1 7—HOUSES FOR SALE 40-A—EMPLOYMENT WANTED OAK PARK, lease with option' to buy, or F.H.A. $500, moves you in, 3 bedroom, paved street, 2 car garage, close to schools and shop- ping, $12,500. Open Sundays 3-5. LI 7-2909, 21951 Fern. WOMAN wants domestic work by day, respectable, honest. Call Adelle, TY 8-3358. MAN 25, desires experience selling children's shoes, starting salary 'unimportant. Mel, TO 8-8675. Book 'Laughing Costello Describes Chotiner's Role with Tears' Full for Nixon, California Anti-Semites Presidential Year will ideals of Christian Nationalism, of JeWish Humor be marked by as many biogra- and that is not to send to the Martin Rywell, editor of phies of the candidates as there Senate the wife of a Jew. a Hill-Billy Israelite," will be candidates, and many of "Nixon finally said in Wash- a number of books. , the candidates will be subjects ington that he had not asked Palmer Woods Manor We have 2 adjoining lots in this MAN 35 years, 3 years College . Ac- has turned to humor. . In his lof several biographical studies. for the support of these men prestige location. Sewer, water, countancy, experienced, anibiti- "Laughing wi.h Tears," pub- con- Vice President Richard M. but both Smith and Swift con- will consider any employ- paving; homes in the 30,000 to lished by Pioneer Press, Harri- 1 Nixon will undoubtedly remain tinued to campaign for him- ag- ment. ous, WE 5 -7734. $60,000 range; highly desirable close-in location. man, Tenn., he has gatheredin the limelight more than any gressively. No one suggested LADY wishes Wednesday and Thurs. hundr 'i ds of delightful Jewishother political figure. White that Nixon was personally anti- GREATER NORWEST day. Cleaning. WA 2-0070. stories. House correspondent William Semitic; in fact, the Bnai Brith REALTY CO. woman will be corn- Many of the jokes are old, Costello, in "The Facts About Anti-Defamation League issued 18107 James Couzens DI 1-1125 MIDDLE-AGED panio -331 n to1. woman and cook meals. but he has told them in an Nixon," raises especially tick- a Statement exonerating him TU 3 LOT 36x131, $1,000 Cash. No Satur- especially fine style, with a lish problems. Costello did not completely from any taint of day calls, week-days call morn- HOME nursing, lady's companion, splendid flavor. ings and evenings. TO 5-8293. i have to indicate that his is anti-Semitism; but the record housekeeper, will baby-sit, TO There are stories in this book . 5-5161. an unauthorized biography." indicates that on that occasion OAK PARK LOT, 80 foot frontage on Marlow corner Park, will build for many occasions. There are i All the reader would have to do 'he looked the other way while to suit. UN 1-0647. MIDDLE-AGED man wants to care American stori , s, East • Side 1 - mongers were tub-. i CHOICE lots in Washington Heights, 3-3311. thumping on his behalf. !book, published by Viking Press anecdotes gathered from Jew- Southfield. City Water — Paved ! (625 Madison, N. Y. 22), to "Subsequently, in a speech on streets. Call EL 6-8637. EXPERIENCED practical nurse now , ish folklore, from the Midrash, accepting patients, best refer- from the humorists of many learn that it could not be au- , Oct. 19, 1952, alluding to Gerald ences, UN 3-5366. thorized, it is so uncomnlimen- Smith, Joseph P. Kamp, and ages. 18—STORE RENTALS as 'those who The collection is especially , ! tart'. - • On that nao - -e the late 1 Gerald Winrod Taft is s 4uoted as havin nb g , , threaten 45 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . , . civil rights from the unique in that each story is , Robert . OAK PARK preceded and followed by a said that Nixon is "a little man .right, Nixon boasted of having 13805 WEST NINE MILE ! opposed State Senator Jack Beer Wine proverb, taken from Yiddish .in a big hurry." Vacant store. 