THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEWS—Friday, February 26, 1960-2 Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Dingell Criticizes Ghetto Painting Among 30 Works Boycott of Israel Exhibited at Art Institute, March 2 in Navy Contract Thomas G. Masaryk—'Champion of Liberty' Rep. John D. Dingell is co- On March 7, 1960, a new U. S. postage stamp, the sixth in sponsoring with Rep. Emanuel the "Champions of Liberty" series, will be dedicated to the Celler legislation to out memory of Thomas G. Masaryk, the founding president of the ,clauses in U. S. Government Republic of Czechoslovakia, which now, unfortunately, again is contracts which permit discrimi- natory acts like those in the isolated from the democracies Navy contracts which collabo- of the world. rate with the Arab boycott of Recognition by our Govern- Israel. ment of the indelible place The Congressman from De- gained by the late Dr. Masaryk troit announced his position in among the world's great lib- an address in the House of Rep- ertarians results from the many resentatives. He stated in his services that were rendered by "In the early days of our the great leader to the cause country a great American said of freedom not for his own `millions for defense and not people alone but in the struggle one cent for tribute.' for the just rights to life and "Present day Americans are liberty of peoples everywhere. apparently in danger of forget- Thomas Garrigue Masaryk, This painting; "In the Ghetto," is one of 30 works by young ting this great battlecry and in who was one of the world's Israeli artists to be exhibited at the Detroit Institute of Arts the not too distant past no less noted scholars, was president of august branch of the Federal from March 2 to 27, under sponsorship of the Detroit Women's .Czechoslovakia from 1918 to Government than the United Division, American Jewish Congress. The artist is 16-year-old 1935. He was the leader of Shulamith Steiner, who was born in a YugoSlay concentration the movement for his people's liberation, • and he labored under States Navy among others camp in 1942. In 1948, her family immigrated to Israel and knuckled under to Dictator his slogan "Truth Conquers." His dedication to the cause of settled in the village of Yavniel. All paintings were done by freedom for his own people also led him to a recognition of Nasser in including in contracts young artists,. 12 to 18, at the Louise Wise Youth Center in the merits of Zionism as a great humanitarian movement, and of charter a provision which Jerusalem. he, therefore, evaluated the Jewish liberation movement by reads as follows: " 'In the event the vessel is pre- "I see in Zionism a drop of oil of the Prophets." stating: vented from loading or discharg- He was not always complimentary to Jews, and he often ing in any port by the local because of the vessel criticized them, but in principle he was the great defender of authorities having previously traded with Israel the charterer shall have his Jewish rights, and he stated on one occasion: option — (1) to cancel the charter "I am convinced that he who has Jesus for his guide can as of the date loading is refused 1 oz. Black Pepper As a public service, Detroit discharge at another port, not be an anti-Semite. That is clear to me because Jesus was or after 16 ozs. Vegetable Shortening (2) to require the substitution of Mizrachi - Hapoel Hamizrachi 16 ozs. Chocolate a Jew, not because the apostles were Jews, not because ancient another vessel of similar size, 16 ozs. Cocoa again has undertaken to send condition of tanks or cargo Christianity, especially Catholicism, has -much in itself that is class, 16 ozs. Cherries holds and in a similar position, 141/2 ozs. Olive Oil essentially Jewish. No! If I accept Jesus, I cannot be an anti- (3) to nominate other loading or CARE Kosher - Passover pack- ages to Israel. Orders for these packages discharge port or ports.' Semite. I can be only one or the other, Christian or anti-Semite." The $12 package, which may should be placed at once by "The practical effect of this When the Kfar Masaryk — the Masaryk Village was clause and similar provisions be sent to relatives and friends calling or writing the Mizrachi established in Palestine by the Jewish community there, in has been to permit complete in Israel, and to needy families office, 17596 Wyoming, DI 1927, his greeting to the Zionist founders of the everlasting