■•■ ! Washington Still 'Leaves It ious to armed Dag' forces from Nasser's Many New Novels Jewish Name An Issue in 'Cave' freedom of shipping through the ably be superseded by an even Robert Penn Warren is the Suez—that's an issue that Dag Sinai Desert—it was Mr. Eisen more potent laxative — castor hower who made promises to master story-teller in his new should handle quietly — the oil. And this, they concluded best seller, "The Cave," pub- solemnly, was a notorious quieter, the better, as far as Israel. (Copyright, 1960, On Oct. 13, 1956, Nasser had lished by Random House. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Washington is concerned. Johnstown, Tenn., story Fascist beverage. (The fact that accepted the latest (then) of * S S * * A a young man who was the Fascists did not drink eas- about the U.N. injunctions on this Washington would like to for- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. — point. The U.S.A. had voted for "Leave it to Dag" is still the et that, in February 1957, when the October, 1956, set of six trapped in a cave, the exciting for oil themselves but forced details surrounding the attempt it upon their victims was not "policy" of the Eisenhower Ad- I srael was being urged to- com- principles which ordered Nasser to rescue him, the publicity stressed). The Austrian Corn- ministration—when it comes to plete withdrawal of its victor- to divorce Suez Canal opera- stunts built around them, the munists, for their part, put for- Israel's stoutest claim for under that a new standing, concerning freedom of tions from all political consid- "p ublic relations" gimmicks ward the notion Coca-Cola p 1 a n - t at Lambach erations. Back in 1951, the U.S.A. had that entered into it—all coin- could be transformed at a passage through the Suez Canal. voted for a Council resolution bine to make an excellent story moment's notice into an atomic Observers here note that Wash- i sternly telling Nasser to keep that holds the reader's interest bomb plant. 'Tremble!' thun- ington is again wooing Nasser —while, privately, it tells neu- the canal open to the shipping from first line to last. The characters in the story dered Der A b en d, then the trals and friends of Israel that principal Communist paper in of all nations, including Israel. In February, 1957, Mr. Eisen- are of major interest. The re- Vienna. 'Coca-Cola is on the "Dag will take care of things." WASHINGTON — "Patient Dag Hammarskjold's Under- seriously ill requires clarin hower—on a national television actions of the parents of the march!" secretary for Special Political please send urgently . . ." * * * hook-up — promised before the trapped boy as well as of the Affairs, Nobel Prize laureate Once again, Irwin Shaw, one These words were cabled whole world that, if Egypt tried father of the publicity-minded Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, has just from a doctor in Teneriffe, again to block Israeli shipping chap, are exceptionally well re- of our most distinguished nov- been in Cairo. He seems to have Canary Islands, to the post- through the canal, the matter lated. The father of the boy elists and short story writers, gotten no satisfaction at all from master in New York. "should be dealth with firmly who resorts to low tricks in the has come forth with a powerful the Nasser government in re- Because of postal rules gov- by the society of nations." game is the son of Mac Carland novel. gard to the two ships with Is- erning shipment of drugs, the Now it is 1960. And we are Sumpter, who is perhaps the His "Two Weeks in Another raeli-originated cargoes now im- message was forwarded to still leaving the matter to Dag. most impressive personality in Town," published by Random prisoned in docks at Port Said— Greever P. Allan, director of the story. The culprit is his son House, is packed full of action. the Danish freighter Inge Toft,. the Post Office's international Isaac. It is the story of an American A major item in the story is who is called from his home in which has been there since May; service division. Allan—recall- ZIM to Drop Shares, and the Greek "essel, Astypalea, ing a similar incident—notified Maintain Direction of the son's resentment at having Paris to assist in the making been named Isaac. He was mis- of a film in Rome. There he which has been there now for Bnai Brith headquarters of the Ghana Shipping Firm nearly a month. TEL AVIV, (JTA)—A spokes- taken for a Jew by the Jewish meets a variety of people who urgent plea. On Jan. 22, Hammarskjold Bnai Brith last month inter- man for Zim Israel lines an- girl he fell in love with. In become involved in his life. A himself join Bunche at cepted an all-points radio dis- nounced that the company will the trysts, she called him Ikey. brief love affair, a conflict with Cairo for another try. "Quiet tress call for medicine needed sell its 40 per cent interest in It stuck to him in his bitter "experts," an over-night recon- diplomacy" is at