15x70, gas heat, and other Jewish folkloristic ! The picture has chang ed. The Tenney for the GOP nomination Groceries & Meats parking facilities. next door to sources. All ar- told in R y- Vice President has made great to Congress because Tenney Liberman's Delicatessen. Call for Super market with S.D.M. near particulars. 8 Mi. Livernois. Store 30x90, do- well's peculiar style, thus ' strides, as Costello indicates. ,'had refused to repudiate the ing active business. Owner retir- giving special zest to his His successes are so apparent support of Smith." ing, over $15,000 in fixtures UN 3-8010 The Costello articles, which work. ' that his own party sees him in alone, our price $5,750. Terms. Here are a few of the wise the White House within a year, were book, compiled into his present originally appeared in the sayings that will give the reader and most Democrats are jittery 20—OFFICE :,PACE FOR RENT N ew Republic. an idea of the type of proverbs over any chances of beating this 8958 Wyoming WE 3 6300 In an editorial in the current LIVERNOIS at Lodge Expressway, that accompany the jokes: man of many paradoxes. will divide, 20 x 40, heat, air-con- CLEANER and tailor shop for sale, "The girl who can't an't dance . The news from California issue, u n d e r the heading ditioning, parking, suitable for good location, reasonable. TR 5-6775. "Ghost in the House?", the says the band can't p/ay." sales representative, attorney. in- that Nixon's former campaign surance, real estate. UN 4-5525. "If a 'man is not born with manager, Murray Chotiner, New Republic states. with ref- erence to Chotiner: 50—BUSINESS CARDS hate- in his heart, how does he whom Nixon dropped after acquire it?" Readers of William Costello's 21-B—PROPERTY Chotiner had gotten in wrong series on Vice President Nixon in LARKINS MOVING "A father's love is for his MANAGEMENT this journal will recall how helpful with a Congressional investi- children; the children's love Murray Chotiner was in Nixon's AND DELIVERY SEPVICE gating committee, is to be a PERSONAL ATTENTION given to climb to power.- He was the archi- is for their children." the collection of land contracts. tect of the 1950 campaign strategy candidate for the Republican Alsc Office Furniture. Max Cicurel, 18450 Livernois. UN "When a rogue kisses you., which defeated Helen Gahagan nomination to Congr e s s 4-3889. Any time. Douglas. As campaign manager in count your teeth." Reasonable. 1952 when Nixon ran for Vice- against a Nixon - endorsed "Love is like butter, it goes President with Eisenhower, he bar- 3319 GLADSTONE man, adds to the interest in 35 INSTRUCTION with bread." gained hard with the General's ad- TY 4-4587 visers in the tense days during the Rywell does more than tell C o s t e 11 o' s book, since it "Checkers" crisis. BAR MITZVAH, Hebrew, Bible, Yid- FOR BETTER wall washing, call throws so much light on stories. He has included in his dish, English. Call experienced It will also be recalled that Nixon James Russell. One day service . teacher WE .4-1793. looked the other way when Chotiner book an essay on Jewish humor.i Chotiner. TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. was under Congressional scrutiny There is a chapter on American I A Los Angelas lawyer, Cho- in 1956 for allegedly using his con- EXPERIENCED teacher, Bar Mitz- vah, Hebrew, Bible, Yiddish. Call TILE Jewish pioneers, and another on tiner is portrayed as a clever tacts at the White House to fix cases TO 9-0686. before the Civil Aeronautics a p p 1 i e r of -"merchandising pending East European Jewry. DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? Authority. "Questionable though BAR MITZVAH—Experienced teadh- The brevity of the stories and methods to politics." He con- iCiv1=enecr osstdeelalolings iiinay have been:" - New and Repair Special er Cantor Kaminsky. DI 1-1998. an accompanying valuable g loss- ducted the campaigns for Nixon , who shook their"t h e ra env =Is m:le 11 OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO Evenings. 