▪ STOP SHOP and SAVE With Our Daily Special Posted Prices! You'll Always Serve the Best .. . Because You Buy the Best at HERRING MISS LYNNE GURWIN Mr. and Mrs.. Samuel Gurwin, of Woodingham Dr., announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Lynne Tania, to Harold Cherny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Cherny, of Fern Ave., Oak Park. Mr. Cherny is now attending the Detroit Institute of Tech- nology. Plans are being made for a June 9 wedding. Bar Mitzvahs Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kellman, of 5120 W. Outer Dr., announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daugh- ter, Barbara Jo, this evening, at Temple Israel. * * * Allen Yolles, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yolles, will be Bar Mitzvah Saturday at Cong: Beth-Tefilo-Emanuel-Tikvah. A kiddish in honer of the Bar Mitzvah will be held following the service. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Silver man, of 20000 Tracey, announce the_ Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ronald Gerald, on Saturday, at Cong. Ahavas Achim. Open house in his honor will be held from 2 to 5 p.m., Sunday, in the family home. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fields, of St. Francis Ave., Livonia, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joel Barry, at Beth Joseph Cong., this Saturday. A party will be held in his honor at Mayfair Caterers in the evening. * * * The Bar Mitzvah of Alan Richard Sukenic, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Sukenic, of 17501 Wisconsin. will be ob- served on Saturday, at Young Israel of Northwest Detroit. A dinner in Alan's honor will be held Sunday evening, at the Rainbow Terrace. Windsor Man Wins `Exodus' Promotion J. D. Geller, president of Windsor News Company, Wind- sor, Ont., is the first prize win- ner of a trip to Israel in a na- tionwide contest conducted by Bantam Books in New York, publishers of "Exodus" in pa- perback. Mr. and Mrs. Geller will be entertained while in Israel by Otto Preminger, who i _ s produc- , ing the film version of Leon Uris' best selling novel, to star Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, and Sir Ralph Richardson. He will also meet Israeli govern- ment officials, and will visit the sites mentioned in the book. The contest, conducted in the United States and Canada, pro- vided prizes to wholesalers and dealers who promoted the theme of "Exodus" to interest the greatest number of people in their area. When the film opens in Wind- sor, Geller will be host at a per- formance which will include personalities flown there for the event, and government officials from both Israel and Canada. KAPLAN BROS. 18211 WYOMING nr. Curtis Strictly Kosher Meats- Poultry FREE PARKING ACROSS STREET WE DELIVER UN 1-4770 Classified Ads Bring Results SAVE WITH THESE SPECIALS EVERY DAY AT ALL THREE DEXTER DAVISON MARKETS! NOTE: We are now featuring in our fabulously modern OAK PARK market a complete take-out delicatessen counter includnig appetizers, "HOT KOSHER" corned beef, pastrami, tongue — cooked fresh daily. TRAY SERVICE: We can now prepare complete tray service featuring STRICTLY KOSHER products; FOR YOUR SPECIAL EVENTS CALL JO 6-4640. BAR-B-Q: Ours is the Best Bar-B-Q in the country using only "PENN KOSHER" poultry. Our preparation of this poultry in our BAR-B-Q oven is most flavorable. It's really delicious! OAK PARK MARKET OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 9 P. M SATURDAYS fo 11 P.M.; SUNDAYS to 6 P.M. DEXTER DAVISON MARKETS "Where Old Friends Meet to Shop" COOLIDGE at 10 MILE, OAK PARK 18201 WYOMING near Curtis, 13301 DEXTER cor. Waverly Maxwell House, Beechnut, Chase & Sanborn, Hills Bros. CITY BRAND // Belly, RAW, PICKLED Coffee Tongue Your Choice 1 lb. can ALL 6-PAK GUM C pkg. SAVE 20c SUPER SPECIAL 55, 29 Lox (Sliced) ` lb. 49 c 1/4 lb. Extra Super Special! BAR-B-Q'D KIPPERED SALMON Reg. $1.59 99c 19 ROYAL GELATIN DESSERTS lb. 7c Box As Only City Smoked Fish can do it! ■ IINIMMIMP Roland, Crosspack PILLAR ROCK IMPORTED Fancy Albacore White Meat, Solid Pack BRISLING SARDINES TUNA DEL MONTE MOTT'S DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL DRINK (in pure olive oil) 3 cans 89c 4 cans 99c 6 219rg:i 99c cans APPLESAUCE NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL CORN 21/2 can-35c ea. 3 33Igaert 89 no. $ 100 6 2 1/2 cans 12 oz. cans 89C FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT DOLE JUICES FROSTY ACRES STAR KIST Sliced Tuna-Noodle Strawberries Casserole Pineapple; Pine- apple-Orange; Pineapple-Grape- fruit—Your Choice 6 cans $ 1 00 29c Big 16 oz. pkge. KRAFT ALCOA HUDSON Philadelphia Brand ALUMINUM WRAP White or Rainbow CREAM CHEESE. pkgs.29c 8 oz. pkge 25C 29C 25 ft. roll TABLE NAPKINS 10c b " PRODUCE SPECIALS PILLSBURY Long, Thin Golden Ripe Fancy All Purpose Crisp Badalement Mackintosh FLOUR Cucumbers 5 lb. bag 3 0c 30, PAW PAW BANANAS APPLfS 25= 12` We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities lb. 3 lbs29c 3 GRAPE JUICE 1r INN MI =I MI ES! Ili MN MI MN NI III WIN A' $100 ISRAEL BOND I III Nothing To Buy —Just Fill In Coupon I and Drop in Box at Any DEXTER DAVISON MARKET ! Winner Will Be Notifed! NAME bitgle e s. . 89 I 1 ADDRESS CITY NE EN asi ZONE am us EN I= 17 -THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday , February 26, 1960 Center Sixth Grade Social An evening of social and folk dancing, mixers, games and re- freshments will be held for the Detroit Chapter, United sixth graders, by the Jewish Order of True Sisters, will take Center, 18100 Meyers, from 7 place at 7 p.m., Saturday, in to 9 p.m., March 5. the Grand Ballroom of the Hen- rose Hotel. According to Mrs. Harris Crane, president, there will be _dancing to the music of Hal Gordon and his orchestra and a floor show, Mrs. Fred Selesko is dance chairman, and is IN CREAM SAUCE, WINE assisted by Mesdames Harold SAUCE OR COCKTAIL SAUCE Jackson and Sam Stecker, ticket READY TO SERVE chairmen. Proceeds from the annual fund-raising event will go to .Detroit Memorial Hospital for radio isotope treatments for in- digent cancer patient's and for • the recently-endowed isotope Pos storage suite at the hospital. The organization, whose Main 1)cite work is concerned with cancer 4 "4 194, treatment and research, has P4).0 SAS 4" op cancer loan and gift closets at IN THE REFRIGERATED CASE Detroit Memorial and Sinai Hos- AT YOUR FAVORITE MARKET pitals. Gurwin-Cherny Rites True Sisters to Hold Dinner-Dance Planned for June 9 Annual The annual dinner-dance of