work. Wash- for a woman in Romania and the Israel-Ghana shipping firm, feuds with his father and his ciliation with one of his former environment, and it is a cause wives, and a score of other inci- ington likes it that way. A cleared the shipment with the Black Star Line. World Bank loan of $56,000,000 Allan before sending it on. A general tendency toward for self-hatred in the splendid dents make his two weeks away to Nasser gets open U.S. back- This week, the Jewish serv- achievement of Ghana owner- Warren novel. "The Cave" is from home eventful, tense, ex- ing. An amount almost as great ice organization repeated its ship in investments in Ghana rightfully on the best seller list. citing. * * * is given to Nasser in United act by purchasing and airmail- as well as nationalization It is a- well told story by a Another novel of considerable States grants and loans. But ing the drugs. Clarin is used trends in that country were brilliant writer. It will amaze and major interest is "The for treatment of arteriosclerosis considered here as factors in us if this novel fails immedi - Witching Ship," by Frederic and a high cholesterol condi- the Zim decision. ately to make the best seller 50—BUSINESS CARDS (The Ghana Transport and i Morton, also published by Ran- tion. list. Communications Minister an- dom House. LARKINS MOVING The author, himself a fugitive Brandeis Honors Late Rabbi nounced in Accra that his gov- List 45 Plays Dealing ernment planned to buy Zim from N a z i s m, a native of With Fellowship Fund AND DELIVERY SEP.VICE Navigation Company's 40 per Vienna, describes the experi- with Refugee Theme The memory of a well-known Also Office Furniture. of a group of passengers Milwaukee spiritual leader has Forty-five plays based on the cent share in the Black Star ences Any time. on a boat that is in danger of • onored in a Fellowship experienceS of refugees have Line to make it completely Reasonable. being attacked by a German - been h in his name at 3319 GLADSTONE been suggested for production government owned.) BY SAUL CARSON J.T.A. Correspondent at the United Nations Plea for Drugs Aga n Answered by Bnai Brith TY 4-4587 FOR BETTER wall washing, call James Russell. One day service. _TO 6-4005. 526 BelmOnt. The Zim spokesman said the submarine while on a trails Brandeis University. , during the World Refugee Year, Rabbi Solomon ending June 30. Titles, authors! company's share would be sold Atlantic voyage during the last I. A number of Jews are on Scheinfe 'The ld Fellowship Fund," and publishers or agents are to the Government of Ghana war. this journey, but the issues are a gift of the Sylvia and Aaron listed in a supplement to the' which intends to invest some Scheinfeld Foundation, will pro- ewsletter being issued by the 12,000,000 pounds sterling in newsletter I fering personalities — a woman TILE United Nations on events dur- ten more ships, a plan which the human ones involving dif- vide tuition assistance - annually exceeded the ability of the professor f r o m Nebraska, a for a native of Wisconsin en- DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? ing the year. Negro, American students, the rolled in the university's new firm to handle. New and Repair Special Among those familiar to Israel The spokesman said that Jewish travelers and others. It Florence Heller Graduate U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO. American audiences are S. N. commercial and nautical m an- I is an exceptionally well to Behrman's "Rain from Heaven," agement of the Black Star Line story with all the tense School for Advanced Studies in UN 1-5075 the "Diary of . Anne Frank;" would be retained by Zim under moments involved in the type Social Welfare. Rabbi Sheinfeld, who died in ALL PLASTERING, Winter rates, Kaufman and Hart's "The Amer- a new agreement which would of journey described. arches, ceilings, attics, new or re- 1943 at the age of 82, was dean pair work. Guaranteed. UN. 4-9263. ican Way;" Lilian Hellman's continue until 1967. The old S * * of the Milwaukee Rabbis, head "Watch on the Rhine;" Elmer agreement expired in 1962. Another Random House novel of the United Orthodox Congre- FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. Rice's "Flight from the West;" Free estimates. Call UN. 4-3547. Israel's agreement with the of merit is "Where the Boys gations in that city and a noted Robert Sherwood's "There Shall line, which showed profits in Are," by Glendon Swarthout. NATHAN DeROVEN, Painting and Hebrew author. decorating, first class and free Be No Night;" Franz Werfel's its first year of operation, will It is a most entertaining story estimates. Call UN 4-5667, eve- "Jacobowski and the Colonel;" be similar to those between about college students' pilgrim- ZOA Starts $100,000 Fund • nings, LI 4-5213. Israel Zangwill's "The Melting Zim and the Burmese Five Star age to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Aid Settlers in Israel Pot;" and Gian-Corlo Menotti's