18461 Steel. art' add to the value of his book. and outsmarted other politi- at the haste with which Nixon Nixo dropped n old and trusted a UN 1-5075 cians, including the supporters t:fa:jell 40—EMPLOYMENT Alaskan Synagogue Joins Chotiner has reportedly of Helen Gahagan Douglas. It te ( e eidhl t: i never t at le yr h efthe n o f s- CARPENTER WORK of all kinds— h the h aVviec e t e President; Psreens Porch. floors, steps, kitchen cabi- Reform UAHC Organization is the manner of campaign sa i d n to nets. doors. panelling. Work my- a i n s t the latter that has speed with which smaller political ANCHORAGE, (JTA)—Con- against self UN-1897. Shamash-Ba'al in the southern California - i gregation Beth Shalom, the especially infuriated liberals. potatoes GOP joined Nixon in cold s th hu o id ehr: PAINTING and wall washing Rea - 1 first synagogue to have been Chotiner Due to the untimely death er himself is quoted as - log him. This 'at least is - e ge sonable price Quick service. 20 eArhal eles cc p lj aeted exe la of our Shamash of 15 years nation ofin Los established in Alaska, has de- having issued a memorandum years experience. TE 4-5864. 1 pire es Cho- tenure, Adas Shalom Congre- p t in r i m era' sr ytannouncement eided to affiliate with the Union to campaign chqirmen, in behalf hien that h e will LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing. gation of Detroit seeks a J une mer Hebrew Congrega_ of Nixon: "Helen Douglas is , enter Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- of American top - level man, capable of ii eSix 7 te eCnottgrtit s iorIctatl able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339, tions, Reform synagogue federa- trying to portray a new role as The candidate of the Republican varied Sexton duties. Must VE 5-7453. coueiznattin organization o no as s ucceed a foe of Communism. Do not tion. Services at the Anchorage i n - also be proficient Ba'al Do nal d Al congregation, which was found- let her get away with it! It is Bell, Jr.. who is Jackson K'riah-Ba'al T-fillah for Sab- turning over Islizies seat as county Republican chair- bath and Holiday Services. A-1 PAINTING ed 17 months ago, are conduct- a phony act." man to Congressman Patrick Hill- We desire modern, traditional ed by Lenard Bazell, a lay It is on this score. also, that ings. (Hillings heads up the Nixon Paper hanging and wall wash personality, who can furnish leader. forces in southern California.) Al- the British publisher, David th ing. I n s u r e d , Immediate ou g h detailed references on char- saill a word service. Astor, is quoted as having Publicly i4ixorli —Cio t taesr not s n 1 spoke acter, background and con- Israel Okays El Al Plan V ice e President hPunrre s! e d i, t 4,e ploiaa l tscel. asked Nixon, in January 1957, gregational experience. This . UN 4-0326 to Use Jets for g he is is a full-time position—with A ngeles aZ gles that JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The to_ explain his campaign against backing sell a NtL71 . attractive remuneration for L SCHWARTZ. All kinds. of earpen• ? e r .x true ethoe the i principles of Douglas. Costello refers ter work. no job too big or mall ! Israel g aovernment approved in Helen young family man. Write s in his book to the - Astor inter- political which he BR 3-4826, LI 5-4035. 1p principle rncple the acquisition ii fully; include. snapshot, ref- ce coached the Y Vice by El view: "Nixon looked up from on oti-era n P re side noti erences. FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. Al National Airlines of jet air- his desk with dignified sadness will be running down two sides street i simultaneously. He is ap- Morris Sukenic, Free estimates. Call UN. 4-3547. planes for its. passenger service, i and said. 