U.S. Stamp Honors Memory of Masaryk Inter-Faith Understanding THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Commentary Page 2 Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME XXXVI—No. 26 100% njtfenlo n S o p 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit Anne Frank's Appeal: 'Give Again and Again' Is Important Campaign Message Editorial Page 4 35, February 26, 1960 $5.00 Per Year; Single Copy 15c Nasser's Repeated Threats Against Israel Increase War Danger; Major Powers Asked to Act by Hammarskjold United Arab Republic Abdel Gamal Nasser's repeated threats to exterminate Israel, especially his declaration in Cairo last Saturday that he will liberate Palestine "with our own hands," regardless of the positions taken either by the United Nations or the major world powers, stirred a new hornet's nest and are believed to be increasing the war dangers in the Middle East. Compelled to seek new arms in European countries, Israel has found it necessary to deny that her troops are being mobilized. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, in a direct teletype wire to The Jewish News on Tuesday, from Paris, reports that Moshe Dayan, who was in the French capital on his way to Miami Beach, Fla., to address the Israel Bond Conference this week-end, asserted vigorously that there was no truth to the charges by Nasser that Israel was mobilizing its troops. Gen. Dayan flatly denied that Israel was. contemplating any at- tack on the UAR, as Nasser charged in a speech in Damascus Tuesday. Dayan said he had no idea what Nasser's purpose was in making such charges at the present time, or what Nasser hoped to gain by making them. The Israel official said that reinforcement of Israel's military strength was a factor for peace in the Middle East "because the sooner the Arabs realize that Israel is a permanent factor in the Middle East the sooner they will come to terms with it." ally be living in He expressed his belief that Israel wOuid peaceful terms with the Arabs, Nit added that undoubtedly take a long time to reach this condition. He contended that if the United Nations had acted firmly about the Syrian border incidents in which there were clashes in demilitar- ized zones along the northern and central border areas, the diffi- culties would have been settled a long time ago. The Minister's comments were made in the filming of a news- cast slated for appearance on French television. Shimon Peres, Deputy Defense Minister of Israel, who came to Paris with Gen Dayan, has been meeting with French officials on pur- chases of arms for Israel. At his press conference, prior to his departure for his Latin American tour, President Eisenhower rejected the idea of U. S. arms sales to Israel, although he acknowledged that the Soviet bloc is pro- viding arms to Arab states. He also indicated dismissal of the idea of a possible American-Israel mutual security pact. Eisenhower told his press conference that the United States, as a matter of policy, has never served as a major supplier of arms to Israel and does not intend to assume such a role now for Israel or any other country in that area. Acknowledging that certain Arab states were receiving Com- munist arms, Eisenhower pointed out that Israel was being supplied with military equipment by France and Great Britain. Eisenhower said he should be "frank" in stating that the United States was sending enough arms to enough nations and that he would let somebody else carry that responsibility regarding Israel. He said he was unfamiliar with a recent suggestion by Senator Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, that a mutual security treaty be negotiated to link America with Israel in defense. He added, how- ever, that he had heard the same idea discussed many times before. He indicated dismissal of such a defense treaty, stating he told the United Nations the United States would deal with the Arab states and Israel as a unit for economic development assistance if the Arabs and Israel could agree. If such agreement could be reached, the United_ States still stands ready to support and coordinate a policy of regional development assistance, he declared. Commenting on the current status of the Suez Canal impasse in- volving Israel and the United Arab Republic._ Eisenhower recalled his 1957 - statement if operation can a l was unfa should Cause action by the United Nations. He said he believed that the Suez Canal matter had been handled by the United Nations. His reference was presumed to be the recent efforts of United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammerskjold to resolve Israel-UAR differences over the canal. Secretary of State Christian Herter came under heavy fire this week on Israeli shipping issues, when he testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, JTA reports from Washington. The climax of the hearing came when