Shipping Co. This firm is where thousands swarmed last TEL AVIV. (JTA)—The Zion- DRESSMAKER "The Consul." managed by Israelis as a na- spring for entertainment. ist Organization of America will SPECIAL! tionally-owned Burmese com- Swarthout, who served-on the raise a -fund of $100,000 to as- pany. • Plain dresses and skirts faculties of the University of sist American and Canadian Nyet' Is Automatic hemmed $1.00 Michigan, Michigan State Uni- Jews settling in Israel to obtain Just before the General As- Bnai Brith Brothers versity and University of Mary- housing, Abraham Redelheim, • Flared dresses & skirts hemmed sembly of the United Nations $1.50 land, knows students and their president of the ZOA, an- adjourned, Mme. Georgette Cise- Cited by President • Plain coats hemmed $1.50 Two Chattanooga, Tenn., in- habits and therefore has been nounced here. let of Belgium, chairman of the He also revealed plans for • Flaired coats $2.00 able to write so intimately social and cultural committee, All other alterations dustrialist brothers—both mem- • about their habits and activi- extension of Hebrew language asked for a roll call to deter- bers of Bnai Brith—will receive ties. He has gained fame for teaching in the United States erasonable. mine whether a quorum was a presidential award early next Free fitting at your home on 2 by broadcasting lessons over or more garments. present, to begin an afternoon year for "meritorious service ,, his earlier novel, "They Came local radio stations. The famed 4236 West Grand Avenue session. Beginning with Afghan- in the interests of the physi- to most Cordura," and is present-day among the ,"Ulpan" system of teaching successful WE 4-0554 istan, delegates present res- cally handicapped. , would be used, he said, and ponded "Yes," "Si," or "Oui" The award from President story-tellers. * * * prospective students would be FIRST CLASS painting, paper hang- in alphabetical order, indicating Eisenhower's Committee on Em- E. J. Kahn, Jr., has compiled given 30 half-hour radio ing. Victor Roderick, VA 3-1093. their availability. ployment of the Physically his a r t i c I e s from the New courses. The Byelorussian representa- Handicapped will be conferred Yorker into a truly entertain- MISCELLANEOUS - 55 tive, not quite on the alert, on Mose and Garrison Siskind ing book, entitled "The Big Goering's Berlin Estate HIGHST PRICES paid for men's noted that some Latin Ameri- E at dedication ceremonies of the Drink—The Story of Coca-Cola," to Help Pay Nazi Victims suit s and topcoats. Call TO 8-5595. cans had voted "Si.," Obviously BERLIN, (JTA) — A Berlin second Siskind Rehabilitation also published by R a n d o m POODLE PUPPIES, A.K.C., minia- concluding that whatever the Center for the Handicapped in House. denazification court has con- ture, choice of color, show quality, vote was on, he did not belong Chattanooga. The first center, reasonable price. UN 4-6076. In this interesting book, Kahn fiscated the Berlin part of the in their camp, the Byelorussian a $2,000,000 project built by states: estate of Gen. Herman Goering, PRIVATE TUTORING, all subjects, • the late Nazi leader, worth all grades, day-night, certified startled everyone by a loud and the brothers in 1950, serves as "Animal - matter c erin about 65,000 pounds sterling. teachers. KE 3-8701. defiant "nyet." Only after the a community headquarters and would be offensive to gly Coca-Cola HIGH SCHOOL BOY desires employ- laughter subsided did he learn houses numerous charitable producers. because its inclusion The proceeds will be used for ment a 2 p.m. General office. what caused it. groups. would antagonize such other- the compensation of victims of UN 1-6668. DAVID A. MATLIN, Los An- wise irreconcilable groups as Nazism, according to Joachim 50—BUSINESS CARDS 50--BUSINESS CARDS geles civic leader and sports en- orthodox Moslems and orthodox Lipschitz, West Berlin Senator. thusiast, who is a member of Jews." He adds: "Coke is Kos- $50,000 Grant to HUC JIR ALL CITY Jewish Welfare Board's Nation- her, as is Pepsi." To assist Hebrew Union Col- Here is another interesting MOVING A & STORAGE CO. al Health and Physical Educa- lege-Jewish Institute of Re- tion Committee, moved into line item related in Kahn's book: ligion to train larger numbers 14948 VE for the presidency of the Ama- "The Belgian Communists in- of leaders for world Jewry, the Rd. Meyers 8 '7660 teur Athletic Union (AAU) of timated that Coca-Cola was a Charles E. Merrill Trust of the United States when he was forerunner of F a s c i s m. The Ithaca, N.Y., presented a $50,- elected fourth vice-president at drink was a 1 a x a t i v e, they 000 grant to the school, Dr. Nel- its national convention. He is claimed, and t h e y suggested son Glueck, College - Institute Complete Moving Service the first Jew heading for that that if it was allowed to flour- No Job Too Large — Too Small ish unhindered if would prob- president, announced. post. — - - MP" Always Open •