barring of corporatiOns which on the Mizrachi lists, contains 1-0708. tribute to him was: "I hope that the Jewish people in Palestine do business with or touch at the following: Zvi Tomkiewicz, executive will lead a life of freedom, and that God will bless this work. 24 ozs. Corned Beef Loaf Israeli ports with their ships director of Mizrachi in Detroit, 45 ozs. Beef in Natural Juices of reconstruction." How happy he would have been had he 30 ozs. Veal in Natural Juices stated this week that the orders lived to see Israel become a reality! How much comfort from carrying U. S. Government 32 ozs. Tablet Sugar cargoes, high among which is must be placed at once, to as- blessing! 32 ozs. Granulated Sugar Zionists can derive even today from this great man's 32 ozs. Unshelled Nuts fuel oil for the U. S. Navy. sure delivery of packages in 16 ozs. Dried Apples Palestine Jewry knew how to appreciate this eminent leader's Such a shameful, spinelesS time for Passover. 15 ozs. Raisins values. He was named an honorary citizen of Tel Aviv, and the appeasement of a dictate'. by *.mwomo ■ assro ■ oamoo...... ■••■■•■ Jews of Czechoslovakia, prior to that unfortunate country's the United States and/or by its vomoilmoommtmow.tiaotpi ■ ciam000moo.moomoveli.4 ■ s-mUst debasement when it lost its independence, and it became a vassal Department of --the - of the Kremlin,_ played an important role in Israel's redemption. be halted forthwith and sum '1 nil for a free Czechoslo- When Dr. Masaryk e tr m "t e d e dignity d • g • t y o f the' vakia, th J .b or America supported him ; f4n. it wartlieriltrr - "Th ovement was linked with Zionism, and both :libertarian States is at stake and the free- causes worked together Dr.,.•.Ma§aryk befriended men like Mr. doin of seas for .which we, have have Justice Louis D. Brandeis, Judge ,Julian W. Mack, Louis Marshall, so long fought appears to (Copyright, 1960, Nahum Sokolow, Dr. Chaim Weizmann and others. been abdicated." . Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) It was like the link that existed in many quarters between Zionism and the Irish who were struggling for Irish Independence. Speculative Moods Is Israel closer to securing the secret of producing the atom Dr. Masaryk first emerged -as a defender of Jewish rights bomb? . . . This question is asked in United Nations circles, now during the infamous Leopold Hilsner case in Polna, on the that France has exploded her first atomic device in the Sahara Bohemian-Moravian boundary. Hilsner, a weak-minded 22-year- desert . . . It is no secret that France and Israel have been old Jew,.Was accused of ritual murder and sentenced to death:: collaborating closely on atomic research work and that the He _iniplicat,ed two other Jews when he was under torture, French Government has a very high opinion of Israel's•work in but the two men proved their innocence. His sentence was nuclear research . . . The exchange of knowledge in this field changed to life at hard labor as a result of Dr. Masaryk's continues, and the question is asked whether France has entrusted study of the case and his publication of a pamphlet proving the Israel also with the knowledge of producing atom bombs . . . stupidity of the ritual murder charge and Hilsner's innocence. It is hardly likely that Israel would be financially in a position By forcing the reopening of the case, Dr. Masaryk rendered a great service to humanity in exposing a dastardly libel. to produce an atom bomb even when possessing the know-how, because such prodUction is too costly for a small country like He continued his efforts against the blood libel when he fought Israel . . . Nevertheless, both Moscow and ,Nasser had an eye for justice for Mendel Beilis who was accused of similar guilt on Israel in their outbursts against France's explosion of her in Kishinev in 1913 by the reactionary Russian government. - first atomic device . . . Moscow went so far as to disseminate -Emperor Charles I freed Hilsner from jail in 1916, and false news that Israel is endangered by the fallout of the Sahara the unfortunate man died in Vienna in 1928 at the age of .50. experiment . . . Israel meantime reached an agreement with Dr. Masaryk was succeeded to the presidency of Czecho- the Smithsonian Institute in Washington on setting up a sta- slovakia by Edvard Benes, another great liberal and friend of tion on Mt. Carmel for tracking of space satellites . . . A rocket Jewry. His Foreign Minister was Masaryk's son, Jan Masaryk. is now being designed in Israel for cosmic ray research. Tragedy struck both Edvard Benes and Jan Masaryk when Com- PROF. MOSES HADAS munism invaded their land. But their memories , will live as With "Messianic Ideas 'and Jews in 1975 those of true libertarians. Thomas Masaryk's championship of What will the Jewish population in the New York area look liberty now is indelibly recorded in American history with Movements in Jewish Life": as the U. S. postage stamp that will be introduced next March. its central theme, the fourth like 15 years from now? . . . What is their economic position .