROFESSION- munity Council. tail party and dance last week- AL CHAPTER will conduct its With facilities for: end celebrating the group's 21st annual initiation of new mem- Invite Detroiters to Join birthday. Shuffleboard, Ping Pong and Player Piano bers at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, at Club for Purim in Florida Serving with him will be Nor- Cong. Beth Joseph, 18450 The Detroit Social Club of man Pikulin, vice - chairman; Wyoming. Mrs. Morris Tack, a Call Thomas McInerney at EL 6-9222 Greater Miami will hold its 12th Maurice Goldsmith, Sophie past Council president, will be annual Purim Get-Together at Smith, Sarah Caplan and Rose guest speaker. A social hour 8 p.m., Tuesday, in the RubayiatiEnsink. secretaries; Abe Brown- will follow. Room of the Algiers Hotel,Istein, treasurer; and Eileen Is- Miami Beach, Fla. rael and Belle Lipsitz, hos- Jew Named President of Dancing, games, entertain- pitalers. ' leaving every hour on the hour 24 hours a day Catholic High Seniors ment and refreshments will be Also installing officers at a featured. All Detroiters and party in the Elmwood Casino, to and from Willow Run, Detroit Metropolitan CHARLOTTE, N. C., (JTA)— their friends are invited to at- celebrating its sixth anniver- The president of the Charlotte Airport and the Cranbrook House Motel at tend. sary, was Branch 1060. Officers Catholic High School senior class and the most popular sen- include Edwin G. Shifrin, chair- James Couzens and 8 Mile Road Aesculapians, Aukiliary Set man; Selma Goode, vice-chair- ior by vote of his classmates is Annual Barn Dance in April man; Dorothy Moritz and Ruth a 17-year-old Jewish student. The Aesculapian Pharmaceu- Zuger, secretaries; Tom DiGae- Maurice Cawn is attending tical Association and its Ladies tan°, treasurer; and Zilda Saba- the school because he gets Auxiliary will hold their an- roff, hospitaler. teacher attention for his school. nual barn dance on April 6, work which he found he could For Information and Reservations at the Rainbow Terrace. not obtain in the larger public Councilettes' Trav Acade' According to Mrs. Michael Takes Fashion Jaunt schools. Phone BR 3-2588 or BR 3-8310 Wainer and Meyer Goldsmith, Councilettes, junior group of He said there was no conflict Tickets Available at Airports & Cranbrook House—fare $3.50 co-chairmen, proceeds will go the National Council of Jewish in the difference in religious be- to the Children's Leukemia Women, will present Fashion liefs. During religion classes, Operated by Peter Theodore, Inc. Foundation. For tickets, call Travelcade, a gala showing of he has study periods. Mrs. Wainer, UN 3-6792, or clothes representing different Goldsmith, DI 1-2815. countries, at 2 p.m. March 20, in the social hall of Adas Sha- We are pleased to announce that Detroit Socialites Slates lom Synagogue. Two Anniversary Events Tickets may be purchased at An anniversary invitational the door or in advance by call- dinner-dance is planned by the ing Sue Taitelbaum, UN 1-0730. Detroit Socialites this Sunday evening, at Club Gay Haven, it Volleyball Exhibit at Center is announced by Eve Goldberg, An exhibition of power vol- executive secretary. leyball will be staged between is resuming custom made drapery department. Arrangements also are being the Ann Arbor YMCA and the DRAPERIES • made for the group's Quin- Detroit Downtown YMCA, at BEDSPREADS • INTERIORS quennial (fifth anniversary) 8:30 p.m., Monday, March 21, in Estimates given in your home — No Obligation Ball, to take place on March 27, the main gym at the Jewish at Beth Abraham Synagogue. iversity 1-6482 Center, 18100 Meyers. Northwest Detroit & Airports Limousine UN •