• • Dr. Katsh Finds Hebraic. Treasures Truman Speaks at 1)inner; Credits Science for Israel's Might on Six-Week Tour of Soviet Union Gets IIonorari De .ree (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Several rare Jewish religious of the Jews in 13th century to The Jewish News) Spain. Former President Harry S. ference in Miami Beach Sunday JERUSALEM — Prime Minis- objects, including a Hebrew evening. Truman will address the dinner bible dating from the ninth cen- On Monday, Mr. Truman was ter Ben-Gurion Tuesday night meeting of the Israel Bond Con- tury, have been discovered by The CARIBE MOTEL awarded an honorary Doctor of credited much of the success Prof. Abraham I. Katsh, of New of the development of Israel's Laws degree by the Jewish PROVIDES YOUR Theological Seminary, at Tem- armed -rces to Israel's science York University. OUT-OF-;TOWN GUESTS The discoveries were an- technology, d e clar in g that ple Emanu-El, Miami Beach. nounced by Dr. Katsh following WITH . . . Addressing the national com- "science is an essential factor his return from a six-week tour - CONVENIENT LOCATION Israel's future." munity award dinner of the in He spoke in opening the first of the Soviet Union, where he Woodward near 7 Mile Rd. Seminary in Miami Beach, on Minutes away from everything session of the reorganized Na- Tuesday, President Truman said tional Research and Develop- has become a pioneer in un- LUXURIOUS ROOMS that "retired politicans that ment Council, headed by Prof. covering and utilizing Russia's • Phones • Air Conditioning bask in the classroom of our Israel Dostrovsky, who is also large, but unused store, of Hebraic materials. • Complete Kitchens nation" may pr o v i d e "the ‘e Israel Defense 4- director of • Wall-to-Wall Carpeting The Bible and 1,000 other closest thing to real states- Ministry's atomic research. documents are being micro- COMPLETE manship that we are likely to Dr. Dostovsky told the meet- filmed and shipped to Dr. ACCOMMODATIONS find. ing that it was necessary to Katsh in New York. Meanwhile, AT NO EXTRA COST He said that, since his own determine priorities in spend- • Parking • TV and Radio retirement from active politics, ing for science because a small he brought back with him an • Continental Breakfast he had more special knowledge country like Israel could not album of 26 colored lithographs PHONE available to all who might profit tackle all areas of research. He illustrating Sholem Aleichem's story of "The Bewitched TO. 8-2662 by it." - said Israel would have to strike Tailor." Mr. Truman also paid tribute. a balance between utilitarian Among the other treasures Photo Shows Former Presi- research and fundamental scien- Moderate to Prof. Shalom Speigel, of the assembled by Dr. Katsh are a dent Truman on His Arrival tific research, in which there Seminary faculty, for "one of Rates 700-year-old manuscript pre- in Miami Beach for Bond the best lectures I have ever is no certainty of immediate pared in Barcelona, Spain, con- Start at Parley. practical results.. heard." The lecture by Prof. $8.00 The council will take up first taining previously unpublished Speigel was on the Book of poems by Judah Halevi, one of Amos, the former President the coordination of research the greatest Hebrew poets of 19630 said, and it demonstrated that into all phases of Israel's water all time; and a manuscript writ- Woodward justice is "mate in all men, problems, on the prospects of ten by a grandson of Maimon- Near 7 Mile Road transcending law and similar basic chemical industries and ides reflecting on the situation on agricultural needs, he said. transitory consideration." '60 CHEVROLETS RGAREN French Leaders Repudiate Nasser, Say Tripartite Agreement Stands 0 4# (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) GEFILTE FISH HAS ITS TASTY PLACE . ON. YOUR "WANT-To -_PLEASE1' • MENUS It's Horowitz-Margareterr, of course, who brings you this aristocratic delicacy. Gefilte fish made with choice PIKE and WHITE FISH exclusively from cool North- ern lakes...blended tradition- ally with the other wholesome ingredients of home-made gefilte fish. So fluffy .. • so luscious ...with homey thick, shimmering jelled sauce. PARIS—A spokesman for the French goVernment declared Tuesday that the 1950 Tri- partite Agreement g,barantee- ing Middle East borders against a violent change remains valid despite its denunciation Mon- day by Nasser of the UAR. Nasser, in a speech in Damascus celebrating the second anniversary of the mer- ger ot- _•gypt and Syria into the UAR, said: • "I declare, in the wine Of the "Arab. .0eOple, that the Declara- tion is dead and buried in the soil and blood of Port Said." (This was understood to be a reference to the battle fought at the port in the 1956 Sinai Operation, when British troops captured the city.) The French • spokesman said that since Nasser was not a party to the 1950 agreement between the U:S., Britain and France, and therefore "has nothing to say about whether it is in force or not." The UAR president was understood to have made the declaration in response to a statement by Selwyn Lloyd, British Foreign Secretary, who said in the House of Commons last week that the tripartite agreement signatories had, in talks since the Egyptian-Syrian merger, agreed that the agree- ment remained valid. Israel Retains Military Rules Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News JERUSALEM—Motions made by an alliance of three differ- ing parties— Communists and. anti-Socialists; including the General • Zionists—to abolish border military regulations were defeated in the Knesset. Prime Minister David l3en- Gurion defended the regula- tions on the ground that they are needed to prevent Israeli Arabs from rising against the 'Four healthy portions in government as well as to fight among themselves. He promised each full 16-ounce jar ... to present new regulations to de luxe ... truly delicious! reduce restrictions minimally. The action started a motion of non-confidence in Ben- 'You'll also enjoy regular Gurion's coalition government ,Horowitz-Margareten by Herut. The Knesset defeated Gefilte Fish... the measure by a vote of 58 to 16, with 13 abstentions. All of r in jumbo or snack size the 16 votes were by Herut ;portions ...with clear or deputies. rjelled sauce... tops in taste! The motion charged the Prime Minister with giving moral justification to Arab in- Made by the bakers of filtratOrs and to the harboring "THE MATZOH WITH THE .TASTE" of infiltrators by Israel Arabs. and other Kosher foods In the debate preceding the earlier vote, the Prime Minister DISTRIBUTED BY: said he understood "the human point of view" which motivated GREENFIELD NOODLE Israel Arabs to give refuge to infiltrators. He said that if he & SPECIALTY CO. were such an Arab "perhaps in his place, I would do the same 600 CUSTER AVENUE thing." TR 3-2212 - Sale or •Lease "Service Is important" Best Location in Area ... Best Deals All-Ways SEE UN 4-2300 M. LARRY STERN AT DI 1-1369 Hanley Dawson Chevrolet, Inc. 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd., 1/2 block W. of James Couzens hoshana Gershom COMMANDING OFFICER WOMEN'S CORP ARMY OF ISRAEL GUEST OF HONOR AND SPEAKER AT THE OFFICIAL CLOSING RECEPTION DETROIT HISTADRUT CAMPAIGN TUESDAY, MARCH 1st, 8:30 P.M. AT MORRIS L. SCHAVER AUDITORIUM 19161 SCHAEFER HIGHWAY Featuring LOIS RAYE Contralto IN A PROGRAM OF HEBREW MELODIES, . YIDDISH SONGS AND SPIRITUALS FOR RESERVATIONS, PHONE UNIVERSITY 4-7094 REFRESHMENTS COCKTAILS 8:00 P.M. $1.00 PER PERSON .