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February 26, 1960 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1960-02-26

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Probus Club Honors
Judge N. J. Kaufman

nai Brith,
• • •

will conduct a panel discussion
on prejudice and discrimination
in American society at 8:15
p.m., Wednesday, at Cong. Beth
Joseph, 18450 Wyoming. Michael
Gaines, assistant regional direc-
tor of the Michigan Anti-Defa-
mation League, will moderate
the discussion. The film, "An
American Jew: A Tribute to
Freedom," with Jdff•Chandler,
I R, VING AUSLANDER, Susan Strasberg and Richard
president of Probus Club, Tucker, will • be shown,• and a
presents the organization's social hour will follow.
* -* *
annual Achievement Award
to Juvenile Court Judge
NATHAN J. KAUFMAN. TER will hold its paid up mem-
Judge Kaufman was formally bership luncheon, at 12:30 p.m.
cited at a dinner-danee Feb. Tuesday, at Rainbow Terrace.
20, at the Sheraton-Cadillac Mrs. Stanley Waxenberg will
Hotel, for his efforts in JUve- review "Advise and Consent."
Dile Court and in behalf of This year's membership class
furthering the principles of will be named in honor of past
Brotherhood. Probus Club is president, Mrs. Albert Cutler.
an organization of 90 profes-
* * *
siona• and businessmen who
devote their energies and its annual victory ball at 8:30
resources to assisting worthy p.m., Saturday, in the Sholem
students complete their col- Aleichem I n s t i t u t e, 19350
lege education. They also Greenfield. The event marks
have sponsored re search the Lodge's attainment of its
projects for cystic fibrosis fund-raising goal for Bnai Brith
and muscular dystrophy.
philanthropies, according to
Louis Trotsky, president. Music
Folk School PTA Sets will be played by "Diz" Levine's
orchestra, and there will be
`Juggler' for Benefit
entertainment and r e f r e s
A movie party, featuring the merits. * *
full-length film, "The Juggler,"
starring Kirk Douglas, will be
presented by the PTA of the will meet at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday,
United Jewish Folk School at in the Hayim Greenberg Cen-
8:30 p.m., March 14, in the ter, 19161 Schaefer, when Mrs:
Hayim Greenberg Center, 19161 Howard Kraft, teacher of

grapho-analysis in the adult
education department of Red-
ford Union High School, will
struggles to establish them- speak on "The Use of Grapho-
Ives in the Jewish state:-• Pro- ' Analysis in Personnel Work and
seeds will be used to obtain a Vocational Guidance." She will
projedtor for the school. analyze samples of handwriting
of several members of the.au-
Tickets are available at the dience, according to Mrs. Arthur
- School office or by calling LI Weinfeld, program chairman.
'0-4026 or KE. 5-3103.
Friends are invited.
* * *
Zadik Aleph, at its recent 16th
semi-annual installation of chap-
ter officers, inducted the fal-
lowing: Sandy Friedman, presi-
dent; Warren Weiswasser and
Larry Brilliant, vice-presidents;
gen° There:
Stan Meretsky, treasurer; Den-
This week is mail time. Since nis Wolgin and Neil Grossman,
we've started this column. some secretaries; Jerry Ei c h n e r,
of our clients - have written us pledgemaster; Bob Schore, edi-
such wonderful letters offering tor; Wolgin and Allan Wilson,
suggestions and tips. We only Council delegates; and Ronnie
wish we could print them all, Manheimer, chap 1 a i n. Jerry
unfortunately this is not pos- Maxmen, president of the Great-
sible. However, this week we er Detroit AZA Council, was in-
received such a cute one from stalling officer, and chairman of
Mrs. Ruth Kranitz we feel we the event was Jerry Cohen.
must stretch a point—here it is Members recently raised $132
for the Polio Foundation
X started off on Sussex,
through the sale of peanuts,
Then McNichols took a bow
under the leadership of Larry
And when Pavilion opened
We• said, "Where' she going
Edward Fleischman Heads
The downtown shop is still
Older Adult Committee
Edward Fleischman, president
Didn't slow her down a bit
Our Mary worked on Livernois of the Peerless Distributing
Company, will be chairman of
And always made a hit.
A new shop loomed in prospect the Jewish Center's Older Adult
But it wasn't very gay, so Mary, committee for the coming year.
Members of the committee
now with Henri
are Mesdames Stanley Akers,
Moved on up a little way
Alas! The water didn't work- Samuel J. Caplan, Albert Green,
Edward Kahn, Sidney Katzman,
' They moved across the street
Yet still remained on Livernois Irving Kramer, Gus D. Newman,
William Parnos, Victor • Shiff-
To set each hair-style treat
But now—with great excitement . man-, David Zellman and Clar-
They'll be heading back for ence Engass.
The Greenfield-Seven Mile beat Center Book Reviews
(We hope no more to roam)
"Orde Wingate," by Chris-
And we, who've follciwed faith- topher Sykes, will be reviewed
by Mrs. Harry Jackson at the
next meeting of the Jewish
Are just: as wild with joy
We're wishing all the best- of Center's Book Review Seminar,
at 1_ p.m., Thursday, at 18100
Meyers Road, led by Dr. Samuel
To our pet gal.and.boy.
This week's beauty tip is ask Golden, associate professor of
your hairdresser to analyze your English at Wayne State Univer-
hair and have him give you the sity.
Leonard Bernstein's "Joy of
correct shampoo for your hair.
It's so important to the setting. Music" will be reviewed by Mrs.

