THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ FRANK SIMONS Editor and Publisher Advertising Manager Circulation Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-second• day. of Shvat, 5720, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Yitro, - Ex. 18:1-20:23. Prophetical portions, Isaiah 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6. Licht Benshen, Friday, Feb. 19, 5:52 p.m. VOL. XXXVI—No. 25 Page Four February 19, 1960 Interesting Division of Campaign Dollar Being in the midst of the year's great campaign effort—the Allied Jewish Cam- paign—the community will be interested in the manner in which the contributed dollars are subdivided among the many agencies represented in the over-all fund. The campaign budgeting plan is to give the United Jewish Appeal $537 out of every $1,000 sum contributed and ALL overseas and Israel agencies will receive $557 out of each $1,000 item. Other beneficiaries, in the $1,000 bracket, in- clude the following: United Hebrew Schools, $65—all the local Jewish schools, including the UHS, receiving $84; Jewish Community Center, $44; Jewish Home for Aged, $40; Sinai Hospital; $30; Jewish Community Council, $22 — the amount, out of every $1,000 gift, going to all agencies in the national community relations field, being $28; Fresh Air Camp, $6. Then there are the numerous national educational and social service agencies that benefit from the Allied Jewish Cam- paign, as well as other worthy local causes. This evaluative break-down - should go a long way in encouraging the continued generous giving in our community. Brotherhood Editorial and other Brotherhood Week Features on Special Editorial Page on Pages 8 and 9 of Section B in This Issue. Intimate Story of Herzl Told in Account by His Zionist Associate Of the many books published about Dr. Theodor Herzl, the architect of the modern polit- ical Zionist movement and therefore the creator of the organized effort among Jews to strive for the redemption of Israel—now a reality—"Herzl As I Remember Him," by Erwin Rosenberger, published by Herzl Press, is most revealing. Dr. Rosenberger, now in his 85th year and a resident of Florence, Italy, was 22, in 1897 —Herzl then was 37—when he was called in by the creator of the World Zionist Movement and the World Zionist Con- gress, and the organizer of Die Welt, the organ of Zionism, to become one of the editors of Die Welt. He remained Herzl's associate until the un- t i m e l y death of the great leader. Rosenberger returned to his medical studies a f ter Herzl's death and turned down an invitation from David Wolffsohn, Herzl's succes- sor, to become the permanent editor of Die Welt. He re- ceived his M.D. from Vienna University in 1903, and from 1907 until the end of World War I he was a ship's doctor. He settled again in Vienna until he had to escape from the Nazis in 1938. He ;eared that his trunk-load of manu- scripts and letters, including valuable Herzl papers, was lost — until lie heard from Viennese friends, that while his former home was bombed and wrecked, the trunk with his possessions remained in- tact. Thus lie was able to compile his recollections of Herzl. The letters from Herzl quoted in his book are now in the Herzl Archives, pre- served in the Zionist Central Archives in Jerusalem. The current English volume is a translation and an abridg- ment by Louis Jay Herman of the larger German edition. Many important details in Herzl's life become known in the Rosenberger account. It had been believed, for example, that Herzl's home life was very un- happy. The Zionist leader is depicted as a loyal father and devoted husband, as deeply devoted to his parents — he survived his father by two years but was survived by his mother. Frau Julie Herzl is described as a "simple, unaffected woman who had no inclination to play the great lady." Rosenberger states that it wasn't "easy for Herzl's wife to take a sympathe- tic attitude toward the Zionist movement; indeed that sym- pathy implied a substantial mea- sure of self-denial. For what Herzl gave in time and devo- tion to his yearned-for Jewish state, he inevitably took from his family life, his wife and children. His passionate absorp- tion in a political cause could not but distract, and sometimes even blot out, his thoughts for his loved ones. For Frau Julie Herzl, Zionism represented a rival. And it was only her love for her husband that made it possible for her to summon love and understanding for that `rival.' " Herzl's tireless efforts, his constant search for friends for his movement, his crea- tive genius emerge in an in- teresting light in this book. For instance, Herzl once said to ROsenberger that the uni- versal rule is first to have a state and then to create a parliament, but that -he was reversing the rule by first founding the parliament (the Zionist Congress) and then the state. He was confident that the Jewish state he envisioned would emerge. The battle with the "protest- rabbis" ("protest rabbiner") and the role played by Dr. Max Nordau are described by Rosen- berger, who was the coiner of the "protest rabbis" term that was borrowed and used by Herzl. Among the many episodes recorded by Rosenberger is one about an elderly beggar who confronted him and Herzl in front of the Vienna University. Herzl gave him a coin but later said to his young companion: "In the Jewish state, there will be no beggars standing in front of our university." Herzl had great respect for Jewish traditions. He made it a point to dress formally when he went to synagogue services in Basle on Sabbath during the World Zionist Congress. He was devoted to Die Welt and personally supervised the editorial work of the world Zionist organ. Rosenberger writes with affection about Herzl's devotions to every- thing related to Zionism, and