* * annual Midrasha Institute will now? . . . The results of a demographic study conducted by the * commence, under auspiceS of New York Federation of Jewish Philanthropies — so far Inter-Faith Knowledge and Mutual Understanding the 'Midrasha—College of jew- disseminated privately — estimate that in 1975 there will In his column—"Do You Know This—About Religion?"—in ish Studies—of the United He- be 2,723,000 Jews in the New York area as,. compared with the the Detroit News, Dr. Carlyle Adams quoted the following ad- brew Schools, Wednesday eve- 2,579,000 in 1958 . .. They will form 23.6 percent of the entire ning, March 9, with a lecture population . . . In 1958 they formed 25.1 percent of the total dressed to him: population . . . In New York City, the Jewish population in 1975 have been told that the 53rd Chapter of Isaiah and the by Dr. Moses Hadas. will be 2,136,000, constituting 25.7 percent of the entire popula- This. year's Midrasha Institute ,whole Book of Daniel are omitted from the Jewish Bible. Is this lectures were made possible by tion . . . In 1957, the Jewish population of New York City true? If so, why?" a geneous grant by Mrs. Theo- was 2,114,000—the highest- total ever reached . . . There will be in To which Dr. Adams replied: memory of an increased proportion of elderly Jews and young persons "The standard English edition of the Jewish Bible is one dore Bargman, in 1975 . . . The Jewish population in New York area will continue her husband. • older, published by the Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, in Prof. Hadas' topic will be in the direction of being more widely dispersed, with the 1917... It has gone through many new printings of more than a "Messianism: the Hellenistic highly concentrated Jewish neighborhoods losing their attraction for Jewish residents . . . The trends of moving to the •suburbs half-Million copies: It contains the same 39 Old Testament books Background." which_ are found in the King James Version. They are not ar- will continue, with significant Jewish population increases in Chairman of the Department ranged in the same order, but they are complete. The Book of of Greek and Latin at Columbia Queens, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties . . . The area's Daniel is all there and so is the Book. of Isaiah, including the University, Prof. Hadas holds job total will increase more than 13 percent by 1975, with the the 53rd chapter." the degrees of A. B. from Em- Jewish population benefiting accordingly , . . At present, The question is so fantastic that one wonders how any one ory, A. M. and Ph. D from - Co- survey establishes, the Jewish population in the New York area a middle- could possibly imagine that our Bible would be a censored Bible. lumbia and L. H. D. from Ken- can be considered as a group which has achieved income position, although poverty has not been eliminated . • Yet, there are Christians who apparently accept rumors for facts. yon. He has written, translated The survey also notes that those JewiSh families who move to Fortunately, there are some who inquire as to the truth of or edited some 30 books.. His the suburbs are predominantly young and of child-bearing age latest work is "Hellenistic Cul- questionable rumors. . . . After the children have grown and established their own After all, the answer to any and all inter-faith misunder- ture: Fusion and Diffusion." A-lint4ed number of partici- households, parents move back to Manhattan to better residential standings is inter-faith knowledge, truth and mutual under- neighborhoods. , - • •• - • .. • • 4 parttg ncaSi' still" be - 'enrolled. standing- , Mizrachi Supervises Sending CARE Kosher Passover Packages to Israel BorisSmolarit Between You . and Me' Dr. Moses Hadas First Speaker of Midrasha - Series ,