Arabs Told to Forget 'Extermination' War on Jews; Jordan Opposes Kassem's Plan to Elevate Mufti as State Head JERUSALEM, _(JTA) — The Arab world was advised by Radio Baghdad, in a broadcast monitored here, to forget the idea of a "war of extermina- tion" against Israel. The broadcast was made in support of Iraq Premier Kas- sem's plan for creation of a "Palestine Republic" under the leadership of the former Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Hus- seini, one-time Nazi 'collabo- rator. Renewed opposition of the plan, which would require Jordan to give up the territory west of the Jordan it absorbed during the attack on the new- born State of Israel in 1948, was expressed by Hazzi Majali, Jordanian Prime Minister. The Jordanian Prime Minister said in Amman that the Jordan government did not recognize the Arab Higher Committee or any other body as the legal rep- resentative of the Arab refu- gees. The refugees would, un- der Premier Kassem's pro- posals, become the citizens of the proposed new Arab state. The comment of the Jordan `Careful Handlin g' of Berlin Nazi Records Claimed by State Dept. WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The U.S. Document Center in Berlin had not imposed a total ban on giving information about former Nazis listed at the cen- ter but rather was handling re- quests on a case by case basis, the State Department an- nounced. State Department spokesman Lincoln White said the Center's files - of Nazi party records was "incomplete," and 'contained. "unevaluated" information. "Uncontrolled use of such docu- nients therefore, in many cases may result in doing an injustice to persons now living," said White. The Berlin. Document .Center_ contains the "Nazi Party's cen - tral membership file, a com- plete card index captured in Munich in 1945, Nazi come,: spondence, personnel files of the SS Elite Guard and -records of the. Nazi "peoples' courts" President Eisenhower said at his news . conference he sup- ported American authorities in West Berlin who clamped a ban on information to the press about the records of former Nazis. The President indicated' that the American mission in Berlin - was justified in banning information 'and staying out of "political affairs." The State Department was reported as feeling that the information At the- Munich court, RICH- ARD BUGDALLE, 51, former SS master sergeant and guard at the Nazi Sachsenhausen con- centration camp, is being tried for the torture murder of 28 Sachsenhausen victims. He is being, branded as "more animal than human" by one ex-pris- oner, one of the 70 witnesses testifying ,against him. - OeIated Stories on •Pages 30 and 32 IF YOU :TURN THE • UPSIDE DOWN. YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN Mikan Wineries Detroit, Mich. about forrher Nazis might be embarrassing, at this time, to the West German Government. `Germany of Today Not Hitler Germany,' Says Ben - Gurion Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News JERUSALEM. — Prime Min- Notorious Anti-Semite' Aaberg Placed on Trial Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News STOCKHOLM — The Swedish Ministry of Justice announced Wednesday it had decided to prosecute Einar Aaberg, notorious Swedish anti-Semite who for years has mailed vast quantities of anti-Semitic literature from his headquarters here to all parts of the world. Aaberg will be tried on charges of violating the law against Prime Minister came in re- the distribution of anti-Semitic literature. Ministry sources said sponse to a question from a dep- that at least five of Aaberg's pamphlets were considered indictable uty in Parliament, who wanted to know what the Jordan gov- People Are Saying . ernment's attitude was toward a recent statement by the Arab HARRY ABRAM Higher Committee for Palestine proposing the establishment of is giving the best deal an independent Arab state "in on the "ALL NEW" that part of Palestinian terri- tory unoccupied by Israel." The committee is headed by the 1960 former Mufti of Jerusalem. The Baghdad broadcast quoted approvingly from an And CORVAI R article in the Sudanese news- paper, "Rissala," which de- SHORE CHEVROLET clared that "Arabs must once 12240 Jos. Campau and for all understand that Immed. Delivery there cannot be an all-out at- I'm as near as your phone on all models tack on Israel which is a mem- TW 1-0600 - Res. LI 8-4119 ber in good standing of the United Nations. Proclaiming war on Israel—as Arabs so often promise—is tantamount to slapping the face of the United Nations." The newspaper also was quoted as warning that the Arab countries "must under- stand that if they continue war slogans against Israel, the re- sult may be an outbreak of war in the entire Middle East in which the Great Powers in- evitably will intervene. "Arabs should therefore wel- come the belt possible Palestine solution proposed by Premier Kassem, namely the establish- ment of an Arab Republic in the western part of Palestine," the broadcast citation from "Rissala" continued. "Such a plan does not involve- war since it is in accordance with United Nations resolutions." The ex-Mufti. long advocated ister Ben - Gurion declared Wednesday that the outbursts of anti - Semitic incidents in West Germany had not led him to revise his opinion that "the Germany of today is not Hitler's Germany." He told the Knesset that one of Israel's services "which has the means to find out" had 'been ordered to try to discover whether a single organization =was behind the anti-Semitic out- breaks in 25 countries on three continents. He was understood to refer to Israel's intelligence establishment of a "Palestine service. Government" with headquarters The Prime Minister made in Gaza, but President Nasser both points in replying to sepa- refused to back him. The rate Communist and right wing Egyptians have, from time to Herut motions that the Israel West German arms agreement be cancelled because of -the in- cidents. A Knesset majority re- jected the motion. Mapam and Achdut Avodah, the two left wing parties, abstained from the vote, in line with their ada- mant opposition to any arms deals with West Germany. Despite recent events, the Prime Minister declared he was not ready to retract "a single word" of what he had said about Chancellor Adenauer and West Germany 18 months ago in the debate which followed dis- closure of Israel's sale of mor- tars to the Bonn government. He said then that while there were. Nazis, "many in important posts, the Germany of today is not Hitler's Germany." "There have been anti-Semitic occurrences, and Jewry would be short-sighted if it did not view this with utmost serious- ness," the Prime Minister said Wednesday. "However, I reject expressions like 'nation of mur- derers' in reference to the pres- ent German nation, because such expression are racist. Every man and regime should be judg- ed according to its own acts." Bonn to Buy 170,000 More Israel Mortar Shells Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News BONN. — The West German Defense Ministry indicated Wednesday it planned to buy additional munitions for its army from Israel. It was indicated that a new contract would be signed soon with Israel for delivery of 170,- 000 mortar shells. Israel muni- tions have been selected be- cause of fast delivery, good qual ity and advantageous prices, the ministry said. It was announced that the West German army has desig- nated the Israel Uzzi machine- gun as its standard weapon that categOry. • CONVENIENT TERMS time, advocated formation of a CUSTOM INSTALLATION Palestine Arab State in order 7324 W. 7- MILE RD. UN 1-7980 to weaken the Kingdom of Jor- dan. 2 Blocks West of Livernois It's a fact! In Greater Detroit... NOBODY PAYS MORE ON INSURED SAVINGS THAN AMERICAN SAVINGS! And That's Not All! Every savings account, small or large, earns the same high 33"; per cent. Your savings transactions are handled elec- tronically to save you time. You may open an account or add to it by mail. 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