3-THE DETROIT J EWISH NEWS—F riday, February 19, 1960 Arab Council Seeks Plan to Halt Israel's Jordan River Development This is the area where the Arab League is threatening to cut off the Jordan River's water before it reaches Israel. The plan calls for damming the Hasbani- River (A) and the Banyas (B) from normal flow into the Jordan. cil meeting in Cairo, the waters of the Hasbani River, in Leba- non, would be diverted through a five-and-a-half-mile tunnel into the Litani River, which is also in Lebanon. The Hasbani now flows into Jordanian territory, thence into the Jordan River. Through the Litani channel, the Hasbani waters would then flow into the Mediterranean Sea, according to the Arab plan. The resulting meager flow of waters through the Jordan, and the increased salinity of the Jordan waters, would make Israel's plan unfeasible, accord- ing to the Arab engineers. Adoption of the water diver- sion plan, the Cairo dispatches indicated, is likely to be the only concrete achievement of the Arab League Council meet- ing, being held on the Foreign Minister's level. The Ministers at Cairo cannot agree on the plans, advanced by the UAR, for creation of an Arab "Pal- estine Army," to be composed chiefly of Arab refugees from Palestine. Jordan opposes such a plan, fearing loss of sole Arab jurisdiction over the lands West of the Jordan River. (At New Delhi, the proposal to raise a "Palestine Army" was declared "a plan of suicidal here as a willingness to con- bent" by the influence Hindu- tinue "playing Hammarskjold's stani Times today. "Whether game." Insistence by Hamarsk- the Arab states like it or not," jold on the information sought stated the newspaper editorial- by Nasser is considered as only ly, "Israel is there to stay and an evasion by Hammarskjold Israel has established this fact himself, who claims that the by arms, first in 1948, and again "technical arrangements" he in 1956 — through the Sinai had made with Nasser earlier campaign—when Israel showed are still valid. Those arrange- it could be a dangerous adver- ments include a Nasser pledge sary if threatened.") to let Israel cargoes go through the Canal in foreign bottoms, 2.SULASLSUL21_,CLASULRA-Rit Q WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED if the cargoes were in fact at the time owned by foreign, non- A SELECTION OF FINE Israeli dealers. HAMILTON WATCHES Privately, Hammarskjold has admitted—it is said_here—that, should Israel try another test JEWELER shipment living up to those Certified Master "practical arrangements," Nas- Watchmaker & Jeweler ser may be forced by "the 18963 LIVERNOIS UN 1-8184 political situation" to bar such a ftnnsinfrrtilr6-61nrinninsTh shipment again. LONDON (JTA)—A tri-na tion Arab plan to kill Israel's projected use of Jordan- River waters for irrigation purposes, by massive diversion of waters feeding into the Jordan, was discussed at the Arab League Council of Foreign Ministers meeting being held currently in Cairo, according to reports received here. Israel's plan envisages piping 500,000,000 cubic meters of Jor- dan water annually from Gali- lee in the north to the arid areas of' the Negev Desert in the south of Israel.. The Arab plan, worked out by engineers from Lebanon, Jordan and the United Arab Republic, would divert 350,000,000 cubic meters of the waters feeding the Jor- dan, and would increase the salt content of that part of the Jor- dan River flowing through Israel. Under the Arab plan, for which an appropriation is ex- pected to be made at the Coun- :/./0".#N ;e spyis pods pue s.taxents •JeaAufoalv 'moo ;.rods ‘s.;a.31 oef Jarpeal `smona40 'mus 3o sdnarD pa;oaras 2upallo • • • umop -apes-dn .yows• sly ,Furuin sr 43yriorps 'Wolff lialf-Off! You'd better come down! Israel Sends Hammarskjold Data on Suez Issue; Situation Critical JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Israel Foreign Ministry sent to Yosef- Tekoah, Israel's acting permanent representative at the United Nations, the documenta- tion requested by Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold in connection with the Greek freighter Astylpalea, which the United Arab Republic has kept berthed at the Port Said en- trance to the Suez Canal since mid-December. Hammarskjold had asked for further information after UAR President Gamal Abdel Nasser told the UN Chief at Cairo that the Israel-originated c a r. g o carried on the Astylpalea was not shipped f.o.b. Haifa. Israel has insisted that the cargo had been bought and paid for by French Somaliland purchasers. . Israel's latest move is seen ViN701/17S 'WO 19201 LIVERNOIS . . at CAMBRIDGE ' Free Parking adjacent building Open Evenings FRI. TO 9 GEORGE OHRIENSTEIN,. THURS "On LIVERNOIS, he Avenue of Fashion" DI.'1-4747 ••• ••• ••• ••• (At ••• ••• • ••• - •••• • • ****4 Israel to Press for Suez Passage; Inge Toft Back at Haifa for Repairs (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Israel will continue to send cargoes for transit through the Suez Canal - and will- press the United Na- tions to push demands for Israel's passage rights, a For- eign Ministry spokesman said Wednesday as the Inge Toft re- turned minus its Israel cargo after a nine-month detention by the United Arab Republic. A spokesman at Haifa said that lack of dock space at Italian and Greek ports brought the decision to return the Inge Toft to Haifa where the ship will be put in a floating dock for repairs. Crew members told reporters that the UAR treatment was satisfactory. They said that they were permitted on shore, but that the Port Said authorities refused to permit visits from crewmen of other Danish ships traversing the Canal. Capt. Schultz said that he was "ready to repeat the attempt" to take his ship through the Canal if he was asked to do so, but he added he doubted whether the UAR would allow I the Inge Toft through with or without Israel cargo. Representatives of the For- eign Ministry presented Capt. Schultz with a letter from Mrs. Golda Meir in which she ex- pressed appreciation to the cap- tain and his crew for withstand- ing "such trying conditions" in Port Said. Haifa school children pre- sented the captain and the crew with flowers. Twenty Norwegian Ships Barred by Arab Boycott UNITED NATION S, N.Y., (JTA) — Twenty Norwegian merchant ships are now being blacklisted by Arab League for having in the past carried freight to Israel. According to a Norwegian government an- nouncement, these 20 ships are now "barred from calling at Arab ports." Israel Finds No Radiation from French A-Blast TEL AVIV (JTA) — Moscow statements asserting that Israel has been endangered by nuclear IF YOU TURN THE radiation, as a result of the rit French explosion of a nuclear r 179 device in the Sahara Desert, UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T were ridiculed by spokesman FIND A FINER WINE THAN for the Israeli Commission on the Dangers of Nuclear Radia- tion. No -nuclear radiation at all was detected here since the Sahara blast, the spokesman Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. I declared. It's a fact! In Greater Detroit... THERE'S NO SAFER PLACE FOR YOUR SAVINGS THAN AMERICAN SAVINGS! And That's Not All! Every savings account, small or large, earns the same high per cent. Your savings transactions are handled elec- tronically to save ypu time. You may open an account or add to it by mail. 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