Air Swastika, Civil Rights Issues Around U.S. in the same muck of intoler- plied for permission to build NEWARK, (JTA) — A con- religious activities in the pub- Icommodations at inns, hotels, a new synagogue there on land troversy over religious pro- lic schools, making it "impera- restaurants, eating houses, bar- ance and bigotry." it owns in Mt. Lebanon. The Dr. Charles E. Odegaard, uni- grams in the public schools of tive that programs of educa- ber shops, in public convey- versity president, ordered the town's board of commissioners suburban Livingston was cited tion about this issue be in- antes and theaters. has reserved decision on grant- by an Essex county Jewish tensified throughout Essex i He also calls attention to the dean of students to investigate ing or denying that permission, the extent of bigotry on the leader as evidence of the need County." fact that it is a penalty for any until it receives a ruling from • for concern on such issues no person to publish or - circulate campus. the Mt. Lebanon Planning Com- • less in February than in De- High Court to Rule notices or advertisements to the mission. effect that accommodations, ad- May Join Catholics cember. Meanwhile, h o w e v e r, the Catholic diocese, which has Phillip E. Hoffman, chairman on Swastika Smearers; vantages or facilities in such in Zoning Squabble been denied the right to erect of the community relations Prosecutor Withdraws places shall be refused because PITTSBURGH, (JTA) — A a church in the same area, is of race, creed or color or that committee of the Jewish Corn- NORWALK, Conn., (JTA)- munity Council of Essex County, Two men under arrest here forany race, creed or color is not Jewish congregation here may testing the Mt. Lebanon zoning join the Roman Catholic Dio- ordinance in court. said the need for year-round • smearing the swastika symbol I welcome. cese in fighting zoning restric- William Crosby, attorney for" understanding . was dramatized on Beth Israel Synagogue were • tions in a suburl, which forbids the Jewish congregation, said by repeated evidence of corn- bound over from City Court to munity tensions over the issue. the higher State Superior Court Dean to Probe Bigotry the erection of houses of wor- he may enter the Catholic ease, The debate in Livingston was after Norwalk City Prosecutor After Student Incident ship in certain areas of that joining the • diocese as "amicus community. curiae," or friend of the court, touched off by a letter to the George W. Ross withdrew from SEATTLE, (JTA) — An offi- The suburb is Mt. Lebanon. in pressing the appeal against local Board of Education from the case when he felt his im cial investigation to determine a Jewish parent who charged partiality impaired because he the degree of anti-Semitic big- Congregation Beth El has ap- Mt. Lebanon's stand. that too much school time was otry on the University of Wash- Sea-Faring 'Sabra' Commands African Ship being devoted to preparation was a Jew. The men, both 22, are Wil- ington campus is under way as for religious holiday celebra- Captain Sholem tions. The parent said that the liam Arnold, a West German a result of an anti-Jewish inci- Dulitzky, Israel- public schools were not meant national, the son of a glove dent which involved the suspen- born Master of _ in Hamburg; and sion of a Jewish student from freighter "Tano to give children religious train manufacturer Harold L. Fahy. Both, according his class presidency. River" converses ing. The student, Bruce Oster- with H. E. Wil- It of publication of to police, admitted painting the i _ swastikas, but claimed it was a man, 18, of San Francisco, made that letter, a number of non liam Q. M. Halm, prank due to drunkenness. a successful bid for the presi- Ghana's Ambassa- Jewish residents were moved "Prank" Ross withdrew from the case dency of the freshman class last dor to the United to write. Hoffman said that most of the letters were well _ because, he told the City Court month as the only non-frater- States, at a recep- intentioned but included the here, "my feelings and emotions nity candidate. tion aboard the During a campaign parade vessel in New use of such phrases as that in this