Rep. Leonard Farbstein, New York Democrat, a member of the committee, told Herter that he was seriously considering an amendment to the Mutual Security Act to bar American aid to any nation denying the principle of freedom of the seas. Continued on Page 32 Germans Ask Overdue Restitution from U.S.. Smile at Re-turn of Nazi Musical; Pro-Nazis Shock Inez Robb BY MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1960, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inn.) WASHINGTON — Ex-Nazi industrialists are starting to hint that unless the United States re- turns Nazi assets confiscated in America during World War IL anti-Semitism will grow. A typical implied. threat came from the indus- trialists' Washington lobby, known - as the "Commit- tee for Return of German Property," which de- manded return of vested Nazi assets as a "gesture of confidence in the wholesome, democratic forces which are currently under strain in Germany." It referred to the re-emergence of the swastika as an omen of anti-Semitism. Among the "wholesome, democratic forces,". seeking this "gesture of confidence" • are the I. G. Farben Trust and Alfred Krupp, convicted Nazi war criminal. It is suggested that if these whole- some elements do not receive "prompt action" there could be "a serious crisis." The wording is reminiscent of Hitler's power politics. The truth is that the U.S. Government more than made up for the Nazi assets by extensive rehabilitation .expenditures and huge economic aid to German industry. Such aid was given by Wash- ington under the clear understanding that the vested funds would not be returned. Now the Germans want both the penny and the cake. The German lobby went so far as to term the alleged American debt to the ex-Nazis a "long overdue restitution." Meanwhile, the West German government, in a White Paper on anti-Semitism, said that although there were at least. 685 anti-Semitic incidents in the Federal Republic het ween Christmas and Feb. 1, there was "no evidence" of anti-Semitism growing. While Bonn authorities gave West Germany a clean bill of health, a musical hit swept across the country. It echoed from every gasthaus, beer hall and cafe. By some coincidence, the hit just happened to be Adolph Hitler's own favorite num- ber, frequently rendered at Nazi functions by the SS band. The "Badenweiler March," the song Hitler loved best of all, is a martial tune with clashing cymbals and booming drums. It swept West Germany on the heels of the recent swastika craze, too close for comfort. Juke boxes everywhere blared forth the triumphant strains of Hitler's march. Many Germans smiled and laughed with vicarious pleas- ure. A few squirmed uncomfortably. * * Pro-Nazi manifestations in America have shocked some American journalists_ who covered the . Hitler era in Europe. Inez Robb, a newspaper columnist and a non- Jew, discovered that Americans resented an anti- Nazi column she wrote. They condemned her for writing it. She reported that an angry batch of letters took her to task for suggesting that Ameri- can young people, no less than German, needed to be told of the horrors of the Hitler regime. "What horrors?" asked the indignant letter writers. They accused Miss Robb of inciting "hatred" and "racial prejudice" against Nazis "both at home and abroad." Not one letter expressed the slightest regret over the resurgence of anti-Semitism in Germany and the United States. She studied the letters and found "there is not one line deploring the re- appearance of the swastika as the most revolting symbol of race hatred and extermination in the 20th or any other century." - A typical letter-to-the-editor said • "I was dis- turbed at the fact that we are still fighting World War II. Have you ever looked into the treatment by Allied nations of the German people during the war and immediately after the surrender of Germany?" Miss Robb noted sadly that "there is not one suggestion of remorse at the resurgence of the Nazi spirit that sent six million innocent persons to their deaths in concentration camps during World War II." She said "this. alarming and discouraging col- lection of letters came after I suggested that a pub- lic service TV program could perform no greater service for the nation than a program devoted entirely to Hitler's concentration and extermina- tion camps." Almost every letter writer . seized on two ex- cuses to justify current anti-Semitism. One excuse is that "it is a Communist conspiracy to blacken the nice Nazis and cover up their own Communist evil deeds." The other excuse is "the only reason the Nazi outbreaks and swastika-smearing episodes are reported in print is because the nation's press is controlled by Jews! . . . the radio and TV net- works and stations, too." Miss Robb termed herself "unregenerate." She explained that "I still hate Nazis, and I believe young Americans should know what they stood for."