'I'm sorry about that i fteatl s, the many Jewish voters to Personnel Chrmn. in he g d t district ct (n ho are not normally 7045 Curtis Dr. PAINTING and Decorating, free es- it was announced by Yitzhak ! episode. . I was a very young right-wing) as well as to prO- Detroit 21, Michigan timates, reasonable, inside and Ben-Ahanon, Minister of Trans- I man . ' " nationalist sentiment within his outside. TO 7-1937. port. He said that El Al will party. To the latter, he speaks ln Of -0.0%.00 "•■■ •OlVol..00 V4 %.00 1.. On the q u e s t i o n of anti- tieonse tnoa . the Humphrey- pinnos ti h be operating jet liners this year. Semitism, during Nixon's cam- sponsored ff i ) s o on rs t oor ed (and Nixon - supported) A 1 PLASTERING PAINTING i , A special commission is now i n t a r rep ceool e al the Call Reeve's .paign for the Senate. Costello Connally Amendmentrestrictinge study. ing various proposals to writes: 1cal. ve he ee World C BEST OF WORKMANSHIP • Court t jurisdiction b,tlftrh e d Employment Service acquire such planes, he stated. U. 0 S.) He is given almost . "At a lower level, a less pre- QUICK SERVICE Chan to chance IF YOU NEED GOOD DO- possessing aspect of the cam- embaerartasBs old 50—BUSINESS CARDS ! MESTIC HELP. DAY OR REASONABLE PRICES paign was fought out on Nixon's WEEK. behalf in the back alleys of poli- Zalman Shazar to Address WE 3-6803 - tics: An undercover campaign Histadruth Ivrith Banquet LI 4-5138 of anti-Semitic bigotry was di- Zalman Shazar, chairman of DRESSMAKING, all kinds of alter- GIRL for general office work and ations, call for app't. Evenings rected by Gerald L. K. Smith, the Jewish Agency Executive We Stop Any Leak! typing, in retail store, Northwest UN 3-8283. 17175 Roselawn. based on the fact that Helen in Jerusalem and president of location, advancement, opportun- 5 Year Guarantee ity for girl with ability, experi- NATHAN DeRoven, first class paint- Gahagan, herself of Irish de- the World Hebrew Union, will ence preferable. UN 1-1094. ing, decorating, free estimates, OLD ROOFS MADE scent, was married to Melvyn be the guest speaker at the work myself. Call evenings after 6 p.m. LI 4-5213. BETTER THAN NEW Douglas, who was half Jewish. annual banquet of the Hista- 40 A EMPLOYMENT WANTED "Gerald Smith and his Chris- druth Ivrith of America, on tian Nationalist crusade were March 6, 12:30 p.m., in the MIDDLE-AGED woman wants baby- 5 5 MISCELLANEOUS sitting, care for sick, cooking, or Commercial - Industrial joined by Wesley Swift and his Grand Ballroom of Hotel Corn- light housekeeping. No Sabbath BEST PRICES paid for men's suits, Apartments Residential Anglo-Saxon Christian Meeting modore, New York, Abraham Calls. UN 2-0292. topcoats, shoes. TU 3-1872. For Free Estimates Call in all-out support of Nixon. As A. Redelheim, chairman of the early as Feb. 27, 1950, Smith dinner committee, announced. ALL CITY told a meeting of his 'crusade' l MOVING & STORAGE CO. that the man who uncovered Brandeis U n i v e r s i t y an- Alger Hiss ' is in California to nounces the appointment of Dr. do the same housecleaning i MERRILL D. PETERSON as here. Help Richard Nixon get Dean of Students at the liberal rid of the Jew-Communists.' ; arts college in Waltham, Mass. "After the primary Smith hammered on the theme: Helen CHARLES R E V 5 0 N w a s Complete Moving Service Douglas is the wife of a Jew. I named 1960 general chairman No Job Too Large — Too Small You Californians can do one I of the United Jewish Appeal Always Open . 4......min thing very soon to further the of Greater New York. 17-A—LOTS FOR SALE COMPANION, with nursing exper- 4, Listen to ience, work by the week or days, $15 a day. UN 2-9212. author of — - . Mercury Realty - — - - - ROOFING - — — SAVE 50% - Salomon Roof Sprayi.n g Co. DI 1-5367