Best Words for "Brotherhood" THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish. Chrolacle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member, Assn. English-Jewish Newspapers, Mich. Press Assn., National Editorial Assn. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., YE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ, Editor and Publisher VOL. • XXXVI. No. 25 Section B, Pages 8 and 9 Pulling Together If ever there was occasion to "pull together"—for Brotherhood—it is right now. We have witnessed a series of dese- crations in recent weeks. Christian houses of worship were among those daubed with Nazi symbols. Synagogues were be- smirched with vile insignia, a n d tombstones BROTHERHOOD WEEK were smeared with swastikas and overturned in Jewish ceme- teries. These a r e only repetitions of vile practices that were in evi- dence for many year s in Ger- many and else- wher e. For a. number of years, after the defeat of Hitler, there were syna- - gogue and cemetery desecrations in Ger- many and elsewhere, and the ugliest type of anti-Semitism was in practice in this country. Synagogues have been bombed in the South, in our own country, during the sad era of "revolt" against the Supreme Court decision for desegregation in our schools. In the nation's capital, anti-Semites are at work and vile literature has clut- tered the desks of members of Congress. The Jew-baiting elements have invaded the quarters of legislators in all states in the Union, and the danger of a spread of hate in this great land becomes real. The vile propaganda of the bigots has been extended to churches as well as to synagogues. Here, for example, is the evidence of swastika-daubing on St. John's Catholic :-.1W77. church in Ypsi- lanti, Mich. A statue on the grounds of this church was knock- ed down and glass over a sign was broken. The ehur c h' s pastor •• said he believed it was the work of juveniles. Whoever was responsible was inspired by hate, and such tactics, if not coun- ter-acted, may give to the anti-Semites and the anti-Cath- WI° . olics and anti-01" Negroes the encouragement they seek in their dastardly activities. Is 'it any wonder that men of good will are concerned, that rational-minded Americans of all faiths have expressed their indignation over these acts? It is because of acts like these, and of the shocking desecrations of syna- gogues, including the throwing of a bomb at a Kansas City synagogue, that Arch- bishop Karl J. Alter, of Cincinnati, in his capacity as chairman • of the administra- tive board of the National Catholic Wel- fare Commission, speaking for his entire commission, issued this statement: "The widespread eruption of religious and racial bigotry recorded in recent press dispatches has not only shocked the whole civilized world but calls insistently for a vigorous and public repudiation of the evil by all right -m inded citizens. "The defilement of various synagogues, February 19, 1960 for Brotherhood churches, schools, and other buildings with derogatory symbols has revealed the existence of racial hatred. It has not been confined to any one group. "Speaking for the Administrative 'Board of Bishops of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, I wish to declare our sympathy with those who have suffered injury. On be- half of the Bishops I express our detestation of any and every kind of hatred and bigotry, no matter what its source or against whom it may have been registered. We call on all citizens, whether Christians or Jews, and on all those who love truth and justice, to protest privately and publicly against further mani- festation of bigotry in all its aspects and in whatever form it may be expressed." - 0 * Courtesy Washington, D. C. Stilt The spread of insane daubing of for- eign symbols on public buildings can become a real menace, unless the idea of true Brotherhood is adopted by all Amer- icans — unless the spirit of Good Will -- becomes real By C. ALLEN HARLAN and is imbedded Brotherhood Chairman for the in the thinking ! State of Michigan . of our people. It I For six generations, the Harlans have stood up for and are will be recalled proud to be counted on the side of human dignity. Over 60 that the Star of , years and 60 million heartbreaks ago, Justice John Marshall David — the • Harlan was a lone voice in the wilderness in these sentiments: Magen David — "The constitution is color blind and neither knows nor tolerates was painted on ! classes among its citizens." In recent years, with the pressure building up from with- churches in New 1 , the Americans have been forced to acknowledge that we York. That was out are as far away from our democratic ideal as ever, and this without doubt has brought about a resurgence of action and progress. The an act of anti- Supreme Court accepted Justice Harlan's dictum, and now, on Semites