he tells about the difficulties he encountered with his em- ployers on the Vienna Neue Freie Presse because of his Zionism. Herzl didn't want to be por- trayed as "playing the wag," and while he wrote humorous feuilletons for the Neue Freie Presse, he always kept his Zionist writings in the most serious moods. From the first Zionist Congress in Basel, how- ever, he did return with a pun: "Basel-tov." The Christian and other sup- porters of Zionism who were enrolled in the movement are delineated by Rosenberger. Among them were Reverend Hechler, Bertha von Suttner and others. Rosenberger also describes Herzl's meetings with the German Kaiser Wilhelm in Jerusalem and near Mikveh Israel. He also describes the affection in which Herzl was held also by the Jewish masses and the tribute that was ac- corded him by a weeping and mourning people when he died on July 3, 1904. Rosenberger's "Herz/ As I Remember Him" is a note- worthy book. It must find a permanent place in all Jewish libraries, and Zionist and Herzlian shelves in libraries and in home book collections will be incomplete witholit it. —P.S. The Sabbath By DR. ABRAHAM HESCHEL He who wants to enter the holiness of the day must first lay down the profanity of clattering commerce, of being yoked to toil. He :lust go away from the screech of dissonant days, from the nervousness and fury of acquisitiveness and the betrayal in embezzling his own life. He must say farewell to manual work and learn to under- stand that the world has already been created and will survive without the help of man. Six days a week we wrestle with the world, wringing profit from the earth; on the Sabbath we especially care for the seed of eternity planted in the soul. Boris Smolar's 'Between You . , . and Me' (Copyright, 1960, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, hie.) Pertinent Questions Is not the American Civil Liberties Union going a bit to the extreme by defending in court neo-Nazis who disseminate handbills calling for the gassing of American Jews? . • . And isn't it even more extreme on the part of the American Civil Liberties Union to assign Jews as the lawyers to defend the neo-Nazis? One can understand defending the principle of free speech, but can open incitement to murder be considered "free speech?" . . . Would the American Civil Liberties Union have defended Hitler's call to annihilate the Jews? . . . Would the ACLU consider sending Jewish lawyers to defend those in Germany who are being put on trial there for their inciting anti-Jewish remarks in public? . . . Would this American organization apply the principle of "free speech" also to those in Germany who smear swastikas on the walls of Jewish institutions? . . . Does not the ACLU realize that by defending in court people who publicly call for pogroms on Jews it actually encourages these elements to go on with their dangerous propaganda? . . . And is it not poor judgment to choose Jewish lawyers for the defense of rabid anti-Semites ill court? . . . Does not the ACLU create an op- portunity for the neo-Nazis to claim—if they lose—that they lost the case in court because Jewish lawyers were assigned to defend them? . . . Is it right for ACLU to treat notorious anti-Jewish propaganda in this country as a routine matter of "free speech? * * * Middle East Affairs There will be no surprise in. Washington if Israel renews its application for American arms upon which no action has been taken for several years .. . Although the United States is now substantially increasing its financial aid to Nasser, the Egyptian ruler continues to accept arms from Russia and other Soviet countries . .. No recent Egyptian arms figures are available to Washington but it is known that the Soviet bloc is practically the sole source of arms for the United Arab Republic . . . In the recent clashes on the Israel-Syrian frontier, the Israelis'captured new types of Soviet arms hitherto unknown to the Israel mili- tary command . . . It is estimated in Washington that Egypt and Syria—now joined as the United Arab Republic—have received Russian credits worth more than 1,000 million dollars . . . This includes the two big Soviet credits for the building of the Aswan darn in Egypt which amount to at least 300 billion dollars . . . In the fight now going on between Nasser and the pro-Com- munist Premier Kassem of Iraq, Moscow clearly considers Nasser as "the big man" in Middle East affairs . . . The Aswan aid agreement has given Russia a certain hold on Egypt's economy for more than two decades . . . Egyptian cotton crop is, under this agreement, committed to Russia for many years, and Moscow can hamper Nasser if he decides to take really a strong stand against Communist encroachment in Iraq . . . Nasser cannot really take a strong stand against any Soviet activities in any , part of the Middle East without jeopardizing his Aswan project . . . So until the dam is built, Nasser must get along with Moscow even though he does not want to come under the Russian thumb. Cultural Reflections Those who believe that Yiddish literature is "dying" in this country will be pleasantly surprised by two elegantly published Yiddish books that made their appearance this week . . . One is Joseph Rubinstein's "Megilath Russland"—a book by the noted Jewish poet on Jewish woes in Russia which he left after World War II . . . The other is Jacob Pat's "Shmuesan Mit Shrayber in Isroel," chats which the author had with prominent writers in Israel . . . The first book is published by "Cyco," Jewish cultural institution, the second by "Der Kval," private publishing house of which I. London is the owner ... The fact that one book deals with Soviet Russia and the other with Israel is symptomatic of the interest now felt in American Jewry with regard to the two countries.