To Wedjtene 21 1 omen's Owls Center Sponsors 2nd Annual 'Art for Young Collectors' Exhibit I The Jewish Community Cen- piece will be priced at more BETH JOSEPH SISTE R- is chairman of the luncheon. ter will hold its second annual than $100. HOOD will meet at 12:30 p.m., Mrs. Kirshblum, a three-time "Art for Young Collectors" ex-' Mrs. Byron Gerson, chairman Tuesday, in the synagogue visitor in Israel, will report on hibition at its Main Building, of the exhibition committee, is social hall. Plans for the annual Mizrachi installations in the 18100 Meyers, beginning 3 p.m., in charge of the exhibition. mother-daughter banquet will Jewish state. Sunday, March 20, through Artists who would like to sub- be discussed. * * * March 23. mit works to the jury should * * * Guy Palazzola, Maxine Levin write to her, at the Center, for HEBREW LADIES AID SO- RADOMER LADIES AUXI L- CIETY will hold a luncheon and and William Woolfenden are an entry blank. IARY will hold a board meeti ng games party at 12 noon, to judge the works submitted at 8:30 p.m., Monday, in he Wednesday, at Holiday Manor, in all media. home of Mrs. Lydia Slakt er, with proceeds going to Pass- For the Perfect The show's aim is to show 18677 Prest, when final plans over relief for needy families. for a games party on March 29, Mesdames Edith Roth and young collectors that fine work and Permanent at Cong. Mishkan Israel, and a Helen Wolson, chairmen, are by Michigan artists can be ac- Removal of Hair May mother-daughter affair will planning entertainment a n d quired at modest expense. No Let a Specialist be made. prizes. For tickets, call Mrs. Restore Your Beauty * * * Helen Rosenthal, LI 7-8619. Suwalker Landsleit Party * * * PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT MISS MOLLY BROWN ROSE BECKER Entertainment and refresh- CLUB is holding a Purim party An oneg shabbat tea, origin. ments will be featured at a Northwest Office Open The engagement of Molly at 8 p.m., Monday, at Cong. Beth ally scheduled by the BETH Tuesday only— UN 2-3355 Brown. to Gordon Meyer Ry- Joseph, 18450 Wyoming. Re- ABRAHAM SISTERHOOD for Purim party to be held by Su- All Other Days back was recently announced. freshments and entertainment last weekend, will take place walker and Vicinity Landsleit, 616 David Scott Bldg. The bride-elect is the daugh- are being planned. Friends are at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, in the at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, at the Workmen's Circle Center, 18340 WO 2-7288 ter of Mr. William Brown, of invited. Nusbaum Hall. Mrs. Israel I. W. Seven Mile. * * * Prevost Ave., and the late Mrs. Halpern, chairman, has ar- Brown. Her fiance's parents Annual election of officers ranged a Purim presentation, are the Sol Rybacks, of Lon- by the DETROIT LINK, Order to be given by the Sisterhood don Ave. A June 21 wedding of the Golden Chain, is sched- dramatic group. Hostesses will is planned. uled for 8:30 p.m., Monday, in be Mesdames Oscar Bank and the Sholem Aleichem Institute, Hyman Crystal. * 19350 Greenfield. * * * PHOTOGRAPHERS YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR Board members of MEDICAL CHOLEM will hold a board LI 8-2266 AID GUILD will meet for a meeting at 12:30 p.m., Mon- LI 8-1116 luncheon at 12:30 p.m., Mon- day, in the home of Mrs. Joseph "The Best Need Cost No More" day, in the home of Mrs. Nor- Viedrah, 18965 Santa Barbara. * * * man Schavrien, 19367 Santa CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, Rosa. Co-hostesses will be Mes- dames Gene Nagler and Julie has arranged a luncheon and Harmon. Plans for a luncheon games party at 12 noon, Tues- and style show April 8, at Town day, in Northland Center Hos- and Country Club will be dis- pitality House. Prizes will be awarded. All proceeds will go cussed. * * * to Israel. For tickets, call Mrs. FOR ANY OCCASION TOWN AND COUNTRY Rose Yendick, chairman, UN By ALAN SCHWARTZ CHAPTER, Women's American 1-8365, or Mrs. Bessie Zaran- In the recently held 18th ORT, will celebrate ORT Edu- kin, co-chairman, UN 4-0693. At annual regional Scholastic Art 12 noon, Wednesday, a Purim Awards exhibition, Mumford, cation Month at a meeting program is planned in the CALL SALLY FIELDS planned for 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, TR 3-8900 led by Roger Kukes, made a Hayim Greenberg Center, when in the home of Mrs. Melvin very fine showing. Roger tied Rabbi Hyman Agress, of Ever- for the second highest number Binder, 14130 Greenbriar, Oak green Jewish Cong., will be . of awards earned. Others hon- Park. Mrs. Charles Levin will the guest speaker. Refresh- ored for their art work are show slides of ORT projects ments will be served. in Israel, which she took on * • * Karen Brenner, Hope Fried- her recent trip there. JUNIOR PRIMROSE CLUB land, Susan Netzorg, 'Suzanne * * * will hold a board meeting Mon- Schecter and Stephanie Koor- JEWISH WOMEN'S EURO- day afternoon, in the home