intend• every front, men of good will are concerning themselves with ed further to this problem. Progress is being made, but many problems remain discredit the to be resolved. In this work, the Round Table of Christians and has made a contribution of considerable significance. That Jews of America Jews the Round Table would tender me with this position of honor and to give the and responsibility is sobering and challenging. I accept it with impression that the conviction that there is work to be done; with the it was a Jewish edge that in the field of human relations are the greatest of + (h. *****44* acu o f vengeance ! all frontiers. I am sure we all believe that high up in the thin air. native As further evi - the stars, is the kind of a world where muscle and machine deuce. of the ex - to might must bow to the beauty and reality of dreams. tent to which de-- and Over this mountain top, guilded by the first light of the - and where the last glimmer of the evening lingers merited people morning will go was the and plays, is the shrine of dreamers. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln left their foot- painting of the Soviet hammer prints , upon its summits. Yet the fullness of our democratic and sickle on ideals has not been attained. For those who would scale this top what roadblocks and detours loom ahead! The t h e Massachu - mountain very thought of the difficulties of this path up the highway gy Engineer setts Institute of Technolo leaves us as pale as the dogwood at daybreak. an I to human Building at Cambridge, Mass. It was called' a America with all its vaunted achievements, poses itself n 0. areas of human an act of pranksters, but pranks must civilizations. ctivait h lizattilot of ear the tw of -a This is thiegm- o f attainment bu t this just as never be permitted to take the form 0.. e f destruction that leads to Nazism. It is nity attained beckons us on to our ultimate destiny. only by total repudiation of such acts by i is our goal. Some unknown poet captured this challenge in sentiments: all elements in our population that a halt these lofty "Americans young, Americans strong can be called to pranks of destruction and The world awaits your rising song delinquencies of sick-minded, w hethel Americans strong, Americans young The song of songs is yet unsung!" they are young or old. Brotherhood Week, to be inaugurated on Sunday, offers an opportunity for the • High Cost of Prejudice introduction of uninterrupted efforts to By LEE HILLS check the mania of destruction and to Executive Editor, Detroit Free Press commence a new era — unending, con- and Other Knight Newspapers tinuing throughout the year and the years Perhaps no other problem facing humanity is so in need to come. and not limited to a single week —to fulfill the hope of Good Will among of solution as the bigotry, latent and active, which besets men nations. It has existed ever since ancient times. men, of true Brotherhood for all and and Ever since 1934 a mighty force in Brotherhood Week among all. sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews • Brotherhood Week's slogan is "be- has been added to other efforts to promote real Brotherhood. The NCCJ has as one of its stated purposes . . "the estab- lieve it . . . live it ... support it." Let it of a social order in which the religious ideals of be interpreted in the spirit of the rnes- lishment brotherhood and justice shall become standards of human sage that has been issued by President • relationships." ! Eisenhower: In simplified form the creed of NCCJ may be summed up in "As Americans, as fellow human "giving to others the same dignity and rights one claims for beings, we share a common brother- himself." person, except perhaps those who pride themselves upon hood. . . . In our land and around the their No prejudices, can for one moment doubt the high cost to the world such a spirit can advance the human race in the lack of Brotherhood. highest hopes of the family of man." That bigotry and intolerance do exist is one of the saddest commentaries on man and the social order, particularly in a basis for all brotherhood is to The which prides itself in its high standards of economic and be found in the Bible, in Malachi 2:10: Nation progress. "Have we not all one father? Has not political We spend billions for material and physical means with one God created us?" Let it serve anew, which to wage defense, and even as we do this there is a can- starting with this Brotherhood Week, and cerous ill of hate and prejudice driving us in some degree. continuing for all time to come, as a A nation girding its loins against any aggressor must first guide against bigotry, as a clarion call have completely cohesive forces in the realm of the spirit and in the brotherhood of its people. for good will never to be eradicated. TheChallengeof Human Dignity