Fr. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, January 22, 1960-32 • Student Demonstration Protests Anti-Semitism Continued from Page I ing of the bill to make anti-Se- metic vandalism punishable by law . . In Rome, Chancellor Adenauer was heckled Wednes- day and there were leftist dem- onstrations in protest against the -anti-Semitic resurgence in Germany and the retention of Nazis in the Adenauer cabinet.) Members of the Social Demo- cratic Party sharply attacked Chancellor Adenauer for the weekend speech in which he advised Germans to give a thrashing to hoodlums caught in -anti-Jewish activities. Party spokesmen said they were "sur- prised • and concerned"- over this advice and would always oppose "lynch law." When Minister of the Interior Gerhard Schroeder was asked about the Adenauer advice at his press conference, he replied. that he hoped it would "be in- terpreted in a healthy manner by all our people who have a healthy respect for the legal processes." Foreign Office officials ex- plained to foreign newsmen that the Chancellor had. been "speak- ing symbolically." sity, told the assembly that no restitution could ever make up for the crimes commited against the Jews during the war. A stu- dent leader, Gerhard Gruen= beim; told his fellow-students that "we have neglected . so much that we are all respon- sible for what has happened re- cently." A member of the West Berlin City Senate, Joachim Lipschitz, also addressed the throng. West Berlin police have ar- rested Rudolf Kemmerich, 20, federal chairman of the neo- Nazi National Student Union, Congressman Rejects `Communist Plot' Theory In Swastika Plague WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Rep. Edward A. .Garmatz of Mary- land told the House that there was "no real evidence of a Com- munist.plot" behind recent anti- Semitic vandelism in West Ger- many and that the Bonn govern- ment was obligated to confront the issue directly instead of discounting it as a "Communist plot." Rep. Garmatz told the House there were indications that West German youth has not West Berlin Students Act been taught in school about the Against Nazi Revival Hitler regime's "monstrous as- WEST RERLI N, (JTA)— sault on humanity." He said that Thousands of students from all the West Germany government colleges and high schools in "would do well, even at this West Berlin participated in a late date, to re-examine its edu- demonstration against the recent cational policies, as well as its anti-Semitic incidents organized laws, in order to extirpate the by the student body and faculty Nazi influence from German of the West Berlin Free Uni- life." versity. The demostration, held Don't Use Anti-Semitism at the site of West Berlin's memorial to the victims of to Spur Aliya, Eban Says Nazism, attracted additional TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Abba Eban, former Israel Ambassa- thousands of non-students. Prof. Edward Neuman n, dor to the United States, ex- Chancellor of the Free Univer- pressed disagreement at the Dingell Condemns Anti-Semitism; Inserts Jewish News Editorial in Congress Record Members of Congress con- tinued this week to condemn the anti-Semitic incidents and to repudiate all manifestations of bigotry. Congressman John D. Dingell, in a statement inserted in the Congressional R e c or d, con- curred with the Jan. 8•editorial in The Detroit Jewish News and inserted that edithrial in the Record. In his accompanying state- ment, Rep. Dingell said: "The Jewish News editorial sets forth very well the real root of the rash of outrages against Jewish temples, homes, and businesses. The painting of swastikas may look like a childish prank or th6.act of an immature mind to a casual observer, but in fact it is a manifestation of a dangerous sickness which we have wit- nessed abroad in the w or l d more than once before. Like all other forms of racial and reli- gious intolerance, if left alone long enough it can grow to a situation of immense danger to all." In the Detroit Teen-Age Nazi Club . first world conference of the Association of Youth Pioneers with a resolution which con- tended it was a "false idea" that Jews could integrate into the general life of countries outside Israel. Eban, now a Minister Without Portfolio, told the delegates that anti-Semitism should not be a slogan for the encourage- ment of immigration to Israel. He said the crisis confronting Jews outside of Israel was spiritual and not economic nor social, and warned that there would be no security for • Israel and the entire Jewish people if, for example, the safety of American Jewry were in dan- ger. It is in the spiritual field that Israel's call to Jews should come, he said, stressing that emphasis should be put on the positive side of building Israel in appeals to Jews to settle in Israel. Anti-Nazis Try to Break Up Reich Founding Celebration Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News HAMBURG — Mounted po- lice were called in Tuesday night to restore order when anti-Nazi demonstrators tried to break up "a Reich founding celebration" . held by the right wing German Reichs Party. The demonstrators c a r r i e d posters with the slogan "fas- cists get out." Otto Hess, chairman of the party, declared it had nothing to do with the two suspects in the Christmas Eve desecration of the Cologne synagogue. The suspects now awaiting trial in the incident were ex- pelled from the party imme- diately after they were ar- rested. Hess accused "German politicians and the press" of responsibility for the incidents. Bonn Finds No Evidence of Communist Tie to Vandals Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News BONN — No evidence of ties with world communism was found in an investigation of the Christmas Eve desecration of the Cologne synagogue, "but nevertheless there is a com- munist background" in the spate of anti-Semitic incidents in West Germany, "which must be investigated," G e r h a r d Schroeder, West German Min- ister of the Interior declared Wednesday. He said that the Cologne syn- agogue smearing, which touched off a wave of similar incidents in the Federal Repub- lic and throughout the world, was the only one which might have political implications. He said the Bonn government would issue "a white book" on the excesses. It was reported that the Jew- ish community in Amberg in Bavaria revealed an attempt was made last Wednesday to fire its synagogue. The an- nouncement was withheld for a week because Amberg Jewish leaders felt the publicity would encourage similar incidents elsewhere. The blaze in the arson at- tempt, which was carefully planned, was put out before it could do any damage. `Thrashing on the Spot' Urged by. German Bishop Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) (Copyright, 1960, These homemade Nazi uniforms and banners were found in the home of the 14-year-old "fuehrer" of the Detroit teen-age Nazi club. Pat Zabkiewics, a police department secretary, exam- ines a book on Germany with a Nazi eagle emblem on its cover. The pistol on the table was carved of wood. LONDON — The British gov- ernment is of the opinion that there may be no particular anti-Jewish or political signifi- cance behind the smearing of swastikas in England, since Christian churches have also been daubed, Home Secretary R. A. Butler told Parliament Tuesday. He was replying to a request by Socialist Deputy Gordon Walker, urging punishment of culprits. The archbishop of Canter- bury, Dr. Fisher, addressing a convocation at Coventry, warned not to pay attention out of all proportions to the anti-Jewish incidents. He said these inci- dents did not represent the general feelings of the com- munity. A resolution deploring anti-Semitism in England and abroad and asking for unity of all nations was adopted at the convocation. The Archbishop of York ad- dressing the convocation, called the r e c e n t manifestations "loathesome." He urged all members of the convocation to do their utmost to bring about solidarity of all religions within the country. The church and the schools of West Germany have failed in their attempts to eliminate the anti-Semitic teachings of Nazi Gerrhany, Dr. Otto Dibe- lius, Bishop of the German Evangelical Church, declared here. The Bishop is taking part in a weeklong meeting on Chris- tian unity and will preach in the Coventry Cathedral. He said he agreed with Chancellor Kon- rad Adenauer's suggestion that young West German offenders caught in anti-Jewish acts should be thrashed on the spot. Issue Raised in Congress by Rep. Leonard Farbstein Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News WASHINGTON — Rep. Leon- ard Farbstein, New York Dem- ocrat, Tuesday raised a ques- tion in Congress of whether the German people, "in view of the presence of so many former Nazis in their govern- ment, interpret the attitude of their government to be one of tolerance of Nazism," despite expressions against anti-Semi- tism by Bonn leaders. Rep. Farbstein, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, made known that he is examining the presence of former Nazis in the Bonn Government hierarchy. In a House speech, Rep. Farbstein said that although a world war was fought to denazify Ger- many "we still find former Nazis in high places in the West German government. He said he could not understand the "lassitude" on the part of the United States Government to anti-Semitic developments in West Germany and elsewhere. In Bonn, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's government made known Tuesday night that it has prepared a special decree to deal with state emergencies in West Germany. The proposed legislation, which requires an amendment of the constitution would give the government strong powers to deal with in- ternal threats to the security of the state. These powers in- c l u d e curtailment of free speech, free press, freedom of assembly and other civil rights. * * * Treason charges filed last week against three Queens, N.Y., youths who had set up their own Nazi party and had planned on "beating up some Jews" were not expected to be sustained. The charges, made for the first time in New York judicial history, were ordered by Magistrate Milton Solomon in Ridgewood Felony Court when the three young hoodlums were ar- ringed on disorderly conduct charges. The Ainerican Jewish Con- gress criticized the filing of treason charges against three hoodlums in Queens, New York, and said "these youths and their evil actions must not become the opportunity for martyrdom or confusion." Two hoodlums were to be ar- raigned in Queens Felony Court for attacking - a Jewish family in a restaurant. Stu- dents demonstrated before the German Consulate in New York. Milan police swooped down tonight on the headquarters of the neo-Fascist Ordine Nuovo (New Order) organization and arrested nine men, charging them with having sent threat- ening letters to Milan Jews and with having painted swastikas on walls in the city. Queen Juliana of the Nether- lands was personally represent- ed last night at a demonstra- tion against anti-Semitism held in one of Amsterdam's largest churches. The Dutch Minister of Justice, A. C. Beerman, at- tended the meeting at which clergymen of several Dutch congregations spoke and con- demned the outbreak of inci- dents. Austrian police pressed a search for Albrecht Alberti, the "fuehrer" of a neo-Nazi youth organization in the province of Carinthia modeled after the Hitler Youth movement. Three officials of the organization were arrested. The chairman of the En- field, London, police court imposed fines on three youths for having painted the words "Death to the Jews!" on a fence and told them: "What you were doing was connect- ed with something -that hap- pened before you were born. Thousands of people died through no fault of their own. It doesn't do for English boys to go around painting those words on fences." At Lytham, St. Armes, a sea- man and a student were fined 15 pounds ($42) each for daub = ing swastikas on the walls. Two small swastikas were carved on the door of a synagogue in Stepney Green, in East London, last night. In Hendon, another suburb, swastikas were daubed on the Hendon Reform Syna- gogue, on private houses and parked cars. The Montreal Police Depart- ment warn e d that "anyone caught defacing public build- ings or other property with swastikas will be prosecuted for public mischief or damage." Women's Organizations Join Anti-Segregation Unit NEW YORK, (JTA) — Five Jewish women's groups have joined with 12 other national women's organizations in the formation of "a new body to fight segregation in American public schools, it was announced today. The new body, "National Organizations of Women for Equality," includes the National Women's Division of the Ameri- can Jewish Congress, Hadassah, the National Women's League of the United Synagogue 'of America, Pioneer Women, and the Women's Branch of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- gregations. Expect' Resignation of Bonn Minster Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News - BONN.—Dr. Theodor Ober- lander, West German Minister for Refugees, who is under fire for alleged participation in war crimes, will resign his post as soon as an inquiry into one 'of the charges is completed,: the usually well informed West German newspaper-, Die Welt, reported Wednesday. • - Die Welt said he would re- sign, regardless of the findings of the Former Resistance Com- mittee, now sitting in • The Hague. The committee is in- vestigating the charge that the West German Cabinet Minister took part in the 1942 massacre of the Jews of Lemberg in what was then Nazi-occupied Poland. He has denied the charge. Related Stories on Pages 3 and 30