of han. PEAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- Mrs. Lois Howard, 19456 Ap- Eleven Mercury and Capri TION is planning a Sunday 19158 LIVERNOIS at 7 MILE RD. staff members, all girls, will night supper, to be held at poline. Plans for a dessert attend the Columbia Scholastic 6 p.m., March 20, in the home luncheon and children's fash- Press Association convention in of Mrs. Ben Tushman, 17333 ion show on April 2, at Sholem New York City, March 17 to 19. Mendota. Proceeds will provide Aleichem Institute, will be dis- Participating in the convention Passover relief to needy or- cussed. * * * are Susan Cohn, Ann Jacob- phans and widows in Israel "Middle Road for Middle owitz, Judee Cohen, Sheila and other countries. Years" is the subject of nutri- We find ourselves overstocked .. Fishman, Janet Friedman, Sue * * * tionist Mamie Atwater, who will Kobel, Marjory Miller, Linda CHILDREN UNLIMITED will speak to NORTHWEST YOUNG Pollard, Barbara Quint, Judy and must reduce our inventory! Stamell, and Sharon Gorelick. meet at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, ISRAEL SISTERHOOD at 9 at Holiday Manor. A social p.m., Tuesday, in the synagogue. The wife of the parents' club president, Mrs. Oscar Adelson, hour, including mahj and Hostesses for the evening will Every kern in the store—including all new Spring games, will follow. The group be Mesdames S. Wainer and S. will accompany the group. also will set final plans for Blau. and Summer merchandise that arrived yesterday On Tuesday, the first issue of its "Spring Fantasy" cocktail * * * and today from New York is reduced! the new literary magazine, party, to be held March 19. EZRA AID TO ISRAEL will Mumford Muse, will come out. Dick Stein and his orchestra Rosalind Olmsted is faculty will provide the music for danc- hold a brunch Monday after- Spring Coats, Spring Suits, Ensembles, sponsor, and Larry Jackier is ing. For tickets, call Mrs. Glo- noon, in the home of Mrs. Fannie Shapiro, 17419 Penning- Dresses, Spring and Summer Sportswear, editor-in-chief. Other editors ton. ria Schaeffer, LI 4-9339. Leather Jackets and all accessories are are Mark Greenberg, non-fiction * * * * * * editor; Shelly Stern, fiction edi- reduced. LOUISE WISE CHAPTER, NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer tor; Denah Schumann, art edi- tor, and Bruce Rubin, poetry American. Jewish Congress, will Women, will hold a board meet- Balance of Winter merchandise editor. The advisory board con- meet Wednesday afternoon, in ing at 12 noon, Monday, in the sists of Harvey Robb, Stephen the home of Mrs. Louis For- home of Mrs. Etta Kaplan, 6357 reduced up to Sniderman, Helene Weisman, man, 13143 Kingston, Hunting- Curtis. Mrs. Carrie Berman will be a guest. A regular meeting ton Woods. Luncheon will be Barbara Quint, Charles Mintz, Robert Kroll, Marcy Miller and served. Dr. Edward C. Pintzuk, is scheduled for Wednesday, in president of the Russell Woods- the Hayim Greenberg Center, Elaine Feldman. Sullivan Improvement Associa- when hostesses will be Mes- The Spanish Club, at a recent tion, will "speak on "What dames Florence Pri•ack and meeting, e l e c t e d: president, Makes Us Run—Integration in Mollie Hoffer. Current events All Sales Final. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING. Vivian Shevitz; vice-president, will be featured. the Home and School." Guests Sybil Oshensky; secretaries, are invited (More Clubs Page 19) Maureen West and Sharon Agree; and treasurer, Rhoda Mrs. Leonard Schreiber, pro- Isaacs. In the near future, the club will publish a Spanish gram vice-president of the Pronounced newspaper, take a trip to a col- AHAVAS ACHIM SISTE R- LOO-WOW lege language laboratory, have HOOD, announces that Mrs. a picnic and go to a Spanish Milton Arm will speak on "Judaism in the Home" at a restaurant. Catered at Your Home or Our Patio Room meeting planned for 9 p.m., The American Youth Hostel Monday, in the synagogue social "ALOHA NUI" Association sponsored a skiing hall. Means No Hostess Social Calendar trip last weekend, at Blue Lake * * * is complete without Luau party Hostel near Grayling. The Mrs. Mordecai Kirshblum, na- group skied at Mount Frederick. tional political chairman of the HIBACHI PU PUUS • The Merit Scholarship apti- Mizrachi Women's Organization (Food You Eat With Your Fingers Like Hors d'oeuvres on Bamboo Skewers) tude tests were given last Tues- of America, will be a guest of 8920 DI W. 7 Mile day to all eleventh graders that the SISTERS OF ZION MIZ- Pu Puus for "Do-It-Yourself 1-4044 at Wyoming wanted to take them. Results RACHI at its annual Purim "LUAU" at Home Including Hibachi of these tests will not be known luncheon, to be held at 12 until next September or Octo- noon, Thursday, at Holiday rs- ber. Manor. Mrs. Morris Servetter - 1111714FORD DAVE DOMBEY ASSOCIATES S I G S IF IT'S MUSIC .. REAL MUSIC .. it's ARTIE FIELDS Orchestra IINIDATION SAIE 65% sfA mmtiet iENTm LUAU