The film relates the story of
new settlers in Israel and their


MON news next week. fiADV.)

Samuel Linden on March 17..

Betrothal Told

Eileen Rose to Wed Community Women •
Martin L.Rosenbaum Join in Conference

on 'Middle Years'


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rose, of
Santa Rosa Dr., -announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Eileen Beth, to Martin Lawrence
Rosenbaum, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Manuel Rosenbaum, also
of Santa Rosa Dr.
The bridegroom-tO-be is a
freshman at the University of
Detroit dental school, and is
affiliated with Alpha Omega

dental fraternity.

Several women in the com-
munity again will play impor-
tant roles in the fifth annual
"Age of Opportunity" confer-
ence being held March 10 and
11, at the Rackham Memorial
"The Challenge of the Mid-
dle Years" is, the theme of the
conference, whiCli. opens _with a
dinner at 6 p.m., Match 10. Res-
ervations for this program and
for a luncheon the following
day must be made by March 7.
Mrs. Samuel 1;3. 'Danto is one
of the conference _coordinators.
Among those assisting her will
be Mesdames Arthur Gilbert,
Ezra Lipkin, Morris E. Bach-
man, Charles Hz. Aller, Irving
Beal, Irving _Sinall, 'Robert Cog-
gan and Irving Turner.
Mrs. Danto also serves as
chairman of .the luncheon 'pro-
Among the panelists at the
Morning session on March 11
will be Austin A. Kanter, CLU,
secretary of the Detroit Life
Under writers Association,
speaking on "Changes in Fam
ily Income"; and Mrs. Patricia
W. Rabinovi'tz, professor of so-
cial work at the University of
Michigan, talking on "Changes
in Living Arrangements."


At a family dinner party Feb.
14, Mr. and Mrs. Morrey Garber,
of Ardmore Ave., announced
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Sandra, to Sidney. Abels,
son of Mr. and Mrs! Sally Abels,
of Pennington Dr. The -couple
has announced a Jan. 15 wed-
ding date.

Name Max Pleasant
to Farband Camp Post Bnai Brith to Honor

Max Pleasant, former owner-
director of Pleasant Day Camp,
has been named assistant direc-
tor of Farband Camp, at Chel-
sea, where he will work . with
Emanual Mark, s e r ving his
fourth year as camp director.
Besides his many years in
camping, Pleasant is a teacher
at Post Intermediate School,
and has been
active in such
youth activi-
. ties as scout-
ing, commu-

For the Finest in Music

Dave Diamond

'and His Orchestra

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Brothers from Chattanooga

Mose and Garrison Siskin,
b r others from Chattanooga,
Tenn., will be honored by Bnai
Brith with a youth fellowship
in their names on April 3.
Label A. Katz, BB president,
will present the award.
The brothers, owners of the
Siskin Steel and Supply Co.,
one of the largest industrial
firms of its kind in the south,
recently were cited by Presi-
dent Eisenhower's committee
nity 'and con- for employment of the , physic-
grega tional ally handicapped.
4 Anagrams.
Pleasant this
week; assumed
for camp en-
rollment. H e
will be assisted by Mesdames
VE 7-6701
Ethel Wasser, Sophie Sislin,
Sarah Levine and Dora Kumove
Registration may be made
Larry Paul
with the camp office, UN.
4-0730, or by contacting Pleas-
Furniture Service
ant, 19614 Ingram, Livonia, GR.
Refinishing & Repairing

• The most


cocktail lounge
in Detroit

• The food and
service is
better than
ever before


Detroit Bank to Sponsor
New Television Series

"Sweet Success," a television
series based on the careers of
successful, contemporary busi-
nessmen, -will make its debut at
7 p.m., Monday, on WWJ-TV
(channel 4).
The program, sponsored by
the Detroit Bank and Trust Co.,
is produced and narrated by
Jack Douglas. He will spotlight
the careers of men and women
who are established leaders in
their fields, concentrating on
their day-to-day working, living,
social and recreational habits.
- Douglas; who has won na-
tional ac claim and three
"Emmy" awards for his travel-
adventure shows, will interview
Floyd Clodfelter, Seattle hotel
owner and investor, in the first
program of the series.

UN- 4-8440 UN 2-7949


at the Jericho Temple..

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City of Hope Auxiliary
to Meet at Jericho Temple

Ralph Stein, president of the
Detroit Auxiliary, City of Hope,
this week announced to all
landsmanshaften organizations
and interested greups that after
this Tuesday the Auxiliary will
meet at Jericho Temple, 18495
The public is invited to a
program celebrating the first
meeting at the new location at
8:30 p.m., March 10. A Purim
party is planned for March 24,

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