case, arising from my Livingston was "a - Christian Jewish religious affiliations, through the university's frater- York, when she community," a reference to would not be consistent with the nity row last month, unidenti- inaugurated a "comparative newcomers. . . . tradition of fairness and impar- fied students threw firecrackers new cargo serv- try to change our way of life" tiality required of prosecutors." at Osterman and painted swas- ice between West According to Ross, there are tikas on the truck he was Africa and the and the description of the United States as a "Christian "pretty good circumstantial" in- riding. The youth responded U. S. A. Ghana's country founded by our Chris- dications that the men had not with an obscene gesture for Black Star Line, been guilty of a mere prank. He which he was later suspended owners of the tian forefathers." The Essex County leader said said both wore dark-blue uni- from the presidency by the Stu- "Tano River," is managed by the it was evident that the issue form shirts when they were ar- dent Judiciary Committee. The incident moved the stu- Zim Israel Navi- was inadequately understood rested and had Nazi-type litera- dent newspaper, the Washing- gation Co., Ltd., both by parents - who opposed ture in their possession. State Attorney Lorrin Willis ton daily, to declare editorially of Haifa. Its ships and those who favored such has taken over the case, and a that "we are ashamed to be a are manned by hearing for the men will be held part of a university and aso- Ghanaian crews with Israeli officers on bridge and in engine The Hebrew Corner in Superior Court in Bridgeport. ciety which condemns others room, part of Israel's own "little Point 4" program to aid growth The State Court could impose a while it washes its own hands of newly independent nations of Africa and Asia. Oldest Israeli penalty of a year's imprison- Eliahu Eli Makuas hundred ment, which is a higher sen- and twenty years old and is the tence than the City. Court here oldest man living today in Israel. Eliahu Makuas was born in a is empowered to render. The small and distant village in the Atlas Mountains and came to Israel men are out on bail of $2,000 from Morocco in the year 1956. He each. • ARE YOU LOOKED UP TO? lives in Sderot, a new town in the Negev, close to the Gaza Strip. From the day he came to the country, and settled in Sderot he has left his home only once—when he went to vote on Polling Day for the Knesset. Except for this the old man sits all day in bed reading the Bible — he reads the Book of Psalms especially. Of his twelve children only two are still alive, one son who lives to- gether with him, and an only daugh- ter who lives in Safad. From his two children he has seven grand- children. Eliahu Makuas got married at a very advanced age, and so his wife is only seventy today. When Eliahu Makuas is asked how he feels in the 'country he replies "It is good in Israel". And when he is asked how one (a man) can reach the age of one hundred and twenty he points with pride to the Bible. Translation of Hebrew text. Published by Brit Ivrit Olamit. • Adams Asks Tightening of Accommodation Law Michigan State Attorney Gen- eral Paul L. Adams has circu- lated a letter to prosecuting at- torneys in each county of the state asking each prosecutor to acquaint the public with the existence of a state law guaran- teeing equal treatment in places of public accommodation. Attorney General Adams cites the provision of the act as declaring that all persons are entitled to full and equal ac- 11 ' 14. r) 7141;1 t7tntr 43'4 trj,ktri irr.471,; ntr -n44tzip .tr'7r1 n gri ok.tinP rrr_1 4 Intit/4 TzPkr_ri to 731-, riFig nntiF1 ntr' 7.? Trj trtr : r_i •L2 ntr4 1'71a oti T tlp7? 17r ~ t .13'1, 11.14 7, '1'7 OK17 1. Pinll TYR i~ lmx X77 1 ,1 R7? 1P 7 ? L2 rvV Vil7P x'71 fn' 4:11 ' 7 4tt na. win .1956 nxn. rAnsi mri 115 ,r.) ;_npr.9 arlk t.4. x41 74.1t5 11'4 ► 1t;? tvi";.R? .,Am- ltr.4 i'7/?"? nbiLmite tOp. — nnkt tn1P. 1'2 r i 7, )„7 1,77,7'7 rilkt n'r4 . ri11. 1r? 71 1 tt i ;7 i ntgi, T tti,ktr K nr7P- ' 1F;ri Wi nt974 nihr: .1"4rY3 .1t2 '712 '1.-94 711.r ; .). titin nipt ? nt. 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